God-level Stone Gambler

Chapter 10


"Young Master Gu, there are actually glass jadeites in the 'D' area of the No. 5 woolen area." Qiao An's face was solemn, "This kind of woolen material should not be classified in the 'D' area."

"It seems that Rong Xuan's ability is nothing more than that, and he is in vain as a seventh-level stone gambler." Gu Yuanchao sneered, and a faint sarcasm appeared on his handsome face: "Go and replace him."

If it wasn't for his uncle, who is an eighth-level stone gambler, still lying in the medical cabin for treatment, where would it be his turn

"But... Du Feng from the Du family is the only seven-level stone gambler besides him. The Du family has its own mine, plus your engagement—" Qiao An hesitated.

"You don't need to contact Du Feng. Find a few more sixth-level stone gamblers, and let them divide the wool materials together. In addition—"

Gu Yuanchao's voice was tinged with coolness: "I have never acknowledged this engagement, so don't mention it again in the future."

"Yes!" Qiao An replied in a low voice, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead without any trace, it was he who accidentally touched Gu Shao's back scales.

Young Master Gu hated being arranged by others the most. He had quarreled with his family many times about the marriage, and almost fell out with the head of the family.

"By the way, who is the person who opened the glass-seed jadeite?" Gu Yuanchao asked with his slender and straight legs crossed, pondering.

Since his uncle Gu Liubai was attacked by a strange beast's mental power two years ago, he has been lying in the medical cabin for treatment, and he probably won't wake up in the next few years.

If this person has a certain talent for betting on stones, Mrs. Gu can spend a lot of effort to cultivate it.

"Oh, it's Bai Jing, eighteen years old, born in a slum.

Coincidentally, the young master of the Min family insisted on betting against him, one betting up and the other betting against him. Master Min lost five million star coins in a bet because of this, and his reputation plummeted. "

"Oh, the Min family is not clean." Gu Yuanchao sneered: "That Min Qing is even more stupid."

Although the Min family made a fortune in stone gambling, they usually persecute and suppress those stone gamblers who have no background, and their reputation in Proxima is not good.

Qiao An: "..." Cough, it's not Min Qing, it's Min Qingshi.

My boss is good at everything, but he is too lazy to remember people's names, but it doesn't matter, these people are not worth the boss's trouble.

Joan quickly called up the calcite image of the glass jadeite and projected it on the holographic screen.

When he saw the familiar figure in the crowd, he couldn't help but froze.

"Ah, isn't this the newcomer last time? What a coincidence." Qiao An was so impressed by what happened to Jiao Gui last time that he immediately recognized Bai Jing.

"It turned out to be him."

Gu Yuanchao passed the name "Bai Jing" in his throat, his eyes flickered slightly: "Bring him here immediately."

"Yes, Young Master Gu."

Qiao An bowed and retreated, and ordered his subordinates to locate through the backstage of the optical brain, and quickly found the other party.

When he came to Bai Jing with two men in black uniforms, the latter was almost unable to hold on, but his strong willpower kept him calm on the surface.

Qiao An intuitively felt that something was wrong with him, but the other party showed a cold attitude of rejecting others thousands of miles away, so he could only do business: "Bai Jing, Young Master Gu is waiting for you on the second floor."

Seeing that the other party remained indifferent, he winked at the two people beside him.

The two tall subordinates understood, and one of them grabbed Bai Jing's arm, preparing to forcibly take him to the second floor.

Although his body was so uncomfortable that he was about to collapse, Bai Jing still dodged to the side reflexively, and then clasped one person's wrist and snapped it back hard!

Fortunately, he doesn't have much strength now, otherwise this man's arm will definitely be crippled!

Surprise flashed across Joan's eyes. He didn't expect this thin-looking boy to have such strong strength and such a quick reaction.

"We have no malicious intentions, but if you don't cooperate, you can only apologize."

Joan took a sudden step forward, grabbed Bai Jing's left shoulder like lightning, locked his left arm back, and then clasped the opponent's right shoulder, doing the same thing.

Bai Jing's hands were clasped behind his back, and the man holding him was extremely strong. In his current weak state, he had no way to break free, so he could only let them take him to the private room on the second floor.

"Young Master Gu, Bai Jing has been brought here." Qiao An said respectfully, released Bai Jing's hand, and pushed him forward.

Bai Jingquan persisted until now with his unimaginable willpower. In fact, he was already in a semi-comatose state. Joan's letting go was like a signal, and he finally couldn't hold on and fell forward.

"what are you doing!"

Joan's expression changed. Unexpectedly, as soon as this thin young man saw Gu Shao, he would try to throw himself into his arms like those wild bees and butterflies. You must know that Gu Shao hates this the most.

