God-level Stone Gambler

Chapter 77


Hidden bid A3200, winning bid price 18.9 million, winning bid number 244, congratulations.

This was Bai Jing's first bid, and he failed.

Although he knew that the price he bid had little chance of winning the bid, Bai Jing was still a little disappointed when he saw the results displayed on the big screen.

His bid for this piece of ice blue water jadeite was 9.2 million, which was more than double the winning bid price.

These bidders are insane!

Bai Jing couldn't help but get nervous. There are already more than 3,000 rough stones, and the winning bid price is still so high.

Looking at it this way, the two pieces of wool A3680 and A4100 that he is looking at behind will only need two or three sets, and the price——

Will it be high too

Bai Jing's heartbeat suddenly became violent, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, telling himself to calm down, the result could not be changed!

Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't regret it when you make a decision.

Even if he did it all over again, he believed that he would still make the same choice.

Brown eyes stared intently at the numbers on the big screen, the hustle and bustle around seemed to exist in another world, every minute and every second became extremely long, making people restless.

Auctioneer: "The next group is A3501-A3700, the display time is 90 seconds, please look at the big screen."

At this moment, Bai Jing held his breath involuntarily, did the ice-species Huang Fei hit it

Hidden bid A3679, winning bid price 13.8 million, winning bid number 817, congratulations.

Hidden bid A3680, winning bid price 11.7 million, winning bid number 005, congratulations.

Hidden bid A3681, winning bid price 12 million, winning bid number 362, congratulations.

… .

In a series of numbers, Bai Jing saw the winning bid price displayed on A3680, 11.7 million, won! He hit it! !

The tense body relaxed at this moment, a bright smile appeared on the young man's face, his brown eyes seemed to be full of stars hidden in the sky, dazzling and beautiful.

Anyone can feel the joy from his heart.

[Gu Yuanchao, I won the bid, so happy!]

Bai Jing set the timed sending of messages on the optical brain.

He knew that the other party didn't have time now, but this didn't prevent him from sharing his joy with the man.

"I got hit hahahaha—"

"I bid six times and finally won today!"

"Damn, miss!"

"Missed again, shit!"

There were all kinds of crazy shouts all around, those who won the bid jumped for joy, those who did not win the bid were dejected, and some even broke down and cried bitterly.

At this time, the rich people here are no different from ordinary people, venting their emotions in the auction hall.

After another group, the big screen will display the winning bid price numbered A3901-A4100.

Following the auctioneer's words, Bai Jing felt his heartbeat was stronger than ever, even the sound of a bulging heartbeat around his eardrums, his breathing was short of breath, and his palms were full of sweat.

Here is his most promising A4100, but you must win the bid! !

The moment the screen switched, Bai Jing saw the bottom line at a glance:

Hidden bid A4100, winning bid price 4.99 million, winning bid number 005, congratulations.


Bai Jing shouted excitedly, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, and he felt unprecedented ease.

His voice was drowned out by the shouts, and the other winning bidders were as excited as he was.


"Why is this group so low?"

"It's all wool with a layer of black mist, following behind the red mist and yellow mist."

"Haha, I missed a few pieces, untie them tonight and have a look."

"I hit a piece too—"

After waiting for his mood to calm down, Bai Jing left the crowded auction hall.

There was a smile on his lips all the time, and his whole body was full of vitality. He quickly checked the woolen fabrics for tomorrow's opening bid along the hidden bid area, and his expression was not tired at all.

Well, people feel refreshed on happy occasions, that's what I'm talking about.


The time that followed was tense.

The hidden bid area opens bids of 20,000 yuan a day. Except for the first day, the subsequent numbers are not arranged according to the base price of wool, but according to the order of storage, and there is a big gap between them.

This is also to prevent most people from focusing their attention on the woolen fabrics with the first numbers, and causing tens of thousands of woolen fabrics in the back to be neglected.

20,000 yuan of woolen fabrics, and the exciting bidding opening process in the morning, even if many people look sluggish because they didn't win the bid, they still have to cheer up to watch the bid in the afternoon, otherwise tomorrow will be nothing!

