God-level Stone Gambler

Chapter 83


Bai Jing is undergoing an examination in the private clinic of Xing Fu Yan in the capital.

Using more than ten sets of complicated medical equipment, after a full five hours of inspection, Fu Yan held the report in his hand and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose very seriously: "Young Master Gu, after testing—"

Seeing the nervous expression and clenched palms of the imperial major general, Fu Yan cleared his throat: "After testing, your Ah Jing has no physical problems and is very healthy."

Received the cold look from his friend Sen, he smiled and added: "And healthy in every sense.

His mental strength value has completely exceeded the limit that normal people can bear, as long as he wants, no one can hurt him. "

Fu Yan gave a 'tsk' sound, "You two, one is the limit of human genetic level, the other is the limit of spiritual power, you really match well."

Gu Yuanchao's expression softened: "Thank you."

Fu Yan coughed: "..."

Caught off guard to eat a mouthful of dog food.

After leaving the private clinic, Gu Yuanchao thought of the scene where Bai Jing was helping An Ge and others sort out their mental power, and said hesitantly: "Ah Jing, can you do me a favor?"

Bai Jing smiled: "Of course."

Regardless of the relationship between the two, Gu Yuanchao has helped him so much, and he should reciprocate.

Gu Yuanchao: "It's like this, my uncle Gu Liubai was unfortunately attacked by a high-level alien beast two years ago, and he is still lying in the medical cabin until now..."

He held the young man's slender fingers: "I want you to use your mental strength to diagnose uncle.

But... Ah Jing, don't worry about it.

Father invited senior doctors from all over the empire, but they couldn't cure him, even if he failed, it didn't matter. "

Bai nodded: "Okay, I'll give it a try."

After getting on the suspension car, Bai Jing realized belatedly that he seemed to be meeting his boyfriend's parents soon? !

The boy's usually calm face showed a rare nervousness: "Gu Yuanchao, well, I don't seem to have time to prepare for the meeting ceremony."

The man laughed lowly, set the suspension car to automatic driving mode, and gently stroked the boy's soft hair: "It's okay, they don't lack anything.

What's more, my parents are very grateful to you for winning such a high reputation for the Gu family in Sote. "

Bai Jing lowered his eyes: "Yes."

Just still a little nervous.

After all, the Gu family, who is the head of the five great families in the empire, would really let his only heir be with him who was not from a family

Thinking of the rumors about Gu's and Du's marriage that he had heard before, Bai Jing pursed his lips, and suddenly became concerned.

Gu Yuanchao kissed his fingertips with a gentle voice: "Ah Jing, don't worry, my parents have long agreed to our dating."

Seeing the young man's surprised gaze, the man smiled helplessly: "Ah Jing, do you have any misunderstandings about yourself

You are a new star in the stone gambling world, the youngest high-level stone gambling master, an outstanding mech warrior, and a master-level energy master. Why do they disagree? "

Gu Yuanchao smiled half-truthfully and said: "To be precise, I am the one who has climbed high. I hope Young Master Bai will not dislike you."

Bai Jing's mood was completely relaxed, he straightened up and pinched the Imperial Major General's chin, raised his eyebrows: "Young Master Bai will not dislike you, after all your figure... Well, it's very good."

"Then, Young Master Bai can touch his face a few more times."

Gu Yuanchao smiled and held the boy's hand, and opened the hem of his jacket.

The tight muscle texture is well-defined and has an excellent touch, making Bai Jing a little bit fond of it.

Gu Yuanchao's breathing gradually became heavy, and finally he kissed the other party unbearably.

The black hover car stopped in Gu's hovering area for a long time before the two got down.

Bai Jing secretly squeezed his numb hands behind him.

It's really self-inflicted, the durability of a man is completely beyond his imagination, this feeling is more tiring than rubbing a stone with a grinding wheel.

The butler waited outside with a smile on his face, and when he saw Bai Jing, he respectfully called out, "Young Master Gu, Young Master Jing."

