God-level Stone Gambler

Chapter 24


Seeming to have thought of something, Jin Mao suddenly asked, "An Ge, what is your level of spiritual power?"

An Ge: "S-rank."

Hearing the other party's words, the little fat man Jin Mao slapped his thigh in disbelief, "Damn, you're actually S rank

Did you know that there are less than 200 people in the entire empire whose spiritual power is above S rank!

You, you are hiding too much, right? "

An Ge lowered his head slightly, and said in a low voice, "I'm different from them, I'm a mutation."

Although both belong to the S class, but the mutated mental power is far less stable than the natural one, and he doesn't have star coins to buy the expensive gene fluid, so maybe he will become sick in the future.

Jin Mao simply hated iron and steel: "So what if it's mutated, it's also a one-of-a-kind S-class!

Damn, I want to mutate too, my spiritual level is only B-"

For a moment, the entire suspension car was filled with the little fat man's unwilling roar.

Bai Jing brought the topic back in a timely manner: "...Why did you ask An Ge's mental power level just now?"

Jin Mao came back to his senses: "Oh, because I heard a rumor.

It is said that people with a higher level of mental power have a stronger affinity for jadeite. These people sometimes have an intuition, just like An Ge, especially for high-quality jadeite.

Of course, this is just a conjecture and has not been confirmed so far. "

Seeing that the two listened intently, Jin Mao said mysteriously: "Anyway - I think this rumor is true!

Because within the scope of the empire, almost all the high-level stone gamblers have mental strength of S-level or above, and the eighth-level stone gambler, Master Gu Liubai, has even reached the rare 3S level!

What does this mean? It shows that there must be a relationship between the level of mental power and jadeite. What do you think? "

Bai Jing pondered: "There is such a possibility."

He had thought about it before, why is there a requirement that the level of mental power be above level B in the registration requirements for the stone gambling apprentice

He originally thought it was just a means to limit the number of people, but now it seems that this condition may have other meanings...

"By the way, Brother Jing, you just said that you also have this kind of intuition, so what is your level of spiritual power?" Jin Mao asked curiously.

Bai Jing: "I am A-level."

The little fat man was stunned for a moment, and blurted out: "Ah? Then it seems that this rumor is not credible...

Cough, cough, Brother Jing, I didn't mean that—"

Bai Jing: "I know."

However, as Jin Mao said, his spiritual power level did not reach S level. So what was that extra stark feeling when you saw that piece of scrap

His ability is to perceive living objects within twenty meters around him, and does not include this kind of intuition.

Perhaps, he needs to have a detailed understanding of mental power.

The suspension car galloped in the air, and soon arrived at the main city where [Empire Rose Restaurant] is located.

Bai Jing declined the little fat man's kindness to send him off, and asked him to send An Ge off, and returned home alone.

After dinner, Bai Jing entered the star network, and his slender white fingers quickly slid on the light screen, quickly browsing the information related to spiritual power.

Interstellar History:

After the successful migration of ancient earth humans, after difficult research and exploration, they finally found the energy source of 'emerald'.

But before they had time to rejoice, they discovered a fatal flaw: as the planet's only energy source, emerald cannot be directly used in machines, and the energy must be extracted to meet the demand.

When everyone was in despair, the upper echelons of the empire discovered the existence of spiritual power.

Mental power is an ability produced by cosmic radiation-induced genetic mutations.

In the situation where the energy of the planet can only be provided by emeralds, this ability brings hope to all human beings to live.

People with a higher level of spiritual power can use their mental power to extract the energy in the emerald and convert it into energy that can be directly used by machines, mechas, and suspension vehicles.

And those who can extract energy from jade have the same status as stone gamblers, and are honored as energy masters.

After Bai Jing carefully read the interstellar history, he understood a little bit about the origin and function of spiritual power.

However, he went through a lot of information, but he still couldn't find the specific connection between spiritual power and emerald, as well as the explanation for the so-called 'intuition'.

Bai Jing did not dwell on this issue, but was very interested in the energy engineer mentioned in the above information.

The role of the stone gambler is to fully develop the jadeite in the rough stone, while the energy division is to transform the jadeite into energy that can be directly used by various industries.

The two complement each other and are indispensable.

