God-level Stone Gambler

Chapter 75


After Bai Jing turned off his optical brain, he thought of the A02 wool in the dark mark area. He is going to bid tomorrow, but how much should he bid

Based on the fact that there are 60 to 70 kilograms of glass sun green and more than ten kilograms of top-quality glass emperor green jade, it is roughly estimated that the overall value exceeds 500 million star coins!

If you let Bai Jing choose, as long as it does not exceed 350 million stars, or even 400 million, you can try it, and you will definitely make a profit without losing money.

However, the base price of this piece of wool is 80 million, and there are three large cracks on it. Others should not pay such a high price——

Maybe it can be auctioned with 250 million yuan.

However, what if someone specifically gambles and pays a high price? What should I do if I can't hold it

Since Bai Jing preconceived the value of this piece of wool, he felt that it was not safe, what if someone bid higher than him

Well, let's ask Gu Yuanchao.

Bai Jing knocked on the other party's door.

Gu Yuanchao: "Ah Jing, come in directly, the door is not closed."

Bai Jing pushed the door open and walked in. The other party should have just taken a shower, and he could see the drops of water flowing into his chest along his hair, looking lazy and sexy.

Gu Yuanchao arranged for a housekeeping robot to pour a glass of milk for the boy, "Ah Jing, you've been tired all day, why don't you go to sleep?"

Bai Jing picked up the cup and took a sip, the milk scent was very pure: "Not too sleepy. Gu Yuanchao, bidding in the hidden bid area is really difficult, so I want to ask you for advice.

Do you still remember the piece of wool with the number A02 in the hidden label area? "

Gu Yuanchao pondered: "Remember, the piece with cracks on it weighs 126.6 kilograms and has a base price of 80 million. A Jing, do you fancy this piece of wool?"

Bai Jing's slender and thick eyelashes fluttered lightly: "Well, what do you think our bidding amount should be?"

Gu Yuanchao thought for a while: "200 million star coins can definitely be won. If you are more conservative, 180 million star coins are enough."

Surprise appeared in Bai Jing's beautiful brown eyes: "200 million star coins...is it enough?"

Gu Yuanchao smiled: "Ah Jing, last year's secret bid was only 150 million, and 200 million is already very high.

Although there are four or five thousand people in the Sauter public market, in fact, there are not many people who can really vote for this number. "

"Assuming that a person's assets are 1 billion, first of all, it is impossible for him to bet all his assets on Soterco, the risk is too high.

Calculated by 50%, that is 500 million.

Secondly, there are more than 100,000 pieces of wool in the open and hidden areas, especially in the hidden areas. "

Gu Yuanchao looked at the young man with a gentle voice: "Ah Jing, how many stars do you think he can get for each mark?"

Bai Jing pondered: "But, is it possible for him to put most of his assets on this piece of wool?"

Gu Yuanchao hooked his lips: "Ah Jing, there are no more than new kinds of people who participate in Soter's public offering: one is for profit, and the other is for fame.

If they were really going to bet on a wool, it would be A01, not A02.

Because judging from various performances, it is the king of the hidden bid area this time. "

Bai Jing's eyes gradually lit up: "I understand."

It is his subconscious mind that A02 will bet up and A01 will bet down. That's why he is so nervous. He should think the other way around.

Gu Yuanchao gently rubbed the boy's soft hair: "Don't worry, those who voted for A02 are just thinking of picking up the loopholes.

With the help of all the big families bidding for A01, I want to take this piece of cracked wool at a lower price. "

He sneered: "Don't worry, these people are old foxes in the business field, and if they exceed the risk range, they will not give out a single star coin."

There was a trace of admiration in Bai Jing's gaze: "Gu Yuanchao, you are so amazing."

"I grew up in this kind of environment. Some people clearly have hundreds of millions of stars in their pockets, but they still don't let go of a small profit. However, this is also a very common scene in the negotiation field."

Gu Yuanchao approached the young man while talking, his voice was a little low: "Ah Jing, I helped you solve the problem, shouldn't you...repay me?"

When Bai Jing returned to his room, his light-colored lips became bright red, with a thin layer of watery luster, and slightly swollen.

The man's kissing skills are getting better and better, but he is a bit ruthless, like a ferocious wolf.

Well, not at all the demeanor of an imperial major general.

Bai Jing tidied up his slightly disheveled collar, lay on the bed, and had a good night's dream.


On the third day of Suote's public offering, Bai Jing first went to the Mingbiao area to check the wool.

Sure enough, after yesterday's lesson, those prying eyes almost disappeared, which made him feel a lot easier.

However, as the number exceeds 7000, there are basically not many wool materials to choose from, and most of them are stone materials.

