God-level Stone Gambler

Chapter 59


The sumptuous four dishes and one soup were all eaten up quickly, and Alpha 01 ran over to clear away the dishes.

At around 9 o'clock, the two put on their sensing devices and went online, and came to Gu Yuanchao's exclusive high-level VIP room.

Gu Yuanchao pressed the space button on his chest, and a silver-white mecha immediately appeared in front of Bai Jing.

It was twenty meters high, and every inch of the mech was smooth to the extreme. Under the light, it showed a bright metallic color, which could be called the most perfect work of art.

The war left countless scars on this mecha, even if it is restored to its original state, you can still feel the chill and coldness that hit your face, this is the aura that only has experienced the battle.

The cockpit opened slowly, and Gu Yuan stretched out his hand towards Bai Jing. Unexpectedly, the boy shook his head lightly, and pressed the space button on his chest with his slender fingers.

A dark blue mecha appeared beside the silver-white mecha, which seemed to be glowing under the refraction of the light.

Although it is not as tall and perfect as the silver mech, it is not too inferior.

Gu Yuanchao was a little surprised: "Ah Jing, what are you?"

He clearly remembered that the boy's genetic level was C-level, and it was difficult for this level to drive the mecha for a long time.

Could it be spiritual power

Bai Jing looked at the man with unusually bright eyes, with an extraordinary scorching heat: "Gu Yuanchao, can you fight mecha with me?"

As if all the stars had fallen into those beautiful brown eyes, Gu Yuanchao lost his mind for a moment before saying: "Of course."

Bai Jing's eyes curved beautifully: "Thank you." After finishing speaking, he added: "Don't let the water go."

Gu Yuanchao chuckled: "No. I will set the attribute of Silver Light to the attribute of the third-level mecha, which is more fair."

As a mecha warrior, he will take every battle seriously, which is the respect for the opponent.

Seeing that the boy turned around and was about to enter the cockpit, Gu Yuanchao's magnetic voice came from behind: "Ah Jing."

Bai Jing paused, turned his head and signaled him to continue with his eyes.

Gu Yuanchao's eyes became a little more serious: "As we all know, you can bet on online mech battles, why don't we make a bet too

Winners are rewarded, losers are punished. "

Bai Jing's expression became more serious, and he nodded: "Okay, what are you betting on?"

Gu Yuanchao pretended to think carefully: "How about this: if I win, I'll kiss you; if you win, I'll do whatever you want, what do you think?"

Bai Jing: "..."

In the end, the bet was established, and the two entered their own mechs.

The training room was switched to a battle mode. A circular arena rose from the ground. Bai Jing and Gu Yuanchao stood on one side of the arena, about 200 meters apart.

Gu Yuanchao began to adjust the value of the mecha, reducing the S-level silver light to the level of the third-level mecha.

Electronic sound starts counting down: "30 seconds countdown, 30, 29, 28... 3, 2, 1, the battle begins!"

The opponent was a major general of the empire who had experienced many battles. Bai Jing's expression became extraordinarily dignified, and his mental strength was exerted to the extreme.

At the moment when the countdown had just ended, the dark blue mecha turned into a stream of blue light and rushed up.

When approaching the silver-white mecha, an S-shaped arc quickly came to the opponent's right hand side, and when it landed, it leaped high. The titanium alloy long blade refracted an icy light, and slashed toward the opponent fiercely.

This process was extremely fast, and a series of actions were completed almost instantly, not even a second!

'It disappeared. '

Bai Jing's eyes widened, this was the first time he was completely dodged without touching the other party!

The shock was only for a moment, and then he felt a huge crisis coming from behind. The mech rolled forward suddenly, avoiding the cold light from the energy sword, but the next moment the sword blade pressed against the mecha cabin.

He lost.

Lost in the first round.

Yinguang on the opposite side withdrew his energy sword, and Gu Yuanchao's soothing voice came from the earplugs: "Ah Jing, don't worry, take your time, you are already great."

Bai Jing looked at the timer on the screen, it was less than 10 seconds.

Although he knew that there was a big gap between the two, but the gap was so obvious that he did not expect it. He could feel that the attributes of Gu Yuanchao's current mecha were indeed level three. Otherwise, with the speed of the Yinguang S-class mech, Gu Yuanchao would definitely not be noticed when he swung his first sword.

