God-level Stone Gambler

Chapter 19


First place: Du Xingyu, assessment score: 96 points, from Capital Star Headquarters.

Second place: Bai Jing, assessment score: 96 points, from Proxima Centauri branch.

Third place: Tang Ling, assessment score: 91 points, from Capital Star Headquarters.

Fourth place: Luo Minghan, assessment score: 90.5 points, from Capital Star Headquarters.

[Fuck, am I dazzled? ? Who is this Bai Jing who can be tied for first place with Du Xingyu!]

This is the common thought in everyone's mind after seeing the ranking.

Who is Du Xingyu

The young master of the Du family, the second largest wool miner in the empire, the favorite son of the seventh-level stone gambler Master Du Feng, and the younger brother of Du Jingya, a talented stone gambler.

Since childhood, he has been loved by thousands of people, has received the highest education, owns the original stone of an entire planet, and has the title of Little Prince of the Capital Star, which is known to everyone in the empire.

Since Du Xingyu participated in the stone gambling apprentice assessment, he has become the number one in the hearts of the citizens of the empire, unshakable.

But no one thought that this Bai Jing, actually, got the same score as Du Xingyu!

Not only that, but also surpassed the gap of third place by a full five points! !

You know, Tang Ling, who was ranked third, also came from an extraordinary background.

She comes from the Tang family, the number one mech manufacturing family in the empire. Her grandfather is the strongest mech maker in the empire, and is the jewel in the palm of the Tang family.

Because Tang Ling loved stone gambling since she was a child, Mr. Tang specially hired a seventh-level stone gambling master, Master Rongxuan, to teach her precious granddaughter. Although he is not a formal student, he has received absolutely professional guidance.

And this time she can only be ranked third, a full 5 points behind Bai Jing who is second!

In previous years, candidates from Capital Star would definitely take the top five places in the assessment, and this has not changed for many years. But the Bai Jing who turned out this time has completely broken the myth that has lasted for decades, which can be called a miracle.

Everyone just watched the live broadcast of the Stone Gambling Guild two days ago, and they knew that this time the topic was abnormal to the extreme. Under this difficulty, this person can still get the limit of 96 points, which is really terrifying——

If it wasn't for the candidates with the same score, they would be ranked in order according to the strength of the guild they belonged to, and the capital star headquarters ranked before the Proxima star guild, so he would be number one.

Oh my god, this Bai Jing is simply the dark horse among the dark horses!

People have searched for Bai Jing on the star network, but they have not found any relevant information about him, let alone any planet with a family surnamed Bai, so they can't help but suspect—

Could this person be the pseudonym of a young master from a certain family in Capital Star

Who is he


#Who is Bai Jing#

#Du Xingyu and Bai Jing tied for the first place#

#The biggest dark horse in this year's stone gambling apprentice assessment#

The three entries quickly occupied the top three hot searches on Xingwang at a rocket speed.

Du Xingyu was also surprised when he saw the ranking. Who is Bai Jing? he never—

No, no!

Suddenly, he thought of the civilian who walked out of the examination room almost at the same time after the two assessments.

That person's examination room happened to be examination room No. 6 where Proxima candidates were located.

Du Xingyu can almost be sure that it is him, he is Bai Jing!

The most ridiculous thing is that at that time, I thought that the other party left the examination room early because he could not answer the questions.

Thinking of this, Du Xingyu's face felt a little hot, his azure blue eyes were a little overwhelmed, and he squinted at the other party with a mocking gaze...

Ah, what a shame, what would Bai Jing think of him—

The usually arrogant little prince threw himself onto the bed, covered his flushed face with the quilt, and didn't even go down for dinner when the housekeeper came to ask him to eat.

Hehe, he should be the one being ridiculed!

What face does he have to eat!

Ning Yuxuan looked at her ranking: twelfth place, assessment score: 85 points.

Then his gaze moved up, and he stayed on the second place for a long time. In the end, he sighed softly, convinced that he lost for the first time.


Bai Jing looked through the list of those who passed the exam from beginning to end, with an obvious smile on his lips.

Not only because he got the top ten as he wished, but also because two of his friends passed the assessment.

As soon as he logged out of the website, the optical brain communication rang.

Bai Jing connected, and the little fat man Jin Mao's excited roar came from the light brain, mixed with obvious crying: "Brother Jing, brother Jing, I passed, I finally passed this time! It's the ninth time!" Nineteen!!"

Bai Jing waited for him to calm down a little, then smiled and said, "Congratulations."

Jin Mao sniffled: "Brother Jing, it's really thanks to you. If it weren't for you, I guess I would have to take the exam for another year."

Bai Jing answered his questions patiently every time, and finally refined the key points for him and An Ge. If it wasn't for the other party, he would have been disappointed with such difficult exam questions, and he would have to continue next year.

Bai Jing didn't take the credit: "This is all the result of your own hard work, even without me."

Jin Mao smiled: "I know it well, but I still want to thank Brother Jing for the compliment."

Then he snorted softly: "Damn, that kid An Ge quietly passed the 28th place in the exam, he's much better than me.

Oh, by the way, I have reserved a table at the Imperial Rose restaurant. I will treat you tomorrow. You and An Ge must come. "

After a while, An Ge also made a video call, his eyes were red, it could be seen that he had just cried.