As Bai Jing walked, he glanced quickly along the stone platform next to Xin.

Among the thousands of pieces of wool, few have pine flowers and python belts, and the leather shell of the wool has changed from fine leather or sand leather to rough leather.

He used his perception to detect ten of them, and the best texture was the oil green seed grade, and there was a new bean seed block in the rest.

Bai Jing wrote down a piece of water-turned sand leather shell wool with a reserve price of 150,000, numbered 7540, which contained 50 to 60 kilograms of blue-green emeralds from oily green species, which was quite a bargain.

It just so happens that the extracted energy liquid can be mailed to the Xinghai Auction House, and it doesn't take much time anyway.

In addition, Bai Jing found that kind of black stone with super high energy in the place where the number is relatively low!

He was overjoyed and continued to search, but unfortunately only found new pieces among thousands of pieces of wool.

It was still only the size of a new fist, lacquered black, covered with a thick wax shell, smooth and round without edges and corners.

Bai Jing carefully wrote down the new numbers in his electronic book, he had to take pictures of them!

Taking a look at the reserve price, it was only 30,000 star coins.

That's right, this stone doesn't show much, and no one really cares about it. He should be able to photograph it with 100,000 star coins.

When he reached the place numbered 10000, Bai Jing looked back and left the marked area.

Presumably, after the opening of the woolen bids with numbers 6001-9000 in the open label area today, most people should have poured into the hidden label area except for some who missed out.

After all, after three days in the hidden bid area, the first bid will be opened, and the time is still very tight.

The opening of bids in the hidden bid area will last for a week, and new bids will be opened for 10,000 pieces of wool every day.

For the 20,000 yuan bid opened the next day, the bid box and woolen materials will be sealed at 10:00 p.m. the night before, and no further bidding will be allowed.

There are new ways to open bids. One is to go to the auction hall, and there will be scrolling subtitles on the big screen.

Starts at 9:00 am and continues until 12:00 noon.

The other is that at 12:00 noon, if the bid is won, the corresponding number will be automatically displayed on everyone's bidder. In the afternoon, you can go directly to the auction hall to pick it up according to the bid winning result.

Normally, everyone just needs to wait for the results to be sent to the bidder, which is the most convenient.

But in fact, more than 80% of people will go to the auction hall, and the feeling of scratching their lungs is unbearable.

This is a bit like when the scores of some large-scale exams are released. Obviously, because there are too many people logging in, they will be squeezed out as soon as they log in, but they will continue to log in and check.

That sense of urgency is hard to bear for a second.

In this way, opening bids in the morning, bidding in the afternoon, and continuing to open bids the next morning, every day will be extremely exciting.

However, the wool fabrics numbered A01-A100 in the hidden label area will be reserved until the last day of bidding.

This is the real highlight of the entire Sauter public offering.

Who among the major families can win the bid, whether the bid can rise sharply, and which family will be the biggest winner of this emerald event will all be announced one by one!

This is also the purpose of the major families to participate in the Sauter Fair, for the sake of fame, to frighten other families, and to leave a strong mark on the records of later generations.


After noon, Gu Yuanchao had other matters to deal with, so Bai Jing came to the dark mark area alone.

The number on the bidding box of A01 has changed from '17' to '23'. It seems that the competition for the bidder is quite fierce among the various families.

Holding a strong light in his right hand, he irradiated it inch by inch along the green opening of the glass. After carefully observing the piece of wool again, he scanned the code on the bidding box with a bidding device and bid for the second time.

The number on the A01 tender box quickly changed to '24'.

In the eyes of others, this is: since the bidding yesterday, Gu Yun was worried that other people's bids would exceed his own, so he was very impatient, so he raised the price again on the basis of the original price, trying to win the "bidder king" of the Sauter public offer. '.

Then, Bai Jing walked to the side of A02, briefly glanced at the cracks on it, pretended to be hesitant, and also bid.

Comparing with his bidding for A01, this bidding seems to be making alternatives and picking up leaks.

Bai Jing thought about the price last night - 213 million.

The extra part is just in case, after all, when he bids on the open bid, he sees too many situations where the raw materials will be taken away after adding 100,000 yuan.

The moment the electronic bid was cast, Bai Jing felt much more at ease.

He believed in Gu Yuanchao.

And his series of actions are also in line with the mentality of most people.

No one would think that what he really liked was A02, after all, the performance of A01 was too perfect.

The first 100 wool white scenes in the dark mark area have been seen yesterday, because the wiped out windows are all mid-to-high-end jadeite, so the price is very high.

For the few pieces of wool he voted for yesterday, the numbers displayed on the bidding box all reached more than 50.