The energy liquid is the substance extracted by the energy master from the emerald. It is divided into six grades according to the purity of the extraction.

The better the emerald seed water, the higher the transparency, the brighter the color, the higher the purity of the extracted energy liquid, and the higher the corresponding grade.

Most of the first-class energy liquids are extracted from poor-quality dried green seeds and green jadeite with white backgrounds, and are used in robots, various machinery and household appliances, etc.;

The energy liquid above level five is extracted from high-grade jade such as ice species and glass species, and is used in high-level mechs, spaceships and other places that consume a lot of money, and the price is high.

Similarly, the higher the spiritual power level of the energy engineer, the higher the purity of the extracted energy liquid.

Although he has a general understanding of theoretical knowledge, Bai Jing still wants to see what the energy liquid looks like for himself.

"Alpha 01, please come here." Bai Jing summoned the white housekeeping robot.

[Alpha 01 is at your service, what is the master's request?]

The white housekeeping robot is about half a meter tall, round and round, with eyes narrowed into two horizontal lines, very cute.

Bai Jing: "Can I see your energy box?"

Alpha 01's eyes flickered a few times: [Follow the master's instructions.]

Soon, two square windows opened on its chest, revealing a cuboid space about ten centimeters long and five centimeters high, inside which stored a white chip and a silver box.

This is the core of the housekeeping robot. Bai Jing guessed that the silver box contained energy liquid.

It's a pity that the box is still inside the robot, so it can't be seen clearly.

Bai Jing's beautiful eyes were fixed on the silver box: "I want to take a closer look at your energy box."

Alpha 01's eyes flickered even more, and after a while, it slowly pushed the silver box out.

Just when Bai Jing was about to pick it up, he heard a pitiful electronic voice:

[Master, are you sure you want to take Alpha 01's energy box? Without the energy box, Alpha 01 is just a useless machine, woohoo—]

Bai Jing: "... I'm really sorry, I'll put it back right after I read it."

The slender fingers quickly picked up the energy box.

It was a silver metal box about the size of a Rubik's Cube, and it was written in small characters: First-class energy liquid, purity: 11.65%.

He pressed the touch button on the box, and the upper cover opened automatically, revealing the gray-green energy liquid inside, which was very low in transparency and distributed with many fine impurities.

The moment he saw this energy liquid, Bai Jing thought of dry green jadeite, which should be extracted from this grade of jadeite.

There's about two-thirds of the liquid left. According to the information he just consulted, Bai Jing knew that this small box of energy liquid was enough for housework robots to use for ten years.

For some reason, the moment he saw the energy liquid, he had a long-lost impulse in his heart: he wanted to feel the touch of the liquid with his fingers.

Before he had time to think about it, he immediately put his index finger into the silver box. Unexpectedly, the moment it touched the liquid, two-thirds of the energy liquid just left disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only a circle of black impurities around the box.

! !

Bai Jing immediately withdrew his finger, and found that the originally fair fingertips were also stained black.

He washed it with water, and the impurities were immediately washed away by the water flow, as if they had never existed.

what's the situation? !

Bai Jing frowned slightly, picked up the silver box and looked at it over and over for a long time, except for a layer of black impurities inside, it was empty.

What about the energy fluid in it

Won't it be absorbed by his body

Bai Jing sighed, cleaned the silver box and put it aside.

Alpha 01 stood motionless on the spot, the light in its eyes went out, and it became a useless machine without energy.

Bai Jing felt a little guilty, and hurriedly turned on the light brain, planning to buy another energy box.

The price of the first-level energy box is 2,000 stars, which is very cost-effective for the service life of the housekeeping robot.

However, thinking of the gray-black first-level energy liquid with countless impurities just now, Bai Jing suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

'It's better to buy a secondary energy box. ' Bai Jing thought to himself.

However, when he saw the secondary energy liquid contained in the energy box, he slightly looked away. That dark green color looks uncomfortable, and it doesn't seem to be much better than the first-level energy liquid.

'Well, it's better to buy a three-level energy box. '

Both the transparency and color of the third-level energy liquid are much better than the first two levels, showing a translucent turquoise color. If it corresponds to jadeite, it should be at least bean seeds, with less impurities.

