God-level Closed Beta Player

Chapter 69: Can't afford it! Get away! Get away!


After the gate opened, the surviving players were all fleeing. Even the confident and arrogant Tang Yan brothers and sisters gave up on killing the guarding BOSS.

But Shan Zheng suddenly took action.

At this time, the fungal giant's focus was almost entirely on sprinting, blocking doors, and preventing a player from escaping.

I didn't expect to be attacked by surprise at all.


Tang Yan was unhappy when he saw this scene.

I was already very depressed when I was compared to Sun Yuan, but then another one came

Although he didn't want to admit it, Shan Zheng had the courage to take action against the BOSS, which meant that others were braver than him.

"Sure enough, a dog that bites can't bark!"

Du Bing was convinced.

No wonder people can be lone wolves.

Shan Zheng never fought the BOSS. Except for killing a male college student who blocked his way with a knife, he spent the rest of the time following everyone to avoid monster attacks.

This weakness and panic made him look like an insignificant fish, but who knew that he would actually choose to sneak attack at the most appropriate time.

If he kills the boss, can I grab the loot

Du Bing only hesitated for a moment and then gave up.

He didn't want to mess with this kind of person.

When Su Tanxia saw Shan Zheng taking action, her first reaction was to go see Sun Yuan.

This young man, while others were escaping in a hurry, actually took a leisurely stroll, as if he was wandering in his own backyard, not in a hurry.

And seeing Shan Zheng's attack, Sun Yuan raised his eyebrows and whistled.

I don't know if it's sarcasm or appreciation.

In short, this Sun Yuan is terrifyingly calm.

Shan Zheng had been planning for a long time, and his thunderous blow failed to kill the fungus giant.

Because six thick and twisted roots suddenly sprang out from the floor under the monster's feet, like the tentacles of an octopus. They first wrapped around Shan Zheng's ankles, and then quickly spread upwards, trying to wrap him up like a mummy.

Shan Zheng was too close to the monster and had no time to dodge. In the blink of an eye, his lower body was tightly entangled.

However, Shan Zheng felt the restraint caused by the tightening of those roots. He did not panic. Instead, he turned his wrist and slashed the roots with the Miao knife like peeling a fruit.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The roots were broken, and Shan Zheng was instantly freed.

When Sun Yuan saw this scene, he couldn't help but admire it.

This Miao sword called 'King of Power' is indeed a dragon-slaying weapon. It is too sharp. I have to work hard and quickly get a weapon of the same quality.

But having said that, these European emperors with incredible luck are really annoying.

The fungus giant possesses wisdom. After Shan Zheng pounced on it, it not only activated the touch of nature, but also quickly turned around and swung a big arm of logs at him like a battering ram.

Because the attack was too urgent and too fast, Shan Zheng couldn't dodge and was hit right in the face.


Shan Zheng flew more than ten meters straight, fell to the ground, and rolled another seven or eight meters. The blood spit out from his mouth was scattered all the way.

The other players didn't care about Shan Zheng's life or death, and rushed towards the golden light screen with all their strength.

Tang Yan's brother and sister were indeed the first to arrive. They glanced back, then dived into the light curtain and left the palace.

These twin brothers and sisters are very decisive no matter what decisions they make and never drag their feet.

"Sun Yuan, hurry up!"

Shen Jingran also ran over, but she didn't leave immediately. Instead, she greeted Sun Yuan.

"You go first!"

Sun Yuan urged.

"Senior, be careful!"

Zhen Yu shouted because she saw that Du Bing, when he was approaching the golden light screen, suddenly raised his long bow and aimed at Sun Yuan.

There were spots of light flashing all around, quickly converging on the long bow, forming an arrow of light, and then shot towards Sun Yuan.

call out!

Sun Yuan changed direction to avoid the arrow, then accelerated and rushed towards Du Bing.


The missed sneak attack made Du Bing very angry. He was about to shoot the second arrow when he saw the petite girl in JK uniform aiming the slingshot at him.


Zhen Yu was worried and stopped running away. Instead, he quickly loaded the angry slingshot with birdshot, aimed at Du Bing, and fired.

