God-level Closed Beta Player

Chapter 90: BBQ party


Huang Liang stood up, his legs were shaking, so he beat them hard a few times, then took out the shriveled cigarette box from his pants pocket and pulled out the last cigarette.

Holding it in his mouth, he took out the fifty-cent lighter.

Click! Click!


A flame ignited, Huang Liang brought the cigarette closer, lit it, and took a deep breath, as if it was the last puff of cigarette he would smoke in this world.

After a pause of probably a few seconds, Huang Liang spit out the smoke that had passed through his lungs.

"My wife said that if she sees me smoking like this again, she won't let me in the house!"

Huang Liang chuckled.

"On the day the world ended, I called my wife, but what I heard was a busy signal on my phone. I wanted to go home, but I didn't dare. I told myself it was because of the Silver Trojan's ban. Once I go out, I will be obliterated."

Xiang Wen and Ge Nian were silent.


Huang Liang took another puff of cigarette: "Actually, this is just an excuse. When I look at the monsters wandering outside, the courage in my heart disappears. I admit, I am afraid of death."

"But in the past few days, I have figured it out. Where can I hide? The world is in such a terrible state. If I don't seize this opportunity to fight, then I will really be dead."

"We're all going to die anyway, so why not give it a try? Besides, Sun Yuan has done the most difficult work for us."

After Huang Liang finished speaking, he gave Xianwen the cigarette, then quickly ran to the Land Rover and started the car.

There are only a few spores running out from the supermarket gate, and this is obviously the last one.

"Damn it, let's fight!"

Xianwen took a long drag on his cigarette and then ran towards the Land Rover.


Ge Nian sighed and followed.

Why did Sun Yuan put Huang Liang in charge of blocking the door

In addition to his ability to drive, and because he is a rational and intelligent person, Sun Yuan has been observing these people since he met them.

Huang Liang was afraid of death, but he would overcome this emotion. Every time Sun Yuan moved, Huang Liang was not the fastest to follow him, but he was definitely the one who hesitated the least.

And he always observes Sun Yuan's every action and choice. He is actively learning because he wants to live.

This shows that he has a strong desire to survive.

Such a rational person will definitely not miss the opportunity if he gets it.

Sun Yuan made the right bet.

The Land Rover started and drove towards the warehouse.

"Sun Yuan is here!"

Jiang Tao, who was standing at the door of the warehouse and responsible for monitoring the enemy's situation, saw Sun Yuan appear and immediately shouted, and then rushed to the window with all her strength because she heard the deafening footsteps.

"Hurry up!"

Qin De yelled for everyone to evacuate.

Sun Yuan told them before planning the operation that while they were wreaking havoc, they would find light shelves and the like to build an escape passage at the window.

Fortunately, because this is a warehouse, everyone found two fork ladders and placed them under the four-meter-high window early.

"Quick! Quick!"

Jiang Shudan was a competent teacher. He ran to the ladder and did not climb up. Instead, he waited for the students to climb up.

"Aren't you wasting time?"

Qin De cursed, at this time, the last one must count!

No matter, it will be an emergency later, so don't blame me for pushing you down.

After Qin De kicked through another box of shampoo, he saw Sun Yuan running in.


Qin De shouted, turned around and ran under the window. He didn't need to look back. He could tell from the footsteps that there were quite a few spore people coming.

Sun Yuan rushed into the warehouse, took out the Speedy Mushroom from his mouth, and shouted "Run". The most difficult part of the plan was completed, and this mushroom could be saved.

He took a quick glance and saw that the goods were not very full, but enough to light a fire.

At this time, the air smelled of beer, toilet water, and some perfume. Unfortunately, there was no liquor, otherwise the thing would burn faster.


The spores poured into the warehouse like a flood that broke a bank. Because they ran too fast and couldn't hold back, they bumped directly into the shelves and fell to the ground. However, they didn't care and got up and continued sprinting.

Sun Yuan saw the pile of broken beer bottles and the large amount of alcohol on the ground, so he pulled out his Sidewinder revolver and fired one round at the ground.


Gunfire rang out, echoing through the warehouse.

The bullet struck the alcohol-covered ground, but did not ignite.

"What the hell? Is this thing not flammable?"

Sun Yuan frowned, but there was no time to think about it. He immediately smelled the smell and rushed to the toilet water.

This contains a lot of alcohol and is definitely flammable.

"Captain, I'll burn it!"

Qin De was very capable. He had prepared several cloth balls poured with toilet water in advance. Now he lit them with a lighter and threw them out.

"Well done!"

Sun Yuan praised them, and he also ran to the pile of boxes filled with toilet water, picked up the exploding bat, and smashed them towards them.


During the impact of the explosion, the cargo box flipped over and the toilet water bottle shattered. Then the sparks and high temperature ignited the liquid, igniting more sparks.

They fell to the ground like fireflies in midsummer.


A sea of fire suddenly formed.

Fortunately, Sun Yuan ran fast, otherwise he would have been burned.

"Sun... Sun Yuan actually has a gun?"

Jiang Tao, who had already climbed up to the window, was shocked when she heard the gunfire, with fear on her face.

Most ordinary people are good citizens. If they see a person holding a gun, and this person is not a police officer, their first reaction is to call the police.

