God of Life

Chapter 638: Playing with guns seriously [Big Chapter]


While the girls were getting upset, Wang Yan was having fun shooting.

Guo Houyu was resolute and resolute. He just mentioned the day before yesterday that he would take Wang Yan to have some male romance, and he made arrangements for it today.

Wang Yan went happily without asking who else was there.

In fact, this is essentially an in-depth social interaction, no different from meeting the rich to play golf.

Guo Houyu needs to continue to examine Wang Yan, and Mr. Wang also hopes to confirm whether Lao Guo is worthy of close friendship through different environments.

So, I am not losing my mind by playing with things.

Manually funny.

After the meeting, Wang Yan found that there was really no outsider today, just Lao Guo, Hongying, himself, and a rich loser.

Really private gathering.

Moreover, the place we went to was not a civilian shooting range at all, but a place that was inconvenient to mention.

When walking past a playground, Youcai suddenly became extremely excited.

"Boss, there are cannons here!"

There is indeed a cannon, and it is a huge cannon with a caliber of at least 150mm. You can feel its power from a distance.

The barrel of the cannon was so long that it seemed to be able to pierce the sky.

Brother Gou is a military illiterate and extremely lacks relevant common sense. He asked Guo Houyu very excitedly: "Brother Guo, can I use that thing?!"

It made Hongying laugh miserably.

"Young Master, don't make trouble!

Let you play with a gun, shoot only the bullets within the training quota, and do favors but do not violate discipline.

The thing you are thinking about is called a 155 self-propelled howitzer. It can be used from here to the city, and it will not be a problem to demolish half-built buildings.

If you feel so good about it, I will give you a three-year sentence..."

After being beaten for a while, Wang Yan became even more excited.

"I'll go! How awesome is that?! It's twenty or thirty kilometers from here to the city, right?!"

Guo Houyu smiled and nodded: "That cannon can hit 40 kilometers."

"The cannonball of that thing is so long..." Hongying opened her hands to compare, and the length was close to one meter. "It's heavier than your wife!"


"Really! If you don't believe me, ask Brother Guo."

"Well, one shell is close to 50 kilograms."

To drive a 50kg artillery shell dozens of kilometers... incredible.

"Haha! It's so rare, isn't it? Let me tell you, for example, you are playing football on the football field, and a high-explosive bomb falls to the ground 50 meters away... "


Hongying laughed unscrupulously: "What? I've prepared the gifts, and I'm just waiting for the dinner!"

Brother Gou didn't believe it, but Guo Houyu nodded.

“50 meters is too close, and you will basically die.

Even if you are lying down, the possibility of being scratched to death by armor-piercing fragments is still as high as 99%.

Even if you are really lucky and avoid all the fragments, the shock wave will still shatter your internal organs. "

"In an open environment like a football field, 150 meters is for nothing! Do you know why I can't let you have a shot?"

Xiaojun listened blindly to the science popularization they said to each other, and felt that he had gained a lot of knowledge, and finally had some idea of the power of modern firearms.

Then a sudden thought occurred: "If you put it this way, wouldn't the zombie apocalypse in science fiction movies be nonsense?"

"Haha, yes!"

Guo Houyu suddenly laughed, and then explained: "Actually, we have discussed before whether the zombie virus will destroy mankind, and we have also done a complete deduction with friends from the staff department."

"Hey! Brother Guo, your entertainment method is so amazing..."

Wang Yanqing couldn't help but give a thumbs up, which made Guo Houyu feel happy and proud from every pore in his body.

"Actually, I just have so much free time that I fantasize about fighting someone every day, and then I preset conditions, add layers of pressure, and you attack and I defend... In essence, it is no different from you playing scripted killing."

Brother Gou was a bit dazzled.

Guo Houyu said it was simple, but judging from his pride, the actual situation was definitely not that simple.

Damn it, boss, you are so good at pretending!

However, Wang Yan never hesitates to cheer up his friends: "What about the conclusion? It seems very optimistic?"

Guo Houyu raised his eyebrows, very proud.

"We don't care about other countries. Anyway, in China, as long as the virus is not completely annihilated, then there will be absolutely no problem!

According to the worst-case scenario simulation, the virus breaks out in a concentrated manner, and the human population is reduced to 5% in the first hour. Then there are no more non-traumatic infections, and humans begin to defend and counterattack.

The counterattack must have been initiated by the military, so it was actually a math problem -

Can a hundred disorganized professional soldiers in a division-level military camp located in a large military region eliminate 19 times the number of ordinary zombies

The answer is simple, yes!

Three soldiers can activate the basic functions of an armored infantry vehicle to effectively rescue their comrades.

