God of Fire

Chapter 31: Thunder means


At this time, the housekeeper Wen Zhong came up to report that everyone had arrived. Wen Dingtian nodded and stood up, and the audience instantly became quiet.

"Today, I want to announce a very important thing, which concerns everyone in the Wen House."

Wen Dingtian's words echoed in the field, and everyone's expressions were solemn and awe-inspiring.

Everyone did not expect that Wen Dingtian would attach so much importance to the killing of coach Wang Chong, and he would have to hold an all-hands meeting to deal with it...

Wen Dingtian continued: "This matter is about an outsider in our Wen Mansion, Lin Yi, come out."

Sure enough... Chief Wen is going to deal with Lin Yi, this kid!


Everyone's eyes focused on Lin Yang.

Wen Qingqing's worries, Wen Jun's pride, Wen Tao's coldness, etc...

Today, Lin Yang's fate in Wen's Mansion is finally approaching the most critical turning point.

Lin Yang walked slowly to the middle of the field, facing Wen Dingtian, smiling, with a straight back, and bowing his hands in salute: "Clan Chief Wen."

I go.

Lin Yi is still so calm at this time!

Everyone saw Lin Yang's unhurried piety, and didn't know if Lin Yang's heart was bigger than the sky, or his brain was flooded, especially Wen Jun's boy, gritted his teeth bitterly, and cursed in his heart:

"You're still pretending to be here when you die, and see what your father will do with you!"

Wen Dingtian looked at Lin Yang and nodded. His eyes were deep and complicated. No one knew what he was thinking. He suddenly raised his head and said loudly:

"Next, I announce that Lin Yi will become the fifth Ke Qing elder in our Wen Mansion!"


The bottom was quiet for a few seconds, and then the pan fry violently.


Wen Jun almost burst his eyes, rubbing his ears constantly.

How could it be such a result

Wen Tao beside him was also stupid.

He also thought that in the next plot, Lin Yang would be severely punished by Wen Dingtian, and even he had planned to go up to Lin Yang himself, but he was completely confused when he didn't expect to reverse it directly.

"Father!" Wen Tao asked with a clasped hand, "Did you make a mistake? Lin Yi is the murderer who killed the head of the king!"


Most of the members of Wen's House below knew the story behind Lin Yi, and they all looked at Wen Dingtian incredulously with a look of doubt.

"Murder?" Wen Dingtian looked at his second son, Wen Tao, with disappointment in his eyes: "You just wanted to catch the murderer, so you took someone to refine the Sky Appointment, and even stopped doing it for one day. trade?"

Wen Tao looked into Wen Dingtian's eyes, and after all he dared not defend, he nodded.


A slap in the face.

Wen Tao staggered back a few steps. Wen Dingtian beat him really hard, but his next words were even more cruel:

"As the second young master of the Wen family, he knows the law and violates the law, privately interferes with the family business operations, contradicts the patriarch of the family, and ruins our century-old reputation... "

Damn it, so cruel!

The people around are stupid. Isn’t this Lin Yi’s trial meeting? How come it is the second young master's turn to be punished first, and it is still such a serious punishment, the patriarch is too unsympathetic today...

Only Lin Yang had a calm expression.

He felt the patriarch Wen's wrist and majesty capable of dominating the giants of the Cloud City. If it weren't so hard-faced and selfless, how could he be able to convince the crowd

He couldn't help but improve his evaluation of Wen Dingtian a lot.

"Patriarch, the second young master, although he made a mistake, he thought he was the first offender, so please ask the patriarch to show favor!" Next to him, another Keqing elder pleaded.


Next to Wen Tao, Wen Jun also knelt down immediately, tears coming down: "Father, second brother, he was all trying to avenge coach Wang Chong. It was Lin Yi next to you who killed Coach Wang. You should be punished first. Clean up that kid!"

"Yes, the patriarch, the murderer is right in front of him, and he also wounded the second son. The patriarch should punish the murderer first!"

The dozens of Wen's guards who had gone to the Liantian with Wen Tao before and were cleaned up by Lin Yang all spoke out, and they all pointed their fingers at Lin Yang.

Punish the murderer first, or we won't accept it!

These people spoke together, with a certain aura, Wen Dingtian looked at them faintly, and then at Wen Tao's stubborn neck, filled with dissatisfied expressions, and hummed softly in his nose.

"Punish the murderer first... or else you idiots don't know where you are wrong!"

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Yang: "Lin Yi, did you kill Wang Chong?"

Lin Yang shook his head slowly, denying: "No!"

"Have you heard? Lin Yi said he didn't kill anyone." Wen Dingtian looked at everyone.

Wen Jun suddenly refused to accept: "But father, that's just Lin Yi's words on his side. Did he say he didn't kill if he didn't kill?"

Wen Dingtian said solemnly: "Then did you see Lin Yi killing someone?"

"Uh... No, but father, the teacher Wang Chong went to teach Lin Yi that day, and there are still words on his body, which are clearly written by Lin Yi." Wen Jun defended again.

Wen Dingtian said: "Lin Yi, how do you explain?"