In this tense atmosphere, people all looked hurried, and even the voice of conversation was much lower.

In addition to the semi-betting wool in the hidden mark area, there are also many full-betting wool that have performed well, and the base price is not much lower than the former.

Bai Jing opened the electronic book, and the numbers of hundreds of pieces of wool had been written down densely on it.

In addition to A02 and A4100, there are 5 types of glass, 8 types of high ice, and 15 types of ice, half of which are rare colors such as violet, blue on white, double color, and red emerald. The lowest type is hibiscus.

However, he crossed off a third of them, all of which were unsuccessful bids.

Some auction prices shocked even Bai Jing.

A piece of well-performing white salt sand skin wool less than 20 kilograms, the winning bid price was 63 million!

With such a high price, there is a high possibility that you will lose your bet.

If the inside is made of high green glass and full of emeralds, it can indeed earn more than 10 million star coins.

But he checked it out with his senses, and the emerald inside was ice-type light green, only half the size of the whole piece of wool, and worth at most 15 million.

The person who bought it is really miserable!

What Bai Jing didn't know was that the opening bid price on the first day set a new high in the public jadeite market, causing many people to return empty-handed and get nothing.

Then in the next few days, these people will naturally focus on the good materials behind.

The material that everyone is looking for, if you want to win the bidding, the bidding price can only remain high, which is also impossible.

Moreover, most people have a herd mentality. The higher the number on the bidding box, the more people will vote in it and try to increase the price.

For those materials that did not perform well, there were not many electronic bids, and others could pass them at a glance, and the contrast was particularly sharp.

This situation also allowed Bai Jing to successfully pick up a few pieces of materials that did not perform well, but could produce high ice species and ice species.

As the opening of the hidden bid area draws to a close, there is basically nothing to choose from for the remaining wool materials. Like the open bid area, most of them are some stone materials.

And tomorrow will be the last day of bid opening, and the bids for woolen fabrics numbered A01-A100 will be opened after the last batch of woolen fabrics.

These 100 pieces of wool are the best-performing half-gambling wool carefully selected by the organizer from more than 100,000 pieces of wool. Among them, the top-ranked A01 is very likely to be the open label + hidden label area of this year’s Soter Fair The standard king.

At that time, it will be the biggest highlight of this Sauter public offering. Who will win the bid king

Will it continue the trend of the last bid king? What will the price be? !

And the financial resources, means, and vision of each family will be displayed in these 100 pieces of high-quality wool, and even determine the development of the next three to five years to a certain extent.

To give an example: a certain family not only lost hundreds of millions of dollars in the auction of Sauter, but also failed to find a few pieces of high-end emeralds. Then it is difficult for his auction house to have good auctions to attract the attention of the public, let alone the finale. Auction.

As for the senior energy masters they cooperate with, they also need level 6 jade to extract the energy liquid, and it is hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

If this situation cannot be alleviated quickly, their competitors will never let go of this opportunity!

And because Gu's has Bai Jing, he will be the biggest winner of this Sauter public offering, and he will earn a lot of money!

A02 If this piece of wool can be photographed, it is equivalent to harvesting more than 60 kilograms of glass sun green and more than ten kilograms of top-quality glass emperor green jadeite!

In addition to 2 pieces of glass in the marked area and 5 pieces of glass in the hidden area, these are enough to extract hundreds of boxes of high-grade energy liquid above level 6, which can at least meet the needs of the auction house and the military for the past two years!

And those high-ice or ice-type jadeites of rare colors such as violet, blue on white, two-color, and red jadeite can be placed in batches at the auction house as the finale lot.

Although it can't reach the level of top-grade jadeite, it's not enough to smash the signboard.

As for the top-quality glass chicken oil yellow, as a top-quality jadeite, it can attract many people's attention just for display. After all, there is no second top-quality yellow jadeite in the entire empire!

However, all of this will have to wait until the opening of bids ends tomorrow before the dust settles.


That night, Bai Jing suffered from insomnia for the first time.

In the apocalypse, he raced against time to use every bit of time to rest. After coming to the interstellar era, he also continued this habit. He would fall asleep within 30 seconds of lying on the bed.

