God of Illusions

Chapter 44: Elemental Devourer!


Under the surprised expression of the restrained senior, Xueying exerted a slight force, and with a muffled noise, the poor senior had already turned one hundred and eighty degrees and hit the ground heavily.

At the same time, the remaining three younger brothers who realized something was wrong rushed up at the same time, and in just two short steps, they had completed the call of the puppet.

However, Xueying did not give them a chance to play. Before they could show their puppet abilities, Xueying passed the three of them like a phantom. In just an instant, the three of them squatted down with their stomachs in their hands. .

What Xueying taught to the Savage Class was perfectly reflected in her own body. In a blink of an eye, the four master puppet masters had lost their fighting ability, and only the gloomy senior was left.

"You are their leader, I don't care who you are, you angered me today!"

She squeezed her fist and Xueying moved again. At almost the same time, a purple light appeared on the gloomy senior, and he suddenly lost his figure on the chair. When Xueying reacted, her gloomy face was already Appeared beside Bai Xiaofei.

Purple puppet! Teleport!

"Although you are very strong, but as a teacher, you have violated the rules of the academy. Depending on your age, you should have just entered the academy. I think you will be able to pack up and leave soon."

Restraining Bai Xiaofei, his gloomy face instantly gained the confidence to speak.

"Let him go, you can still stand and walk out from here, otherwise, you can also prepare to drop out!"

Looking back, Xueying completely ignored the gloomy face's warning, but instead burst out a condensed killing intent.

"You can try to see if I am faster or you are faster, you shouldn't want any problems with this simulacrum boy."

With a slight smile, there was a hint of gloom on his gloomy face, and Xueying saw a trace of jealousy on his face, deeply jealous.

Perhaps, he didn't come here because of the reward list, but simply because Bai Xiaofei had a pseudo-type puppet!

After realizing this, Xueying couldn't help but sink in her heart. If this is the case, then it is absolutely possible to do what he said.

"Senior, haven't you heard that there is a special kind of bug in the endless mountains?"

When the gloomy face and Xueying were in a stalemate, Bai Xiaofei, who was being held captive, suddenly spoke, calmly without the awareness of being in danger.

"Boy, now you are not qualified to speak, as long as I do a little bit, you will never want to condense your vitality in this life!"

The gloomy face did not intend to listen to Bai Xiaofei's nonsense, and now his attention had been placed on Xueying.

"No, no, no, I think it's necessary for you to listen to me. The name of this kind of bug is the bitter bug."

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly as he spoke, and there was a slight astonishment on his gloomy face for an instant.

Primavera, a slender insect that is hard to see with the naked eye. It feeds on elemental power. After parasitizing on the host, it will madly swallow the elemental force in the host, but this process is not obvious until the elemental worm swallows it. After it grows to maturity, as it ovulates and hatches quickly, this effect will be obvious when more phagosomes join the swallowing queue.

Once that time is reached, it is already too late!

"The reproduction period of the Elemental Devourer is about three days, and the cultivated Elemental Devourer can greatly shorten this period, for example... half an hour! And the moment you met me, I slid a piece of it on your body. ."

Before the words fell, the astonishment on the gloomy face had turned into fear.

"Don't use Yuan Li to check, in that case, the process will be accelerated."

Bai Xiaofei's words made the gloomy and restless Yuanli instantly quiet. The pain of being swallowed by the Elemental Devourer is recorded in the book, which is simply four words.

Life is better than death!

"Do you think I'm a fool! You raised the Elemental Devourer as soon as you said it?"

There was a trace of distrust in his tone, but this trace of distrust was already the last struggle of the gloomy face.

"It's okay if you don't believe it. If you don't believe it, you can stand in a stalemate. I'm a big deal, I will be abolished by you, but I don't need to say what you will end up with."

With a sneer, Bai Xiaofei said that he grabbed the right hand with a gloomy face on his neck, the latter instinctively increased his strength.

"You can continue to work hard, I will never struggle."

As soon as the voice fell, his gloomy face stopped. Bai Xiaofei was too calm, so calm that he couldn't find any flaws.

"The place I'm pressing now is one of the Yuan Li collection points. The Element Devourer I put is here now. If you don't believe it, you can feel it."

Following Bai Xiaofei’s statement and focusing his attention on his inner vision, the fear of the gloomy face suddenly and completely dispelled his last suspicion of Bai Xiaofei, because the speed at which the whole body’s vitality converged to this convergence point was really true. Get up soon!

"I didn't lie to you."

He smiled, Bai Xiaofei only felt that the hand on his neck had increased his strength again.

"Get it out!!!"

The gloomy face almost roared out. In front of the Elemental Devourer, how strong the strength is is a joke, because it is just nourishment for the Elemental Devourer.

"Let... let me go!"

His face turned purple, Bai Xiaofei spit out a few words with difficulty, without any intention of acknowledging it.

With the passage of time, Bai Xiaofei's breathing became more and more difficult, and Xue Ying on the opposite side was ready to give it a go, but at this moment, her gloomy face collapsed.

Slowly unloading a trace of strength, he said in a low voice with a gloomy face.

"Get it out, or you will definitely die!"

The threatening words were completely out of character, but Bai Xiaofei didn't care about the anger of the gloomy face at all, because he knew that the gloomy face now had no choice.

Sure enough, after a while, Bai Xiaofei let go of his gloomy expression.

"Get it out!"

Reaching out his hand to Bai Xiaofei, he repeated the words just now with a gloomy face, but Bai Xiaofei had no intention of doing it at all.

"By the way, senior, I don't know your name yet."

Facing Bai Xiaofei who suddenly broke the topic, his gloomy face couldn't wait to tear him to pieces, but he was terrified by the worm, he could only endure it.

"He Meng."

Gritting his teeth and spitting out two words, He Meng is ready to die together.

"Oh, Senior He Meng, don't worry, I will take out the Elemental Devourer. After all, Bai Xiaofei is a credibility person."

When Bai Xiaofei spoke, He Meng's heart relaxed slightly.

"But not now. Before that, there is a step to be taken."

With a slight smile, Bai Xiaofei staggered his body and let out Xueying who was standing behind and pinching his fists. He Meng had a bad premonition almost immediately.

"Remember, don't resist. If you use Yuan Li, it will speed up the process."

As Bai Xiaofei said, He Meng hadn't fully reacted yet, Xueying had already raised her fist that convinced countless people...

No revenge, not a gentleman... Uh, not a woman!

PS: No one is talking about swollen, let's blow it up after the third shift! ! !