God-level Closed Beta Player

Chapter 88: Captain Sun Yuan made his debut


"What should we do?"

Jiang Tao had a frown on her face. She was obviously a girl who would not take the initiative to think of solutions when faced with a crisis.

"Have you visited the warehouse?"

Jiang Shudan asked: "There shouldn't be too many spores in that kind of place, right?"

"Look, there aren't many spore people, but no one knows what's in the warehouse?"

Qin De went to take a look from a distance, because the warehouse was behind the supermarket, and if he accidentally disturbed the spore people inside, he would be caught in a trap.

"If you can't get in the supermarket, then go to the warehouse to get it!"

Huang Liang scratched his slightly bald head: "Such a big supermarket has a complete range of daily necessities, and there will definitely be no shortage of food, especially instant noodles, ham sausages, and canned food that are easy to store. There must be a lot of them!"

"The inventory in supermarkets is planned. It's not what you think. Who would have nothing to do with so many instant noodles?"

Jiang Tao is a college student who has worked as a cashier for a few months. She is quite smart and understands these things: "Besides, there are several warehouses and they are so big. How do you find food?"

"It's easy to be blocked!"

Sun Yuan looked at the topographic map in the diary. According to Jiang Tao, there were three ways into the warehouse area. One was the passage inside the supermarket, which was used for loading goods.

One is the passage on the right side of the supermarket, which is used for emergency unloading or small goods that are not large and easy to carry. Generally, bulk goods go through another street behind the supermarket.

If the player is surrounded by spore people and cannot get out from the passage on the right, then they will be forced to go to another street. What is going on over there? Everyone will be blinded, and the risk of death is too great.


Jiang Tao nodded quickly: "There are two roads in and out of the warehouse. It is simply the kind of terrain where one man is in a position to block the way and no one can get through."

Jiang Tao glanced at Sun Yuan and found that this schoolmate was very thoughtful.

"How about going to those small supermarkets?"

Zhang Qiuman suggested, wanting to show her wisdom.

"You can have this!"

Lin Jianrong's eyes lit up. Because there is Gucheng University on this street, there are many restaurants, convenience stores, canteens, and even a bathing center.

"Qin De, what do you think?"

Sun Yuan asked.

Qin De was refreshed. Is this a test from the group leader

I must answer it well!

Qin De regarded this question as a graduation job interview and used his brain to the fullest.

"I think at this time, the more places you walk, the more dangers there will be, but since we can't attack Yonghui Supermarket, this is our only choice!"

Qin De frowned and felt that this method was not very good. Suddenly, he had an idea: "Why don't we rob the family home?"

To the east of Gucheng University is the Family Courtyard, where university professors and teachers live for the convenience of going to work.

"This is a good idea. Every household must have rice, flour and oil. As long as we get four or five households, we can have enough food for a month."

Lin Jianrong was very excited.

After Qin De finished speaking, he looked at Sun Yuan eagerly, like a pug waiting for praise.

"It's okay to pay attention to the family home, but have you ever thought about what to do next even if you find enough food to last a month?"

Sun Yuan asked back.

"this… "

Qin De never thought about it.

Jiang Shudan and Huang Liang had solemn expressions on their faces, obviously thinking of the key point, while the others didn't understand what Sun Yuan meant. Isn't the top priority to survive

This is the gap between mind and knowledge.

"You have all played role-playing games like MMOP, right? When players are just born, if they get off to a bad start and fall behind by one step, they will be further and further away from the first echelon."

Sun Yuan looked at these teachers and students: "Now, we are playing a survival game. When you are lucky to have escaped for a month, have you ever thought about some expert players taking advantage of this month's development? Period, has it far surpassed you?"

"Yes, the wild prophet who ranks first on the personal record list is still fifth on the personal popularity list. If this kind of player doesn't die, we won't even be able to blow their exhaust."

Qin De became very angry when he thought that someone could be so strong.

why it's not me

When he passed the level, he was still dreaming about whether he could be on the record list, and he even struggled to think of a nice and gorgeous nickname. However, the Silver Trojan told him that his record was too poor and he would not be in the top 100.

Only the top 100 will be displayed.

Everyone was silent.

"So, everyone, take a long-term view. The current situation is both a crisis and an opportunity. If you mix well, you can also become a master."

Sun Yuan's tone was sincere and his expression was serious.

He said this, firstly, to encourage these teachers and students, and secondly, to hope that they would bravely carry out their plans, at least when they die, they would not feel like they were their own cannon fodder.

Several female college students present looked at Sun Yuan with sparkling eyes. They felt that when Sun Yuan delivered this speech, his demeanor and tone were so charming.


"This boy has great inciting power!"

Huang Liang has been bitten by the old dog of society for a long time. He has heard this trick countless times, which is to trick young people into giving up their lives.

Jiang Shudan secretly thought, is this guy a sinister careerist

He is good at deceiving people!

And she felt that Sun Yuan must have had a plan in advance. He said so many words not only to increase the cohesion of the team and offset everyone's fear, but also to establish prestige and make everyone obey his orders.

"Let me tell you my plan. Warehouse No. 1 is shady, so beer, toilet water, shampoo and other goods that need to be protected from sunlight should be stored here. Qin De, Jiang Shudan, Lin Feng, you go to Warehouse No. 1, Break these things into pieces as soon as possible. In short, they are flammable and explosive items. Break them into pieces so that they can burn easily."

After Sun Yuan finished speaking, he looked at Huang Liang again: "Teacher Huang, you should be able to drive, right?"


Yellow dots on head.