But now, he has been lying in bed for two hours, and he still has no sleepiness.

After finally falling asleep, Bai Jing had a nightmare.

He dreamed that the auctioneer said with a smile: "Congratulations to the hidden bid A02 for becoming the veritable king of bidders in this auction. The winning bid price is 360 million. Congratulations!"

360 million? How could it be 360 million! !

Bai Jing sat up from the bed sweating profusely, looked around, and found that he was still in the hotel, so he breathed a sigh of relief, hoo, it turned out to be a dream.

If the bid can be changed now, I'm afraid he will go to modify it overnight!

Until the last moment of closing the bid, he did not change the bid price. Although the number on the bid box was more than a dozen, he also restrained his thoughts of re-bidding.

He believed in Gu Yuanchao's judgment.

But now, Bai Jing regretted it a little.

If the shot misses—

Then Gu Yuanchao, you are dead.

When the man came back from the dusty outside the next morning, what he faced was the boy with a somewhat indifferent expression.

Gu Yuanchao smiled and said, "Ah Jing, I'm back."

Bai Jing glanced at him, but still couldn't hold back, and asked with downcast eyes, "Are you...are you injured?"

Gu Yuanchao frowned slightly: "Well, the injury is on the back, it hurts."

"Gu Yuanchao, are you actually injured?!" Bai Jing exclaimed, and immediately came to his side, trying to untie his clothes.

The man pressed his hand and said with a low smile, "I'll do it myself."

The imperial major general's slender fingers unbuttoned the military uniform one by one, with flexible and rhythmic movements.

With his movements, his bare chest was exposed inch by inch, and his perfect upper body was gradually revealed.

Healthy wheat-colored skin, well-proportioned body, broad shoulders and narrow waist.

Especially the eight-pack abs at the bottom, with a clear mechanism, beautiful lines, and powerful explosive power, can be called the best.

"Cough, Ah Jing, what do you think—" How is my body

Before he could finish speaking, he was pushed onto the sofa by the young man, turned over completely, stroking the wound on his back with cool fingers.

It was indeed injured, but it has basically healed under the action of the healing device, leaving only a long scratch, as if cut by some kind of sharp weapon.

Judging from the length and speed of healing, the injury should have been serious at the time.

Feeling Bai Jing's silence, Gu Yuanchao turned his head and smiled: "It's okay, it's just a small injury."

The next moment, the other party lowered his head and kissed him.

The major general of the empire was stunned for a moment, then turned over, pressed the young man on the sofa and kissed him deeply for a long time before letting go.

And Bai Jing also inevitably touched the bulging muscle lines on his body, um, it feels so good, people can't help but want to touch it a few more times.

As a result, the two almost missed the bid opening time, and Bai Jing's previous tension was gone.

auction room.

The winning bid price of the remaining thousands of pieces of wool in the hidden bid area quickly flashed on the big screen, changing from a group of 200 to a group of 500.

Most of the auctions failed because no one bid, and the rest were basically bids at the reserve price to miss out.

The guests present began to chat in twos and threes, asking each other about their gains on the Sauter auction, and no one cared about the serial number and winning bid price on the screen.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for this part of the remaining wool to be released.

The next thing will be the opening price of the number A01-A100, the 100 pieces of high-profile wool.

The winning bid number of each piece of wool will be announced by the auctioneer in turn, and the big screen will also display it line by line to ensure that everyone can see it clearly.

The auctioneer shook the handbell: "Please be quiet, I will announce the last set of winning bid numbers for Soter's auction, hidden bids A01-A100."

As soon as these words came out, the entire auction hall instantly became silent, except for the sound of rapid breathing.

"First announce the first bid: hidden bid No. A01, the winning bid price is 320 million!"

The auctioneer's voice was a little excited: "This is also the king of the Soter auction this time, and the winning bid number is - 012, congratulations!!"

"320 million? So high!"

"It's more than double the bid of last year!!"

"Hiss, who is so generous?"

"Look at the number, it's the Yuan family of the five great families of the empire!"

"Awesome, worthy of being a top family!"

