God of Fire

Chapter 73: Step on him


The room was deadly quiet.

No one can believe what he just heard.

The dignified prince of Izumo country was scolded like a dog.

Lin Yang stood up, passed Lin Wei, looked straight at the somewhat stunned Chen Chaoge, and said coldly:

"The Wen family, mad dogs biting people are not welcome. For one minute, get out by yourself, or I will kick you out for your brother!"

Damn it.

These words changed Lin Wei's color.

How did he feel that Lin Yi was more like a prince than himself, that kind of majestic aura once again made him feel that Lin Yi looked like his father Lin Haoyuan.

The big guys in the audience were also shocked.

It is said that the elder of the Keqing Wen family was young and energetic, and if he didn't agree with him, he would kill at the Lingbing Appreciation Meeting. Unexpectedly, the lord would dare to scold the prince!

That is the most noble character in Izumo country!

Of course, this is also because no one at the scene knew how the Wen family took out the treasures three days ago, and now they only regard them as the wealthy people who have gained the royal favor, so that Lin Yang’s attitude is such a sky-defying attitude. .

Chen Chaoge was stunned for a moment, and immediately laughed.

This time, his smile carried the ferociousness that everyone saw.

"Lin Yi... Do you dare to shoot at me?" Chen Chaoge's voice was a little trembling, it was a murderous intent to suppress with all his strength.

He didn't expect Lin Yang to take the initiative to take the initiative. His main target today was Lin Wei, but if this Lin Yi really dared to attack the prince, then he would take the opportunity to brutally kill the father-killing enemy.

He looked at Lin Yang with a provocative expression on his face: "Lin Yi, you are just a mere ordinary citizen. You are not qualified to talk to me, and you are worthy to do it with me? If you dare to move my finger today, it would be offensive. Tianwei, be the Jiu Clan!"

He threatened Lin Yang on the surface, but he kept roaring in his heart:

Come, shoot, Lin Yi!

If I shoot, I can kill you in front of everyone!

Everyone couldn't understand Chen Chaoge's style today, which was very different from the gentle and elegant Ninth Prince.

But everyone can't think of it. In fact, in Lin Yang's heart, he wants to go to war more than Chen Chaoge!

The flames of war in Lin Yang's heart long ago.

Oh shit.

I waited too long for this day!

Chen Chaoge, I know this is your aggressive method, you want me to take action and then take the opportunity to kill me.

I know that there is an unimaginable power hidden in your body!

It's a pity that today I can't kill in front of so many people.

But I, Lin Yang, don’t like your look like you owe it to you. What is the Wen family's catastrophe, the royal dignity

Today, I will give you a sturdy beating, and let you go back obediently and be a native dog waiting to die!

In the hearts of the two of them, they didn't know how many times they had killed each other, and the raging war broke out, and even the gods could hardly stop this fateful battle.

Lin Yang stood up and walked straight to the gate of Lingyun Pavilion. His words were as cold as frost: "Save energy, don't talk about these useless nonsense, since you don't want to go out by yourself, then come out. I will kick you out myself. !"

After that, Lin Yang had already taken the lead out of Lingyun Pavilion.

Chen Chaoge desperately suppressed the excitement and murder in his heart, and followed Lin Yang out.

He roared in his heart: Father, my child will take revenge for you!

Killed this Lin Yi!

Behind the two of them, Wen Dingtian, Li Jing, Shi Siming, and Lin Wei glanced at each other, obviously not expecting things to become like this.

"Second prince, this matter... Look..."

Everyone looked at Lin Wei, after all, he was the highest-ranking person present.

Lin Wei's eyes flickered, and he obviously wanted to take this opportunity to kill Lin Yang's sudden domineering prestige.

He looked at Wen Dingtian and nodded: "It's better to let Elder Lin come and discipline my younger brother."

Everyone knows.

Wen Dingtian waved his hand: "Clear the venue and see off the guests!"

After a while.

In the small square in front of Lingyun Pavilion, only two of Izumo's most noble elders and the second prince Lin Wei were left.

Even high-ranking officials such as Liubu Shangshu were invited to leave, unable to witness this sudden and shocking battle.

The most popular elder Wen in Yuncheng, Lin Yi.

Lin Yang, the prince Tianjiao of the Izumo imperial family.

When the two of them stood in the field, people seemed to see a pair of brothers of gods and demons, who respectively symbolized light and darkness. The two were so similar, but because of their different temperaments, they became two completely different extremes. The supreme.

Cruel killer.

Savage Gorefiend.

Lin Yang inherited the supreme majesty of Emperor Lihuo, worked hard for half a year, and finally had the opportunity to fight against Chen Chaoge himself today.

His cold killing intent made the air within a dozen meters of his body become ice.

Chen Chaoge's heart is full of blood and deep hatred for killing his father and destroying the door.

His bloodthirsty and fierce might arouse the surrounding layers of air into blood waves, swept Lin Yang.

Although there were only two teenagers under the age of sixteen in the small square, the aura that exploded from the two of them just changed the color of the powerful and powerful people standing on the peak of Izumo next to them.

Even Lin Wei, the capital of the Four Little Dragons, who is known as the first young master of Izumo, feels chills.

It turns out that his ninth brother is so hidden!

And Lin Yi, the elder of Wen's family, is an inexhaustible genius!


The murderous warfare has reached its apex, Lin Yang and Chen Chaoge stopped talking, and the battle was about to start.