Gu Yuanchao nodded, and pulled Bai Jing inside.

The Gu family is located in the center of Capital Star. It is a manor-style building with a large area. Walking in it, Bai Jing can feel the strong heritage of the Gu family and the aura of the aristocratic family.

The Patriarch of the Gu family and Mrs. Gu were indeed very friendly to him, and Mrs. Gu held his hand and chatted for a long time very kindly, and gave him a small golden seal.

Bai Jing didn't know until later that this seal contained a mining area transfer agreement.

Mrs. Gu actually gave him a rough jadeite mine!

Gu Yuanchao was obviously not surprised at all, because he entrusted his mother to give it to him.

This is a mining area that has not yet been exploited by the Gu family. It is rated B+ and worth billions of star coins. This is what the heirs of the Gu family think is most worthy of their own wishes.

Bai Jing still doesn't know the value of it, so he carefully threaded the gold seal on a string and hung it around his neck.

Then he followed Gu Yuanchao to Master Gu Liubai's room.

Master Gu Liubai's room is very elegant. There are many landscape paintings of the ancient earth on the wall, and there are many precious porcelains on the shelf. It seems that he is still a collector.

In the middle of the room is a white medical cabin about two meters long. Professional medical staff opened the medical cabin, and Bai Jing saw Master Gu Liubai lying inside.

He knew that the other party was at least fifty years old, but now he looked only in his thirties, and because of Gu's genes, his face was very handsome.

The other party was fully dressed and lying in the translucent liquid, as if asleep.

However, Bai Jing could see a trace of black air on the master's face and bare wrists, and it was true that the master was indeed polluted by spiritual power.

Gu Yuanchao signaled all the medical staff to leave, looked solemnly at the people in the medical cabin, and said in a low voice: "At that time, I was killing alien beasts in the outer star field, but I didn't expect that my uncle in the central area was also attacked, and I couldn't catch up in time —”

Bai Jing felt the regret in the man's words, and gently held his hand: "I will try my best to make Master recover."

Gu Yuanchao held the young man's slender fingers instead: "Ah Jing, do your best, don't force yourself."


A thin line of white spiritual power protruded from Bai Jing's body, circled around Master Gu Liubai, and then entered his body.

Bai Jing 'saw' patches of black air, and some even began to corrode internal organs. If not treated in time, it may take less than a year...

The thin white thread wrapped around the black air one by one, and began to absorb it. After absorbing one place, it went to another place, and quickly absorbed most of the black air, leaving only a part of the body surface.

Then, the mental power shrank back aggrieved, and kept saying 'Bah, bah, bah, bah'.

Vomit, it's really unpalatable, woo woo woo, it doesn't want to eat!

Bai Jing looked at the mental power wrapped around his wrist, and reluctantly took out a box of eight-level energy liquid from the space button.

Immediately, the white tip stuck in, 'Gudong Gudong' took a few sips, then continued to clean up reluctantly.

An hour later, the black air remaining in Master Gu Liubai's body was finally cleaned up. Bai Jing wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said to the nervous man beside him, "Okay."

Gu Yuanchao immediately called the medical staff and looked at the boy with concern.

"I'm fine."

Bai Jing looked at the medical staff coming and going, the master should be out of danger now, right

Not long after, a middle-aged doctor said pleasantly: "The vital signs have basically returned to normal, but a little weak, and more nutritional medicines!"


"My God, this is nothing short of a miracle!"

"Yes, there has been no progress for two years. I didn't expect the injury to recover so quickly!"

"If it continues like this, within two days, Grandmaster will definitely be able to wake up—"

Seeing the excited crowd, Bai Jing and Gu Yuanchao retreated silently.

"Ah Jing, thank you very much."

Gu Yuanchao hugged the young man into his arms with an excited expression: "Ah Jing, you are amazing, you are the benefactor of the entire Gu family—"

Bai Jing also hugged the other's strong waist, feeling the man's violent heartbeat: "Then, how will Young Master Gu repay me?"