The 'Long Sky' that Bai Jing was driving was modified to a level close to level four, and some attributes even surpassed level four mechas, but it didn't play any role in the face of mechas with lower attributes. He even had long-range weapons and Invisible weapons have not yet been used.

Seemingly aware of the youth's loss, Gu Yuanchao's voice came from the earplugs:

"Ah Jing, I have been exposed to mechs since I was 5 years old, and I have to receive more than ten hours of uninterrupted training every day, and I am not allowed to eat if I can't complete the task.

He entered the army at the age of fifteen, and went to the battlefield for the first time at the age of sixteen. So far, he has killed more than 100,000 strange beasts, and his combat experience has long been engraved in his bones. "

Bai Jing was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Gu Yuanchao had such a high talent and would work so hard.

Gu Yuanchao: "The 3S gene level makes my reaction and judgment a hundred times better than ordinary people. Even if I drive at a low level, these attributes will not change. Therefore, I can easily predict your actions and react."

The loss was only a moment, and Bai Jing quickly recovered from the depression: "Thank you, I understand. But at this time, I urgently need the guidance of Your Excellency the Major General."

"Follow your instructions."

There was a hint of a smile in Gu Yuanchao's magnetic voice: "Ah Jing, your speed is very fast and your skills are well mastered.

However, when attacking, the movement range is relatively large, which will make it easy for people to discover your attempt. "

"For example, when you are slashing, the moment you land and take off, I know your next move, and it is not difficult to dodge.

Ah Jing, you have to know that it is very difficult to defeat the opponent with a round of offense when the gap in strength is not too large. What you have to do is to look for opportunities, continue to cause damage to the opponent, and finally, a fatal blow. "

After hearing this, Bai Jing was thoughtful.

The second game begins.

At the end of the countdown, the dark blue mecha rushed up first, leaped to the opponent's side and rear with an S-shaped arc step, and at the same time slashed at the silver-white mecha's waist.

The opponent naturally dodged easily, but Bai Jing turned his blade when he was slashing, and stabbed behind him with his backhand!

Gu Yuanchao manipulated the mech to quickly distance himself, and the surprise in his eyes flashed:

The boy's understanding is too strong, not only reduces the range of movements, but also predicts his movements by analogy, and makes unexpected reactions!

After the round was over, Bai Jing panted lightly, and looked at the timer beside him: 15 seconds.

Yes, there is progress.

In the ensuing battle, Bai Jing found that it was extremely difficult to get close to Gu Yuanchao, the opponent could always predict his movements and dodge quickly!

After a few times, he intends to make full use of the laser rays to attack while hiding the nanostrings as a last resort.

Due to the length of the nanostring, the launch distance cannot exceed 5 meters (the total length is 20 meters), so every close-up is an opportunity that cannot be missed.

The long-range laser ray shot out with the dazzling light. Gu Yuanchao closed his eyes the moment he felt it, and used his super perception to avoid the ray that could penetrate the shell of the mech.

Bai Jing operated the mecha to attack continuously, and the movements of his hands on the console were left with afterimages. As the dark blue mecha flipped and jumped, violent white light shot out crazily along with the red rays, weaving into fine and dense patterns in the air. net.

If Yao Tian were here, he would definitely exclaim—

Although the proficiency and lethality are not yet at the level of [Michael], it already has the embryonic form of a 'network'!

In the precise attack, the silver-white mecha was so fast that there was only a white light left, and a Z-shaped arc step crossed behind Bai Jing, and the energy sword pointed directly at the fragile neck of the dark blue mecha—

However, at this moment, the right arm of the dark blue mecha pulled forcefully, and Gu Yuanchao keenly heard the sound of the shell of the mecha being split.

And Bai Jing took this opportunity to hold Gu Yuanchao's cockpit with a titanium alloy long knife.

The boy's heavy panting came from the earplugs: "You... lost, and I finally... won once."

This is already their eighteenth match, but this is the first time Bai Jing uses nanostrings, just to make a surprise!

Gu Yuanchao smiled, his voice didn't sound tired at all: "Ah Jing is so amazing.

Was it just an invisible weapon? Let me guess, it should be an extremely sharp silk thread. "

Bai Jing slowly calmed down his breathing: "Well, you guessed right."

