God-level Closed Beta Player

Chapter 2: Internal beta players


I am a closed beta player, the only one,

No more running!

Because the second game of this fatal three-game series was the same as the one I played back then.


Sun Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, but the others wished they could be killed without being tortured again.

This is another fucking question from the underworld.

How short is five seconds

Not enough for three breaths!

It is simply too difficult to understand the question, make the right choice, and then write it down in such a short period of time.

The atmosphere in the entire cage was extremely oppressive, enough to make people suffocate.

Several students were confused and their thoughts were like a ball of twine tangled together.






The countdown of the silver Trojan is like the cold current blowing from the Arctic, cold and inhumane.

"Time is up, please stop answering questions!"

The moment Silver Trojan finished speaking, there were three bangs, and the heads of Cui Min, Liu Yue, and Li Hanyang exploded.

They didn't finish writing their answers.

With blood and flesh splattering, the headless body fell on the grass.


The classmates next to them were so frightened that they fled away, and they were in a panic.

"Let me see, what did you write?"

The silver wooden horse is like a teacher correcting test papers. .

In the cage, every surviving player's name appeared on the virtual screen projected by the black cube, followed by their answers.

"Appendix! Appendix! Still appendix!"

Silver Trojan was delighted: "Haha, twelve people chose this organ!"

Thanks to the popularization and development of mobile phones and the Internet, young people now have a very broad range of knowledge.

As the most useless organ in the human body, the appendix is almost a household name.

"Well, two people chose hair."

Silver Trojan praised: "You are very smart!"

"Is hair considered an organ?"

Zheng Chun was shocked.


The silver wooden horse's confirmation made the two people who chose their hair heave a long sigh of relief.

"Gan, I actually thought about hair, but I'm not sure!"

Zhuo Wen, who was next to Sun Yuan, punched the table in frustration.

"Five more people chose fingernails. Indeed, they are also organs."

Silver Trojan continued to comment: "Haha, what the hell is this armpit hair? But classmate Lu Wenjun, you passed the test."

A girl with short hair patted her chest in relief. .

"Sun Yuan, Shen Jingran, you chose wisdom teeth. You are very smart. You also saved money for wisdom teeth removal. But Wang Xu, classmate Zhou Ze, you are a little worse. It says teeth. This choice will be discussed later. It will make you miserable."

Silver's teasing made everyone's hearts twitch again. .

Is this second game not over yet

Shen Jingran's beautiful eyes looked at Sun Yuan who had the same answer as hers.

"Zhao Limin, what the hell are you writing about?"

Silver Trojan was very curious: "Aren't you afraid that they are not organs?"


Everyone looked at a short girl.

"I... I was confused just now. I saw dead skin on my hands, so I wrote it down."

Zhao Limin stammered and started crying.

"Lucky man, he hit the right spot."

Silver Trojan commented, and then announced: "In three seconds, you will lose these organs, please be mentally prepared."




Pain comes.

Especially those who chose teeth and nails, it felt like they were being tortured by a group of traitors with rusty vise, and the nails and teeth were forcibly pulled out.

The pain was excruciating.

The students who chose wisdom teeth, appendix, armpit hair, dead skin, etc., looked the same. Those who chose hair would be bald at most, but compared to Wang Xu and Zhou Ze, they were much better.

These two people wrote about teeth, so their mouths were full of teeth, and they could not hold up their lips. They immediately looked like an old man and an old lady who had lost all their teeth, which was extremely ugly.

Even speaking, he was out of breath and his speech was unclear.

"You don't have to worry. As long as you have some points, you can purchase any medical services. Not to mention restoring your teeth, your entire beautiful face will be fine."

Silver Trojan comforts.

On the virtual screen, the data is also updated simultaneously.

Total staff: 45 people.

Deaths: 20.

Survival: 25 people.

Everyone was in a very depressed mood, but Silver Trojan didn't care about the feelings of these players and directly announced the start of the third game.

"This level is called Reversi. You write on the paper the color of the chess pieces you choose, whether it is white or black. The side with the smallest number of people will be wiped out!"

The silver Trojan explains the rules of the game: "Please write down your choice within five minutes."

There was deathly silence in the entire cage.

"I don't accept it!"

Zheng Chun couldn't stand the pressure, so he stood up and asked Silver Trojan: "If I lose my IQ, I admit defeat. Who told me that my brain is not good? But what is this kind of game? It's just luck? It's not like that." Isn’t it too childish?”

"If you continue to question the rules of the game, you will be punished by erasure."

Silver Trojan Warning.

There were others who were about to complain, but they immediately shut up after hearing this.

Sun Yuan turned his head and scanned the audience.

Everyone holds the pen and doesn't know how to choose.

After all, if you write it wrong, your life will be lost.

"The real test of this level is whether the player has the courage to risk it all!"

Sun Yuan pursed his lips.