Bai Jing didn't think that the price he filled in could exceed the highest price of the tens of electronic bids in the bid box, and these bids would be invalidated.

Therefore, he only picked a piece of wool in the hidden mark area, and he needed to speed up.

Bai Jing looked at them one by one, and found that the number on the bid box was not lower than '30' for woolen fabrics with a hidden label number within 500.

It seems that the rich and powerful who are not rich enough to compete for the bid king have all set their sights on these woolen materials.

Indeed, the risk of semi-gambling wool is much lower than that of fully gambling wool, and judging from the rubbing of these wools, the quality of the planting water is good, and it should be carefully selected.

And the stone-cleaning master who rubs the stone is also a master among the masters. Many of the openings are just opened in the best position of the whole piece of wool for water and color. If it is three centimeters to the side, the value of this piece of wool will be greater Big discount.

Really great!

The fact is also the same. The stone-resolving masters hired by the organizer are all masters with more than 50 years of experience.

They may not know how to gamble on stones, but they have been working on stones for so many years. After carefully looking around the wool, touching it with their hands, and shining it with a strong light, they know where the green is most likely to be rubbed.

Moreover, the first 500 pieces of wool in the dark mark area were screened over and over again. Dozens of experienced stone-cleaning masters discussed together for many days before they figured out which place to rub the stone to best show Find out the value of this piece of wool.

After exploring a few blocks with his perception, Bai Jing shook his head in his heart, and walked directly to the back. He didn't stop until the serial number was displayed as A2000.

Here is still half-baked wool, but the texture of the mouth has changed from the ice type and water type in the front to the middle and low-grade oil green type and fine bean type jadeite.

Although the seed water is slightly inferior, the color is relatively uniform and high green. It can be said to be the top grade of the same level, and the value is not inferior to the higher-level waxy seeds and egg white seeds.

Bai Jing observed for a while, among the wool fabrics numbered A2000-A5000, in addition to the obvious rubbing texture, there were still a lot of wool fabrics that had a fog layer.

High-grade mist layers such as white mist and honey mist will generally continue to be wiped down after being wiped out, because most of the emeralds below are clean, and the value of wiping out is higher.

However, yellow mist, red mist, and black mist, because of the great uncertainty, are generally not wiped away, and those who like to gamble on mist are left to bid, but they can be auctioned for a better price.

What Bai Jing saw now was the yellow and red mist wiped out of wool, and behind it was the second-class black mist.

Since he had gambled good jadeites in the red mist and yellow mist before, Bai Jing was very interested in betting on the mist, and there might be a certain probability that he could bet on jadeites of rare colors such as yellow jadeite and violet.

Apparently, many people think the same as him.

The base price of these foggy wools is not low, each of which is no less than 2 million star coins, and the number of electronic bids in the bidding box is no less than the first 100 pieces of wool!

This is also related to the fact that Bai Jing unwrapped the glass chicken oil yellow jadeite under the yellow mist yesterday, so a top-quality jadeite worth hundreds of millions is enough to drive everyone crazy!

What if they can also bet on a piece of yellow jadeite under the fog layer, don't ask for glass seeds, ice seeds are also fine.

The fog of jadeite can be thick or thin, and the color can be deep or light. It is difficult to judge the color and texture of jadeite according to the fog layer.

However, if the mist layer is relatively pure, the jadeite below will also be relatively pure. If there are many impurities on the mist layer, the impurities will also penetrate into the jadeite under the mist layer, resulting in the emergence of impurities in the jadeite.

Going straight along the stone platform, Bai Jing selected a few pieces of material from which the red mist was wiped out, and took it back after detecting it with his perception for a while.

Sure enough, there are still a few who can solve the red jadeite under the red mist. As the saying goes, "ten red mist and nine gray", this is indeed a word of experience.

Bai Jing probed more than a dozen pieces one after another, and there was a new piece of red in the back, but it was far from the bright red, and the water for planting could only reach waxy seeds, so it might not reach the bidding price.

The same is true for the yellow mist. Even if the yellow scorpion emerges from the bottom, it is basically mixed with gray, giving people a dirty feeling, and the color is not bright at all.

Among them, the best piece he found was a yellow jadeite made of ice.

The color is not bright yellow, but a slightly darker orange-yellow. Fortunately, the size of the jadeite is not small, weighing more than 20 kilograms. Judging from the rarity in the market, the total price should be more than 80 million.

This is a piece of material made of yellow salt sand skin, which is about the size of a basketball and weighs 38.9 kilograms. The shape is sunken in the middle and the new end is raised, a bit like the shape of a gold ingot.

Its skin is evenly sanded and the particles are fine, which belongs to the top grade of yellow sand skin.

