God of Fire

Chapter 52: Half a year


These Wen's refiners began to be inexplicably beaten and even assassinated.

As long as these refining masters leave the refining workshop or within the protection area of the Wen family, they will be violently beaten by the Chen family's thugs and warned: "If you don't leave the Wen family, they will be killed!"

This is almost without Wang Fa.

In the end, Wen Dingtian had to send the personal guards in Wen's mansion, and even the congenital elders to the major refining workshops to protect these refining masters, but after such a threat, the entire Wen Mansion became panic, and there was no reason to manage it. .

This Chen Yuesheng relied on the partiality and connivance of the House of Internal Affairs to punish the Wen family to death!

In the following three months, the Wen family's decline accelerated rapidly.

Those craftsmen who were originally loyal to the Wen family finally chose to leave because their lives were threatened.

When half a year passed, the entire Wen family was almost on the verge of collapse.

They did not lose to Chen Yuesheng's conspiracy and tactics, but to the unreasonable partiality of the damn House of Internal Affairs, and Wen Dingtian still didn't understand why Wang Mingchong would favor the Chen family so desperately.

Could it be that this Chen family can control Wang Mingchong, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

This is impossible!

The world is unfair.

The life is bumpy.

There is no way for Wen Ding to go to the sky, no way to appeal, so he can only helplessly usher in the final judgment of their Wen family's destiny-Lingbing Jianbaohui!

Time came on the eve of the Lingbing Appreciation Meeting.

In the distant core of Qingyun Mountain, the dark night could hardly conceal a majestic fire that soared into the sky.

On the flame-filled phoenix tree, countless flame spiritual power swayed like a whirlwind, and finally all poured into the body of a figure in the middle of the bird's nest.


Only the size of a fist, Bi Fang Huo'er was tilting Erlang's legs, propped his head with one wing, and looked at the figure with an unhappy face:

"Isn't it just breaking through the mid-innate realm? What's the matter with such a big movement, the fire spirit body is great... But fortunately, if he breaks through the mid-innate period, this king will be able to recover to 30% strength. It’s like tears, but this king is a dignified bifang, now he has become a talking parrot... Um, parrot, it seems to be better when fried..."

Xiao Bifang, who is particularly good at beeping, is now mocking his master dutifully. Unconsciously, a terrifying heat wave suddenly burst out on the opposite side. The huge impact rushed it into the air with great momentum. Incredible.

"Wipe, so tired!"

Xiao Bifang fluttered his wings a few times in the air, and stabilized his figure easily, but his face was still shocked, and he looked at Lin Yang, who was already slowly showing his figure:

"Lin Xiaoyang, what kind of magical skill you have is a little bit ridiculous, you just broke through to the mid-innate period and you can explode such a strong psychic power. I am afraid that you can fight against the scum of the late stage."


The flame spiritual power in the sky dissipated, and Lin Yang slowly opened his eyes.

"The Baimai Conferring God Technique... You can't remember anything except eating."

Lin Yang instinctively complained about his unreliable spiritual pet, and at the same time checked his body, his condition made him very satisfied.

At this moment, a brand-new mysterious power has been added to Lin Yang's body, and it is the'Heaven and Earth Spiritual Power' that can only be used by the innate realm.

The spiritual power of heaven and earth in Lin Yang's body showed a flame-like bright red color, which was exceptionally distinctive.

This is the unique flame spiritual power of the fire spirit body. Compared with the ordinary white pure heaven and earth spiritual power, the power that is stimulated in battle is more bursting and powerful, but the disadvantage is that it is more troublesome to practice and must absorb the same attributes. The flame spiritual power works.

These flame spiritual powers are now circulating in Lin Yang's body, constantly strengthening and transforming his physical body, and will eventually gather in a fist-sized space in his lower abdomen.

This is the core of the innate warrior's strength-Qihai.

When the average congenital warrior reaches the middle stage, the sea of qi is only half the size of a fist, while Lin Yang's sea of qi is now exactly twice that of a normal person.

In addition, with Lin Yang's sea of qi as the core, there are twelve transparent veins extending to his limbs and a hundred skeletons. These veins are called qi veins, which are the channels through which the heaven and earth spiritual power runs in the body.

A martial artist, as the cultivation base continues to improve, there will be more and more qi veins in the body, and at the same time, the more efficient the innate spiritual power runs in the body, the greater the power it exerts.

The number of Qi veins of ordinary innate realm masters is eight, while Lin Yang has as many as twelve.

The size of the sea of Qi is more than twice the size of a normal person, and there are four more strange realms of Qi than ordinary innate masters-these are all from Lin Yang's supreme set of exercises, the Hundred Meridian Consolidation of Gods Art.

The supreme magical skill of Emperor Lihuo Tian is really domineering, allowing Lin Yang to have the strength to fight against the late innate master when he just broke through to the mid-innate period, but this is far from Lin Yang's ultimate combat power.

