God of Fire

Chapter 66: The spirit armor shows its power


The door of Wen's Mansion was so open, like a grinning ironic smile, looking at the royal guards who were full of black lines in front of them.

But after a while, no one dared to step forward.

Lin Yi's foul name has spread throughout the entire royal guards camp, everyone knows that ordinary people are only going to the rhythm of food delivery.

"follow me!"

The tall Wen Taibei was stimulated by Huo's mean smile just now, and he waved to take people into Wen's Mansion.

A voice stopped him: "Wait..."

Wen Taibei stopped for a moment.

This word seemed to have magical powers, so that the commander of his guards had to listen.

Duan Tianya spoke.

Everyone who knows the secrets of the palace knows that this legendary Duantianya has a characteristic, that is, cherish the words like gold.

He would never say half a word when he could speak, and his voice was hoarse and weird, like metal rubbing, and his tone was strange but he dared not follow it.

Duan Tianya stopped Wen Taibei's impulsive behavior with a single word. Next to him, Wang Mingchong hurriedly walked to the side of the sedan chair and asked:

"Due commander, what do you mean?"

"Together..." Duantianya's hoarse voice rang again.

At this time, Xie Canghai, the white-haired swordsman next to him, also said: "Master Broker is right. The Wen Mansion is so weird that it has prepared traps inside. Going in alone is afraid that it will be counted..."

In Xie Canghai's identity, he still had to call Duan Tianya a'Master of Duan'.

Wang Mingchong also sneered and stood up and nodded: "The two commanders are very true. Humph, you are here today, whatever the conspiracy set up by the Wen family is a joke! Come, order two thousand guards and the four commanding adults. I will go in together and capture Wen Dingtian!"


Murderous at the door exploded again.

Duan Tianya's calmness allowed the entire team to avoid the final risk, and the 2,000-person team rushed into the gate of Wen's Mansion.


It's quiet like a haunted.

All the people in Wen's Mansion disappeared, only a sign was counted on the small square behind the Zhaobi who entered the door:

Waiting for the martial arts field, turn left and go straight ahead.

What the hell is this

Do you participate in the sports meeting, and give me a sign

The blatant contempt and molesting of Wen Mansion caused Wang Mingchong, including Wen Taibei and others, to grit their teeth.

I have never dared to ignore the Royal Guard in this way.

This Wen family is looking for annihilation by himself!

The footsteps of more than two thousand people began to heavier, and the air exhaled from their noses smelled of gunpowder.

Everyone followed the signs and finally came to the wide martial arts field inside the Wen's mansion.

In the venue, there was a row of seats. Wen Dingtian sat in the middle with confidence, and a few big Wen family leaders beside him were calmly serving tea and chatting with Wen Dingtian.

Twenty Wen's children stood behind Wen Dingtian's crowd. Among them were Wen Qingqing, who was provoking outside just now, and the one-legged red-haired parrot.

"Hey? Patriarch, this tea is really good today. You usually hide it and don't want to take it out to drink?" Yi Xingyun commented on the fragrant tea in his hand as if he hadn't seen anyone at all.

Wen Dingtian smiled and replied: "Hehe! Master Yi laughed, I can't save much of this [Ning Bihan]. Today is a good day, take it out and share it with Lin Yi and everyone!"

Lin Yang, sitting on Wen Dingtian's right hand, was blowing tea in a small mouth, with a relaxed expression.

With the appearance of the Wen family, Wang Ming's nose was already crooked.

Is today a good day

Wen Dingtian, are you crazy!

But at the same time his heart was angry, he also felt something wrong.

The Wen family was too relaxed, and did not take the immediate crisis seriously.

But no matter what secret weapon they have prepared, is there anything in the world that can compete with the leaders of the four guards

Especially unable to contend with the legendary powerhouse like Duantianya!

Wang Mingchong was determined, and looked at the leisurely Wen Dingtian, and said coldly: "Wen Dingtian, no matter what tricks you play, you can't change your destiny today. You can catch it with one's hands, and you can preserve your huge Wen Dingtian house!"


Wen Dingtian did not speak.

Lin Yang put down the tea bowl and looked at the army of royal guards that had lined up on the opposite side. Red light flashed in his eyes, and the fiery eyes moved.

Three powerful late innate talents came unexpectedly, including yesterday's Su Mingchun, it seems that the three major guards should have come.

As for the people in the sedan chair...


Lin Yang raised his eyebrows.

It turned out that the master of the Yun Ling Realm has also come

Lin Yang's fiery eyes can check the opponent's cultivation base. He is now in the middle congenital cultivation base, and the Yunling Realm can no longer escape his eyes, so he can be seen clearly.


Lin Yang looked at the aura of abundant energy in the sedan chair, and he felt a strange feeling in his heart, but this feeling disappeared quickly.

Sure enough, the Izumo imperial family dispatched the powerful Yun Ling realm.