One hundred soldiers driving twenty various armored vehicles could easily wipe out a division of zombies in two hours.

After cleaning up the military camp, the next step is easy.

Rescue, rendezvous, reorganize troops, form temporary organizations, and start a state of all-out war.

When a large corpse wave is detected, artillery is set up, and it can be disabled dozens of kilometers away.

If there is a small wave of zombies, just use heavy machine guns to attack them. There is no need to save bullets. The domestic bullet inventory is enough to attack 10 billion zombies and still have some leftover.

Don't worry about the problem that zombies must be hit in the head to die. You will know later when you play with the heavy machine gun yourself. That thing hits people just like mowing grass, cutting four or five rows at a time.

Once it hits the bones of the torso, the bullet will roll over slightly and your whole body will be torn into pieces!

Before the collective evolution of zombies can match human intelligence, this is essentially a boring game of whack-a-mole with too many tactics to use.

The seven military regions can at least form seven survivor bases and then slowly regain the country.

Destroy humanity? over thinking. "

Guo Houyu was having a good time chatting, and he was beaming with joy, showing a kind of purity that belongs only to soldiers.

Wang Yan found it very interesting and was willing to ask his friends for any questions he didn't understand, so they all chatted happily.

In the end, Hongying concluded proudly—

"In fact, the most critical thing is our country's strong grassroots organizational and mobilization capabilities. You may not realize it at ordinary times, but once a critical moment comes, the gap can be enough to make the difference between life and death."

Guo Houyu casually added eight words: "Everyone is destroyed outside, we are alone."

My brother is so domineering.

Wang Yan didn't fully understand their self-confidence. It had nothing to do with IQ and EQ. It was purely due to lack of knowledge.

But what the heck, it’s all nonsense, everyone is happy is the most important thing.

While blowing high-end music all the way, the relationship between the three people took a step further and they began to hook up.

Wang Yan especially liked the high and exposed patriotism of the two of them. No matter whether they would change in the future, at least at this moment, the spiritual core of Lao Guo and Lao Hong could resonate with Wang Yan.

If nothing else happens, Hongying will become Wang Yan's spokesperson and number one partner on certain matters.

When he finally arrived at the shooting range, Guo Houyu, who was in high spirits, waved at his good friend Huang Zhizhong who was wearing training uniforms.

"Buy a set of all the equipment you can get! I'm going to feed my brother today!"

Lao Guo had always been steady, and he rarely showed such wildness. Huang Zhizhong couldn't help but take a closer look at Wang Yan and smiled.

"Hey, the car god is a distinguished guest! Let's drive the 99 for a lap later?"

Wang Yan shook hands with him and shook it vigorously: "Then thank Brother Huang in advance for the warm hospitality."

My thanks are not in vain, Huang Zhizhong really entertained me with all his heart.

All kinds of active weapons were laid out for Wang Yan to play with.

Seeing the dazzling array of firearms that couldn't fit on several tables, Mr. Wang really had to be polite.

"Brother Guo, won't it cause trouble to you and Brother Huang?"

"It's okay, feel free to play!"

Huang Zhizhong waved grandly, and Guo Houyu smiled and mentioned it more: "It's time to change the equipment. The new gun clan has been basically finalized. You can play with your own peace of mind and don't mention it to irrelevant people."

Wang Yan understood.

The Imperial Military District must be the first batch to get new equipment. It's no big deal to play with old guns behind closed doors.

So Gouzi began to use his passion and bullets as much as he wanted.

Well, it sounds weird, but this time it is really a serious description...

The pistol fired two magazines, and the dog brother soon got tired of it.

What’s so fun about a gadget that can’t even shoot 50 meters

Change to the big guy!

Next are submachine guns and various rifles.

I have to admit that the 95 gun family is not advanced in today's era, but this does not prevent the dog from having fun.

how to say

Military rifles are truly astonishingly powerful.

Lao Huang got a few scrapped cars, and Wang Yan fired a barrage of bullets from 50 meters away, punching through both doors.

"I'll go! Isn't it too fake in the movie? Isn't hiding behind the car looking for death?"

Guo Houyu smiled and said nothing, and brought over an infantry squad heavy machine gun.

"You try this again."

Wang Yan didn't care what model it was, but he felt happy anyway.

The Toyota Camry that was used as a target was like a piece of rag, being beaten until it was smoking.

However, the visual effect is not very good because the penetrating power of the bullet is too strong and the kinetic energy cannot be fully released.

To be fun, it has to be rifle grenades.

It took Mr. Wang four rounds of grenades to hit the Camry, and then there was just a bang. The roof and doors were blown to pieces by the fireball, and all kinds of debris flew far away.