"Your mission is to find a car that can be driven, preferably bigger. After I take all the spore people into this warehouse, block the door. Can you do that?"

"this… "

Huang Liang hesitated, feeling that the task was so difficult and the pressure was so great.

"When you are in the most danger, that is when the warehouse door is closed, I will arrange for two boys to assist you, and I will also try my best to attract the attention of the spore man."

Sun Yuan comforted and told Huang Liang not to be afraid.

To be honest, Sun Yuan wanted to call Zhen Yu and Xu Qingshan over. Having a few reliable teammates would greatly reduce the difficulty of the plan.

However, it would take a lot of time to wait for the people to gather together, and Zhen Yu and the others would have to follow later, and Sun Yuan would not be able to refuse easily, so he might as well do it by himself.

"I... I can!"

Huang Liang clenched his fists.

Sun Yuan then repeated his plan twice more, and then asked Qin De, Jiang Shudan, and Huang Liang, the team members responsible for the task, to repeat it again to ensure that it became muscle memory and would not be forgotten.

"After I take action, you will take action immediately, do you understand?"

Sun Yuan's tone became stern: "In such a small scene, even if the plan fails, I will not die, so when I come back, I will definitely make the guy who hesitated before the battle ruined everyone's good life worse than death!"

Everyone was shocked.

"Captain, you have already taken on the most difficult task, what else do we have to say?"

Qin De felt that Sun Yuan was too great.

If he were the leader, he would definitely let the cannon fodder lead the monsters.

Sun Yuan thought so, but even Qin De couldn't complete the mission while being chased by three hundred spore men, so he had to do it by himself.

And the key is, if you do the hardest work yourself, you will get the most points in the end, right

Others also felt that Sun Yuan paid the most, so they had no complaints.

After all, Sun Yuan's plan sounds very feasible, and if it succeeds, everyone will have an entire supermarket to enjoy.


Sun Yuan climbed over the wall and crossed the road. In order to prevent ordinary students like Jiang Tao from causing the monsters to move, he also held the thunder machete and killed the nearby monsters.

A group of people came to the parking lot.

The car was found quickly.

It's a Land Rover.

The car door was wide open, and there was a full shopping bag inside. The keys in the car were not removed. Apparently the owner of the car got out of the car and ran away when he saw that the situation was not good.

After letting everyone rest briefly and regain their strength, Sun Yuan used the cover of these vehicles to go to the aisle on the right side of the supermarket, and then took the Eagle Strike Longbow and fired a round.

Don't worry about whether you can hit him or not, just make some noise.

Sure enough, the spore man here was alerted and found Sun Yuan standing on the roof of a BMW, and immediately ran towards him.

Sun Yuan turned around and rushed into the supermarket, not forgetting to stuff a speed mushroom into his mouth.

This is his last resort. If he can't defeat him, he can escape safely with this mushroom.

"Action, quick! Quick!"

Qin De saw that the monster wandering in the passage was gone, and immediately ran out and went straight to the No. 1 warehouse.

Jiang Shudan followed closely, not forgetting to urge others: "Hurry up, the longer we delay, the more dangerous Sun Yuan will be."

In Warehouse No. 1, there are six monsters, four of whom are supermarket employees and the other two are loaders.

Fortunately, only two monsters were together, and the others were scattered.

Qin De breathed a sigh of relief. He could handle this situation.

"There's a monster!"

Jiang Tao saw a spore man at the door of warehouse No. 3. Hearing the noise outside, he came out. After discovering them, he immediately pounced on them.

"Don't worry about it, go find some toilet water and beer, and I'll kill the monsters!"

Qin De growled and increased his speed. He wanted to defeat the monsters one by one before they gathered together.

It has to be said that Qin Den was able to pull up a team of people in the primitive mushroom forest, and he also had some leadership skills.

Moreover, after experiencing the Tower of God game, his nerves have been sharpened and he will not fall into despair just because of this little trouble.

Seeing that Qin De was so reliable, everyone else breathed a sigh of relief and began to rummage through the boxes.

"I see beer!"

When a girl saw the snow beer piled together, she screamed happily, rushed over, and started to pull the ring.


Beer foam popped out.

"How long are you going to do this? Smash it on the ground!"

Jiang Tao used brute force to push down the stacked cans.

Wow! .

Some were broken, puffing out light yellow liquid, but some were not broken.

"Look for something fragile like a beer bottle!"

Qin De glanced at it and almost died of anger: "Use your brain! How long have you been doing this? Are you still a civilized person? Don't you understand destruction? How fast? How cruel? Just do it!"

Sun Yuan rushed into Yonghui Supermarket and saw a large number of wandering spore people. Especially the vegetable section was overcrowded, but the meat section was much less crowded.

Think about it, if the price of pork increases, fewer people will eat it.

There are also a lot of people in the fruit section, especially in the fine fruit section, where young ladies and female college students are the pickers. After all, people want to enjoy a quality life.

At the place selling eggs, rice, noodles and oil, old men and women were queuing up because it was on sale today.

Sun Yuan ran over immediately.

Whether the spore people are strong or not is related to their physical constitution. The spore people turned into by the old lady must be relatively weak. Sun Yuan's plan is to let them follow him and use the slow running of these monsters to block the strong ones behind. of young spores.

There were sporadic spore people rushing in front, blocking the way.

Without even blinking, Sun Yuan pulled out the exploding bat from his backpack with his backhand and hit the opponent on the head.

A sword on the left and a stick on the right, a dual-wielding god of war,


(End of chapter)