However, what surprised him even more was that Young Master Gu didn't kick him away as usual, but instead carefully caught him and let him lie in... his arms

The eyes of the boy in his arms were closed tightly, and the cold sweat on his forehead wet the lenses and the black hair on his forehead, and his whole body was exuding high fever.

Gu Yuanchao frowned and took off his glasses. When he saw the other party's beautiful and delicate eyebrows, he froze for a moment, and returned to normal in an instant.

"He's very ill. I'll take him to Fu Yan."

After Gu Yuanchao finished speaking, he gently picked up Bai Jing, kicked open the back door of the box, and disappeared on the spot in a hover car.

'There is a situation. '

Qiao An touched his chin and pondered: This is the first time Boss has contacted others, let alone—

Although the boy was sick, the boss never had any sympathy, and someone else would definitely not bother to care about him.

Tsk, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have imagined that Mr. Gu, who usually says nothing and doesn't like being touched by others, would carefully hug someone in his arms!

Could it be that the boss, who has been single for twenty-six years, is finally about to wake up


When Bai Jing woke up again, he found himself lying in an airtight oval container. As soon as he moved, the upper part of the container opened automatically, revealing a piece of pure white.

A long-haired man with gold-rimmed glasses came over and greeted him with a smile: "Little beauty, are you awake?"

Bai Jing touched the bridge of his nose, and the black frame was indeed gone. He sat up from the container and looked around: "This is—where?"

His voice was a little hoarse due to not speaking for a long time.

The long-haired man handed him a glass of water in a timely manner, Bai Jing thanked him, and drank it down in one gulp. Warm water poured into his throat, and he felt better.

"This is my private clinic, my name is Fu Yan, and I am a senior therapist.

You have been lying in the medical cabin for a day, if Gu Shao hadn't brought you here in time, you might have died of genetic decay. "

Fu Yan pushed his glasses and said in a serious manner.

"Gene decay..." Bai Jing's pupils shrank, thinking of his weak state before coma.

He knew something was wrong with his body, but he never thought of coming to the clinic. If it is found that the genes are different from the aborigines, he will definitely be used for endless experiments!

"Don't worry, although the probability of genetic decay is small, it is not non-existent, and it can be cured."

Seeing that the boy suddenly became defensive, and his beautiful brown eyes showed hostility, Fu Yan couldn't help softening his tone.

The other party is like a beautiful cat with high vigilance, people can't help but want to sneak around, but be careful not to be hurt by sharp claws.

"You mean, there are people with the same symptoms as me?"

Bai Jing quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and the guard in his eyes dissipated a little, as long as no one finds out that he is not an aboriginal.

"That's right. Gene decay is caused by cosmic radiation, and it was an extremely common symptom in the beginning.

However, in the hundreds of years after immigration, the researchers of the empire have been working on gene modification, and the citizens themselves are constantly evolving, so so far, 95% of the citizens have been able to resist radiation, but 5% are still People will not be able to adapt, resulting in genetic decay. "

"Now the empire has developed special-grade genetic liquid for this group of people, but the cost is relatively expensive.

Hmm... It costs five million star coins, and judging by your current level of genetic decay—"

Thinking of the boy's frugal clothes and thin body, Fu Yan couldn't bear to say: "At least ten."

Bai Jing lowered his eyes slightly, ten super-grade genetic fluids cost 50 million star coins. He only has less than 13 million star coins now, and he doesn't know how long he will have to wait to get them together.

But for him, being able to come to this interstellar era without zombies is already a great gift, and he will try his best to survive.

Fu Yan saw that the young man lowered his head, revealing fluffy, soft and curly hair with a few cute bristles on it. He couldn't help but want to touch it comfortingly, but he heard a "clang" —

Gu Yuanchao kicked open the half-closed door of the private clinic.

His figure was unusually tall, and his tall and straight black military uniform set off his broad shoulders and long legs, exuding an aura that could not be ignored.

He pushed Fu Yan away with one hand, and sat on the swivel chair next to Bai Jing. With no place to rest his long legs, he stretched sideways.

"Young Master Gu, you scared me when you came in, can you knock on the door next time?"

Fu Yan stabilized his body, helped the golden glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said in a rather helpless tone.

Gu Yuanchao squinted his eyes and looked at the other party: "What were you doing just now?"

Normally, he wouldn't be so impulsive, it's just—

Fu Yan pushed his glasses and smiled: "Of course I'm helping the little beauty check her body."

Gu Yuanchao gave Fu Yan a warning look: "Stay away from him."

Fu Yan: "..." Ah, you won't even let me touch your head

Gu Yuanchao turned around, fixed his dark eyes on Bai Jing, and reached out to touch Bai Jing's forehead, but the latter swiftly avoided it.

Gu Yuanchao withdrew his hand calmly, without any embarrassment on his face.

"Young Master Gu, thank you for saving me."

