God-level Stone Gambler

Chapter 94: Extra three


Gu Yuanchao got the blue card with the highest base level.

With this card, he can exchange ten rice noodle pancakes, one catty of rice or white flour, 500 grams of vegetables and 250 grams of meat in the cafeteria every day.

In the situation of such a shortage of food in the last days, this is simply an excellent treatment, and only a large base like the third base can supply fresh vegetables and meat.

And many people in the last days, including Bai Jing, there are many people who don't eat meat for a few months or even half a year.

The staff found two soldiers with guns to guide Gu Yuanchao, but the latter refused without hesitation.

The inspector laughed along with him: "Mr. Gu, your status is different now. These two sergeants have received special training and will always protect your safety..."

Before the words fell, the tall man kicked and broke the steel plate used to test the strength. Although the steel plate was only three centimeters thick, it was enough to make everyone present tremble with fear.

Hiss, with this kind of force, it is estimated that low-level zombies will be directly kicked to smash their skulls.

Moreover, the other party turned out to be a rare dual-line ability!

The registration personnel highlighted the name 'Gu Yuanchao' and reported it to the senior management of the base.

Gu Yuanchao shook off the two people behind him, and walked towards the young man standing beside him, "Ah Jing, let's go."

"En." Bai Jing looked at the map in his hand.

The third base is rebuilt from a key middle school in City B. A large area of school district houses, open spaces and back hills around it are all brought in. There are canteens, houses, training grounds and hills for planting crops. Under certain conditions to achieve self-sufficiency.

Along the way, simple tents can be seen everywhere on both sides of the road, and most of the people inside are ordinary people without any skills.

They have no supernatural powers or special skills. They can only do some rough work such as growing vegetables, watering the fields, and raising poultry. They exchange for three rice flour pancakes a day to barely fill their stomachs.

But it's impossible to get more.

When they walked to a tightly closed tent, both of them heard an unusual sound coming from inside.

Bai Jing paused for a moment, then walked forward with a cold expression.

This situation is very common in the last days. Many women are not as strong as men, and they can only use other means to survive.

The base will not prohibit this kind of 'whatever you like'.

However, Gu Yuanchao really understood the cruelty of this era.

He took a light step forward and held the boy's hand, vowing to himself that he would never let the boy suffer any harm.

Bai Jing struggled for a while but didn't move away. He frowned slightly and was about to say something, but the other party had let go of his hand knowingly.

With slender fingers tightly gripping the strap of the backpack, Bai Jing's heart was unusually disturbed.

Obviously, the most unbelievable thing in the last days is human nature. He also knows it clearly, but why hasn't he learned his lesson

Even when the man's hand was let go, he was still yearning for the warmth in the other's hand.

Bai Jing remembered that when he had just escaped from City A, Fa Xiao, who had grown up with him, pushed him into the zombies behind him without hesitation in order to escape, his expression was distorted and fierce like never before.

Just at the very moment, Bai Jing suddenly awakened his perception ability.

At that moment, everything around him became clear. With this ability, the teenager successfully avoided the opponent's movements and the attacks of the surrounding zombies, but Fa Xiao was bitten by the neck of the zombies because he was not fast enough.

The other party's shrill screams still echoed in his ears, and Bai Jing still remembered his fear and indifference at that time.

If he didn't have the ability to awaken at that time, he would be the one who died.

After that, the number of times he had narrow escapes was beyond count, and Bai Jing also honed his keen response and speed in killing zombies again and again, and he became more and more proficient in dealing with zombies.

Maybe this kind of perception ability is really tasteless, but he is very grateful to have this ability.

With super perception ability, Bai Jing did not know how many times he narrowly escaped the attack of zombies, so he came to the base alive.

Halfway through the journey, Bai Jing was lucky enough to meet a team of supernatural beings. The other party saw the scene of him killing zombies, and did not dislike his supernatural powers, but called the boy to go with them.

Among them was an uncle in his forties who was very kind to him, giving him food, water, and clean clothes, but Bai Jing intuitively felt that the way the other party looked at him was uncomfortable, so he kept vigilant and didn't touch those things.

Until one night, just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard a noise, accompanied by the sound of the tent being cut open.

The middle-aged man thought that Bai Jing drank the drugged water, so he rushed towards the beautiful and delicate boy lying on the ground, and was kicked away by Bai Jing.

When Bai Jing thought of that man who was older than his father, and his face, he felt nauseous and wanted to vomit.

After that, he never teamed up with others again.

Thinking of this, the boy lowered his eyes slightly, his slender eyelashes fluttering slightly.