"I didn't expect that it was the Yuan family who won the first prize in this year's Sauter public offering—"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the energetic old man in the VIP area. The old man's long and narrow eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was a little satisfaction on his face.

The young man next to him wore a pair of silver glasses. He was gentle and elegant, with a calm demeanor. He nodded slightly to everyone, and his every move showed good upbringing, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

"Master Yuan Hao is really elegant and noble in his bones."

"Apart from Young Master Gu, he is the most popular in the Star Field!"

"Much better than his brother—"

"It seems that he will be the next Patriarch of the Yuan Clan."

The head of the Lei family next to him snorted softly. The Yuan family was only ranked at the bottom of the five great families in the empire, but they liked to show off and show off their own strength everywhere.

It's a pity that his bidding price was 10 million less than the other party's, and the bid king didn't get it. It's really disgusting to watch the Yuan family proud here.

A minute later, the auctioneer rang the handbell again: "Please be quiet, and I will announce the second bid:

Hidden bid No. A02, winning bid price 213 million, winning bid number—005, congratulations! ! "

Bai Jing held Gu Yuanchao's hand tightly and slowly released it. He looked at the man's deep and gentle eyes, and suddenly hugged him: "Gu Yuanchao, did you hear me, I won the bid!!"

Gu Yuanchao caressed his back, smiled close to his ear and said, "Ah Jing is so amazing."

Bai Jing raised his body, his brown eyes curved into beautiful arcs: "You are amazing."

It saved more than 100 million star coins at once.

"005, isn't this, isn't this Gu Yun?"

"Gu Yun didn't compete for the bid king?!"

"No, I saw him bid for A01."

"I think A02 will definitely go up!

"The contest between the Yuan family and the Gu family, the two top aristocratic families, is definitely something to watch!"

"I'll know when I explain the stone in the afternoon."

"Wait and see!"

The face of the Patriarch of the Yuan family is not very good-looking to the naked eye, Gu Yun, heh.

He glanced at Yuan Hao beside him, who nodded to him.

The old man's expression softened a lot, he glanced at the people around him contemptuously, and began to close his eyes to rest.

Afternoon is the highlight.

The voice of the auctioneer continued to ring: "The hidden bid A03, the winning bid price is 168 million, and the winning bid number is 019, congratulations!!"

The wool materials A01-A100 were basically divided up by the major families, and the winning bid price was no less than 60 million star coins.

As for whether you can gamble up, that's another matter.

The total transaction price of Soter's public offering this time far exceeds the previous ones, which also indicates that the competition in the jadeite rough business will become more intense and approaching white-hot.

Bai Jing used the optical brain to scan the bidding device to pay for the star coins, and soon a handling robot delivered the piece of wool weighing more than 100 kilograms.

In this jade event, Bai Jing bought a total of 68 pieces of wool, and spent a total of more than 700 million star coins, which did not include the 20 million discount offered by the organizer.

Fortunately, there are 600 million star coins that Gu Yuanchao invested in, otherwise there would be more than a hundred million star coins in his optical brain account.

Among these materials, more than a dozen pieces in the Mingbiao area have all been sold out, some of them were auctioned on the spot, and the remaining glass jadeite was placed in Gu Yuanchao's space button.

However, because the closing time of the woolen materials in the hidden bid area is too late every day, the organizer did not arrange a time for unraveling.

Dozens of not-so-small pieces of wool were piled up together like a hill, and they couldn't fit into the space button at all, so they were brought back to Capital Planet by Gu's exclusive spaceship.

As for the more than 100 kilograms of A02 wool, it would be more convenient for Bai Jing to untie it in the afternoon and take it away directly.

At the same time, it is also for the Gu family to frighten the great families!

He glanced at Yuanshi's leaving figure, his eyes were cold.

Regardless of whether it is the Sauter public offering or after the Sauter public offering, you are all over.

The author has something to say:

small theater:

Young Master Gu: Ah Jing, are you satisfied with what you see now

Bai Jing: Turn over.

Young Master Gu: QAQ, don't you want to see my abs

Bai Jing: Well, it feels really good.