God-level Stone Gambler

Chapter 98: Episode seven


Hearing Bai Jing's indifferent voice, Huang Tianhao, who was still standing there with a stiff posture, woke up like a dream.

His heart was beating violently, and his breathing was short of breath like a full bellows. The crisis of life and death made him break out in cold sweat, and his whole clothes were soaked.

Huang Tianhao looked at Bai Jing, his pupils shrank to the size of a pinprick in an instant, which was a sign of obvious fear.

He wiped the cold sweat that kept dripping from his forehead, swallowed a few times unconsciously, and then said dryly: "Full, satisfied, of course, satisfied."

The moment Bai Jing fired the gun just now, he could almost feel the heat and unparalleled speed of the bullet coming towards him!

Can't avoid it at all.

Huang Tianhao had never realized this fact so clearly.

Even if he has the lightning ability, there is no way to dodge it, because the speed is simply too fast!

From the time the opponent raises the pistol to aiming at the target and pulling the trigger, the duration of the whole process is probably less than 0.1 second.

The normal person's reaction time is 0.2-0.3 seconds. Even if the supernatural person is faster, he still can't reach the speed of the opponent's shooting, let alone dodge under such extreme conditions!

At that moment, he felt a strong death crisis, and he was overwhelmed like a huge wave, and he was knocked to the ground and submerged in the endless sea water, powerless to resist.

If Bai Jing's movements were too high, it would definitely not be the zombie's head that exploded, but his head!

Therefore, he is not the boy's opponent at all. As long as the other party wants to, he can be easily killed.

Now Huang Tianhao finally understood why the captain and Yu Kai told him to shut up right away, wow, isn't he just a badass? !

It's just humiliating itself.

Sensing the gazes of the people around him, Huang Tianhao was extremely embarrassed, his face flushed red, as if he had been slapped several times in a row, very loudly.

Due to time constraints, everyone wisely stopped entangled in this topic, and it was enough for Bai Jing to teach the other party a lesson.

In the last days, strength is the most important thing. I believe that no one will dare to provoke him again after this.

In order to resolve Bai Jing's dissatisfaction, Huang Tianhao volunteered to put explosives at the entrance, accompanied by two sergeants.

The lighter ignited the fuse of the explosive, and the three retreated quickly.

A few seconds later, there was only a loud bang, rocks splashed, and countless smoke and dust fell to the ground. Dynamite blasted the blocked stones, revealing a passage leading to the lower underground supermarket.

At the same time, hundreds of zombies with pale faces and rotting bodies heard the roar and quickly gathered in their direction, densely packed so that the end could not be seen at a glance.


Hu Kun, the team leader of the army, gave an order, and dense gunshots rang out instantly.

"Damn, why are there so many—"

Yu Kai swears, he has never seen so many zombies before, and they should not have smelled human for a long time, with yellow saliva around their rotten mouths, frantically rushing towards them, it's really hair-raising numb.

A fireball ignited in Yu Kai's hand, and he kept throwing it at the zombie's head.

Qiao Lan's wind ability cooperated with his fire ability, and a raging fire burned around him. The zombies struggled in the fire for a while and then turned into ashes, leaving only hard zombie crystal nuclei falling on the ground .

Yu Kai controlled the flames very carefully to prevent the fire from spreading to the building and the crowd, and he was sweating profusely after a while.

Ice blades quickly condensed in Yang Wenshuo's hands, flying in the air under the control of supernatural powers, piercing through their heads like sharp swords, with extremely strong lethality.

However, this consumes a lot of abilities, and soon his breathing became short of breath.

Bai Jing pulled out the energy gun from his waist, aimed at the zombie's head and shot it precisely, and at the same time avoided the zombies attacking from behind at an extremely fast speed, and fired another shot with his backhand.

His marksmanship was terribly accurate, he shot to the head with one shot, and the speed of eliminating zombies was no slower than them!

