God-level Stone Gambler

Chapter 20


Bai Jing received a notice from his teacher Gao Ling, asking all the students who passed the assessment to come to the Gambling Stone Branch as soon as possible. At that time, the president of Proxima Centauri will issue corresponding silver badges to them.

When he arrived by the levitation train, Little Fatty Jin Mao, An Ge, Ning Yuxuan and the others had basically arrived.

A total of sixteen people passed the assessment this time, of which only three were civilians, including him and An Ge.

When Bai Jing walked towards them calmly, these people looked at him with complicated eyes.

It was difficult for many noble children to accept that they were surpassed by a commoner, but the facts forced them to believe it.

What's ridiculous is that this commoner not only surpassed them, even the group of heaven's proud sons of the capital star were crushed to death.

Thinking of this, the unwillingness in the hearts of the teenagers suddenly became much less.

"President Zhuo is here!"

Sharp-eyed students saw a middle-aged man in a white robe walking towards them. The silver badge on his chest showed the word "Lu", followed by a group of stone gamblers. They knew that this was the branch of Proxima Centauri. long.

They all stood up straight and saluted respectfully.

President Zhuo is a distinguished sixth-level stone gambler.

Stone gamblers are divided according to grades: 1-3 are low-level stone gamblers, 4-5 are intermediate-level stone gamblers, and 6 and above are called high-level stone gamblers.

There are no more than fifty senior stone gamblers in the entire empire, each of whom is highly respected and has a very high status, which is the height that all stone gamblers dream of reaching.

Chairman Zhuo Fangzheng didn't have the usual serious expression on his face, but had an obvious smile on his face.

He walked up to Bai Jing and patted him on the shoulder affectionately: "Bai Jing, you performed very well this time, and the guild decided to give you a bonus of one million star coins.

If you have any questions about stone gambling in the future, you can come to me at any time. "

As soon as these words came out, all the noble children looked at Bai Jing with deep jealousy.

The reward of one million star coins may not be a big deal to them, but it is great luck to be able to get the guidance of a sixth-level stone gambler!

"Thank you, President."

Bai Jing bowed and saluted, not ecstatic as everyone imagined, but calm, neither humble nor overbearing.

President Zhuo nodded secretly in his heart. At this age, if he can have such a calm attitude, this son will definitely be extraordinary in the future.

At that moment, he even had the thought of accepting disciples, but he suppressed it in time. The common people's stone gambling road is not easy to walk, and he has to take another look.

Soon, Bai Jing received one million star coins in his optical brain account.

Adding the remaining 700,000 from before, he now has 1.7 million star coins in his account, and he has enough capital to gamble on stones in the early stage.

The assistant next to Chairman Zhuo handed over a sapphire blue velvet box at the right time, which was the stone gambling apprentice badge mailed from the headquarters.

Opening the box, there is a silver rule about the size of a thumb in the center, with a bright metallic color, exquisite and small, engraved with the exclusive pentagram pattern of the Stone Gambler Guild.

President Zhuo personally put badges on the students who passed the assessment.

Among the many badges, only Bai Jing's is different.

The badge of the Apprentice Stone Gambler has only a pentagram on it, with nothing in the center.

And Bai Jing's badge is a circle bigger than theirs, with a small "one" character in the middle, which is the symbol of a first-class stone gambler.

Everyone watched President Zhuo wear the badge of a first-class stone gambler on Bai Jing, and they were all envious.

The first-level stone betting master is the goal of the next stage of all stone betting apprentices.

The condition for becoming a first-level stone gambler is: to obtain five points.

Since becoming a stone betting apprentice, one point will be accumulated for each bet.

Five points means that the bet will increase five times, and at the same time it means that there will be at least dozens of stone betting games, but Bai Jing skipped this step directly, saving a lot of time and stars.

Ning Yuxuan ranked twelfth and gained three points.

She looked sideways at Bai Jing, the girl's brows and eyes were still proud, but there was no discrimination or disdain in her eyes.

She was wrong.

It's so ridiculous, what right does she have to discriminate against people who rank higher than herself

Bai Jing proved to her with practical actions that birth doesn't mean anything.

He was born as a commoner, and he slapped the children of these aristocratic families with his strength!

