God of Illusions

Chapter 4: Domineering girl!


"Let me out, or I'll kill him!"

The girl's voice came from the mask, and the old man who had planned to rest was shocked and bounced from the ground.

It's over, confused! How can I forget this!

This kid is a girl who has taken over!

With regret in his heart, the old man, who could not wait to slap himself again, quickly closed the mask, and then saw a scene that made him tremble.

The girl who put on a tight short skirt again revealed a domineering and powerful aura. The most frightening thing was that the two features she showed belonged to the World of Warcraft!

Transformation of Warcraft? ! ! !

Damn it, don't you want to die here! ! !

This was the first reaction of the old man. The Transfiguration Beast was an eternal puppet master, and the little legend of destroying him was nothing short of turning around.

But soon this conjecture was denied. If that was the case, he would have died a long time ago, so how could it be possible to tie her over.

But if it's not the transformation of monsters, how can this be explained

"Uh, that... you... my apprentice..."

For a while, the old man's head could no longer turn.

"You guessed it right, I am a Warcraft. As for why it is like this, it is not something you can know, but it is a fact that I saved him, so I need your compensation."

calm down! Horror-level calmness!

And the first thought in the old man's mind was not horror, but it turned out that this girl is a Warcraft, no wonder she can resist all afternoon...

"What compensation can I give you for your existence at this level?"

After clearing the untimely thoughts from his head, the old man swallowed his saliva and asked weakly.

Don't be tempted, they are Warcraft, here is the endless mountain range, and their territory, if they are upset, they may not even have a corpse left!

"You dare to bring waste to the endless mountains alone. You should have a high status in the human world. I need a suitable human identity. Do me a favor. I will let you two get out of here alive."

Poor Bai Xiaofei was just like this by the person who had just been a husband and wife with him... Ah no, Miss Warcraft is defined as a waste...

The old man frowned. He could indeed help with this, but he was worried that this female monster would be bad for humans.

"You don't have time to hesitate. Although I am not your opponent, as long as I want to, at least ten emperor-level monsters will be killed immediately, even emperor-level beasts. So, if you want to live, promise me immediately!"

Naked threat, but the old man had to believe it, because the monsters she mentioned could indeed turn him into flower manure.

"I can introduce you to a place where your previous identity is emptied, and after you leave there, whatever identity you want will do!"

Without hesitation this time, the old man who was afraid of the girl's might immediately took out a golden invitation letter from the ring.

But after taking it out, he wanted to slap himself.

Damn, I got it wrong! ! !

Stepping on some weird steps, the girl walked straight to the old man, grabbed the invitation letter in his hand, and after a brief glance, she gave the old man a fierce look with full of murderous intent. .

"You two will pay the price for today's affairs!"

As soon as the voice fell, the girl raised her head and blew a whistle. Then, she walked to Bai Xiaofei and stared at him for a long time.

It didn't take long for a leopard covered in cyan stripes to gallop towards him. He bowed his head in front of the girl very respectfully, let the girl sit sideways on its back, and carried her to disappear into the night.

He let out a long breath, the old man's back was soaked.

Gale Leopard, a king-level monster, if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't believe that such a guy would have such a meek side if you killed the old man!

The nine-level beasts known on the mainland from low to high are Brutal Beast, Tonghui, Yuling, Kaiqiao, King-level, Emperor-level, Emperor-level, Transformation, and Holy Beast.

Among them, the transformation is already the existence of the dragon without seeing the end. There are definitely not many in this world, and the holy beast is like the immortality in the puppet master, and only exists in the theory.

Therefore, the king level is already equivalent to the senior level of Warcraft!

Thinking about it this way, the imperial-level monsters that the girl just said were not alarmist!

But this worry quickly dissipated, and the old man's head was filled with another thought.

"Tsk tsk, you deserve to be a good apprentice of my heavenly secret, even the monsters have been made like that!"

The girl's weird steps flashed in his mind, and then the old man Tianji smiled unkindly...

All night, Bai Xiaofei slept naked like this. Early in the morning, the unique cool breeze in the forest blew him up.

"What a monster!!!"

With a roar, Bai Xiaofei bounced off the ground.

"Damn, I was scared to death. It turned out to be a dream."

After murmured, Bai Xiaofei looked at his body, and then let out a terrible scream...


"You perverted old man! What did you do to me! I'm still a kid!!! The young man is going to work hard with you!!!"

Tears and nose flowed down together, and Bai Xiaofei rushed out to the heaven's secret on the side.

But as soon as I took a step, I felt something was wrong. Before I had time to adjust, I had already shot out and fell into a shit.

Fighting with a monster of war for an afternoon, the legs are not soft, then it is really unreasonable!

The next second, a set of clothes hit him, followed by the faint voice of heaven.

"Put away your nasty thoughts. I am notoriously interested in women only. Although you have the aptitude to be a white-faced person, you are not good at it."