Bai Jing saw the marked price: 50,000 star coins.

He stared blankly for a few seconds before turning off the optical brain.

Forget it, it’s so expensive, why not try it yourself.

Bai Jing took out the egg-sized piece of dried green jadeite that he unpacked on Gambling Stone Street.

Because of poor planting water and small size, no one bid at that time, but it was a pity to throw it away, so why not use it for a test.

The most important thing is that he wants to know what is the role of spiritual power and what is the connection with emerald.

Perhaps from the process of extracting the energy liquid, he can know a little bit of the answer.

Fortunately, junior energy engineers do not have high requirements for mental power. As long as the mental power reaches level B or above and can control mental power, there is a certain probability of becoming an energy engineer.

However, just like the distribution of the pyramid, the senior energy divisions at the top of the pyramid are also rare in number, and their status is respected. There are no more than fifty people in the entire empire.

Bai Jing followed the steps of extracting the energy solution found on Xingwang, and focused all his attention on the egg-sized piece of dried green seed jade.

After about ten minutes, this piece of dry green jadeite seemed to have turned into a perspective 3D model, and Bai Jing could see the obvious particle distribution and fine impurities inside.

Spiritual power protruded from his body like a white thread, falling into the dried green jadeite, combing and refining it bit by bit, leading the 'liquid' out of the stone, and slowly falling into the silver box next to it middle.

It's just that the spiritual power can't separate the impurities. Even a senior energy engineer can only break down the impurities into smaller particles, but can't separate them.

Seeing the tiny black particles flowing into the box together with the gray-green liquid like gangrene, Bai Jing was very upset.

Perhaps it was a conditioned reflex, his perception entered the inside of the emerald at the same time, sensed those lifeless impurities, and tried to separate them.

Bai Jing found that his perception was much sharper than before. Before, he could only sense the activity of jadeite, but now he could even perceive the thickness of the particles in the jadeite and the distribution of impurities.

However, perception also has no way to purify the liquid.

Seeing that the black impurities were about to enter the box, Bai Jing felt extremely uncomfortable, and even had the urge to re-seal these energy liquids into the original stone.

At this moment, perception power and spiritual power collided and gradually merged, and the thin white thread formed by spiritual power was slowly dyed golden and divided into two.

One of them continues to introduce the energy liquid in the emerald into the silver box, and the other gradually strips off the impurities inside and gradually condenses into a ball.

Bai Jing's brows gradually stretched out. Although the color of the energy liquid extracted this time is dull, the color is even and clean, which is many times better than before.

The most important thing is that there are no dense black impurities in the extracted liquid this time, which made him unbearable!

Soon, the silver box was filled with energy liquid, Bai Jing stopped his hand in time, the perception and mental power were separated in the air, and submerged into Bai Jing's body.

The egg-sized piece of dry green jadeite has now turned into a white stone, with a peanut-sized mass of black on it, which is the separated impurities.

Bai Jing closed the lid of the silver box and put it back on Alpha 01's chest.

Almost instantly, the eyes of the housekeeping robot lit up.

[Alpha 01, thank you master for replacing the energy box for me!]

The eyes of the white housework robot narrowed into two straight lines, happily circling around Bai Jing to express his affection.

Although I don't know what happened, but it feels that its body is lighter and its movements are more flexible, woo woo woo, the master is really kind!


Bai Jing didn't know that he had created a miracle to improve the purity of the energy fluid. He looked at the white robot that had been circling around him, and the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously.

At this time, with a beep, the optical brain automatically popped up the interface, and he found that his skill title had changed:

ID: 1053166247

Name: Bai Jing

Sex: Male

Age: 18 years old

Status: Citizen of the Galactic Empire

Gene grade: C grade

Physical fitness level: A level

Mental power level: A level

[Skill title: Level 1 Stone Gambler]

[Cumulative Points: 7]

[Gambling rate: 50%]

Seeing the betting increase rate displayed on the light screen, Bai Jing pursed his lips. The betting increase rate was still too high.

Today he bought a total of five pieces of wool on Gambling Stone Street, two pieces of chopped wool bought from Boss Yu, and three pieces of wool chosen by himself.

Among them, two bets went up, and three bets fell. It should have been counted as a 40% bet up rate.