Ning Yuxuan touched the silver badge on her chest, thinking ecstatically:

She will definitely get five points as soon as possible and become a first-level stone gambler.

Then, catch up with Bai Jing!

She had a premonition that if she didn't work hard, she might be thrown further away by the other party.

I don't know when, Bai Jing has become the goal she wants to pursue, where her eyes are, and the person she wants to be.


Early the next morning, Bai Jing took the suspension train to Gu's Stone Gambling Shop.

Joan had already been waiting in front of the door and led him to the second floor through a secret passage. Although he has been here several times, every time Bai Jing enters, there is still an unreal feeling of being out of the original space.

The view is pure white, and the empty corridor seems to be endless at a glance. The lights extend inward one by one as the two walk, full of sense of technology.

Floating halos flickered on the smooth walls. According to Joan, this was some kind of high-tech protective wall, which could not be shaken even with the most powerful super-energy laser cannon.

After Joan performed iris and genetic identification, the circular pressure door slowly opened, and there was a huge space inside, but Bai Jing saw the man sitting on the leather sofa at a glance.

The straight military uniform outlines Gu Yuanchao's slender and tall figure. In Bai Jing's eyes, every muscle wrapped under that military uniform is full of strength and perfect to the extreme.

His sitting posture is very casual, but exudes an aura that cannot be ignored.

"Come and sit." Gu Yuanchao raised his eyebrows, motioning for Bai Jing to sit opposite.

As soon as Bai Jing sat down, a rectangular box was pushed over by the other party.

The box is made of unknown material, the whole body is silver-gray, with a metallic texture, with intricate patterns engraved on it, and there is a logo abbreviation in the upper right corner: LS.

If Bai Jing knew the brand well, he would have found that it was the abbreviation of Roche, the largest weapons manufacturer in the empire, and it was also the only partner of the empire's military weapons.

Every weapon manufactured by Roche is a high-quality product, which is never sold outside, and can only be purchased through special channels.

Bai Jing opened the box, and an exceptionally delicate silver pistol appeared in front of his eyes.

Gu Yuanchao: "This is the latest energy gun code-named L9 developed by Roche. It is 203mm long and weighs 0.58kg.

Hearing the other party's introduction, Bai Jing's beautiful eyes widened slightly:

Both the muzzle velocity and range of this energy gun are several times that of the guns he used in the past, and its performance is unbelievably high!

His white fingertips lightly touched the silver barrel of the energy gun. It was smooth to the touch, with smooth lines, light and compact, exuding the unique cold feeling of high-grade metal, which made him reluctant to put it down for a while.

Gu Yuanchao: "This L9 is equipped with the latest air compression technology, there is no need to fill the bullet, just pull the trigger, the compressed air is enough to shoot through any kind of metal, even intermediate mechs.

Not only that, but it also has automatic aiming and focusing technology, even for inexperienced people can get started quickly. "

Gu Yuanchao looked at Bai Jing with deep black eyes: "I think this energy gun is very suitable for you. Do you... like it?"

For some reason, while waiting for the boy's answer, his Adam's apple rolled unconsciously, and there was even an imperceptible tension.

"Well, I like it very much."

Bai Jing raised his head and smiled brightly at Gu Yuanchao.

That smile was clean, clear, bright and natural, as if a ray of light came in, making the man opposite him freeze in place, his heartbeat suddenly lost its balance.

But that smile was only for a moment, and soon the boy's eyes fell back on the silver energy gun, and he looked at it for a long time before reluctantly moving away.

Then, he closed the lid with a 'snap', and pushed it back in front of Gu Yuanchao.

Gu Yuanchao:

Bai Jing lowered his eyes: "Thank you, but it's too expensive as a gift, so I can't accept it."

He had seen energy guns in the window of Xingwang. The guns placed in the first row were not as good as this one in terms of workmanship, speed, and range, but even so, the price tag was more than one million star coins.

The performance of this gun is so superior, it must be more than one million, and it is even possible to exceed two or three times.

Although he liked this energy gun very much, he only had 1.7 million star coins in his account, which he couldn't afford anyway.

More importantly, he still owed the other party 38 million for the treatment of gene decay, so what qualifications did he have to accept such an expensive gift

He can't be so greedy.