Chen Chaoge moved first.

He hated Lin Yang's bones and wanted to use the most ruthless trick to kill this gangster in order to comfort Chen Yuesheng's spirit in the sky.

A long sword suddenly appeared in his hand like a dragon leaping in a sea of blood.

"It's [Blood Dragon Sword]!" Lin Wei exclaimed.

The Blood Dragon Sword, one of the treasures of Izumo Country, a high-level spiritual weapon, was actually given to Lin Yang by Lin Haoyuan.

This sword was famous in Izumo. When Lin Haoyuan was the prince, he used it to cut tens of thousands of soldiers on the frontier battlefield, and forcibly put a layer of scarlet blood on the edge of the sword. .

At this moment, the blood dragon sword came out, as if Lin Haoyuan's invincible power reappeared in the world, Chen Chaoge's half-year martial arts cultivation was fully revealed, and there was an endless river of blood between the sword light flowing towards Lin Yang.

Good swordsmanship!

Even though Chen Chaoge's domineering style is tiresome today, he still can't conceal the stunning style of this sword, even Li Jing and others can't help but praise it.

Lin Wei was fortunate secretly. Fortunately, he did not recklessly fight with the nine brothers, otherwise the power of this sword alone would have reached the level of the innate late stage, and he would need to do his best to parry.

And how does Elder Lin Yi accept the move

Everyone looked at Lin Yi.

The information that everyone got about Lin Yang's combat power was that he could defeat Su Mingchun, the commander of the Royal Guard. As for what happened in the Wen Mansion War, it was a secret, so everyone's guess on Lin Yang's strength should be around the late innate period.

For Lin Yang, this sword should not be difficult to take.

Lin Yang didn't think so.

Everyone thought that there would be a bitter battle between him and this Chen Chaoge, but Lin Yang wouldn't be too verbose with this bitch today.

What he wants is the ultimate blow and humiliation.

I saw him facing Chen Chaoge's powerful swordsmanship, just gently raising his left hand, and muttering softly in his mouth:

"Giant Mountain-Summoning!"

Familiar tricks appeared.

The Giant Mountain Summoning technique that nearly killed Chen Ping that year reappeared in the world.

Only this time, after Lin Yang had prepared to rest in Wen's Mansion, the huge mountain summoned was even larger and heavier, which made people desperate.


A black giant rock appeared out of thin air in front of Lin Yang, the size of a two-story small building, and the whole body was a hard Tier 3 spirit mine [stainless steel black iron], which was too hard and heavy and scary.

The whole audience was shocked.

Everyone can't figure out what kind of magic is Lin Yang, only a few people who know [Xu Mi Jie] guess that Lin Yang is bullying people with equipment.


Just heard the sound of gold and iron rubbing.

Chen Chaoge looked at his blood dragon sword straight into the hill that suddenly appeared in front of him, almost short-circuiting his mind.

What kind of plane is this!

Where is there such a fight!

Do you want to play dead!

Lin Yang across the giant mountain seemed to see Chen Chaoge's eyes that were about to go out of their sockets, and the corners of his mouth smiled coldly:

Yes, today is going to kill you.

Giant Mountain, close!


The giant stainless steel Xuan Tieshan was taken back to Xumi Jie, and even the blood dragon sword that Chen Chaoge was too late to pull out was taken in.

have to.

Buy one get one free.

Chen Chaoge exploded directly.

"Lin Yi! You are shameless!"

Lin Yang looked at Chen Chaoge directly with his chin, and smiled disdainfully: "This is called shameless, and there are even more shameless. If you don't get out, I will kill you!"

"I'll get rid of your mother!"

Chen Chaoge was crazy.

He was already intent on killing, but Lin Yang was so angry that he went crazy.

I saw him suddenly speed up, his body turned into a gust of wind and lightning, and he leaped high into the sky.

Just now he estimated the size of the huge mountain that Lin Yang had summoned, and he could cross the hill and kill the opponent when he descended from the sky.

A long spear, held in his hand by him, turned out to be another high-level spiritual weapon.

As a prince, he is such a local tyrant, and there is more than one high-level spiritual weapon that is rare for ordinary people in this life.

What is even more surprising is that Chen Chaoge used a trick that Lin Yang was very familiar with--

Inferior Ling Jue, Canglong Xuan!

The marksmanship from Su Mingchun, the commander of the royal guards, arrived in Chen Chaoge's hands, and it turned out to be blue, and its power was not weaker than that of Su Mingchun.

This Chen Chaoge's martial arts talent is actually an evildoer, not only the swordsmanship is superb, but the marksmanship is also so terrible.

Everyone was once again shocked by Chen Chaoge's strength, and it is no wonder that Emperor Lin Haoyuan would favor this child so much, because he did have the expected capital.

However, what he met today was Lin Yang.

Destined to step on Chen Chaoge's Lin Yang.

Lin Yang wore a pair of boots on his feet, a pair of boots from the Black Iron Spirit Armor. These boots gave Lin Yang a full 50% of the jumping power. When he stepped hard, the ground broke and Lin Yang flew more than Chen Chaoge. high.

He looked at Chen Chaoge, his face was indifferent, but his shot was black and desperate.

He has already put on three Xumi Rings on his hand.

The huge ore stored in it is enough to make Chen Chaoge cry for his father and mother.

Lin Yang said coldly: "The upgraded version of Summoning Giant Mountain-Summoning Mountain Summoning!"