It's just that Boss Yu's two pieces of wool were bought together and cost a total of 30,000 star coins, so it can only be counted as one piece.

In this way, among the four pieces of wool, two pieces will bet up and two pieces will be down, and only then will there be a 50% betting rate.

Fortunately, his skill title is only a first-level stone gambler. In the eyes of others, he is only at the level of beginners. The number of stone gamblers is small and the chance is large, so the data is not referenced. Blame it on luck.

But he can't keep doing this, and he must slowly lower the betting rate in the future.

Bai Jing thought carefully, starting tomorrow, he was going to participate in the stone gambling battle.

Since Gu's hired him as the exclusive stone gambler and paid him a super-standard remuneration, then he will definitely fulfill the agreement in the agreement and do things well.

He has already made a plan. At least one of the five pieces of wool selected for each stone betting battle will be guaranteed to increase by more than 20%. At the same time, the increase rate should not be too high. If it is too high, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

Bai Jing sighed softly in his heart.

The power of the Stone Gambling Guild is too great. As long as the optical brain is used to trade, the gambling increase rate will be automatically calculated, and each piece of wool has a corresponding number, which makes it impossible for him to hide it even if he wants to.

But if this is the case, it is a pity. If you encounter other wools with good performance during the selection, you can only pass by with regret.

Most importantly, he still owes Gu Yuan Dynasty 33 million for the treatment of gene decay, and he doesn't know when he will pay it off.

Bai Jing was feeling sorry, when he caught a glimpse of the white housekeeping robot playing bright music and cleaning the floor from the corner of his eye, a sudden flash of inspiration came to his mind.

By the way, he has other ways to make money, such as extracting energy liquid!

The egg-sized piece of dried green jadeite just now is a scrap that no one bought, and it will not exceed 500 star coins at most, but the price of the first-level energy box is 2000 star coins, which has quadrupled in an instant!

This is the same huge profit as gambling with stones.

Anyway, the Stone Betting Guild only calculates the betting rate, so he can try his best to choose wool with emeralds on the basis of the betting failure.

It's not necessary to solve the vain stones, just like that exam question, as long as the price of jadeite is less than the price of the original stone, it is a bet.

At that time, he can choose one or two pieces of wool like water, and use these betted jade to make energy liquid, and he can earn a huge sum of money!

In this way, even the Stone Gambling Guild cannot find out.

After solving this problem, he thought of another problem that gave him quite a headache.

The stone betting battle will be held at Gu's Stone Betting Shop. It will be a battle against everyone. There are thousands of spectators in the audience, plus the betting crowd on the star network, it is really spectacular.

Thinking of those fanatical fans, Bai Jing frowned slightly. It might be difficult for him to adapt to such a scene.

I don't know if I can change my identity to participate in the stone gambling battle

He didn't want to use the name Bai Jing, and he didn't want to make everything about himself public.

Bai Jing thought for a while before taking out his optical brain and sending a message to Gu Yuanchao:

[Young Master Gu, I have something to discuss with you, do you have time tomorrow?]

Almost immediately, he received a reply from the other party: [Okay, anytime.]

at any time? Bai Jing froze for a moment, Gu Shao... must be very busy.

It's better to go earlier.

Before dawn the next day, Bai Jing came to the second floor of Gu's Stone Gambling Shop, led by Qiao An into the box.

Gu Yuanchao should have just finished training. When he came out of the training room, there was still crystal sweat on his hair. The tall and perfect body was wrapped in a close-fitting military uniform, revealing a smooth muscle outline. One cannot ignore.

Bai Jing looked enviously at his 3S body, and his perception automatically analyzed his physical data. While admiring in his heart, it also made him reluctant to look away.

Gu Yuanchao met Bai Jing's blunt gaze, his body froze suddenly, and he said as he walked to the bathroom: "Well... I didn't expect you to come so early, I'll take a shower first, it won't be too long."

In the bathroom, the black military belt was untied and thrown aside, and the buttons were unbuttoned one by one by big hands with clear joints, revealing Gu Yuanchao's body without a trace of fat, wide shoulders and narrow waist, every inch of line was approaching perfection, With the ultimate sense of power.

