God of Illusions

Chapter 38: You guys are too good!


Faced with the sudden appearance of Xue Ying, the first reaction of a group of people was fear, but after seeing the student uniform that Xue Ying was wearing, a deep sense of humiliation came to their hearts again.

It was bluffed by the freshman again!

"Senior girl, you look like a beautiful girl. There is no need to get ahead for this kid, and you can't deal with the people present, so if you don't want to get hurt, you'd better go far!"

Zhao Han took a step forward, and the threat in his tone was already obvious. If Xueying weren't a beauty, I'm afraid he would have greeted him directly by now.

The attitude of the other people is also very obvious. As long as Zhao Han gives an order, they will never mind destroying the flowers with their hands. Of course, some "body friction" in the process is unavoidable...

However, there is one exception among the crowd, that is, coming out to expose Bai Xiaofei's white night!

Seeing Xueying, not only did he not come out to help everyone courage, but instead stepped back a few steps, withdrew from the central area, and then looked at Xueying warily.

"It makes sense, but I just don't want to let it go."

With a faint smile, Xueying had another expression that didn't put the group of first-year "seniors" in her eyes at all, but she really didn't put her eyes in her eyes...

But the "seniors" don't think so. In their eyes, Xueying is just a school girl who is good at acting!

"Then only offend!"

Before he finished his words, Zhao Han had already rushed towards Xueying, a yellow light appeared on the sword-shaped puppet in his hand, and he took Xueying's right shoulder straight.

At the same time, the remaining dozen people also followed up, completely sealing Xueying's retreat, but they missed one thing.

What if Xueying doesn't need to retreat

And the fact is like this!

When Zhao Han’s long sword was about to pierce Xueying, with Xueying’s slight deviation, Zhao Han’s long sword fell directly into the empty space, and Zhao Han seemed to be prepared for this, and the empty left hand directly pressed towards it. Xueying's waist was touched.

From the very beginning, Zhao Han's idea was to take the opportunity to stretch out his hand, after all, in his eyes, Xueying was just a new student, and also a new student in the Savage Class!

But Xueying's reaction far exceeded his expectations. Before he could realize what had happened, Xueying's figure was lost in his sight. In the next second, a huge force struck heavily. Under Zhao Han's weakness, he turned into a curled prawn and fell sideways.

In the face of this sudden change, no one except Bai Xiaofei was sufficiently prepared. When the rest of the people reacted, Xue Ying was already like a wolf that plunged into the flock, and started sweeping wanton.

One by one, more than a dozen seniors turned into human-shaped sandbags and flew out in various postures. After falling, no one had the strength to stand up anymore, and a dozen people lay all over the place. , Kept clutching his stomach and rolling on the ground.

"Tsk tsk, it's too delicious."

She clapped her hands, Xue Ying unceremoniously belittled the first-year student lying on the ground, and at the same time looked at the only white night that was still standing.

Because he didn't enter the battle circle, he survived.

"Are there any new people coming? It's not even enough to warm me up."

Bai Ye, who was already ready to be brought down, was taken aback for a moment. After reacting to Xueying's words, she swallowed with difficulty.

"Are you...really a freshman?"

"New is quite new, but you can guess whether it is a new student or not."

Raising her eyebrows at Bai Ye, Xueying had no sense of being a teacher. At this time, she and Bai Xiaofei were a bit similar.

"You can't be a freshman with this strength, but you help him like this, which is equivalent to fighting against the effectiveness of the bounty list. Even if you solve it for a while, you can't protect him for four years, and you may even get yourself into it in the end. ."

Bai Ye solemnly helped Xueying analyze, trying to persuade her to give up helping Bai Xiaofei, otherwise, his road of revenge might become particularly bumpy.

"If you want to go, go back and call someone if you don't dare to go. It's useless to talk nonsense with me, Bai Xiaofei, I'm in Baoding!"

She squeezed her fist, Xue Ying didn't even let go, her resolute attitude directly made Bai Ye blush.

"You will regret this!"

With that, Bai Ye turned around and left, while Xue Ying looked back at Xiang Bai Xiaofei, and then saw a scene that almost made her vomit blood.

"It's not expensive at all to let you leave fifty stars. If you don't, you can continue to learn about my sister Xue's iron fist."

Picking up a senior at random, Bai Xiaofei shook his jade sign in front of him, and Xueying's sign was indeed useful, succumbing to her lust, the senior had no choice but to pay for it.

"Bai Xiaofei!"

With a roar, Xueying's face also added a cannibalistic expression. After he hit the front and hit, this guy actually collected the protection fee!

"Sister Xue, I heard that there are many skin care products suitable for beauties in the store area of the school. With this star Luo Shi, you will surely be able to fascinate thousands of beautiful boys!"

Bai Xiaofei's reaction was not unpleasant. Before Xue Ying could say anything, he was directly blocked by Bai Xiaofei.

Few girls can resist the temptation of beauty, and Xueying is no exception.

"A hundred yuan!"

Not only is there no exception, Xueying even scored a three-pointer than Bai Xiaofei!

Turning his head helplessly, Bai Xiaofei looked at the seniors whose faces had been completely green, and put on an expression that I was wronged too.

"Senior, you heard that, this is not what I said, so look at..."

Suppressing the urge to vomit blood, a total of 13 people each paid a life-saving premium of 100 Xing Luo Shi, almost crying and left the Savage Class.

"Sister Xue, it's over."

Bai Xiaofei picked up his jade card and handed it to Xueying. There was obviously a flash of excitement in Xueying's eyes, but in the end he gritted his teeth and pushed it back.

"I have to leave after receiving this, but you said you want to buy me top skin care products."

Squeezing her fist, Xue Ying said viciously to Bai Xiaofei.

"Hey, don't worry, Sister Xue, I have never done anything."

Raising his eyebrows, Bai Xiaofei withdrew the jade medal with great joy. Looking at the expression, it seemed like he had expected this kind of result a long time ago.

Just when the two happily divided the spoils, a large crowd came over again, and this time the momentum was at least ten times that of the previous one!

"Sister Xue, it's up to you. After doing this wave, we will be rich!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't mean to be scared at all, but gulped excitedly. In his opinion, as long as they are not in the third grade, they are basically here to give Xing Luo Shi!

However, Xueying didn't think so...

PS: The fourth one, I’m so awesome, can I ask for a wave of votes...