God-level Closed Beta Player

Chapter 73: Go straight to Huanglong, the last moment


Sun Yuan opened the system notification first.

[Congratulations, you have cleared the maze escape. Next, is the third Tower of God game. As long as you survive twelve hours in the primitive spore forest, you can clear the level and complete the tower climb.]

[Note: There are currently seventeen surviving players. When passing through the golden light curtain, they will be randomly teleported to a certain place in the Spore Forest.]

The players survived two survival games, but their bodies were exhausted and their nerves were stretched to the limit.

Twelve hours may not seem like a long time, but it might be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Even someone like Sun Yuan, who had strengthened his endurance, was a little tired, mainly because he couldn't eat well and sleep well, it was too much.

And this level is not easy either. Mushroom men will appear and hunt down players.

Sun Yuan didn't plan to wait for twelve hours anymore. He planned to go straight to Huanglong, go to the spore nest, and destroy the spore mother body that produced the spore man.

In mobile games, this is what he does.

As for how to find the spore mother

It's very simple. The spore nest will continue to emit green spore mist. Wherever the fog is the thickest, that's where the spore nest is located.

Moreover, Sun Yuan has now learned the ethnolinguistics of the spore people. At worst, he will take some risks to capture a prisoner and torture him for information.

Therefore, natural spore gills are very important props.

Without this thing, Sun Yuan would not be able to implement this direct attack on Huanglong strategy, and he would have to wait for time.

"hope everything is fine!"

Sun Yuan glanced at the sky. It was too dark for him to judge the exact time, so he looked around, found a spore that was easy to climb, and climbed up.

He sat on the cap, took out the last piece of chocolate, took a bite, and chewed slowly.


It was a little dry and difficult to swallow. Sun Yuan raised his head and took two sips of mineral water. After that, he clicked on the reward message.

[The Dark Demon of Justice likes your fighting style, rewards you with a divine coin, and looks forward to your next performance.]

[The Black Dragon Queen of Destruction is very satisfied with your performance, rewards you with a divine coin, and looks forward to your next performance.]


Sun Yuan clicked on the envelope in the upper right corner again.

Why didn’t the noble saint give a reward

Did he kill someone because he disliked me while I was in the palace


The sponsor’s mother left me.

Although Sun Yuan was a little disappointed, he didn't care. If it happened again, he would still kill Li Minglu and Du Bing.

If he were outside the Tower of God, Sun Yuan would still care about his reputation and not want to leave an image of a cold-blooded murderer, but inside the Tower of God...


I want to live as I want.

In short, I will not be wronged, and anyone who offends me will be killed.

By the way, the Dark God has rewarded her again. He really likes to watch this kind of killing show. And what's going on with the Black Dragon Queen

The title is 'World-Destroying'

Sounds a bit scary!

After Sun Yuan rested for a while, he climbed up a tall large spore tree that looked like a dragon spear that was about to pierce the sky. He wore an owl eye patch and looked into the distance.

At the nine o'clock direction, there was a large green thick fog shrouded and billowing. It looked strange and dangerous, but Sun Yuan understood that this was his destination.

Sun Yuan started to head here.

On the way, he also encountered a pack of wolves, but after he shot them randomly with his Eagle Strike Longbow, the pack abandoned a few corpses and ran away.

An hour later, Sun Yuan saw a faint green mist filling the air.

It's almost time to reach the spore lair.

He quickly took out the natural spore gill, pointed the root to the right side of his neck, and pressed it down hard.

This spore gill is a magical species. When its roots came into contact with the skin on Sun Yuan's neck, it immediately adsorbed on it.

Sun Yuan felt a slight stinging sensation, like being pricked by a needle, or like an octopus's suckers crawling on his body. All in all, it was very uncomfortable. It made him want to pull off the spore gills quickly, but he relied on his willpower to endure it. Living.

In less than a minute, the spore gills have completely grown here.

Sun Yuan held his breath, but he did not feel suffocated. Instead, he felt that the air was fresher because the air passed through the spore gills, was filtered, and entered the lungs.

"It feels weird!"

Sun Yuan twisted his neck and then continued to move forward.

The green spore fog is getting thicker and thicker, and the visibility is very low. You can't see anything beyond fifteen meters, but it is a good thing for Sun Yuan, because even if the spore nest is guarded, he does not have to worry about being discovered.

When Sun Yuan passed through the golden light curtain before, he was teleported randomly, so he had never seen the place where he appeared, but after searching in the thick fog, he saw familiar scenery.

On the ground, large round mushrooms as tall as a person began to appear, growing very densely. Their caps would spray green mist from time to time.

These mist are full of spore eggs, which will implant and become parasitic as long as they are inhaled into the body of other animals.

Seeing these big mushrooms means you are getting closer to the spore nest.

Sun Yuan took out a ghost mushroom for safety.

This mushroom is as big as a sugar orange, translucent and emitting a faint blue light. When eaten in the mouth, it has a soft and sticky texture, like chewing a fruit gummy candy.