Three shots in a row.

At this time, she couldn't care less about saving ammunition.

In her understanding, Du Bing's long-range weapons were too lethal, and she had to suppress him to create an opportunity for Sun Yuan to get closer.

"Zhen Yu, you go first, you don't need to help me!"

Sun Yuan ordered.

"But… "

Zhen Yu was in a dilemma. She wanted to help, but her reason told her that people like Sun Yuan would make decisions and act later. If she stayed by herself, she might become a burden.


Sun Yuan roared.

Du Bing was very cunning. Even if the projectiles fired by the slingshot seemed incapable of killing anyone, he was extremely cautious and wanted to completely avoid them. However, when the three projectiles flew ten meters away from him, they suddenly flashed. The red light turned into little birds and flew quickly.


Du Bing cursed loudly, covered his head with both hands, and tried his best to dodge, but he was still hit.

A little bird hit his thigh, and two little birds hit his back, causing the skin to burst open and blood to flow out.

The severe pain made him a little scared, and he was ready to withdraw first, but then he heard Sun Yuan telling the JK girl to leave.

"Isn't this guy a fool?"

Du Bing was overjoyed when he saw Zhen Yu no longer attacking. Why should he hesitate

He immediately raised his long bow and aimed at Sun Yuan.

go to hell!

Look at my ultimate move!

The eagle strikes!

call out!

Another light arrow shot out.

Sun Yuan dodged, and the light arrow shot past his left shoulder. After flying a few meters, it suddenly transformed into a half-meter-long eagle.

It spread its wings, turned around, drew a beautiful arc, readjusted its direction, and went after Sun Yuan.

In the blink of an eye, he was behind Sun Yuan.

"Haha, you didn't expect that, did you?"

Du Bing was overjoyed.

This light arrow transforms into an eagle, which is an additional special effect of the Eagle Strike Longbow. It can be used seven times a day, and it also has a guaranteed hit effect.

You can only resist hard and cannot dodge.

In fact, with this move, you might be able to hurt the fungus giant, but Du Bing was very insidious and didn't do it because he wanted to use this trick to trick people.

After all, even if you kill this monster, how will you divide the dropped equipment

Brother and sister Tang Yan and the Miao Dao man would probably not let go of this opportunity to eat meat.

"It's not a loss if you can kill Sun Yuan with this move!"

Du Bing became very angry when he thought of Sun Yuan's arrogant and angry look at him just now, but now, it's time for me to slap him in the face.

Du Bing saw that Sun Yuan didn't look back, obviously he didn't expect an eagle to be chasing him.


Du Bing's face showed a burst of laughter, but just when he thought Sun Yuan was going to die, Sun Yuan held the exploding bat in his right hand and smashed it with his backhand.


The light arrow eagle was smashed to pieces, and the scattered light spots were like fireworks blooming in the midsummer night sky, gorgeous and beautiful.


Du Bing's smile froze, and he looked dumbfounded, just like when he went to KTV for the first time and saw the young lady's performance, which simply overturned his cognition.

Is this fucking okay


Is this fucking possible for a human to do

After Du Bing was stunned, he immediately aimed at Sun Yuan.


He was definitely lucky to hit that eagle.

call out!

The third light arrow shot out.

Sun Yuan easily dodged it again, and then the light arrow turned into an eagle and flew back like before.

This time, Sun Yuan still didn't look back, just made a backhand swing.


The eagle was shattered again.


Du Bing broke out in cold sweat and his heart felt cold.

He knew Sun Yuan was quite strong, but he didn't expect him to be so strong.

What the hell is this

Seeing Sun Yuan rushing towards him, Du Bing turned around and rushed towards the golden light curtain.

Can't afford it!

Get away! Get away!

"Can you run?"

Sun Yuan sneered. After destroying the eagle with a stick, he quickly reached behind his waist with his left hand, pulled out the barbarian boomerang, and threw it towards Du Bing.


The boomerang drew a beautiful arc and flew out.

(End of chapter)