Next, Gu Yuanchao, who had already seen nanostrings, was never entangled by silver filaments again.

He tested the range of this invisible weapon in the shortest time, and then—

Bai Jing fully realized what it means to use the performance of the mecha to the extreme.

Even if Gu Yuanchao changed the attributes of the mecha to the most common third-level mecha, he could still dodge his attack with the fastest movement.

Every step of the opponent seems to be the optimal choice after thousands of careful calculations, to maximize the attributes of the mecha, and to attack while dodging. Bai Jing can hardly imagine his hand speed. To what extent has it reached!

And Gu Yuanchao was also shocked by Bai Jing's terrifying learning ability.

When he points out the opponent's shortcomings after each game, the boy will never make the same mistake again in the next game!

This is nothing short of a miracle!

Even for him, it will take some time to fully correct.

Because when fighting, most human beings rely on instinct.

When life is threatened, the brain has no time to think, and the response it makes is the most faithful response of the body.

And this subconscious action is the hardest to change.

To overcome this instinct, long-term uninterrupted deliberate practice is required until the correct action becomes a subconscious conditioned reflex.

However, the boy was able to suppress this instinct!

Even if he is facing 'death' in the next moment, he will not make the same mistake.

It's like knocking this bug out of your brain and body completely.

What a lot of willpower it takes to do it!

Although other new problems will appear later, the progress of the teenager is obvious.

From being unable to hold on for 10 seconds in his hands at the beginning, to one minute and two minutes later, the current highest record is: 4 minutes and 20 seconds.

This result is even better than many mid-level officers in his hands.

"Ah Jing, let's stop here today, you are too tired."

Gu Yuanchao felt Bai Jing's breathing became more and more rapid. He knew that the young man might have reached his limit and could not continue.

"… good."

Bai Jing took a few breaths, and moved his trembling fingers away from the console.

As soon as his tense mind was relaxed, the next moment overwhelming exhaustion hit him like a flood, drowning him.

Bai Jing leaned limply on the driver's seat, and there was a violent heartbeat around the eardrums, 'Boom, boom, boom' was so fast that it would jump out of his chest.

His eyes turned black in bursts, his fingers were so stiff that he couldn't move, and his whole body seemed to be fished out of the water.

Ever since his mental power was promoted to S rank, he hadn't felt exhausted for a long time.

In just two hours, the two fought 37 games, of which Bai Jing only won one game, which was the first time he used nanostrings.

Gu Yuanchao is really strong!

However, the two-hour battle was more effective than the hundreds of mech battles he had done before, and he found many flaws that he had never noticed before. As long as they are all corrected, Bai Jing believes that his strength will improve rapidly.

Gu Yuanchao was considerate and didn't bother him.

He has had this situation many times since he was a child, and he understands that it is just a sequela after intensive training.

Although he was worried, if Bai Jing was asked to go offline immediately to rest, the nervous system was in a state of excitement at this time, and cutting off the induction all at once would reduce the activity of the nerve endings, so it was not a good choice.

About 20 minutes later, the sound of breathing in the earplugs calmed down, and the boy's dry voice came: "Gu Yuanchao, I'm fine."

For some reason, he felt that Gu Yuanchao's voice was also a little hoarse: "Okay."

The two quickly went offline.

The thin white thread of spiritual power quickly protruded from Bai Jing's body, absorbed half a box of level 6 energy liquid, felt that it was almost enough, and took it back into the master's body.

Most of Bai Jing's fatigue disappeared, his body was sticky and greasy, and he was very uncomfortable. After washing for a long time, he changed into robe-style cotton home clothes.

Gu Yuanchao was very worried about the other party, and rushed to knock on the door as soon as he went offline, but was blocked by Bai Jing.

He stood outside the door for nearly an hour, planning to break in violently if something went wrong.

The five senses of the 3S level can clearly hear the movement in the room.

There is the sound of rushing water in my ears.

The boy is taking a shower.

Gu Yuanchao lowered his eyes, his fingers resting on the wall suddenly tightened, and the strong force almost broke off a piece of the white alloy.

It seems that every time his self-control is in front of the other party, it will be vulnerable to a single blow.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, Bai Jing opened the door to ask Alpha 01 to take away the dirty clothes, but found the tall man still standing outside the door, he couldn't help being taken aback.