Lin Yi naturally told the truth: "I taught Wang Chong that day, but I didn't kill him. If I wanted to kill him, why should I engrave and leave evidence? Why not destroy the corpse and let you find the corpse? Why not go so far. , And stay here in the Lian Tianhao and wait for you to arrest me? Today, I don’t have to come back to Wen Mansion again..."

Every question of Lin Yi hit the key, leaving Wen Jun speechless. Wen Dingtian couldn't help but shook his head:

"Wen Jun, you really disappointed my father... Such a simple truth, but you want Lin Yi to teach you, don't you feel ashamed?"

"But... But..." Wen Jun couldn't say a word for a long time.

Wen Dingtian suddenly became angry, and screamed at Wen Jun, Wen Tao and the other Wen Palace guards next to him: "Wen Jun can't think of it, Wen Tao, are you a stupid second brother? And you, are all idiots! "

This anger, like a tsunami hit, scared everyone's hearts to a stop.

When everyone was in a state of uncertainty, Wen Dingtian suddenly named a person: "Xie Qiang, people say that you are smart at ordinary times. Others can't think of these principles. Why can't you even think of this this time?"

The teacher named Xie Qiang's expression suddenly changed, and he stammered: "Subordinates, the subordinates were also swept away by hatred..."

"No, you're not..." Wen Dingtian looked at him coldly: "Because you know who is the real murderer, Lin Yi, it's just your ghost, right?"


The words seemed like a bolt from the blue, and everyone in the audience was stupid.

Xie Qiang looked at Wen Dingtian incredulously: "The subordinates don't understand what the patriarch are you talking about?"

Wen Dingtian didn't bother to pay attention to Xie Qiang's poor acting skills, and said coldly: "Originally, you took the money from Ouyang's family, and it was fine to stay in my house, but this time, Xie Qiang, you were too wrong. Now, Wen Zhong, tell everyone what Xie Qiang did during my absence..."


Next to him, the old housekeeper of the Wen family stood up and clearly explained Xie Qiang’s actions in the past half month. He even went to contact the people of Ouyang’s family. That day, he followed Lin Yang and Wang Chong went out, and then he came back sneakily, and so on, the details are not big or small, and nothing is left out.

When Lin Yang saw this, Wen Dingtian couldn't help but was optimistic again.

Although he is not in Wen Mansion, he still firmly controls every detail of Wen Mansion in his own hands. This method, this scheming is an ally worthy of cooperation!

"The patriarch is forgiving, the villain will only make a big mistake when he is obsessed with the heart, the patriarch is forgiving!" Xie Qiang crawled out and began to cry for mercy at the feet of Wen Dingtian, but it was hard to get a chance.

Behind Wen Dingtian, Elder Tang walked out with a gloomy face, and directly broke Xie Qiang's spine with one foot, and then crushed his entire upper body. The murder was simply agile, and the spy was ruthlessly exterminated.

Wen Dingtian didn't even look at it, but instead looked at his two unsatisfied sons:

"Now, are you convinced?"

Wen Tao's neck, which had been raised high, finally softened, lowered his head and lost his momentum: "The child is stupid, please father to punish!"

"Father, this is all my fault. The second brother just wants to avenge the head coach Wang. If you want to punish me, you should punish me. Don't dispose of the second brother!" Wen Jun next to him also collapsed completely, and now he just wants to save Wen Tao. .

"Father is kind." Wen Yu next to him pleaded again.

"Patriarch, the second son's crime doesn't end here..." Several congenital elders also said one after another.

"The patriarch is kind!" Everyone around the Wen family also pleaded for Wen Tao. After all, he is the martial arts hope of the younger generation of the Wen family.

Yi Xingyun also said: "Alright, patriarch Wen, let's forget about today's affairs, Wen Tao is a little bit dumbfounded, he still has some spine, and it's all about teaching."

At this point, Wen Dingtian finally sighed: "Finally... Wen Tao, for everyone's sake, go to the Xingtang to receive a hundred [Bone Refining Whip] punishment, and go to Wen's farm to do coolies for a month."

One hundred refining bone whip!

Those who knew the Wen Jiafa still took a breath of air for Wen Tao. It was a torture of whipping to blood. One hundred times, it was half a life, but it was an extra-legal favor compared to abandoning a hand. .

After Wen Tao listened, there was no expression on his face, but he squatted his head heavily: "Wen Tao thanks father for his kindness."

"As for you, Wen Jun!" Wen Dingtian looked at his stupid third son again.

Wen Jun immediately pressed his head deeply to the ground and cried faintly: "Father, the child knows it is wrong..."

Wen Dingtian looked at this unconvincing son, and for a while, he didn't know what to do. After all, he sighed: "It's my fault. You shouldn't stay in this Yuncheng with your qualifications. You will return to the southern ancestral house from tomorrow." Go, you can't return to Cloud City without my consent!"


Wen Jun learned that he was given out, his whole body was softened, and he collapsed directly on the ground with a desperate expression on his face.

If he could regret it, he would not be willing to fight against Lin Yi if he gave him 10,000 courage!