Gu Yuanchao's energy sword also released terrifying energy waves. He cooperated with Bai Jing to not only clean up the zombies around him, but also helped to deal with the zombies rushing towards the army.

Huang Tianhao protected Guan Yue and hid behind him. His powers had not yet recovered, but he still had a steel rod in his hand, so he had no problem dealing with one or two sporadic zombies.

Guan Yue's face was as pale as paper, and she hid behind her opponent, desperately restraining her screams.

In the end, this large wave of zombies was cleaned up by everyone, and piles of corpses were piled up on the ground.

Except for Bai Jing and Gu Yuanchao, the faces of the other supernatural beings were a little pale.

With so many zombies, they can only release their abilities non-stop, and now they are close to the limit. They support each other and pant heavily, and they don't even care about the stench of zombies.

Even Guan Yue, who was blocked behind Huang Tianhao, had her legs limp in fear several times in order to avoid the zombies. She was afraid for a while, and several times the sharp fingertips of the zombies were about to stick out in front of her! !

On the other hand, the two of Bai Jing, apart from a little shortness of breath, hardly felt any fatigue.

Everyone was envious of the calm state of the two of them. Is this fucking human? It's just too scary.

The team leader of the army led his sergeants to stand in front of the two of them, and solemnly paid a military salute.

If it weren't for their helping hands, the army would never have suffered no casualties.

Their team of sergeants was originally to open the way for the supernatural beings, and for the sake of supplies, they would not hesitate to sacrifice when necessary!

Yang Wenshuo adjusted his breathing for a while before saying: "...we can't stay here, otherwise the zombies on the road will gather again soon after smelling the stranger, and continue to move forward."


Although everyone was exhausted, they all knew how dangerous it was to stay here, and they had no choice but to keep going.

Yang Wenshuo took a flashlight to shine on the underground passage, and Bai Jing said at the right time: "There are no zombies within 20 meters around."

Hearing this sentence, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After the fierce battle just now, they really didn't have the strength to go through it again.

It was only then that people discovered how useful the teenager's perception ability was in this scene!

"Okay, let's go."

Holding a flashlight, Yang Wenshuo walked in the front with Bai Jing and Gu Yuanchao, the others followed, and Yu Kai and the two snipers walked in the back.

The underground passage was not long, and there was a light not far ahead. Perhaps the backup power was turned on suddenly due to a fault, but there was no power outage here.

The information provided by the base is very accurate. The large underground supermarket is really well preserved. Rows of shelves can be seen at the entrance, full of biscuits, instant noodles and other snacks, tempting people to go and get them.

Everyone's eyes were straightened, and they swallowed unconsciously, wishing to rush over immediately.


Bai Jing released his perception, and his tone was a little serious: "There are two second-level zombies and... one third-level zombie behind the second row of shelves."

Everyone broke out in cold sweat.

There are zombies here, and they are rare third-level zombies!

The explosion just now was so loud that it almost shattered eardrums, and zombies are very sensitive to sound and human smell. Everyone thought that all the zombies would swarm up and be wiped out by them in the end.

Coupled with the fact that there is not a single zombie in the passage, people will naturally relax.

No one would have thought that there would be level 2 and level 3 zombies behind the shelves!

You must know that the evolution of zombies is as difficult as that of supernatural beings. Level 3 zombies are extremely rare in the early days of the end of the world. Except for Yang Wenshuo, everyone present has never seen a level 3 zombie before, and they only heard about it from other people in the base.

It is said that the first-level zombies move slowly and act only by instinct; the second-level zombies have evolved strength on the basis of the first-level zombies; and the third-level zombies have evolved speed in addition to strength, and some even have preliminary wisdom.

This third-level zombie is obviously intelligent.

It hid behind the second row of shelves, which was a blind spot that people couldn't see, and manipulated two second-level zombies together.

