God-level Closed Beta Player

Chapter 85: Encounter by chance


"What...what happened?"

Huang Liang felt that he was an adult and shouldn't hide behind Sun Yuan all the time, otherwise it would be too embarrassing, so he took the initiative to ask for help.

"There's someone inside!"

Sun Yuan reminded in a low voice.


Huang Liang turned his head and listened intently, but he couldn't hear anything.

Jiang Shudan was also puzzled because she didn't hear any movement.

"Open the door!"

Sun Yuan ordered.

After he strengthened his body, not only his five basic attributes improved, but his five senses also became much sharper.

Behind the door of this classroom, there was a girl who was breathing rapidly because of nervousness and panic. Sun Yuan could not hear clearly, but he was definitely there.


Huang Liang was stunned.

To be honest, he didn't want to do it. Sun Yuan didn't say whether it was humans or spores inside. What if there was danger

However, when Huang Liang and Sun Yuan met their eyes, the other party's sharp gaze made him swallow the words that were on his lips.


Don’t dare to refuse!

Huang Liang felt that if he refused one second, he would be hit on the head by the bat in his hand the next second, and his scalp would bleed.

Now, it's a new world where force is the most important thing.

My identity as a university teacher is useless.

Huang Liang was a smart man. He scratched his head, which was not very bald, and went to open the door, but he didn't push it.

The door is locked!

"Use brute force!"

Sun Yuan urged, with the intelligence of the spore man, he would definitely not lock the door, so it was certain that there was a person inside, but he didn't know if there were weapons.


Huang Liang responded, then took three steps back, then turned sideways and started to bang on the door.


There was a loud bang.

The classroom door didn't move at all.


The girl's screams rang out in the classroom, obviously taken aback.

"It's human!"

Huang Liang looked at Sun Yuan, meaning to ask, do you want to continue

"Keep banging!"

Sun Yuan urged.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Huang Liang tried three times, but when he saw that he couldn't open the door, he tried to lift his feet to breathe again.


Sun Yuan stopped Huang Liang, "Are you planning to attract the spore people?"


Huang Liang felt aggrieved. Did you let me knock on the door

Why am I so compliant and still have to be disciplined

Jiang Shudan walked to the door and whispered softly: "Student, please open the door, we don't mean any harm!"

There was no response from inside.

"classmate… "

Jiang Shudan wanted to persuade him again, but he saw Sun Yuan standing in front of the door and kicked him.


Sun Yuan didn't seem to have used much strength. With just a casual kick, the entire wooden door came loose and flew out.

To Sun Yuan, this classroom was like a little girl being brutally beaten by a giant, without any resistance at all.

Jiang Shudan subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Huang Liang.

You can't even kick open a door. Are you so kidney-deficient

Sure enough, middle-aged people have no choice but to soak wolfberry in a thermos cup.

"What's wrong?"

Huang Liang noticed Jiang Shudan's gaze and couldn't help but ask. His eyes couldn't help but glance at Jiang Shudan's chest.

no way,

She was just too big.

"Teacher Jiang, please go in and comfort the students inside."

Sun Yuan kicked the door open and dodged to the side, leaving the classroom door in order to avoid being attacked by long-range weapons.

"Are you too cautious?"

Lin Jianrong finally seized the opportunity and belittled Sun Yuan: "There are students inside, what danger can there be?"

He would be very happy if Sun Yuan could be embarrassed in front of Jiang Shudan.

But before Sun Yuan could respond, Jiang Shudan cursed.

"shut your mouth!"

Jiang Shudan was going to be furious.

Why do you have to provoke him

Are you dissatisfied with your longevity

This Lin Jianrong has a high IQ, is hard-working and honest. Jiang Shudan values him very much and plans to train him as a laboratory assistant, but unexpectedly, his emotional intelligence is also very poor.

But then again, when choosing an assistant, you should definitely use this kind of honest and honest person, without any scheming.


Lin Jianrong was criticized by Jiang Shudan and felt depressed and angry.

Jiang Shudan walked into the classroom and saw twelve students inside, seven boys and five girls. They were guarding the entrance of the classroom with a variety of crude homemade weapons.

When they saw it was Jiang Shudan, they breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, a woman poses much less natural threat to people.

"You also want to go to the supermarket to find food?"

Jiang Shudan glanced at the classroom. There were no signs of residence here, so these dozen students must have just arrived here not long ago.


Lin Feng put down the stool leg in his hand: "You guys want to go too?"


Jiang Shudan responded, turned back to look at Sun Yuan, and found that he was still hiding behind the wall with no intention of coming in.

