God Rank Hero

Chapter 123: Attack the wisdom ancient tree space



When the United States is dispatched, it means that the starting gun of the national war has been fired. Therefore, the European Union has moved, South Korea, which has few hell people, has also moved, and Russia, which has come to play soy sauce, has moved. They were also moved by the wind. **Although everyone doesn't know what happened, don't you know this kind of military secrets if you look at it in the past? Probably the total attack.

So this parade of the emperor's new clothes, for fear that others would laugh at him for not knowing that he had lost the face of the country, had a tacit understanding all the way, and the smoke and dust billowed all the way to the end, the square of the demon camp.

The answer is finally revealed, that is to do great things!

Cyril, who was blazing with flames, dispatched a foreman mage from each sentry tower, and arranged a huge magic circle on the square.

The troops from the Indian region waited eagerly at the side of the French formation. Then the China area arrived, so let's stand beside it, the team in the China area stretches all the way to the door. Then the players in the Chinese region and the third brother in the Indian region look at me and I look at you, hehehe, in short, everyone is playing high and not explaining. Then players from Japan, the United States, and other countries came one after another. For a time, there were tens of thousands of players in the entire demon camp. Of course, the scale of tens of thousands of people is nothing to the big guilds and big teams.

Players from all over the world rushed to the front of the magic circle one after another, and there were constant riots for a while.

Seeing everyone's understanding, Nehru's mind was full of 10,000 horses galloping past! What exactly went wrong? Could it be that our actions were discovered beforehand? Could it be that others have also received the task of cultivating heroes behind us? How can this be? Aamir Khan has always been in the camp, no one else has contact with the banshee. However, now the banshee is beside that Cyril. Could someone take advantage of this opportunity to grab the task

While Nehru was in a state of uncertainty, the formation was completed. Demons are the masters of space teleportation, almost no need for Cyril to set up the magic circle.

Looking at the warriors from all over the world gathered in the demon camp, Cyril felt very relieved. He walked to the center of the magic circle and blew up a fireball to stop the murmurs of the crowd, and the majestic voice resounded throughout the camp: "Welcome warriors from all planes, today is the right time for you to come. It seems that you are all very thirsty for wisdom, Then, I have no reason not to fulfill you, I will give you three days, go!"

β€” System prompt: Battlefield meritorious mission "Attacking the Wisdom Ancient Tree Space" is about to start, players are requested to be ready to enter a different space!

For a while, the audience finally couldn't hold back their tiredness and went into an uproar! It turned out to be, it was, it was an ancient tree of wisdom!

Everyone is Gao Wan, of course they know what the ancient tree of wisdom means! Means various bonus points. Add skills. Plus grade. Wait, wait, add everything! It's no wonder that all the Indian districts are dispatched. As long as they all visit, it means that the strength of the Indian district will be improved as a whole!

certainly. The most important thing is that after visiting the ancient tree, players can get inspiration for advanced master skills! This kind of inspiration may not benefit every player. But with such a big team and so many professional players, the chances of being promoted are much higher than ordinary players!

However, even with so many benefits, is it really worth a large-scale deployment of the whole army? For a while, the heads of state kept muttering in their hearts.

And the Indian district who saw the reminder of the battlefield meritorious mission burst into laughter! My mission has never been a threat, but I have so many helpers!

Nehru walked out of the crowd in a graceful manner and bowed to the audience: "Hello everyone! Jarvahan Nehru, the head of our Babu Tianlong Association in India, is very happy to meet partners from various countries in this grand event , The ancient tree of wisdom was discovered by accident. I regard it as an additional reward for our national war activities, and it is an unforgettable commemoration and good memory of our national war. In short, it is worth doing, let us work together Try Harder!"

India must have had more to gain from being the first to discover the mission! For a while, the heads of state cursed inwardly.

As an ally, as a leader, Igarashi in Japan immediately stood up: "Mr. Nehru is right, this national war is imperative for us, and we can get rewards for visiting ancient trees after the national war , which is something to be very happy about.”

The Japanese area applauded, and then the Indian area also applauded.

"**!" Feeling fooled, Howell cursed secretly, and applauded accordingly.

Ma Yinglong's face was gloomy, so he had no choice but to instruct: "Applause!"

At this time, the teleportation circle was full of light, and Cyril shouted: "Warriors, the door of the different space is open, go forward!"

The Indian region took the lead and entered the magic circle first, and players from all over the world followed suit, white light flashing for a while.

β€”"Hi everyone! I am Witch 007, the front reporter of Hero Express. I am currently using the account of a member of the Dragon Slaying Guild to broadcast live in the demon camp. Since this operation may involve confidentiality, it cannot be broadcast in time. In short, Please wait for a while, I will immediately enter the portal to follow up and report, here, I would like to thank Midnight Moore, who borrowed the account..."