In a panic, even if people can avoid the first and second zombies, who would have thought that there is a third-level zombie that is faster and stronger

If it weren't for Bai Jing's presence, they would have been bitten to death by zombies the moment they rushed forward without noticing it!

Yang Wenshuo's expression was extremely serious. He had fought against level 3 zombies before. With the agility of level 3 zombies, ordinary supernatural beings couldn't deal with them at all. At least level 3 or above could barely deal with them.

Originally, he was the only one with a third-level ability among the ability users present, but now—

He turned his gaze to Bai Jing and Gu Yuanchao, and he was very grateful in his heart that the base sent these two people to join them in the mission, otherwise, they would return without success this time!

And Yang Wenshuo himself had consumed too much ability to kill the zombies, and he has not recovered yet, so he is not an opponent of the third-level zombies at all.

Bai Jing nodded at him, made a gesture of 'you are waiting here', pretended not to notice it together with Gu Yuanchao, and after scanning the first row of shelves, went around to the second row of shelves.

At this moment, two second-level zombies rushed out!

Bai Jing sharply rolled on the spot, pointed the energy gun at a second-level zombie that was rushing fast and pulled the trigger, and 'Bang Bang' fired two shots in a row, completely piercing its head.

Gu Yuanchao circled behind the other zombie at an extremely fast speed, and the energy sword turned into a 30 cm long dagger, which cut off its head with one blow, fell to the ground with a grunt, and rolled a few times .

Seeing that the situation was not good, the third-level zombie turned around in the air and wanted to escape. Bai Jing immediately aimed at the target and shot, but was dodged by the opponent very quickly.

'Swoosh' All the two bullets missed, and the corner of the mouth of the third-level zombie let out a mocking hiss.

This human being seemed nothing more than that, but he was hit in the back of the head by two ultra-high-speed bullets in the next instant, fell from the shelf, and was beheaded by Gu Yuanchao with a sword.

It turned out that the two bullets just now were just a cover. Bai Jing had already predicted the angle and trajectory of its dodge, but unfortunately, this third-level zombie had limited intelligence and could not understand this trick of "hitting east and west".

Bai Jing put on medical gloves, and washed the two crystal nuclei the size of fingernails and a crystal nucleus the size of a one-dollar coin that rolled to the ground with clean water. The latter is the crystal nucleus of a third-level zombie.

While people were waiting nervously, the two came back soon, Bai Jingbi gave an 'OK' gesture, and everyone looked at them excitedly.

This is a level three zombie!

It was eliminated so quickly, how powerful it is!

Yang Wenshuo's voice was very soft: "Now we have to go in and collect the supplies as soon as possible, remember to give priority to food with small size and long shelf life, and the speed must be fast!

Yu Kai and Qiao Lan protected Guan Yue and left a team of people here to guard. After two minutes, Bai Jing, Gu Yuanchao and I went to explore the road first to avoid other zombies. "

Everyone made an 'OK' gesture and began to rush into the first and second rows of shelves. The dazzling array of food dazzled their eyes, and they wished to stuff all the supplies into their backpacks!

The small amount of materials they obtained during the missions did not need to be handed over. After all, every mission was a narrow escape, and the base turned a blind eye to these actions.

Guan Yue was desperately putting supplies into the space. As expected, no one had visited this underground supermarket. The supplies were extremely rich. There were shelves full of all kinds of biscuits and instant noodles, and no one had touched them.

With a 'crash' sound, the food on the shelf fell to the ground, and the sound was so loud that Bai Jing frowned.

But at this time, no one cared whether the voice was loud or not, and everyone fell into madness.

Guan Yue was able to put things into the space with a touch of her hand. The speed was very fast, and several rows of food were all put into the space.

The puffed food in the second row takes up too much space, so she didn't take it away. She planned to find some chocolates, Snickers bars and other things that are easy to replenish energy. There are so many, and no one knows that some of them are left when the materials are turned in.