Gu Yuanchao treated him so well the first time he saw him, maybe he had other plans. Otherwise, why would he be so nice to himself? It doesn't make sense, especially in the last days.

He should immediately draw a clear line with the other party and return the favor as soon as possible.

Bai Jing's eyebrows were filled with a bit of coldness, and he came to the residence marked on the yellow card, which was an old single apartment.

4-302, his floor is on the third floor.

The lights in the corridor were dim, and there was a lot of dust and footprints on the handrails of the stairs, but no one cleaned them.

Bai Jing lowered his head to cover his mouth and nose, slowly climbed up the steps, and opened the door with the key given by the registration office.

A room of about 20 square meters, with a thick layer of dust on the floor, and very old furniture, it should have been unoccupied for a long time.

The bed is a hard wooden bed with no bedding on it, so you need to prepare it yourself.

Although it doesn't look very good, it is much better than the tents next to the road. At least it is a separate private space, and the safety is guaranteed to a certain extent.

Bai Jing glanced at the bathroom, his body was covered with dirt, and he desperately wanted to take a hot bath.

He unscrewed the water pipe, and after the brown rust flowed out, there was a thin stream of water, but there was no hot water, and the same was true for the unscrewed shower.

The use of water in the last days is limited, but Bai Jing didn't expect that there would be no hot water here.

The pipes in this old community have been in disrepair, and hot water pipes are often broken.

The boy pursed his lips tightly. Do you want to take a cold shower

He immediately denied this idea, in case he accidentally fell ill, he would have no money to buy medicine.

Maybe you can go to the market to find an electric kettle and wash it up.

Gu Yuanchao frowned as soon as he entered the door, how could people live in this kind of place

The space is small, the facilities are old and dirty, there is no kitchen and windows, and there is not even the most basic hot water.

Gu Yuanchao: "Ah Jing, you can live with me, this place is not suitable."

Anyway, Blue Card's room is definitely better than this one.

Bai Jing lowered his eyes: "No need.

Thank you for your help, don't worry, I will return the things to you within a week. "

He found a rag on a shelf in the bathroom, washed it under the tap, and was about to tidy up the room first.

Gu Yuanchao snatched the rag from his hand and threw it aside, grabbed the young man's thin shoulder with his big hand, and pleaded in his black eyes: "Ah Jing, I don't need you to return anything. Come with me, okay?"

Bai Jing clenched the dagger at his waist with his right hand, and looked at him coldly with brown eyes: "Then what do you want? You think I'm pretty and want to fuck me?"

He really didn't want to think that way, but he didn't have anything the other party wanted, and this was the most likely reason.

Gu Yuanchao was taken aback: "I've never thought about it that way before."

Since coming here, every time he sees the boy, he is full of distress, and he only wants to give him the best.

Bai Jing sneered, the exquisite facial features and the scars on the corners of his mouth had a thrilling beauty: "Then why are you so kind to me

Don't tell me it's because you feel pitiful. "

Gu Yuanchao was silent for a moment, and stared at him with dark eyes: "Ah Jing, I like you, and it was love at first sight.

I don't know if you believe in love at first sight or not, but I was attracted to you the first time I saw you. "

Then I like it more and more until I can't extricate myself.

The boy's beautiful brown eyes suddenly widened, and he didn't expect such an answer at all.

Are you kidding me, it was... love at first sight

Just seeing the other party's deep eyes and extremely serious expression, he felt that the man didn't seem to be lying.

Bai Jing felt that his face was a little hot, and the sound of his violent heartbeat was all around his eardrums, 'thumping', very noisy.

But his only rationality is still there: "Well, you, how do you prove it?"

"You'll understand later."

Gu Yuanchao hooked his lips, and handed the energy gun on his waist to the young man: "If I do anything wrong to you in the future, you can shoot me directly."

"You...you really don't have to do this."

Bai Jing looked at the other party with a dazed expression, shocked in his heart.

This is not only the degree of liking, but also the ultimate trust. Didn't he ever think that he would really kill him

Gu Yuanchao stuffed the energy gun into the opponent's hand, and said softly, "It's okay. You hold it, Ah Jing, and use it to kill zombies from now on."

Bai Jingbai's fair fingertips lightly touched the energy gun. It was made of unknown materials, and it was very light.

The whole body has a silver-white metallic color, as if it has been plated with a layer of silver light. It is simple and elegant, light and compact, with excellent lines and exudes the unique coldness of high-grade metals.

Gu Yuanchao gently held the boy's hand: "Ah Jing, can you go back with me now?"

Bai Jing's brown eyes curved into beautiful arcs, and he held the opponent's big hand instead: "Well, good."