An Ge has been restless these days and can't sleep at night.

Perhaps for others, this exam is just to wait until next year to fight again, but for a person like him who was born in a slum and is supported by a family, this is the only chance!

Without the support from the Shen family, he couldn't even afford the training fee and the travel expenses to Capital Star.

An Ge stayed up all night last night, anxiously waiting for the result.

The moment he saw the ranking, the pressure he had accumulated for a long time was finally released, which made him break down and cry a lot.

This time he not only passed the assessment steadily, but also made the top 30. The Shen family is very satisfied with him and intends to support him for a long time.

An Ge looked at the 50,000 star coins transferred from his brain, and was very excited. He was finally able to continue betting on stones!

"Bai Jing, thank you." An Ge bowed deeply to Bai Jing in the video.

If it wasn't for the other party, he might have passed the assessment, but he definitely wouldn't be able to get such a high ranking.

The Shen family not only sponsored him alone, if he couldn't stand out from the crowd of common people, he wouldn't be eligible for this fee.

After the video ended, Bai Jing was about to turn off the optical brain, and the communication device sounded a 'didi' sound again.

[Gu Yuanchao requests a video communication with you.]

A look of surprise flashed across Bai Jing's eyes, and he immediately connected to the video.

A man in a tall black military uniform appeared on the light screen. His handsome facial features were sharp and charming, and his deep eyes were fixed on Bai Jing: "Congratulations, you passed the examination with the first place."

Bai Jing's slender eyelashes blinked behind the lens: "Thank you, but it's not the first place, it's the second place."

"No, in my heart you deserve the number one. Du Xingyu just took the title of capital star."

Gu Yuanchao looked at him with undisguised appreciation: "Bai Jing, you always impress me."

Bai Jing thanked him politely, but he was a little puzzled in his heart. Is that why Young Master Gu videotaped him to say this

Gu Yuanchao coughed lightly, and a trace of annoyance flashed in his black eyes which was rare.

Since he was born in a wealthy family, he really has no experience in complimenting others. I don't know if the other party can feel his sincerity

Gu Yuanchao: "Well... I have prepared a gift for you. Remember to come to Gu's gambling shop tomorrow, and I will ask Qiao An to wait for you at the entrance on the second floor."

Looking at the light screen that suddenly went dark, Bai Jing frowned.

A gift for him

Forget it, let's fill up our stomachs first.

Near noon, Bai Jing cooked a sumptuous lunch, including tomato beef brisket, stir-fried pork and seaweed egg drop soup, and had a delicious meal.

While enjoying the delicious food, he didn't know that the Proxima Star Association and the Star Network had caused an uproar.

Since the tag #白景是谁# appeared, people on Starnet searched for his information even more frantically, but after searching for a long time, they couldn't find any useful information, not even the Starfield account.

The star field is equivalent to the "WB" of the earth, and it is the fastest channel for information exchange.

Once there is any trouble, everyone will post it to the star domain immediately. Almost every citizen of the empire has his own star domain account.

But Bai Jing didn't, and his identity was tinged with mystery.

So people have speculated.

Some people say that he is the young master of a certain family, while others think that he is the descendant of a family of stone gamblers, or even the proud disciple of a high-level stone gambler. In short, there are various speculations.

But what they don't know is that Bai Jing really doesn't have a 'Star Domain' account, and he doesn't need it for the time being.

Until an insider broke the news that Bai Jing was a commoner, it could be said that one stone caused a thousand waves.


A commoner actually overwhelmed many nobles with the highest education

This news is tantamount to a blockbuster.

The empire has a clear hierarchy. Nobles and noble families control various resources and lifelines, while commoners have a low status, and no one cares about the slums, leaving them to fend for themselves.

After this incident, many people can't help thinking: Will birth and education bury talents

Some people even started calling for better education for civilians.

All the aristocratic families gritted their teeth bitterly, and jointly suppressed the entries related to Bai Jing, and soon replaced them with more popular celebrities.

Gu Yuanchao has been sending people to pay attention to the movements of Xingwang, and has removed all hidden dangers that may threaten Bai Jing.

He believed that with the nature of the other party, he would not like to be watched by others all the time, to be stripped of his identity, and to expose his information to everyone.

Gu Yuanchao thought of Bai Jing's pair of brown eyes that were as clear as water and extremely beautiful, and the thick black framed eyes on the bridge of the other's nose, lightly pressed his chest, and curled his lips silently.


At the same time, Proxima Branch.

President Zhuo was so excited when he saw the ranking announced on the official website of the Stone Gambler Guild.

A total of 16 people from their planet passed the assessment among the top 100. I don't know how many times better than last year!

In particular, the candidate named Bai Jing surpassed the group of the capital star's proud sons, broke the curse of the previous years, and got the impressive second place.

Even with him alone, the position of the third largest guild in the Proxima Star Guild has been preserved!

President Zhuo immediately issued a notice, awarding Bai Jing a bonus of one million star coins in the name of Proxima Star Guild.

A mere one million star coins is nothing to the status of the entire branch.

If Bai Jing becomes a stronger stone gambler in the future, their guild will have a steady stream of benefits, why not do it