Bai Jing also took a few bags of instant noodles symbolically, and walked forward with Gu Yuanchao.

He didn't feel very good. Before the base sent two teams of supernatural beings, only two of them survived. Didn't they come here

Although there are many zombies on the road, most of them are first-level zombies, and there are only a few sporadic second-level zombies. With the protection of modified off-road vehicles, using the ability in turn should be able to clean it up.

So where did these people go

Bai Jing was a little vigilant, and his speed was a little faster. With his super eyesight, he saw several sets of blood-stained camouflage uniforms on the top of the sixth row of shelves.

This is? !

Thinking of the uniform camouflage uniforms that Yang Wenshuo and the others wore, he felt a sudden thump in his heart.

Gu Yuanchao was tall and tall. He reached out to take off his clothes and saw their nameplates.

Li Dong, a third-level superhuman.

Chen Gang, a second-level ability user.

Xi Bin, a second-level superhuman.

Zhu Ying, a first-level ability user.


Those who can kill a third-level power user must be at least a zombie of the third level or above!

And supernatural beings are the most delicious food for zombies, allowing them to evolve again and even mutate corresponding supernatural abilities.

Going forward, there were a few more sets of clothes in other colors on the shelf. Gu Yuanchao took them down and saw that they were from other bases.

Bai Jing felt a chill in his heart. After eating so many supernatural beings, what level has it reached

Even if it was originally a level 3 zombie, it has reached at least level 5 now, which is still a conservative estimate.

The two looked at each other and began to retreat. If there were only the two of them here, they might be able to cope with it.

But there are more than a dozen people here, so we must hurry up and leave!

Bai Jing gestured to Yang Wenshuo, gathered everyone together, and said in a low voice: "There is very likely a zombie above level five inside, let's walk slowly to the door, leave before it notices, and finally use explosives to block the entrance." block-"

Level 5 zombies are very intelligent, very insidious and cunning. It probably enjoys the pleasure of playing with its prey. The best way is to leave when it thinks it has not been discovered, so as to maximize the possibility of survival.

However, everyone hesitated after hearing Bai Jing's words.

Level 5 zombie

It's only been a year since the end of the world, and the highest level of supernatural beings is only level 3, and zombies of level 3 are usually very rare, how could there be such a high level of zombies

Of course, another reason is that they don't want to give up such abundant supplies.

There are chocolates and candies on the third row of shelves, and there may be cooked meat products on the shelves behind, which is too tempting for those who haven’t eaten meat for a long time!

"One minute, wait another minute, I'll fill this backpack and leave."

"Just give me 30 seconds, I'll pack a few more packs of instant noodles and retreat immediately!"

While Bai Jing was speaking, many people were still stuffing things into their bulging bags, stuffing what they couldn't fit into their bosoms, or carrying their clothes around them.

Guan Yue even listened to it casually, and went to collect the supplies.

God, half a shelf of Ferrero, things that were unaffordable before the end of the world, are now in her space.

Thinking of this, Guan Yue couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

She walked forward again, and found cooked food such as ham sausage, grilled sausage, and beef piled up on the shelf in the sixth row, and even more excitedly greeted other people.

At this moment, Bai Jing felt a terrifying and cold feeling.

He immediately mobilized his perception, but couldn't catch the opponent's figure, because its speed was too fast, faster than all the zombies he encountered!

"It's coming, withdraw quickly!!"

There was condensation between Bai Jing's brows, holding the silver energy gun in his hand, and suddenly fired several shots into the sky, but missed.

Everyone only felt a black shadow flickering in the air, the speed was so fast that it disappeared completely, and they were frightened beyond words, and began to run frantically towards the door.

Guan Yue sneered, she didn't believe there were any level five zombies.

However, when she reached out to take the supplies, a shadow suddenly appeared above.

Guan Yue raised her head in fear, and saw a zombie lying on the ceiling, smiling strangely at her, and suddenly exclaimed: "Ah—"