'Has he been watching over me? '

Thinking of this, Bai Jing felt a warm feeling in his heart, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Because he had just taken a shower, the boy's body was slightly reddened by the heat, and his fair skin was slightly pink, making him appear more delicate, smooth and flimsy.

The pair of misty brown eyes are looking at him intently, and the beautifully shaped lips are slightly raised, which is very suitable for—

kiss down.

The Adam's apple rolled unconsciously, Gu Yuanchao's deep eyes firmly locked on Bai Jing's lips, and his voice was hoarse: "Ah Jing, can I... take a little reward first?"

Bai Jing's slender eyelashes fluttered slightly, and there was a smile in his beautiful eyes: "Okay."

Soon he paid the price for what he said.

After getting permission, the man could no longer restrain the desire in his heart, and pressed the boy against the wall and kissed him hard.

This time the kiss was even more passionate than before, like a volcano on the verge of eruption, hot and intense, mixed with a particularly strong possessive desire, making it impossible to break free.

Bai Jing's whole body was trapped between his hard and hot chest and the wall behind him, with his strong arms supporting his sides, Gu Yuanchao's tall body approached forcefully, there was almost no gap between them, so close that he could feel to each other's hot breath.

His slender, fair fingers tightly grasped Gu Yuanchao's collar, until his knuckles turned white, trying to resist the rush of pleasure and the feeling of suffocation.

"... Ah Jing."

After the kiss was over, Gu Yuanchao gently pulled away a little distance, looked at the young man in his arms who was breathing unsteadily, his dark eyes lingered for a moment on his lips that were glistening with water: "I accept the first reward. "

Soon, the burning kiss came up again, "This is the second time."

… .

After a few times, both of their bodies were a little agitated.

Gu Yuanchao reluctantly let go of the young man, the other party was panting rapidly, his cheeks were flushed, his brown eyes were wet, as if covered with a layer of water mist, he was amazingly beautiful.

The light-colored lips were ravaged and crimson. They looked a little pitiful, but they were extremely attractive.

Bai Jing half leaned against the wall, although his whole body was weak but he was still out of breath and said: "I... also won once, you agree... let me handle it."

Gu Yuanchao let out a low laugh from his throat, and couldn't help rubbing the boy's hair with his big hands: "I know, I will never break my promise."


The matching time for the fourth-level stone gambler is at least three days.

After all, there are not many intermediate stone gamblers on Proxima Centauri.

And because of Gu Yun's terrifying talent for betting stones, some stone betting masters don't want to continue participating in the stone betting battle for a short time.

No matter how talented a stone gambler is, he will become a foil when he meets Gu Yun. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, this kind of pressure is still great.

Bai Jing boarded the hall of the virtual mecha battle.

He hadn't been online for four days since he played a few battles the day before he went to Wasteland Star.

Bai Jing looked down at his left wrist, and his basic data was displayed on the bracelet:

Name: Alpha

Club: Lingyun Club

Level: L3

Points: 100,000

Followers: 18927

I haven't seen him for a few days, and his followers seem to have increased a lot.

But these are not important, what is important is that he has reached the challenge level and points.

The matching match is a battle between mechs of the same level, while the challenge match is a cross-level match, which can span up to three levels.

For example: Bai Jing's current level is L3, and he can challenge opponents up to L6.

If he wants to challenge a higher-level opponent, he must take out half of all points plus at least one million star coins as a bet.

If you win, you can directly advance to a higher level where your opponent is.

If you lose, star coins and half of the points will be automatically deducted, and you will not be allowed to challenge again within a week.

And if the challenged person loses, the star coins will be deducted normally and will not be downgraded.

If they win, the opponent can get extra points and star coins, so many people will still accept the challenge.

For the challengers, this is equivalent to a huge gamble with half of their wealth, and it is more exciting than a matching match, so it will attract many people to watch the battle!

Bai Jing's goal is L5.

For the L6 level, one million star coins and tens of thousands of points are nothing at all, and they will not accept the challenge easily.

There are a few people in L5 who are often online.

Bai Jing randomly chose a person who is often online in the middle of the points leaderboard, and submitted an application for the challenge to the organizer.

The author has something to say:

The content of the mecha part will not be reduced, but the part will be placed outside the episode, ouch~

small theater:

Gu Shao: Take a notebook and write it down, there are 31 times left>