The icy water sprayed from the overhead shower, making a splash.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Half an hour later, Gu Yuanchao came out of the bathroom after a change of clothes. He was still handsome and tall without military uniform, but a little more casual and lazy.

"It's okay." Bai Jing looked at him: "Can I participate in tomorrow's stone gambling battle?"

Gu Yuanchao's eyes were slightly surprised: "Are you going to participate now?"

Generally, participating in the stone betting battle starts with the second-level stone betting master. Many first-level stone betting masters will not take the initiative to participate in the stone betting battle when they do not have enough experience.

Gambling stones under the watchful eyes of thousands of people, if you lose, it will leave a psychological shadow, and it will not be conducive to your reputation and accumulation of fans in the future.

If Bai Jing participates in the battle, it is very likely that he will be matched with a second-level stone gambler. Meeting such a strong opponent on the stage for the first time will cause a lot of psychological pressure.

Although he really wanted the other party to grow up as soon as possible, it was not in this way.

Bai Jing's voice was very firm: "That's right. It's just—"

The slender eyelashes behind the lens trembled slightly like a small fan, and he hesitated in a rare way: "Can I, hide my identity?"


Gu Yuanchao looked at Bai Jing with deep eyes: "However, many stone gamblers participate in the stone betting battle just to increase their popularity and enjoy the feeling of being watched by everyone. Don't you like it?"

Bai Jing lowered his eyes: "I can accept it, but I'm more afraid of trouble."

Gu Yuanchao: "Okay, I will create a new identity for you, what kind of identity do you like?"

Bai Jing: "It's all right."

Gu Yuanchao pondered: "To be on the safe side, let's treat it as a descendant of the Gu family branched on other planets, so it is reasonable for you to participate in the stone gambling battle for the Gu family. How about the name 'Gu Yun'?"

Bai Jing: "Thank you, it sounds great."

Gu Yuanchao: "Then you can move here this afternoon."

Bai Jing looked at him puzzled:

Gu Yuanchao explained: "Since it is a branch of the Gu family, it should naturally live in the property under the Gu family.

Don't worry, I usually won't go back. You are the only one in the whole suite, and you won't be disturbed in any way. "

Seeing the other party hesitate, he added: "This is also for your safety, living here, I will not let anyone discover your true identity."

Bai Jing thought for a while, and finally agreed: "Then thank you for your arrangement."

Gu Yuanchao's black eyes were stained with a smile, and there was a rare joy in his voice: "You're welcome."


Bai Jing tidied up briefly. He had very few things, basically a few sets of clothes and a notebook for recording class content, all stuffed into the box.

He originally planned to take the levitation train to his new address, but Gu Yuanchao asked for his address on the grounds that the residence needed to be inspected, saying that he would send someone to pick him up.

Bai Jing walked out of the room with the box in his arms, and a particularly cool hover car stopped 30 centimeters above the ground.

The extremely smooth black streamlined body, with the 'S' class logo on the wings, is a top-level limited edition, and there are not many cars in the entire empire.

The car window opened, and Gu Yuanchao's handsome facial features appeared in front of him.

Fortunately, Bai Jing lived in a remote place, otherwise it would definitely cause a sensation.

Bai Jing was surprised: "Young Master Gu, why did you come in person?" Didn't you mean to send someone to pick him up

Gu Yuanchao didn't answer, the automatic car door rose up like the wings of a flying eagle, and two sky-defying long legs stepped out of the car, walked up to Bai Jing, and took the box from his hand involuntarily.

Bai Jing looked at his empty hands, he had always been self-reliant, it was the first time he felt the feeling of being taken care of by someone, and that person was the distinguished Major General Gu Shao.

Gu Yuanchao looked at him with a smile: "Come on, get in the car."

"En." Bai Jing jumped lightly and nimbly, and sat on the passenger seat.

The suspension car with excellent performance galloped away. Gu Yuanchao saw Bai Jing's hands gripping the seat from the corner of his eyes, and slowed down thoughtfully. After ten minutes, he arrived at the most prosperous area in the main city.

The residence Gu Yuanchao mentioned was like a closed high-rise building in the shape of a white eggshell. After iris recognition and fuselage scanning, the white heavy-duty hatch slowly opened, and after the black suspension vehicle drove in, it quickly closed again.