Gu Yuanchao kissed his hair, and smiled lowly: "May I agree with my body?"

Bai Jing smiled and hummed: "Okay, it's a deal."


Three days later, the news of Master Gu Liubai's waking up, the eighth-level stone gambler, spread throughout the entire star network, and tears filled the eyes of countless fans.

It's been two years, they've been waiting for two full years, and finally the day when the master wakes up!

The president of the Stone Gambler Guild is also very relieved. The three sixth-level stone gamblers that the Stone Gambler Guild lost because of the Yuan family have finally been made up for!

The power of the only eighth-level stone gambler in the empire is extraordinary, and all the major families came to congratulate him, and even the imperial family expressed their deep condolences.

With Gu Yun, a senior stone gambler who has repeatedly created miracles, and Gu Liubai, who has already awakened, everyone knows that Gu's status will be as unshakable as the sky!

But what made them very curious was who cured Master Gu Liubai

In the past two years, Gu has hired countless doctors, but in the end he could only delay his illness with the help of the medical cabin. Now he has recovered miraculously. Which medical master can create such a miracle

Does this mean that in the future, human beings will no longer be afraid of the spiritual attacks of alien beasts? !

However, no one from the Gu family came forward to answer this question, leaving people to speculate.

The Patriarch of the Gu family watched with great excitement that his cousin could move freely as before, his body was gradually recovering, and even his mental strength was not damaged at all, and he was still at the 3S level!

At this moment, he was extremely satisfied with Bai Jing, his son's vision is really great!

It was because of his poor eyesight that he didn't see the potential in this young man, and almost missed a piece of jade in the rough.

The head of the Gu family sighed, maybe he should have given up the position of head of the family to Gu Yuanchao earlier.

At the same time, the Capital Star Du family.

The head of the Du family, Du Feng, is holding a family video conference. In addition to Du Jingya and Du Xingyu, there are also the heads of the planets.

They are all part of the Du family's main family, and they have a lot of power to speak.

An old man said: "Jingya is not young anymore, and the marriage with Young Master Gu is on the agenda."

Another middle-aged man also echoed: "That's right. The Gu family is now stronger than ever, so we must seize the opportunity."

Du Xingyu couldn't help but said: "But my sister doesn't like Young Master Gu—"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the old man: "Everything should be based on the interests of the family! Otherwise, how could the Du family become one of the four great families in the empire?!"

Du Jingya sneered: "You guys have a pretty good idea, but why does Mrs. Gu want to cooperate with us

The Gu family has Gu Yun now, and Master Gu Liubai has also woken up. Unlike before, everyone gets what they need, and they don't need us at all now.

Besides, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Gu Shao likes Yunshen, are you blind? "

The middle-aged man's expression changed: "Jingya, what are you talking about?!

You are sitting here because you are the party. You have no place to speak here! "

Du Jingya rolled her eyes: "I don't have a share in talking

I am the daughter of the head of the family, a fifth-level stone gambler, who are you? "

The old man said coldly: "Presumptuous!

Patriarch, the Du family's heir is Du Xingyu, not Jingya, she shouldn't be talking nonsense here! "

Du Jingya glanced at her silent father and exited the video angrily.

It's like this every time, it's the father who is so tolerant that allows those uncles to have such a high right to speak.

Besides, Xingyu doesn't want to be an heir at all, he prefers mechs.

Especially now, he has become Gu Yun's little fanboy, watching the video 800 times a day, clamoring all day long to enter the army and kill strange beasts.

No, it can't go on like this, she must clean up everything in the Du family!

Otherwise, while the Gu family is flourishing, the Du family will really go downhill.

That's right, she wants to be the head of the house!

After expressing his wish to his father again, Du Feng said solemnly: "The Du family has no precedent for a woman to be the head of the house. If you want to be the head of the house, you must at least catch up with me."