A gray-white python belt obliquely runs through most of the wool, and the surrounding pine flowers are intermittent, developing in leaps and bounds.

This kind of pine flower is called jumping belt pine flower, which is a kind of belt pine flower. If there is this kind of pine flower, it is necessary to check its continuity with the python belt. If it is continuous, it is more likely to bet.

But because there are a lot of gray-brown withered ringworm around it, although it does not do much harm to the original jadeite, it also covers up the continuity of the jumping belt pine flowers, making it difficult to distinguish.

Therefore, this piece of wool has greater uncertainty.

Not only that, but the window through which it wipes out the yellow mist is not big, a small opening about the width of a new finger, compared with the incision next to it that is the size of an adult's fist, the contrast is very sharp.

Bai Jing glanced at the bidding box, and there were relatively few people who voted for this piece among the yellow-fogged wool, but there were more than 20 people.

He first scanned the codes of several other yellow mist materials that performed well, and filled in the number 3 million on the bidder as a cover

Finally, an electronic bid of 11.7 million star coins was placed next to the piece of wool with the number A3680.

This price should not be low, after all, the first 500 pieces of wool are the object of competition for those aristocratic families. As far as the part of the emerald rough that wiped out the yellow mist, this piece of wool is also the unremarkable batch.

In addition to this piece of wool, Bai Jing also invested in a piece of material that can extract blue water jadeite from ice species, but the blue water jadeite inside is about 14 to 5 kilograms. He placed a bid of 9.2 million, and I don't know if he can win it.

Bai Jing continued to move forward. After the red mist and yellow mist, the black mist that everyone was least optimistic about followed.

Black fog is a common fog. If the fog is thick, the base is gray and it tends to run away.

The quality of black fog also depends on the depth and thickness of the fog color, as well as the width and thickness of the fog layer and other morphological characteristics.

Due to the relatively large changes in the black mist, it is not only born in the mist layer between the leather shell and the jade flesh, but also penetrates into the jade flesh, which may contaminate the foundation. [Note]

Therefore, most people don't like to bet on black mist.

Bai Jing inspected a few pieces of wool with black mist with his perception, and it turned out to be a low-grade jadeite with a gray base.

However, not long after he left, he suddenly felt an obvious fluctuation in his mental strength.

Walking in the undulating direction, Bai Jing came to the woolen fabric numbered A4100.

This is an authentic piece of black Usha wool from the old pit species. The skin is black like lacquer, and the surface is covered with a layer of black wax shell. The shell is covered with gray-green pine flowers, and there is a circle of strip-shaped pine flowers in the middle. The performance is not bad.

Heiwusha wool is a real "ten bets and nine losers". There is a certain possibility that it will be high green, but this possibility is very small, so it is generally placed in the marked area.

But this piece of wool is different from ordinary black Usha, it is very big, of course, this big is relative.

Ordinary black Ushas are very small and chubby, the small ones are only the size of a new fist, and the big ones are no more than the size of a child's playing ball, no more than 7 or 8 kilograms at most.

However, this piece of wool has the size of a football and weighs 23.3 kilograms.

Perhaps the seller thinks that this piece of wool is very big, and there is no shortage of pine flower python belts, so he intends to rub the stone to see if he can get high green.

However, after wiping off the wax shell and sand skin shell, what was revealed was the most weird and unpredictable black mist!

If you continue to rub it, there is a good chance that the bottom is a gray jade with a poor foundation, so it is better to put it directly in the hidden mark area, and there will always be bids.

The base price of this piece of wool is 1.5 million, which is not low.

Bai Jing glanced at the bidding box, and the number displayed on it was '8'.

As expected of the hidden bidding area, there were bidders for woolen materials with black fog. It seems that Gu Yuanchao said that many people would bid for hundreds of bids, which is not an exaggeration.

Bai Jing used a strong light to shine along the mouth of the black mist, and he could see the deep dark green coming out from the inside. The color was very dark, not as bright as sun green, apple green and other colors.

This color is "too thick" for green jadeite, which does not meet the thick and yang in "Zheng, Nong, Yang, Jun", and is relatively cheap.

Deepen the perception into the interior of the emerald along the black mist, and feel an extremely strong active reaction as soon as you enter it. This feeling is no less than that of the glass kind of imperial green! !

Moreover, what surprised him the most was that all of this piece of wool was made of emeralds, at least seventeen or eight kilograms in weight!

Bai Jing's breath suddenly became short of breath, he didn't dare to look at this piece of wool again, he took a deep breath while walking, but there was only one thought in his mind: must, must take a picture of this piece of wool! !

The author has something to say: Little Theater 1:

Young Master Gu: When will Ah Jing come to see me next time, I look forward to it>