God Rank Hero

Chapter 140: Bombardment in the fog


The vague figure of the sailing boat did not attract the attention of the excited players from all over the world, after all, the underground world was dimly lit. When the multi-national pursuit fleet that is determined to win is getting closer and closer to the target, it suddenly finds that it is getting darker and darker in front of it. When it suddenly realizes that it is in the fog, the whole world is suddenly dark!

The sudden change shocked the headquarters of all countries!

Captain America choked out a sip of beer from his nose, the applause of the Indians stopped abruptly, and the Japanese were stunned! All professional players of course know that this is definitely not a natural phenomenon in the game! This is the skill of that Chinese! How much support did he get from npc

—Boom, bang, bang! In the darkness, the bombardment of the ballista group sounded!

—Team Channel: Indian player Rasjam was attacked by player Dafei from the opposing faction! Player Rasjam was killed! Player Rasjam's troops have been defeated!

The command post of the Three Kingdoms exploded! Such a disadvantage has left the multinational forces at a loss.

"Sir! What should I do?"

If it is on the battlefield, as a commander, you are responsible for the precious lives of soldiers. Of course, according to the regulations of the US military, soldiers can also disobey unreliable orders, and then fight the chief in a military court. But in the game, Howell has no such scruples.

If failure is unavoidable, then fight vigorously and painfully! Since the opponent is as powerful as an alien, Captain America has no burden of thought.

Howell issued a final command: "Find him! Attack him! Kill him!"

"yes, sir!!!"

In the mist, warships from all over the world were rampaging like headless chickens. The fireball of the abyss lord roared back and forth, and the red light shone in the darkness. The effect of the fireball was to turn the black mist into a red mist, but it still didn't help.

"Found it! Coordinates (2427.112)!" A team member roared excitedly in the darkness!

"We are all at (2427, 112)! Can you not report the coordinates?"

"**! Don't come here, fake! It's the magic of the Phantom Legion!"

There was another round of ballista bangs in the darkness!

—Team channel: The Japanese player Kanzaki Kuru was attacked by the enemy player Dafei! Player Kanzaki Kuang was killed! Player Kanzaki Kuang's troops have been defeated!

—Team Channel: Indian player Sanjani was attacked by player Dafei from the opposing faction! Player Sanjani was killed! Player Sanjani's army has been defeated!

Destroy two troops at the same time! The headquarters of various countries exploded again! Everyone is deeply aware that the Paddle Ships of the Stone Age rapidly mass-produced by the Hell Workshop are not a product of an era compared with the giant sailboats with many gun doors that seem to be equipped with magic drive devices! Especially for Americans who are used to crushing their opponents with technology several times higher, this kind of equipment gap is simply intolerable! Is this what a certain Chinese leader said, "if you fall behind, you will be beaten"? This feeling is really bad.

-boom! Immediately afterwards, another violent thunder shook the ground!

—Team channel: American player jerry was attacked by player Dafei from the hostile camp! Player jerry was killed! Player jerry's army was defeated!

In a short moment, the three troops were defeated!

After experiencing one after another of shocking sensations and screams and powerlessness, the headquarters of various countries have already looked numb. Facing the aliens with the future technology in the game, what else can the people on earth do? This is a game, not Hollywood, and even Americans are not opponents of future fighters.

That's right! At this time, Da Fei is playing the role of a future soldier. The 32 gun doors of the Feixiang were fully opened, and the left and right bows were bombarded indiscriminately! The 44 rampant warships don't allow Da Fei to have any room to hold back, and destroy whatever they encounter! Who can stop the volley of 16 ballistas on the side of Feixiang and the large flying three crossbows? This is the happiest and happiest time Da Feihong has ever had since he got the Feixiang!

Although in the eyes of the multinational coalition forces. The world in front of him is pitch black, but in Da Fei's eyes, of course, it is also pitch black, but there are so many red dots on the radar on the small map!

That's right, what I'm playing is the legendary map cannon! Of course, the world in the eyes of god-level players and the world in the eyes of mortal players are not the same. Ha ha! Wa hahaha! As for the simulated stalking and stealth skills? Needless to say, of course it failed! How can god-level skills be copied so easily

But it doesn't matter. The simulation failed, the fog is still there! In fact, the fog will always be there! There is also the cheating phantom army, because the old lady is also having fun in it! Cool! It's never been this cool! Wa hahaha!

(—Illusion Legion: Use spells to project an image of a troop. The image can act and attack but has no damage. Once attacked, it will disappear. At the same time, the image has the characteristics of a void body dodging attacks)

The bombardment is going on, and the screen swiping continues. Is this an overwhelming crush? No! American player sawsaw wants to defend the dignity of the American team! In fact, sawsaw the big devil. This soldier who may also appear in the future has become the only hope to save the US team! Of course, he is also the only hope for a comeback in this action. All the team members are doing their best to find the target and create opportunities for sawsaw's teleportation to land on the beheading hero.

A fireball fired randomly by the abyss lord exploded, and in the light of the fire, the silhouette of a huge sailing ship appeared before his eyes! More than a dozen crossbow arrows shot out from the gun door on one side of it!

"There it is!" the whole Hell's Bar yelled in unison!

In such an instant, sawsaw's figure flashed and appeared on the deck of the sailboat after gaining momentum for a long time—then the soles of his feet were empty, and his figure fell, huh

"**fcuk—" Amid sawsaw's cursing, there was a thud, the great demon fell into the pool of light and then screamed, as if falling into a pool of concentrated acid, thick white smoke burst out from his body and turned into a white light, Bye.

Turns out the ship was a Legion illusion! For a moment, the Hell Bar was silent, and then—someone took the lead, and then the whole bar burst into laughter.

Sawsaw looked at the crowd with a pale face, and Howell coughed and patted him on the shoulder: "OK! That's it, that's it! You did a good job!"

Sawsaw jumped and said: "My failure is the failure of the United States, and the failure of the United States is the failure of justice! **!!"

Everyone laughed.

Howell opened the bottle and shouted: "Come on, let's drink to the failure of justice!"

"Wow ha ha ha, cheers!"

Compared with the indifference of Captain America's family, the Indian Command and Japanese Command were silent and dignified. No one from them spoke. The only thing they could do was to listen to the roar of the ballista in the dark, and then quietly wait for the end of the battle.

(A new week has begun, please ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and various tickets for the ashtray, thank you everyone!)