Calming down, Bai Xiaofei let out a long sigh, and then put on his clothes in a hurry.

"Then why are my clothes gone?"

Asking while wearing it, Bai Xiaofei was very entangled with this question that related to his innocence.

"There was an illicit drug attack, I found you a morphing beast to extinguish the fire. As a result, the two of you had a fight all afternoon, and your clothes were torn to pieces."

Tianji said and pointed at the clothes that had become fragments next to him. If you carefully identify them, you can still find that there is something that belongs to the girl inside.

But Bai Xiaofei was not so careful.

"Are you a fool when you are your apprentice? You still transform into a monster. That's an eternal monster. Don't say whether there are really in this endless mountain range. Even if we meet, we should have been eaten long ago."

The reason was quite sufficient, and Bai Xiaofei directly denied Tianji's explanation.

"Believe it or not, I'm telling the truth."

After spreading his hands, Tianji did not continue to fight, because even he himself felt that this fact was not reliable at all.

"But, isn't your kid going too far?"

As he said, Tianji's voice suddenly became cold.

In the next second, Bai Xiaofei immediately realized that something was wrong. This is not Hero Gorge. This is not his godfather and godfather, but the master who might kill him at any time!

After a swoop, Bai Xiaofei jumped directly to the fuselage of the sky and rubbed his shoulders skillfully.

"Master, please calm down your anger. My apprentice is so happy that I suddenly got the power, so I dazzled my head, so I am talking nonsense! Your kindness of remaking, my apprentice is not unforgettable. As long as your old man opens his mouth, it will be overwhelming. It won't wrinkle!"

The flattering was comfortable, Tianji laughed with satisfaction.

"Boy, you can't even use your vitality. Why are you here in this endless mountain range? You don't seem like a person who can't think of it."

The apprentices all recognized, the old man Tianji finally remembered to ask Bai Xiaofei's life experience.

"I didn't come in, I just came out of it."

Bai Xiaofei said indifferently, but the old man Tianji was shocked.

"Get out of it?!"

"Heroes Gap?!"

With surprise written on his face, the old man Tianji suddenly turned his head.

"You came out of Heroes Gap?!"

"Yes, what's the matter? Master, you actually know where our birds don't shit?"

Frozen, Bai Xiaofei was also taken aback.

"So, do you have a hero order?"

"Are you talking about this stuff?"

As Bai Xiaofei said, he took out a piece of spliced token from his arms. The upper and lower parts of the fracture were written with the words "ying" and "xiong" in ancient fonts.

Taking the token in Bai Xiaofei's hand with a hint of panic, the old man Tianji looked at it again, and then returned it to Bai Xiaofei.

"You must take good care of this token, and don't take it out in front of anyone, and don't tell anyone that you came out of Heroes Gap!"

With seriousness on his face, the old man Tianji stared at Bai Xiaofei.

"Don't worry, this master, my godfather and godmother have told me many times, and they told you that this is because you are not an outsider."

With a smile, Bai Xiaofei took advantage of the situation and slapped another wave of flattery.

In fact, he had already forgotten this matter, of course, the secret of heaven did not know.

Therefore, the old man is very moved...

"Then why did you come out? It's impossible to just come out for shopping, Hero Gorge is not easy to go back."

"Vengeance for my father who I have never seen. According to my godfather and godmother, my father is a great hero, but he died silly. Let me come out and find out the matter before I can go back."

There is no sadness on Bai Xiaofei's face, as he said, he has no impression of his father, and the only connection between the two is Xiao Er.

This puppet was forcibly bound when Bai Xiaofei was born.

"Big hero? White..."

The old man Tianji frowned and showed a thoughtful expression. After a while, his eyes suddenly became round.

"Is your father called Bai Longfei!"

Holding Bai Xiaofei's shoulder tightly, the old man Tianji's arm trembled slightly.

"Master, don't get excited, your apprentice panicks very much."

Realizing that he was out of state, the old man Tianji quickly released his hand, but the excitement in his eyes did not disappear at all.

"No, is your father called Bai Longfei!"

Once again, the old man Tianji asked again, and Bai Xiaofei, who was staring with a numb scalp, nodded.

"My godfather, they really said this name."

As soon as Bai Xiaofei's voice fell, the old man Tianji laughed three times on his back, but his eyes became wet when he looked at Bai Xiaofei again.

"For so many years, there have been countless rumors out there, but the old man didn't believe them. I didn't expect to meet your own son today."

"Good luck! Good luck!"

Although he didn't know the reason, Bai Xiaofei could clearly feel the grief in the heart of the old man Tianji, because the emotion was the same as when his godfathers mentioned his father.

"Master, do you know my father?"

After swallowing, Bai Xiaofei asked softly.

"I don't know much about your father than your godfather, but I can show you a place to go!"

After a pause, the eyes of the old man Tianji regained their brilliance...