After the ghost mushroom was eaten, Sun Yuan's body emitted a kind of mist more than ten seconds later. The mist gathered around Sun Yuan, making him look like he was wearing a mushroom suit. .

Sun Yuan quickened his pace because the effect of ghost mushrooms could only last half an hour.

Fortunately, he was lucky. Ten minutes later, he saw a moss-covered crypt entrance.

Sun Yuan walked in without hesitation.

The cave went all the way down, and the surrounding rock walls were covered with spore fungi. The green mist it sprayed was so thick that the visibility was only three meters.

If Sun Yuan hadn't had spore gills, he would have been parasitized by the spores in the mist.

To be honest, being in this kind of environment is scary.

Sun Yuan's body was covered with spores, which were covered in a thick layer, making him look like he had just crawled out of a pile of coal. If he patted the spores casually, a large cluster of spores would scatter.

He no longer dared to open his mouth and nose, and he even took off his T-shirt, made a hood, and put it on his head, leaving only two holes for the owl eye mask to see through.

Sun Yuan groped again, and after walking for ten minutes, he entered a long and narrow cave.

Here, there are many spherical large spores, with a diameter of more than one meter. They are densely packed with dark red light, almost hundreds of them, and they look very penetrating.


A large spherical spore suddenly burst open, green liquid flowed out, and then the spore-man conceived inside stood up.

Sun Yuan's nerves suddenly became tense, and like a rabbit whose tail was stepped on, he ran behind a spherical spore next to him and hid.

The spore man stood stunned for more than ten seconds, and then, driven by instinct, he walked out of the cave.

"It's so scary."

Sun Yuan suddenly understood why there were no spore guards here.

Let’s not talk about the green spore mist. From time to time, spores will mature in this cave.

When humans come in, they are simply sent to death.

In fact, Sun Yuan didn't know that these spherical giant spores were self-aware. Once they discovered that there was an invasion from a foreign enemy, they would break out of their shells in advance even if they were not mature.

If Sun Yuan hadn't eaten ghost mushrooms to cover up his aura and let the spore people regard him as a kindred spirit, he would have been besieged and dead by now.

Sun Yuan did not dare to delay any longer, so he boldly trotted towards the depths of the nest. Soon, he saw the mother spore.

It was a huge spherical spore mother sac with a diameter of seven or eight meters. Dozens of spore tubes as thick as wrists protruded from it and stuck to the ceiling and floor of the surrounding cave, hanging the spore mother sac in the air.

On these spore tubes, there are even thinner spore tubes growing out, there are hundreds of them, extending all around, and their ends are connected to a large spherical spore.

These spore tubes transport nutrients to the spores.

This function is like the mother's body gestating the fetus through the umbilical cord, and those spherical spores are equivalent to the placenta.

Sun Yuan examined some of those spherical spores,

In some balls, spores are clearly visible and are almost mature, while in others they have just developed.

Tick tock! Tick tock!

There was some mucus dripping down the spore tubes and forming a puddle on the ground. It was sticky and uncomfortable when stepped on.

Sun Yuan walked to the spore mother sac.

When he saw this scene in the mobile game, he felt that the designers and artists on the game side were very talented, and the venue for the BOSS battle was well designed, but now, he felt a little disgusted.

Looking at these things with my own eyes is almost like suffering from mental pollution.

The spore mother cyst exuded a dark red light, and because the cyst wall was very thick, Sun Yuan could not see the outline of what was inside.

But he has experience.

Players must first break the outer wall of the mother capsule, and the BOSS will appear. After killing it, they will have completely cleared the Tower of God.

The ghost mushroom's effective time was about to end. Sun Yuan did not dare to delay. He gripped the thunder machete and slashed at the spore mother sac with all his strength.


The spore mother sac was not as hard as Sun Yuan expected. It was cut open with a knife, and then a large amount of dark red fluorescent liquid flowed out.

Among them was an obese and deformed female sporoid, which, like a premature baby, also flowed out along with the fluorescent liquid.

It was it that Sun Yuan was waiting for. He waved his sword and slashed at its neck with all his strength.


The cervical vertebrae were broken and the head rolled down.

Sun Yuan was about to strike a second time, but his brows furrowed.

Something's wrong!

Why does this female spore man seem to be dead

If it were a normal spore person, even if her head was cut off with such a knife, she would not die immediately. How could she not react

Escape or fight back, it has to be the same, right

This spore man can't be a guy who is desperate for life and wants to die, right

Sun Yuan stared at the spore man with wide eyes, as if he was really dead

And there is no equipment dropped!

Just when Sun Yuan was confused, the next moment, the female spore man's belly exploded, and a ball of red mucus as big as a fist suddenly ejected from it, splashing on Sun Yuan's face. In the blink of an eye, it was Wrapped his head.

The guide to the first Tower of God is over and it’s time for the rewards!

Also, please ask for some recommendation votes and monthly passes, thank you all!

(End of chapter)