Gu Yuanchao looked at Bai Jing's drooping hair.

The boy turned his head slightly and looked away, refusing to look at the box again.

Obviously want it very much.

Gu Yuanchao felt an unprecedented pity in his heart.

Why is this boy so distressing? He is only eighteen years old, he should be at an age of high spirits.

He looked at Bai Jing with a soft voice: "Do you remember the agreement we signed? It was agreed that we would pay you five million star coins every year.

Now that you have become a first-level stone gambler, and you are qualified to participate in the stone gambler battle, you can advance two million star coins as the cost of purchasing an energy gun. "

"Really? Thank you!"

Bai Jing's eyes lit up, and his voice was full of joy.

Until this time, he showed a little innocence that should belong to his age.

The silver-gray metal box was pushed back in front of him again, and Bai Jing couldn't wait to pick up the L9, gripping the handle of the gun with a tiger's mouth, and the index finger of his right hand was just stuck in the place where the trigger was pulled to fit tightly with it, and the movements were as natural as flowing clouds and flowing water.

Joan stood by and watched with eyelids twitching:

If the heir of Roche knows that the L9 he made by himself was given away by Gu Shao, and it was only sold for two million star coins, what expression will he make

Thinking of Luo Shao's fiery temper, Qiao An couldn't help but shudder, and he must not let him know about this.

Gu Yuanchao: "Do you want to try?"

Bai Jing was eager to try: "Can you?"

Gu Yuanchao: "Of course."

He signaled Joan to hang up a target made of nano-adsorption material, which can disperse and absorb the pressure concentrated at a certain point evenly within one thousandth of a second, and is the most commonly used advanced practice material.

Joan picked the biggest target with a diameter of two meters.

Although L9 is quick to learn, it still takes a long time for inexperienced newcomers, and he doesn't want to be affected by bullets.

Bai Jing took off his glasses, put the broken hair on both sides behind his ears, revealing his exquisite facial features and those brown eyes, which were as bright as stars, and his eyes became sharp in an instant.

He stood at a distance of 20 meters from the target, found the angle of the bull's-eye, and separated his feet about shoulder width apart.

Bai Jing raised his right hand, straightened his arm, grasped the handle of the gun with his right hand, and gently pulled the trigger with his index finger to be ready to fire.

At the same time, the right eye aimed at the bull's-eye through the aiming instrument, and pulled the trigger swiftly and swiftly. [Note]

The air bullets were fired at a super high speed, completely unable to capture any traces.

There was a 'bang' sound, and the bullet hit the red heart!

A deep bullet dent was left on the bull's-eye, and then spread out evenly in circles with the vibration.

'Such agile movements, such fast marksmanship! '

Qiao An was shocked by Bai Jing's move, is this inexperienced? !

It only took less than a second to set the posture, aim and shoot. The posture is more standard than many imperial soldiers, and the speed is unmatched——

This slender-looking boy was simply too terrifying.

Gu Yuanchao walked behind Bai Jing, and his tall body enveloped the young man: "The movements just now were standard, do you want to try other things?"


Gu Yuanchao signaled Qiao An to replace the target with a virtual moving target.

This kind of difficulty is even more difficult, and it is necessary to predict the position and direction in advance, and at the same time grasp the timing, in order to hit the target.

Bai Jing practiced until noon before stopping, and his accuracy rate reached an astonishing 98.75%!

This is a level that many imperial officers cannot reach!

Beads of sweat were all over Bai Jing's forehead, and there were obvious water marks on his body, outlining the slender and slender body lines of the young man.

Those beautiful brown eyes are as if they have been washed by water, they are so clear and flawless that one can't help but want to—

"There is a bathroom here, go take a shower and change your clothes."

Gu Yuanchao turned his back to Bai Jing, his magnetic voice was somewhat unconsciously hoarse.

"Well, okay." Bai Jing also felt that the sweat stains on his body were very uncomfortable, and he wanted to wash it off as soon as possible because of his clean nature.

After the boy walked into the bathroom, Gu Yuanchao's tense body relaxed.

He must have been crazy just now, when he saw the misty eyes of the other party, he had the urge to kiss him.