Du Jingya nodded: "Is it right to become a level 7 stone gambler? I will."

Du Feng looked at the back of his daughter leaving, and sighed, it is not so easy to be the head of the family, and it is even more difficult to be a woman.

I hope Jingya can retreat despite difficulties.

Du Jingya returned to the room, turned on the sound shielding device, and dialed Gu Yuanchao's communication.

Gu Yuanchao was making dinner wearing an apron, and frowned when he saw the name displayed on the light brain.

He quickly put the fried pork with green peppers he had just learned on a plate, let Alpha 01 take it away, and then clicked on the video communication.

"What's the matter? Say something quickly." Gu Yuanchao's voice was very cold.

"Young Master Gu, I want to ask you to do me a favor... cough cough..."

Du Jingya was stunned when she saw the apron on the man, almost died of laughter, and quickly covered her mouth and coughed a few times.

Bai Jing sat down at the dining table, and before he could say anything, Gu Yuanchao explained: "Ah Jing, it's Du Jingya calling, it seems that she has something to ask for me."

In order to prove his innocence, he deliberately enlarged the light screen so that Bai Jing could see it directly.

Du Jingya was once again shocked by Gu Shao's behavior.

Tsk, I didn't expect that, she thought that Gu Shao would have the upper hand in the relationship between the two; now it seems that Yunshen is still very powerful and can teach.

Du Jingya sighed: "That's right, those old antiques from the Du family still want me to marry you, I'm going to run away, and I want to borrow Gu's high technology—"

Gu Yuanchao's complexion changed, he immediately hung up the communication, and said to the young man eagerly: "Ah Jing, I really never meant that! Those are all rumors."

Bai Jing smiled: "I know."

Gu Yunchao replied with two words to Du Jingya with a cold face: "Yes."

Then delete the contact information of the other party.

Du Jingya breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the guarantee.

The gap between intermediate stone gamblers and senior stone gamblers is like a natural moat, and the rate of gambling increase is not so easy to increase.

She must use the marriage event to go deep into the mines of the major planets, to experience the original ecology of the wool at close range, to gamble on stones without distraction, and to stay away from all kinds of disputes in the capital planet.

Du Jingya has been planning all this since a year ago.

She spent a year in exchange for a lot of paper star coins, about 5 million, enough to use on remote planets.

In addition, she also prepared an energy gun and a protective cover, and learned to drive the mech. Although she was not proficient, it was enough to save her life.

Originally, she planned to slip away at the end of the Sauter market, but unexpectedly encountered a large number of strange beasts, and had to postpone the plan.

In the middle of the night, Du Jingya put the light brain in the room and left Capital Star quietly, but she didn't know that her father and younger brother had been watching her leaving back.

On the second day, Du Feng changed his previous silence and loudly rejected the decision to marry the Gu family.

Three years later, Du Jingya officially returned to Capital Star.

In half a year, she jumped two levels from the fifth-level stone gambler to the seventh-level stone gambler, which shocked everyone!

She became the youngest seventh-level stone gambler besides the god-level stone gambler at the age of 24.

Stronger than her father Du Feng!

Two years later, the head of the Du family changed, and Du Jingya became the new head.

In the next few years, she punished the Du family with iron and blood, and made the Du family the second largest family in the empire!

The aristocratic ladies who had ridiculed her for running away from home before were still married under the arrangement of the family, but now Du Jingya is in power, and no one can influence her decision, her life!

She lived the life that every woman most yearns for.

The author has something to say: Little Theater 1:

Mental power: bah bah bah, it's so unpalatable TT

Bai Jing: Take out the eighth-level energy liquid.

Mental Power: Woohoo, drink well (☆.☆)

Small theater 2:

Young Master Gu: Wearing an apron and cooking.

Young Master Gu: I'm not, I'm not, Ah Jing, you have to believe me!

Young Master Gu: Delete the contact information.

Bai Jing: Well, I believe you.

Young Master Gu:>