This is an independent space, very high, the hover car swooped down and stopped in the hover room on the eighth floor in the middle.

Walking into the room on the eighth floor, Bai Jing breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not a noble manor or a super-large villa, but an ordinary four-bedroom and two-living room, about 300 square meters.

The facilities in the room are extremely complete, but there is no trace of use at all. It seems that no one lives here.

Gu Yuanchao left after entering his information, leaving enough privacy for him.

Seeing the other party leave, Bai Jing felt a little fond of him.

After several encounters, he found that this man was not as unkind as other nobles from aristocratic families. Instead, he was very measured in his dealings with others, with a considerateness that ordinary people did not have, and he did not have the aristocratic airs at all.

Perhaps, the two of them can become friends outside of their cooperative relationship.

Bai Jing put the box in the master bedroom, intending to put his clothes in it.

Opening the closet, I found that it was full of brand new clothes, and the size was obviously not Gu Yuanchao's.

Bai Jing froze for a moment, then realized that these seemed to be prepared for him.

The styles and colors of these clothes are not ostentatious, but a daily style with soft texture and skin-friendly texture, which is very similar to the feeling of the white sweater last time.

Moreover, Bai Jing took a set and drew it on his body. How should I put it, it was as if he had measured it inch by inch with a ruler.

After putting away the clothes in the box, Bai Jing went to the storage room, intending to buy some more natural ingredients to put in, this is his habit.

As a result, when he opened the door of the storage room, what he saw was a pile of natural food, neatly arranged by category, and all of them were the freshest and highest-grade ingredients.

There was a warm current in Bai Jing's heart, and the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously.

Although he doesn't like to owe others favors, it's not that he doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. He can feel how much Gu Shao values him, and he definitely put a lot of thought into it.

[Bai Jing: Young Master Gu, thank you for the things you prepared for me, I like them very much.]

When Gu Yuanchao received the message from Bai Jing, the anxiety in his heart finally disappeared.

The reason why he left so quickly was because he was worried that with him by his side, the young man would feel frustrated in his self-esteem, so he said this as a kind of kindness.

But now it seems that Bai Jing doesn't feel inferior because of his background, and can understand his kindness.

Entering another room about the same size as the master bedroom, Bai Jing found that there was a complete set of equipment for stone analysis. He took a step forward to check carefully and found that it was of the highest level of precision. Even a novice in stone analysis would not damage the jadeite. .

In addition, there are matching sound shielding devices and a five-meter-long stone platform for placing woolen materials in the room, and a white space button is placed on the table.

Bai Jing didn't know what it was like, Gu Yuanchao was too thoughtful, he didn't even know how to repay the other party.

The only thing that can be done is to work hard to become a senior stone gambler, hoping to help Gu's go further.

Before that, Bai Jing also thought about why Gu Yuanchao would find him as his exclusive stone gambler. The Gu family is rich and powerful, so there should be no shortage of gamblers...

Even if he valued his luck, it seemed a bit reluctant.

But later, Bai Jing found the answer while searching for news on Xingwang. It turns out that Master Gu Liubai has been lying in the medical cabin for treatment since he was attacked by a strange beast with mental power two years ago, and he still has no sign of waking up.

Master Gu Liubai is the only eighth-level stone gambler in the empire, and he is also the pillar of the Gu family in the stone gambling world. Now that he is unconscious, it is a huge blow to the Gu family.

Although the foundation of Gu's behemoth will not be shaken for a while, Bai Jing knows that other aristocratic families will not easily let go of such a good opportunity.

Bai Jing dare not say that he can reach the ability and status of Master Gu Liubai, but he will do his best to help Gu Shi and Gu Yuanchao.

Tomorrow's stone betting battle, he will never lose!

The author has something to say:

Small Theater 1:

Bai Jing (face expressionless): Impurities are too annoying, I despise them.jpg

Yes, this is the victory of obsessive-compulsive disorder!

Small theater 2:

Young Master Gu: Ah Jing, come to me quickly, I have time to QAQ anytime

How Ah Jing wants to repay me, I'm looking forward to it!

Bai Jing: Participate in the stone gambling battle.

Young Master Gu: ...