Brother Dog is so happy.

Sure enough, explosion is the ultimate romance for men!

Guo Houyu and Hongying became excited. Each of the three brothers took out a big gun and shot wildly at the remaining two cars.

boom! boom! boom!

The three brothers blew up the wheels of the car and finally gave up with satisfaction.

As a result, I was just happy when 30,000 yuan suddenly came out.

So Wang Yan hurriedly began to appease the harem.

After chatting with San Wan for a few words, I found that the conversation didn't make sense. The little girl was emotional and the power of text messages was not enough.

Brother Gou decisively approached Pingzhi.

After reading the message she sent, Wang Yan immediately realized that she had not understood the situation at all and was still enjoying herself.

Looking for Nawu

Forget it, forget it, I can't afford it.

It’s just you, little Gongju!

Wang Yan settled down with Fu Yushi three times, five times and two times, and then leisurely began to wait for the letter.

By leaving complex matters to the right people, no matter how big a problem is, it can be easily solved, not to mention that it is not a big problem.

Wang Yan is very confident in Thirty Wan. She has never been a girl who likes to act like a monster. Even if no one comforts her, she can adjust herself.

Anyway, bitch and I are innocent, and I have a clear conscience~

At noon, everyone had a simple meal in the canteen without drinking, and chatted happily for a while.

The main reason is that three enthusiastic patients with a lack of firepower phobia taught military novices about the full necessity of large-caliber and high-yield.

Ever since, the afternoon program jumped directly to 12.7mm.

In the original plan, Wang Yan should be taught how to use a sniper rifle in the afternoon.

If you are a novice playing sniper rifles, a JS7.62mm is enough. The recoil is not that big, and the white light sight is not that difficult to learn.

In fact, I just wanted to watch Wang Yan have fun, so I didn't hold back my good intentions.

"Little brother, do you dare to play something violent with us?"

What can Wang Yan do

His honesty was only rewarded with ruthless ridicule.

Brother Gou didn't make any excuses, but when the three eldest brothers went to the toilet together after the meal, he followed them silently.

The urinal in the camp is an old-fashioned, tiled strip with no partitions. Each row can accommodate at least 20 people urinating at the same time.

Wang Yan looked at the distance, stood one meter away, and started to drain the water.

The three eldest brothers were laughing and chatting when they suddenly heard the sound of strong water hitting the wall and couldn't help but turn around at the same time.



The chatting suddenly stopped, and none of the three brothers said anything.

When I was washing my hands, Fu Yushi happened to send a text message, just two words: "Done!"

Young Master Wang's mood became even more beautiful.

"As expected, it has to be you! Tears.JPG"

"Shut up! You don't even know how badly I was tortured. It's like losing my life..."

"Huh?! So exaggerated?"

"Wait a minute! You want me to stroke... the bear laughs until the end?"

"Oh, it's not what you understand! But I discovered that the real King of Heaven's Defeat, no matter whether you are on the 18th floor or the atmosphere, will bring you to the same level and give you a beating... Hahaha!"

Wang Yan found that Fu Yushi was particularly lively today, and couldn't help but smile kindly.

"Isn't that great... Hey, what about you? Why didn't you mention you and Xiao Liuli?"

"Me?! I was so scared by Xiao Liuli that I was trembling! Dog, I won't lie to you, Xiao Liuli was so scary today!"


"Ah what! I ask you a question, and you have to answer me seriously."


"If the motivation at the beginning is incorrect, won't there be any good results?"

Wang Yan thought about it seriously.

It took about half a minute to reply to her.

"How do we define 'right motivation'

The reason why I want to start with you is because of lust; but the reason why I started with Liu Li is also because of lust.

Subsequent compatibility is the result, but no matter how harmonious it is, it can't change the superficiality and simplicity of the motivation.

For most men, one glance is the only reason to start.

In the following relationship, if you don't get tired of it for a long time, that's the right motive; if it's boring, that's the wrong motive.

So whether it is correct or not is actually determined by the result.

If the results are right, the motivation is right.

The outcome is wrong, no matter how good the beginning is, it is still wrong.

The above is the general situation, and I may be an exception.

As far as I'm concerned, having a relationship with any woman other than Liu Li is 'incorrect from the beginning', and I don't want to quibble about this.

The question is, how do we define 'good results'.

The current fit is the current result. When we are 30 years old, we will have a new result. Each stage has the result of each stage.

You want to see the end of the day when the coffin is closed now, but that is unrealistic.

So how can we guarantee that the final result will be good

I can't swear on that because I'm sure that's not believable.