"When did this happen? Are you still worried about this?"

Jiang Shudan complained: "Jump down!"

"But...but it's too high!"

Jiang Tao was afraid.

"If you don't jump, I'll push you!"

Jiang Shudan growled.

Sun Yuan's agility was so high that even though he was further away from the window than Qin De, he was still the last to arrive. Then he jumped up, stepped on the fork ladder, and used his strength to jump up to the four-meter high Large ventilation window.


Jiang Tao screamed in fright.

She was knocked down by Sun Yuan, and just when she saw the ground approaching quickly and thought she was about to fall to pieces, someone grabbed the back of her little skirt.


The summer skirt was very thin and could not support Jiang Tao's weight of more than 100 kilograms. It would tear with just one pull.

"What are you thinking about?"

Sun Yuan scolded and let go.


Jiang Tao fell to the ground, but with the cushion of Sun Yuan's pull, Jiang Tao was not injured.

"Give me your hand!"

Sun Yuan saw Jiang Shudan still climbing the ladder and couldn't wait any longer. He stretched out his hand, grabbed her and pulled her up.


Jiang Shudan failed to stand firm and pushed against Sun Yuan, directly hitting someone with the ball.

Not to mention, it’s really big and comfortable.

Sun Yuan did not let go of Jiang Shudan, but pulled her out, slid down the window, and let her fall outside the warehouse.

"Qin De, go up by yourself and remember to kick the fork ladder away."

Opposite the warehouse window, one meter away, was a five-meter-high wall. After Sun Yuan finished speaking, he turned around and jumped up. Then he turned around and jumped again. He grabbed the edge of the warehouse roof with his hands, climbed up, and then ran across it. roof.

At the gate, there were still a few spore people who had not entered, but Huang Liang did not dare to wait any longer, otherwise once Sun Yuan escaped, the spore people would lose their target, and if they chased them out, all their previous efforts would be in vain.

So Huang Liang stepped on the accelerator and crashed over.

boom! boom! boom!

The spore man rolled.

"Close the door first!"

Huang Liang opened the car door, rushed down, and closed the iron door on the left side of the warehouse, while Xianwen and Ge Nian ran to the right.

"Teacher, the spore man is here!"

Xiang Wen was afraid.

"No choice, fight!"

After Huang Liang finished shouting, he realized that he had made a mistake. The spore people who were lagging behind in the warehouse heard the sound and turned their heads to look at him.

Then ran over.


Huang Liang cursed so hard that his scalp went numb.

Is it true that God is going to kill me today

At this moment, Sun Yuan fell from the sky, jumped down, and kicked the iron door.


The iron door closed and knocked away a few spore men who were about to run out.

"Go drive!"

Sun Yuan growled, rushed to Xiang Wen's side again, and closed the other iron door.

Huang Liang rushed to the Land Rover, not caring about closing the door, put the gas in gear, turned the steering wheel, and hit the iron door in one go.



The iron gate was almost broken.

"There's a forklift over there, drive over here!"

Sun Yuan urged, and at the same time he pounced on the spore man who rushed towards Huang Liang, smashing its head.

He estimated the weight of a car, fearing that it wouldn't be able to stop the spore people.


If I had known before, I would have taken the driver's license test during college.

To put it bluntly, he was still poor. Although the driving school advertised that it was cheaper for college students to learn to drive, with a 50% discount, Sun Yuan still couldn't afford 1,600 yuan.

But in the future, there will be no traffic police control. Even if you speed or hit someone, no one will care about it, right

Huang Liang was neither slow nor stupid. He actually used a forklift to lift a Passat and pushed it against the iron door of the warehouse.

"Go and drive some more cars over!"

Sun Yuan ordered to kill the few spores that slipped through the net.

Huang Liang didn't dare to neglect, but there was no need for him, because Qin De and Jiang Shudan had already driven over as planned.

Qin De also crashed into the wall because of his poor driving skills. It was Jiang Shudan who was a skilled driver and did not look like a female driver.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the spore man wailing, screaming, and banging on the door, but couldn't get out.

"It's... it's done, right?"

Xiang Wen breathed heavily, and a touch of confidence gradually appeared between his brows, feeling that he had accomplished something big.

“Congratulations to everyone, you can start shopping with zero money!”

Sun Yuan teased.

"It's all because the regiment leader planned well and commanded well!"

Qin De immediately flattered him, which is what the top dog leg should do.

"well done!"

Sun Yuan encouraged.


Qin De knew that if he passed the test, his ranking in the team should be equal to that of Xu Qingshan, even if he was not as good as Xu Qingshan.

"Teacher Huang, you are responsible and well done!"

Sun Yuan gave a thumbs up.

"Haha, you should!"

Huang Liang was not arrogant, and to be honest, if Sun Yuan hadn't stepped in to correct the leaks in the end, the plan would have failed.

“Let’s go shopping for zero dollars and enjoy a hearty meal.”

Sun Yuan was starving.

"Let's go!"

Everyone is happy.

Ding dong!

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I've had a cold + fever for a week and it's still not cured. The injections didn't help much. I'll just update it today. Sorry, I'll continue to post regularly. I'm going to bed.

(End of chapter)