. . . . . .

As soon as the scene changed, tens of thousands of players entered a vast grassland that was rippling with emerald green light. All the players' hell clan troops were lined up on the grassland, and at a glance, there was a sea of fiery red hell legions all over the sky. This kind of army power is enough to shake mountains and mountains!

Countless flashlights sounded in the crowd, and players from all over the world began to take pictures to commemorate this historic scene amidst exclamations! That's right, the advantage of the Legion of Hell has always been to crush everything on the plain. How painful is a water battle like the Pool of Light

In the middle of the grassland there is a huge tree with a human face and facial features, that's it!

There are countless birds hovering on the trunk of the giant tree. Everyone took out their binoculars to see, the spar emerald dragon! oh! mygod! Looking under the roots of the tree, there are countless little stone people, mountain giants! oh! my god!

Spar Emerald Dragon: Elite form of a level 7 elf soldier, attack 30, defense 46, life 300, attack speed 9, damage 40-70, magic resistance 90%, special skills: flying creatures, breath of light, spiritual immunity, master level Defensive technique, collision and crushing.

Mountain Giant: Neutral Level 7 Troop, Attack 14, Defense 70, Life 500, Attack Speed 7, Movement Speed 12, Damage 23-56, Magic Resistance 90%, Special Skills: Grandmaster Defense, Sweeping Attack, Stun Strike, Spirit Immunity .

After experiencing the initial excitement, all players began to faint! The so-called shaking mountains and shaking mountains depends on who you fight with! Although these troops are wild soldiers without a hero leader, each of them is either spraying a large area of dragons, or sweeping a large row of giants with a stick, how to fight

No, no, no, they must have been beaten, and they will be drowned if they are drowned. The key is, who will go first? It is impossible to swarm on such a large battlefield, there must be cannon fodder to rush to the front.

Igarashi from the Japanese region is getting more and more popular, and the eyes of players from all over the world are focused on him. Yes, it is time for the Japanese region to play a leading role and lead the way.

Igarashi raised his voice and said, "We have come from a long way to China to support the battle in the China region, so, as the host, the China region should express it!" Suddenly, the audience applauded and booed.

fart! Is it funny to be a player in China? Lei Huolong (Ma Yinglong on his account) immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "It is an embarrassing task for our Hell clan in China to be weak. I suggest that since this task is next in India, we should start from India first." !"

Nehru became anxious: "No, no, no, this is for everyone's benefit. I think the Chinese region, as the host, will go first!"

Ma Yinglong had no choice but to look at the Japanese area: "Let's go to the most powerful Japanese area first. You don't dare to go. Our Chinese players will be very disappointed! I believe players from all over the world will also be very disappointed." All Chinese players applauded one slice!

Ma Yinglong was extremely proud, now it was broadcast live, and he refused to give up an inch for the interests of the country. How much points should this give Tulong! That's right, now is the stage of the Dragon Slayer Guild! You stars, you 9th heaven, stand by and stare blankly!

Igarashi immediately said: "We in Japan have nothing to fear, but we are reinforcements. It is inappropriate for guests to usurp the host, and it will really damage the image of the host, China's state of etiquette! Moreover, China has not allowed guest troops for thousands of years. The reason to go first."

Nehru immediately said: "That's right! If I, India, or Japan were the hosts, I would definitely set an example."

Ma Yinglong frowned. It seemed that he had been squeezed and had no way out. At this point, no matter how he responded, he would be caught by his opponent, and he would be notorious in the country. If he was not careful, he would get away with it. Then avoid verbal entanglement, so as not to leave language problems.

Ma Yinglong laughed and said: "Let's do it, rock-paper-scissors! I don't know how the American region thinks?! Or, the American region will go first, and our players all over the world are eagerly hoping that the American region will give us a Hollywood-level epic battle." !"

Just kidding, right? Together to run on me, right? Laozi dragged the American district into the water. If you in the U.S. area dare to shrink your eggs and say let me go to the China area, then great, I will do my part in the China area to be a majestic world leader once again! After all, the status of the United States is completely incomparable to Japan and India. If the United States retreats, the nature will completely change.

Howell laughed without thinking: "Guess the punch!"

Grass! It’s not perfect for me, is it? also! Ma Yinglong laughed loudly: "Did you hear that! The American area is talking about boxing games, let's play boxing games!"

For a moment, Igarashi and Nehru looked ashen! snort! Do you dare to quarrel with the United States when you are arguing with me? Do you dare not listen to the words of the United States

Now, the eyes of the whole world are on the trio's shocking bet that "affects the fate of the country"! Ma Yinglong broke out in a cold sweat nervously. In any case, within his own ability, he could only protect the country so far. Speaking of which, the punch I drew was related to the fate of the country, and this identity and status are also very different.

(ask for various tickets)