What the hell

No need to be so cautious, right

From Jiang Shudan's point of view, Sun Yuan is making a fuss out of a molehill. You are a strong man who can defeat nine monsters by yourself, and these students are much weaker than the monsters.

In fact, it's just the opposite. Sun Yuan knows the data of various monsters, but human players, who knows if they will suddenly take out a legendary weapon from their crotch, and suddenly give Sun Yuan a shot while also saying, " My lord, times have changed'

In short, you never go wrong with caution.

"Let's form a team together?"

Before Lin Feng could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Zhang Qiuman.

"Teacher, you go ahead, we are too tired, let's take a rest here!"

Zhang Qiuman doesn't want to team up with these people, especially Jiang Shudan, because this beautiful teacher is too beautiful, and Qin De will definitely give her preferential treatment due to her urine.

Without her, she would be the most beautiful girl in the team, and of course she would get the greatest preferential treatment, such as being able to take more when distributing food.

"Why let them go first? There is strength in numbers."

Lin Feng frowned.

"Brother Qin told you to listen to me. Do you want to rebel?"

Zhang Qiuman threatened in a low voice.

"Well… "

Lin Feng was scared. He was not afraid of Zhang Qiuman, but he was afraid of Qin De. He finally let Qin De take him out to find food. If he was driven away, what would he do in the future


Zhang Qiuman snorted proudly, and then waved impatiently at Jiang Shudan and the others: "Let's go, so many people gathering together will attract monsters."

"Then take care of yourself!"

Even if Jiang Shudan is a fool, he can still see Zhang Qiuman's attitude of refusing to accept people from thousands of miles away. She is obviously planning some kind of calculation.

But this time, you're going to make a mistake.

The corner of Jiang Shudan's mouth curled up with disdain.

She felt that if Sun Yuan was not the best in combat ability in this school, he was definitely among the top. Ordinary students would not be able to get enough to follow such elite players, so the situation of others would only be worse.

Jiang Shudan originally planned to persuade Sun Yuan to bring these students with him, but now he saves the trouble.

"Who is your group leader?"

Sun Yuan walked into the classroom and glanced at these students.

At this time, anyone who has the ability and courage to lead a group of people out to look for food must be a noteworthy opponent. He might also have the best equipment in his hands. Sun Yuan wants to find out his information.

"Sun Yuan?"

Zhang Qiuman didn't expect to meet this boy again, and was a little embarrassed for a moment.

She was saved by Sun Yuan in front of the library, but faced with Chu Yuntao's recruitment, she decisively gave up on Sun Yuan and joined Chu Yuntao's team.

Later, when Chu Yuntao wanted to climb the tower, Zhang Qiuman didn't want to take the risk, so he slipped away on the pretext of going to the toilet.

"You used to call me Brother Sun, but now you call me Sun Yuan?"

Sun Yuan didn't like this female college student at all.

By the way, why don't I use you to test the Witch Nightmare's abilities

"Sun...Brother Sun, it was all a misunderstanding before."

Zhang Qiuman forced a smile and looked at Sun Yuan without any trace.

He was still wearing the same cheap jeans and T-shirt, wearing 361° sneakers, and carrying a stained backpack.

His image has not changed much from four days ago, but for some reason, Zhang Qiuman and Sun Yuan were a little scared when their eyes met.


Sun Yuan chuckled.

"Brother Sun, I have joined Brother Qin's team now. How about I introduce you to the team? He is very powerful. He is one of the fifteen players who came back alive from the Tower of God game."

Zhang Qiuman's emotional intelligence is not low.

This sentence seems to be a sign of submission, but in fact it is also a threat.

She was telling Sun Yuan that she was being protected by someone more powerful than Chu Yuntao.

To be honest, Zhang Qiuman was worried about being punished by Sun Yuan.

After all, the social order has collapsed and the law is like waste paper. Even if Sun Yuan tortures and kills himself, no one will do anything to him.

Human life is worthless now!

"Is that Brother Qin very strong?"

Huang Liang's eyes lit up: "Can you reveal some of the situation in the Tower of God?"

"It's not very strong, it's very strong. Think about it. A thousand people enter, and only fifteen come back alive. What kind of hell difficulty is the game like?"

Zhang Qiuman's tone contained a touch of admiration and a touch of joy, as if it was a great honor to be able to team up with Qin De.

"After Brother Qin cleared the game, he was still at the top of the tower and received many top-notch rewards."

Zhang Qiuman shows off.

"Can...can you put in a good word for me and let me join Brother Qin's team?"

Behind Sun Yuan, a female college student spoke.

She felt that following such elite players had a higher chance of survival.

(End of chapter)