When I first played this game three years ago, I knelt down three times in this relationship. Later I realized that giving prompts so that everyone can make the same choice is the key to passing the level.

Shen Jingran lowered his head and looked at the white suspender belt on his body.

Do you want to give everyone a hint

But if this is against the rules, he will die.

Thinking of this, Shen Jingran looked at Sun Yuan.

What would he do

Then she heard the boy suddenly cough twice.

In such a quiet moment, this cough was no more than a thunderous sound, causing everyone to look over subconsciously.

"It is said that the road to Shu is difficult, and it is more difficult than climbing to the sky. This question is even more difficult than climbing the road to Shu,"

Sun Yuan beat his head in frustration.

Including Shen Jingran, several students with quick brains suddenly brightened up when they heard the words "Shu Dao Nan".

"Sun Yuan, what are you doing?"

Silver Trojan questioned.

"What didn't I do?"

Sun Yuan had an innocent expression on his face: "I just think this question is very difficult, and I can't help but think of the poem The Road to Shu is Difficult."

Sun Yuan deliberately emphasized the word 'poetry'. If there are still people who don't understand, then he is really at his wits end.


Many people looked confused.

However, in the first game, Sun Yuan saw through the key to truth or dare. Everyone thought he was very smart. Now when he didn't know how to choose the color of the chess pieces, they naturally looked at him, hoping to get some hints.

And now, I heard "The Road to Shu is Difficult".

"Isn't this a sentence from Li Bai's poem? Wait, Bai?"

Zhuo Wen was overjoyed: "Does Sun Yuan mean to let everyone choose white? Yes, that must be the case!"

Many students had already thought of this, but were not sure yet, so they stared at Sun Yuan, only to see him nodding his head as if he was dozing off.

"Sun Yuan, stop what you are doing!"

Silver Trojan scolded.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Sun Yuan scratched his hair and pretended to be puzzled: "This is my habit when thinking, can't I do it?"

When everyone heard what Sun Yuan said, they all sweated for him.

Do you want to be so brave

That cube can really kill people.

Everyone already understands your thoughts.


At this time, even the stupidest students realized. After all, Li Bai's "The Road to Shu is Difficult" is a classic in Chinese textbooks.

As long as we know that this poem was written by Li Bai, the answer will be obvious.


The countdown has begun, but everyone has already written down their answers, and although everyone is nervous and nervous compared to the previous two games, at least they are less panicked.

"Congratulations to you, in the third game, all 25 people selected the white flag and passed safely."

Silver Trojan announces the results.


Everyone felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling lucky to have escaped death.

"Great Sage, thank you."

Zhuo Wen called Sun Yuan by his nickname in the dormitory and punched him on the shoulder.

The two of them are good buddies who sleep in bunk beds. They both like to read novels, play games, and eat beef noodles from the Banqiao store on South Second Street.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Sun Yuan, thanks to you, I chose the white chess piece!"

Lu Wenjun cried so hard that he couldn't stop his tears.

"I was going to choose black!"

Zhao Limin patted her chest, feeling frightened for a while.


Sun Yuan looked helpless and coughed twice, signaling everyone to stop talking.

Are you saying this in front of the Silver Trojan Horse because you are afraid that I will not be obliterated

"Don't panic, the three-death series is over, no more people will be wiped out!"

Silver Trojan saw through Sun Yuan's worries and smiled to comfort him.

In fact, the third game is to test whether there is anyone like Sun Yuan among the players who is willing to stand up and become the flag.

You know, I said that if players communicate with each other, they will be wiped out.

After seeing so many dead people, no matter how courageous the players are, they are almost intimidated, so Sun Yuan can stand up and remind everyone with the difficulty of Shu Road. This wit and courage are worthy of praise.

Silver Trojan browsed the channel, and sure enough, a god rewarded him.

Sun Yuan also received the message.

"You have a new reward message, please check it in time!"

Sun Yuan silently recited [Panel], and a virtual attribute panel immediately unfolded in front of him. There was an envelope symbol in the upper right corner. He reached out and clicked on it.

A message popped up.

[The noble saint appreciates your courage, rewards you with a divine coin, and looks forward to your next performance.]

What's this

Why do you feel like you are like the anchor

Sun Yuan was stunned. When he played "Attack on Civilization" on his mobile phone, there was no such setting

However, the game is officially launched online and it is normal to have some additional functions.

Now it seems that everything we just experienced was seen by some mysterious viewers!

Because my performance was outstanding, someone rewarded me.

Divine coin

How many points is it worth

"Wow, player Sun Yuan actually won the appreciation of a god at the beginning of the game and was rewarded with a god coin."

The silver Trojan applauded: "This is the currency with the highest purchasing power. You are rich!"

"How many points can be exchanged for one divine coin?"

Sun Yuan asked.

(End of chapter)