I can only promise that I will give you as much material as possible, give you safety, give you happiness, and give you what I think is a good result.

But whether what I can give you is good or not is up to you to judge.

I have never said anything like 'I will definitely give you happiness' to Liu Li.

Happiness is a very personal feeling and I'm not sure I can achieve it.

The same goes for good results, you have to feel it yourself. "

Back at the dining table, Wang Yan typed for a long time before he expressed all his thoughts clearly.

The three eldest brothers were chatting on their own without disturbing him, which allowed him to fully clarify his views on this issue.

The conclusion is that there is no conclusion.

Wang Yan's approach cannot be summarized as "scum or not".

This qualitative approach is too superficial and hasty, and lacks deep insight into complex reality.

Therefore, Brother Gou firmly believes that he is not a scumbag, he just likes to be a teacher and likes to teach life experience to beautiful female classmates, nothing more.

And he believed Fu Yushi could understand.

About three minutes later, Fu Yushi replied to the message.

It was a very simple passage, and every word revealed her seriousness.

“You are always so smart, sharp, strong and tenacious, and every comfort you give me makes my heart full of tenderness.

I'm pretty sure we didn't start out right, and I feel guilty and upset about it, but I don't regret it.

Luckily I didn’t want much and could afford the worst.


I want to accompany you to make mistakes.

Wait until there is a good result that everyone can accept. "

Young Master Wang smiled, his eyes and brows filled with tenderness.

When the middle-aged brothers saw this scene, they sighed with a lemony smell, and they gathered together and whispered quietly.

"Must be some new girl."

"Is my little brother's peach blossoms always so prosperous?"

"It's not like you didn't see just now that your capital is there, shouldn't it be prosperous?"

"That's true..."

"Brother, you've been waiting for a long time, keep walking?"

"Ah, good!"

After leaving the canteen, Gouzi walked happily at the front, whistling happily, while the three elder brothers continued to whisper behind him.

"I was wondering if this thing can be exercised the day after tomorrow?"


"Don't...if you can't, wouldn't you be exposed for nothing?"

"What does exposure mean? 12.7 is the largest caliber among modern sniper rifles, right?!"

"That's right! Those from 7.62 are still serving!"

"And even if the caliber doesn't have to be changed, it would be good to increase the range..."


"San'er, you go!"

"I'm not going! I have enough!"

"Hey, Lao Guo, why are you looking at me? Wang Yan and I are not familiar with each other."

"Then I'm the eldest brother, do you think I'm convenient?!"

The three brothers were hiding and mumbling for a long time, thinking that Wang Yan couldn't hear them, but in fact, Brother Gou was about to pee laughing.

In the end, the three brothers kept their airs.

After all, Wang Yan was only twenty years old, and no one would be ashamed to ask for advice in front of the other two elder brothers.

Then when they actually started playing with guns, they tricked Wang Yan by setting the target 1,200 meters away.

Although the M99 is famous for its high shooting accuracy, it is still extremely unfriendly to novices.

Just learning how to use a scope takes a long time.

Young Master Wang didn't put much effort into learning theory, but when it came to actual combat, he was useless.

At a distance of 1,200 meters, once it flies away, the impact point cannot be seen.

There was still a bit of wind today, with levels from level 3 to level 5 blowing in and out. As a result, only two of the first 30 bullets fired by Mr. Wang hit the target. The gaming experience was extremely poor.

Hongying was having fun, taunting Wang Yan with a wink.

"Bitch, can you do that? I'm still thinking about having a spar with you!"

Wang Yan asked cautiously: "Third brother, what are your grades?"

Hongying was very proud: "Ten bullets, 48 rings!"

He is also a little hot chick, and he is still far away from passing the exam.

Wang Yan was not very timid, but he still kept a lot of room for it: "Wait for me and try two more rounds."

Lie down again, take a look at the distance and wind direction and speed on the scope, and start adjusting the scope.

Zoom in to 8 times, turn the direction hand wheel one scale to the right, turn the height hand wheel up four scales, put the bullseye on the top corner of the second ∧ under the cross star, and try to fire the first shot.

I was very lucky and hit the target successfully.

The impact point was at the lower right corner of the target, and Wang Yan knew it.

Adjust again, shoot again, and hit the 4th ring on the upper left.

Next, the handwheel could no longer be adjusted, and the scale deviation would be very large. Wang Yan directly moved the crosshair a little.

Take a deep breath, exhale slowly, and shoot steadily.

8 rings!

The fourth shot hit another 7-ring, and the impact point deviation was not big.

"Come on!" Wang Yan became confident and turned to look at Hongying, "What's the prize?"

