God of Illusions

Chapter 126: Lian Zhan Lianjie!


*******Thank you for calling me Baye for the reward, exclusive plus more! *******

The rest of the people all exited, and only Bai Xiaofei made a request to the armored man.

"Bai Kai, offended!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Kai rushed straight to Bai Xiaofei. The news that Bai Xiaofei was a phantom system had already spread.

However, Bai Kai did not underestimate Bai Xiaofei, but in his opinion, as long as Bai Xiaofei is close, he will definitely win!


The main puppet of Bai Kai, the armor of the berserker, the additional effect is similar to Duan Yiyi's berserk, but it is stronger!

The heavy sword in his hand was heavily chopped against Bai Xiaofei under the same fist armor as Shi Kui, until Bai Kai was about to succeed, Bai Xiaofei didn't move.

Brother Fei, what are you doing? !

A group of people in the Savage Class came up with the same idea, but in the next second, a scene that stunned everyone appeared!

The body was slanted, and Bai Xiaofei's meticulous ability allowed Bai Xiaofei to complete an accurate judgment. Bai Kai's attack fell on the stage, and the surrounding area collapsed instantly, showing the terrifying damage!

Unfortunately, it didn't take effect, and Bai Xiaofei's clenched right fist had already hit Bai Kai's side ribs straight...

With a muffled "bang", Bai Xiaofei's fist came into close contact with Bai Kai's armor. Everyone thought this blow was nothing, but Bai Kai who was hit did not feel that way...

It hurts too much!

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei almost spit out Bai Kai's overnight meal, but this is far from over!

Bai Xiaofei moved to the back of Bai Kai, who had not yet stood firm, and Bai Kai's reaction was quite fast. Although he lost his balance, his epee still slashed at Bai Xiaofei.

Injury for injury!

The abacus is very good, but Bai Xiaofei didn’t give him this opportunity. His right hand came first, and he held Bai Kai’s wrist holding the epee straight. Bai Kai felt like he was clamped by iron tongs, no matter what. The force is not driven at all.

"it's over!"

After spitting out three words indifferently, Bai Xiaofei was full of energy, and hit Bai Kai with a heavy fist, knocking him out abruptly.

It's a long story. The two fights are actually just a few breaths, and the two classes of spectators swallowed their saliva at the same time.

This... is the phantom puppet master? !

Are you sure he is not a senior warrior? !

Suffocating the blood that was about to squirt, Bai Kai climbed up from the ground with difficulty, and there was a trace of jealousy in Bai Xiaofei's eyes.

"I lost… "

Although he was very unwilling, Bai Kai still said it. He could feel that Bai Xiaofei had just kept his hand, otherwise, if Bai Xiaofei hit the head, he would definitely be worse than he is now.

The ending is set. Several families are happy and sad, the 21st class left in a desperate manner, and Bai Xiaofei was surrounded by the savage class.

All kinds of questions blurted out, but Bai Xiaofei couldn't answer the questions.

"My situation is a long story. Let's race first, how about talking about it during lunch?"

The tormented Bai Xiaofei gave a wry smile, stopped the curiosity savage class, and looked at Xueying's gaze.

But at this time Xueying hadn't escaped from the initial anger, Bai Xiaofei, who understood it, chose to take the initiative.

"This is just the first step, trust me, you won't leave Xing Luo."

When he walked to Xueying, Bai Xiaofei formally assured him that his serious appearance and his taller body are completely enough to capture thousands of fans.

Xueying is naturally no exception, and she can't help but feel moved when she hears Bai Xiaofei's words.

However, before Bai Xiaofei was proud of it for two seconds, Xueying's fist flew over for the first time.

"Don't think I don't know what your calculations are, and say, where did you go last night!"

Sometimes, being moved is more than obsession!

"Don't fight! Sister Xue! I said I said! I went to see the old man last night! I was afraid that Nirvana Pearl would have side effects, and I was afraid to tell you that you were worried, so I went to ask the old man!"

When the first trick failed, Bai Xiaofei used the second excuse he had prepared.

Anyway, apart from telling the truth, the result of telling a lie will not be dismembered...

Sure enough, after Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, Xueying still had a face full of disbelief, but in the end Bai Xiaofei was let go, because the new game was about to begin...

After finishing class 21, the next four classes are all from civilian areas.

Two classes directly abstained after seeing Bai Xiaofei asking for a bunch of autographs. One class chose the best of five games and chose opponents from the Savage class by themselves. Then Duan Yiyi, Juno and Xing Nan lay down three with their hands. After that, the game is over...

The last class was the worst. After learning the lessons of the former, they chose a team fight. Then, they didn't even see the puppets of the Savage class, so they were punched and kicked off the field...

After the game in the morning, the Savage Class ate in Baiweiju in the name of celebrating Bai Xiaofei’s smooth discharge. Of course, it was Bai Xiaofei who was the guest, and Bai Xiaofei hadn't done it, but when Xueying planned to pursue him last night When it happened, he immediately chose to accept his fate.

Kill it, it's better to kill a corpse than to die!

At lunch, Bai Xiaofei briefly explained his situation to the people in the class, in exchange for an enviable look.

But when I think about it, everyone is relieved. Bai Xiaofei is a chance to get his life in exchange. It’s good not to have this kind of opportunity...

After lunch, the savage class started the afternoon game. As in the morning, Bai Xiaofei immediately proposed to the referee to prepare for the next one every time he played. The speed made the referee who was guarding the game stand dumbfounded.

This is the rhythm to fill up the points in one breath!

In the competition, Xueying’s training results in the first month became the only magic weapon for everyone to hide their strength in the screening competition. Low-level puppet masters basically have the common problem of insufficient melee ability, even if there are two special ones, They also have to sing to conquer in front of Lin Li's Feng Yu neon clothes!

Anyway, the news that Lin Li is in the Savage Class has been spread, and Feng Yu Nishang won’t be a trump card, so why not let it shine and heat...

In line with this kind of combat policy, there was no suspense in the four games in the afternoon, and the tasks of nine games a day were completed accordingly.

"Brother Fei, it feels that we are sure to get the first place in this fight, and there is no resistance at all."

On the way back to the dormitory, Mocha expressed his opinion with a look of excitement, and a group of boys all agreed.

"We are lucky. We only met one class 21 with the rookie king, and Hu Xian'er is not there yet, and do you think the two players who played today really used their full strength?"

A basin of cold water was poured down, and the boys were stunned at the same time.

"What's the meaning?"

"They are also hiding their strengths, and they also thought of what we thought of, so before the end, never mention the word easy."

Bai Xiaofei paused as he spoke, and there was a hint of confidence on his serious face the previous second.

"However, it must be ours from the first to the end!"

PS: Fifth more! ! ! I forgot to post the book friend group, the old group is scrapped, and the new group has just been established, everyone hurry in and come in! A rare opportunity to be a veteran! 711291617, the home of the body, look forward to your joining! ! !