In his Xumi Jie, lying quietly for the past six months of his amazing refining results is also the biggest reliance that will be earth-shaking after returning to Yuncheng.

"Stop posing, Lin Xiaoyang, you asked me to remind you the time... By the way, it just so happens that tomorrow is the eighth day of October."


Lin Yang's expression moved.

"Didn't I ask you to call me three days in advance, it is more than one day away from Yuncheng."

"Hey..." Xiao Bifang was obviously waiting for Lin Yang's words: "This king is not watching your cultivation reach a critical moment, it shouldn't be disturbed... But it doesn't matter, you shouldn't forget that this king has two wings somehow, that If you beg me, I can consider taking you back to that cloud city."

Xiao Bifang is very upset these six months.

No one will be happy after working on the "Spirit Fire Stove" for half a year.

So it was waiting for Lin Yang, trying to make fun of its own'master', and even blackmailed some of the monster beast corpses stored in Lin Yang's ring to eat it.

In the past six months, its strength has been sealed, it can no longer eat the powerful monsters of the past, it is about to be gluttonous.

As a result, the expression on Lin Yang's face disappointed Xiao Bifang.

"You have a small body, sitting on your butt." Lin Yang glanced at Xiao Bifang lightly, not knowing what he thought of eating goods.

But he doesn't have time to talk with this stuff right now.

On the eighth day of October, the spirit soldiers appraise treasures.

Tomorrow is the crucial day to determine the fate of the Wen family, and it is also the last moment in his plan to find the old dog Chen Yuesheng to settle his blood feuds. Such an important matter cannot be sloppy.


The Universe Ring in his hand flashed, and a pitch-black humanoid object appeared at Lin Yang's feet.

Lin Yang leaped slightly and stood on the back of this humanoid object, and then only an aura burst out, Lin Yang instantly rushed into the sky at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

For the rest, Xiao Bifang looked at Lin Yangyuan's back with a dazed expression.

"Damn, Lin Xiaoyang, why didn't you tell this thing can fly? Wait for me..."

One person and one beast turned into two meteors in the night sky and flew to Yuncheng quickly.

Yuncheng fell into a pitch-black tranquility as usual, but in Wen's Palace, it was a bleak cloud of sadness.

In the spacious Wen family mansion, half of the houses are now empty, and the courtyard appears empty. Even the servant maids walking in it do not see the slightest smile on their faces.

Everyone knows that tomorrow is the day when the Lingbing Appraisal Meeting will be held.

Tomorrow may be the day when the entire Wen family is completely defeated by the Chen family.

In the backyard of the Wen family, in the old courtyard of Lin Yang, a beautiful figure slowly walked in.

Wen Qingqing.

I haven't seen her for half a year. This charming lady, who liked to wear a red dress and bounce around in the yard, now seems to have grown up a lot all of a sudden.

She was wearing a black tight-fitting short shirt, revealing her delicate figure in the night, and the sweat bead on her skin that had not yet completely evaporated, indicating that she had just completed an extremely intense martial arts practice.

Her big eyes, which were once bright and lively, are now full of haze, and the hollow eyes are not half-distracted, and the look of despair is enough to make anyone feel distressed to the bone.

Six months.

Since Lin Yang's life and death in Qingyun Mountain was unknown that day, Wen Qingqing has been like a different person. Began to practice martial arts frantically.

She didn't eat or sleep, and spent all of her time in cultivation every day. It was only half a year of work, and her progress surprised Wen Dingtian.

And she occasionally rested, in the dead of night, alone in a daze in the Bieyuan where Lin Yang once lived, often sitting until dawn.

Everyone has persuaded Wen Qingqing that people cannot come back to life after death, but Wen Qingqing will always answer coldly: "No, Lin Yi is not dead!"

Tonight, outside of the night style, Wen Qingqing once again came to Lin Yang’s Bieyuan, looking at the plants and trees that were once familiar, and thinking about the figure of the teenager who once lived here, her tight expression slowed down. Slowly loosened.

She sat on the stone bench in the yard, and the cold night breeze was no match for the coldness of her heart. Unconsciously, two lines of clear tears slowly slid down the corner of her eyes and smashed to pieces on the ground.


Wen Qingqing lay on the table, her shoulders finally twitched, the crying voice was the most heartbreaking whine in the world.

"Lin Yi... You stinky fellow, didn't you promise that I won't die? Then why didn't you come back... Why..."


Wen Qingqing cried to the point of sadness, tears flooding, scenes of acquaintance with Lin Yang appeared like tides, and the back of Lin Yang in Qingyun Mountain who went away alone to save her made her cry.

At this time.

I didn't know where to stretch out a hand, touched her shoulder, and handed over a rag handkerchief of unknown material.


Wen Qingqing instinctively stretched out his hand to pick it up, but suddenly reacted, when did he stand next to him.