Hongying heard the observer report the score and threw the gun away.

"Go to hell! Two big men are comparing guns, GAYGAY's..."

Damn it!

Brother Dog was almost dodged by him and scolded him with a smile: "I've never seen a big brother like you who bullies the weak and fears the strong. You are cowardly and shameless."

"Ah? What did you say?"

Hongying put on earmuffs, which made her deaf in time.

When Guo Houyu heard the two arguing, he picked up his binoculars to observe Wang Yan's target and suddenly swore.

"Damn it! Are you a pervert, bitch?! How many dozen bullets can you feed to this level?"

Huang Zhizhong's face turned a little red, and he couldn't wait to urge Wang Yan: "Brother, let me see if you fire two more shots!"

Wang Yan fired three more shots steadily, and actually fired two 7-ring shots and one 9-ring shot.

But Lao Huang was so excited.

"Brother, you are a born killer!

This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a weirdo like you!

Dozens of rounds of bullets can stably hit the 7 rings of a 1200-meter target. Do you know how awesome you are? !

All you need now is experience. When you have fired 10,000 rounds of ammunition, hell, you can shark whoever you want within 1,500 meters! "

Wang Yan: (⊙⊙)


This is the first time in my life that I feel like I am being choked and don’t know what to say...

Thanks for the love? !

Will I guard against arrogance and impetuosity and continue to work hard toward the death penalty? !

When he was in trouble, Guo Houyu rescued him.

"It's getting late, let's go for a walk around the tanks?"

It looked like he was shocked and didn't want to play with guns anymore.

The same thing happened to Lao Guo, who was fishing last time. He looked like an older, arrogant and eccentric person, which was a bit cute.

Wang Yan chuckled: "The relationship is good, let's go!"

So everyone piled into a tank and rumbled into the training ground.

Unfortunately, the experience of driving a tank was not very good, and it was far from what Wang Yan expected.

First, the ride quality is poor, the noise is huge, and the field of vision is narrow.

The second is that you can't fire cannons, which is basically the same as riding in a stuffy tank truck.

Third, the speed was too slow and bumpy, which made Brother Gou, who was used to racing to 300 in the competition, very uncomfortable.

What's the difference between a tank and a tractor that can't fire as much as they want

Oh, the tractor isn't that stuffy...

After walking around twice, everyone was in no mood, so they decided to go back to the city to drink.

Originally, Young Master Wang wanted to slowly drink wine with them and chat for a while, really.

But I was thinking about Xiao Liuli, so I couldn't bear to use my ultimate move, and knocked them all down within half an hour of being served.

Then he hurried to Balenciaga, personally selected a bunch of stockings as gifts, and told Youcai to go home.

The next step is how to defraud 30,000 yuan out of school.

Brother Gou thought about it and felt that he couldn't do it by himself, so he still had to shake people off.

Moreover, shaking people also requires skills.

Brother Gou first called Fu Yushi to the hotel and said nicely: Let's talk about today's events in person.

Then I picked up Fu Yushi in the hotel lobby and saw her on the spot.

Xiao Gongju was stunned for a while, his face flushed with anger.

"You're picking on me again for something like this that will definitely result in a beating?! Can you not just leave me alone?! You pick on whoever you want, I don't care anyway!"

Brother Dog raised the Balenciaga handbag and shook it with a smirk.

"If she can't come out today, you'll have to dress her up."

Damn it!

Fu Yushi's whole body was numb, and her big beautiful eyes were widened with disbelief.

"You are a real dog..."

Wang Gou chuckled and pulled her into the elevator.

"It's up to you. I can do whatever you want, really."

"Don't pull me... you bastard, you bastard! Go ahead and dream, I won't choose anyone!"

Despite the call, Fu Yushi was dragged to the presidential suite by Wang Yan.

The two of them were making a fuss, and the housekeeper of the suite was so surprised that he swiped the card to open the door. Then, the door was suddenly pulled open from the inside.

Before seeing anyone, hear the sound first.

"Gouzi Gouzi, come on! I'll treat you to dog meat and tofu soup!"

Damn it!

What a big surprise…

Fu Yushi raised her eyebrows, looking at the stinky gangster who suddenly put his hands behind his back and stood obediently, and smiled proudly.

Wang Yan stopped making trouble, and she took the initiative to stick to him.

Her charming eyes are as silky as silk, and she makes a sweet little milky voice.

Reasonable and crazy warning: stay away from this house! Nothing good will happen if you get involved with Nago!

Just as he was hesitating, Nawu rushed out of the room happily and dragged him in.


Why are you looking for a reason to cheat some monthly tickets today...

(End of chapter)

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