Bai Jing raised his head, looked at Gu Yuanchao with misty brown eyes, his slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and the beautiful eyes seemed to contain a clear spring, which made people fall into it unconsciously.

"How much is the treatment fee? I'll transfer it to you right away. If you need me to do anything, please just ask."

"I do need you somewhere."

Gu Yuanchao got up, his tall body approached Bai Jing, his slender arms propped on the side of the medical cabin, as if he was holding him in his arms.

Looking at Bai Jing's vigilant eyes, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and he looked sideways at Fu Yan behind him, "You go out first."

"All right, all right, then I won't disturb Young Master Gu's tryst with the little beauty."

Fu Yan smiled indifferently, and after leaving, he thoughtfully lifted the twisted door up and closed it with difficulty.

"Bai Jing, 18 years old, just registered the optical brain information ten days ago, and won the bet at the stone betting shop. As a newcomer, he solved the glass jadeite for the first time betting on stones."

Gu Yuanchao looked at Bai Jing meaningfully: "You seem to be lucky?"

"Thank you, I also feel very lucky." Bai Jing said calmly, with no flaws visible on his delicate face.

Gu Yuanchao observed his expression carefully, and said after a while: "Just because of your luck, I want to hire you as Gu's exclusive stone gambler."

He straightened up, and passed the employment agreement he had drawn up to the other party with his optical brain.

After Bai Jing received it, he followed the light screen to read word by word.

There are only two pages in the agreement. At the beginning of the top, the term of the agreement and liquidated damages are marked, and it is written in bold and large font:

"The term of this agreement is five years. If any party unilaterally proposes to terminate the contract within five years, the other party will be required to compensate the other party for liquidated damages of 10 billion star coins."

Ten billion

Bai Jing thought to himself that he would never be able to afford such a high liquidated damages.

He continued to look down, and the following was the obligation to be the exclusive stone gambler of the Gu family:

1. After Party B becomes an official stone betting master, he needs to participate in no less than four stone betting battles every month, and participate in interstellar stone betting battles on behalf of Gu when necessary.

2. Gu's has the right of first refusal for all the high-quality emeralds offered by Party B.

3. For the wool newly developed by Gu’s Mine, Party B needs to assist the senior gambler to divide the wool.

… .

Bai Jing looked at each item one by one, and then there were various benefits provided by Gu's.

Including: an annual remuneration of five million star coins, various other benefits, and—the cost of treating his genetic decay!

Bai Jing raised his head to look at Gu Yuanchao, but met the other party's deep gaze, and he turned his head slightly to avoid the extremely aggressive gaze:

"Young Master Gu, I accept all the other terms, but the cost of treating my personal genetic decay should not be borne by Gu."

"The Gu family can still afford this amount of money." Gu Yuanchao was completely unmoved, "Since there is no problem, you can sign." His slender fingers tapped the signature.

Bai Jing did not back down in this regard, and his tone was rare and persistent: "I will transfer you 12 million star coins first, and I will return the remaining 38 million star coins as soon as possible."

The two were in a stalemate for a while, and a trace of helplessness flashed in Gu Yuanchao's eyes: "... up to you."

If Joan were here, he would be stunned.

Young Master Gu has always said one thing, and no one refuted the decision he made, and now he compromised like this?

The opinions finally reached an agreement, and Bai Jing transferred the 12 million star coins in the account to the other party, and then signed his name on Party B of the agreement.

After Gu Yuanchao signed the agreement, he uploaded it to Gu's headquarters, and set the authority as top secret, and no one except himself could open it.

Seeing that Bai Jing's face was still pale, he hurriedly connected with Fu Yan.

Not long after, there was a crisp knock on the door, and Fu Yan entered the room with a tray. On the tray were ten golden liquids, glowing with fine streamers.

"The date is over?"

Fu Yan laughed teasingly, and was not embarrassed to see that there was no reaction from the two of them. He smiled and said to Bai Jing: "This is the ten super-grade genetic fluid prepared by Young Master Gu for you. Drink it quickly."

"Thank you." Bai Jing thanked Gu Yuanchao again, and took ten tubes of genetic fluid.

Rich energy poured into his limbs and bones, constantly repairing the genes decayed by cosmic radiation, and his weak body suddenly gained strength, even better than before.

The energy in the gene fluid is constantly repairing his body, and Bai Jing feels that his supernatural powers seem to be a step further than before, and his overall quality such as physical fitness and memory has improved significantly.

Now, he can easily perceive the strength of Gu Yuanchao's body. The active reaction in the other party's body has reached the extreme. Every muscle and every part of his body is full of strength and explosive power. It is the most perfect body he has ever seen.

'Is this the body of 3S? It's just perfect. ' Bai Jing admired in his heart.

The medicinal effect of the super-grade genetic liquid gradually took effect, and Bai Jing felt his consciousness getting more and more heavy, and finally fell into a deep sleep in the medical cabin.