Lin Yang seemed to have expected this a long time ago, and he didn't see a trace of panic in his heart.

Since the Lingbing Appraisal Meeting, Lin Yang and Wen Dingtian have been ready for a decisive battle between the Wen family and the House of Internal Affairs.

This battle will inevitably receive the support and attention of Izumo's royal family, and Lin Yang is going to use this battle to declare to the entire Izumo country that the Wen family is no longer a soft persimmon that people can knead.

He wanted to use the black iron spirit armor that was enough to shock the entire continent to make the Wen family the target of the imperial family of Izumo!

He Lin Yi will fly into the sky, and rely on the refining technology of this spirit armor to become the supreme guest of Izumo country.

At that time, it was the moment when he stood in front of Chen Chaoge and severely tore the other person's hypocritical mask.

Therefore, for him and Wenfu today, it is to do a good job!

Since he was going to fight, and he was still fighting with such a disgusting slut opposite Wang Mingchong, Lin Yang was not very polite.

Opposite, Wang Mingchong's patience has reached its limit:

"Wen Dingtian, Lin Yi, you treat this official with such an attitude, and the crime is a plus! Come, let me take the two opposing people, and the rest of the Wen Palace members, who dares to resist all the capture!"


With a roar from the royal guard at the scene, the formation was about to disperse.

At this moment, Lin Yang turned his head and waved his hand, and walked out a figure from the camp behind him.

Wen Tao.

The second son of the Wen family stood in front of a crowd of royal guards who were about to rush out.

what's the situation.

The audience was quiet for a while.

Then the entire Royal Guards brigade was angry.

Is there a mistake

A little guy in the Body Tempering Realm wanted to stop me two thousand royal guards, and four powerful leaders

Wen Dingtian, is your brain broken, or is this young man looking for death on his own

Although Wen Tao is strong, it is only in the late stage of body tempering. Not to mention, among the two thousand royal guards in front of him, there are more than 50 innate guard captains at the early stage. The abuse of Wen Tao is just like playing. Why is this kid? Stand up and pretend!

But Wen Tao stood up like this, and hooked his finger at Wang Ming.

In less than a day, Wen Tao had learnt 80% of Lin Yang's angry expression and demeanor. Not only Wang Mingchong, but most of the royal guards who came today were angry.

"Get it for me!"

It was a guard captain named Zhao Qing, who was an early congenital master, how could one see Wen Tao's arrogance.

With an order, Zhao Qing rushed to Wen Tao with a total of twenty-eight royal guards in his team.

Twenty-eight golden armor silhouettes are as fast as twenty-eight golden leopards, especially Zhao Qing, who is the leader, with white aura all over his body, and the powerful heaven and earth spiritual power set him off to be majestic and extraordinary.

A long spear in Zhao Qing's hand swung a few meters long spear light, and he was about to pick up the boy in front of him who didn't know the height of the sky.

At the moment when these golden armored guards were angry, Wen Tao moved.

A black aura wrapped his body between the electric light and flint, and then turned into a pitch-black hideous armor.

After Wen Tao put on the battle armor, the whole person's temperament suddenly changed, and the powerful pressure exuding from his whole body was like a fierce monster in the black prison, which immediately made all the people on Wang Mingchong's side stare.

How can this be!

This kind of coercion has clearly reached...

The crowd was too shocked to react, and Wen Tao in the black armor had already rushed into the crowd.


A punch was blasted out.

The sound of air bursting echoed throughout the square.

Zhao Qing, the guard captain of the innate early days, only felt that the black armor fist was approaching and getting bigger at a speed that he could not imagine. He used a spear to block it, and he felt as if there were a hundred monsters, beasts, and bulls. The power blasted on his gun body.

Fly away.

Zhao Qing flew without surprise.

A warrior in the body tempering realm, just because he was wearing a black armor that was hell, he possessed the power of a punch that flew into the early congenital powerhouse.

The physical strength of the original two thousand catties, at least broke through to more than six thousand catties!

What the hell is this armor!

The first move that Wen Palace resorted to today had completely shocked everyone on the opposite side.

But the surprise Wen Tao brought to these royal guards was far from over.

A punch flew to Zhao Qing, and he started a full battle.

One person, among the twenty masters of royal guards in the late stage of body tempering, seemed to be like a tiger entering a flock, ruthlessly crushing opponents with the same strength as him.

His speed is so fast that the ordinary royal guards can't even touch his armor. After a few breaths, they become a ground gourd, which is all put by Wen Tao.

The whole process takes less than five minutes.

Everyone in Wang Mingchong did not speak for five minutes, and everyone's brain was in a short-circuit state.

Wen Tao's power and speed have all reached the level of mid-innate masters, and they are almost indistinguishable from ordinary innate masters. What does this mean

Representing that black lacquered armor can make a warrior in the late body tempering stage instantly possess the power comparable to the mid-innate master.

This is simply going against the sky!