God Rank Hero

Chapter 145: Flying is revived



The storm is coming in an instant!

The fierce wind in the demon world is like the roar of ancient giant beasts, and the huge waves of the sea of blood are as towering as a city wall! Looking at the huge bloody wall that swept over like mountains and seas, Da Fei and Katerina were terrified on the spot!

There is no mistake! This is clearly a tsunami! If there is such a storm in the surface world, it must be at the level of a flood, right? This task is really going to kill my brother, right

Katerina immediately came back to her senses, and shouted to the experienced gunner sailors on duty on the deck: "Raise the sails and avoid the huge waves!" , only they can stick to the front line of the deck. Free ebook download ..

Da Fei was so shocked that he raised his sails in the storm, what kind of courage it took! But is there a choice

The sail was raised, and the whole Feixiang was shaken suddenly with a creaking sound, and the Feixiang flew out like an arrow flying off the string! Da Fei couldn't imagine that a ship could be so fast!

—System prompt: The support of the second floor of the No. 2 mast of Feixiang is broken, please repair it immediately. Flying number durability -46!

— System prompt: The support of the first layer of the bilge of the No. 1 main mast of the Flying No. 1 breaks, please repair it immediately. Flying number durability -67!

Da Fei's heart tightened! Sure enough, the speed is too fast and exceeds the capacity of the hull? But he couldn't help thinking about it, and shouted: "Ship repair!"

Immediately there was a clanging sound from the bilge.

— System prompt: You fight against the storm and gain experience +5800!

5800 experience! Last time, there were only 1,500 battles in such a big storm. That is to say, the power of this storm is nearly 4 times that of the last time? Which player can carry it!

There was a loud bang, and the huge waves crashed down. Under the impact of the aftermath of the huge waves, the Feixiang, which barely escaped the catastrophe, broke away from the water and flew into the air! Da Fei's feet lightened suddenly, and then he and Katerina screamed loudly! I'm sure I'm not a spaceship!

-boom! ! ! With a huge explosion, the Feixiang has landed! Da Fei bumped his head on the bridge, -36! Little life is gone!

— System prompt: There is a large crack in the bilge of Feixiang, please urgently drain and strengthen the crack! Flying Endurance-113!

God that! You are really kidding me! It's only a few seconds and the two hundred durability is gone! build! Fix it quickly!

At this moment, another huge wave of blood wall came from the flanks. Da Fei shouted wildly: "Be careful!"

Katerina suddenly turned the steering wheel and shouted: "Raise the magic sail!"

boom! Accelerated by the magic sail, the Flying escaped again and flew in the wind again! At the same time, there was another loud creaking sound from the hull in the air, and another row of system prompts about the dilapidated hull came out on the screen! After landing, there were all kinds of booming and creaking noises! Da Fei was already frightened and powerless.

Every huge wave is a catastrophe, but Katerina resolutely and skillfully controls the Feixiang to dodge from left to right. even so. The durability of the Feixiang continued to decrease amidst the violent shock, and the ship repair sailors in the bilge were knocked into a daze, and it was too late to complete the emergency repair! This is simply not giving brother a chance to repair the boat!

After another huge wave hit, the durability of Feixiang was less than 200!

— System prompt: Warning! warn! The durability of Feixiang is seriously below the warning line, and it will disintegrate and sink at any time!

It's over, it's over!

Da Fei closed his eyes and let out a long sigh! This is God playing me to death! Perhaps, I should really stay in the pool of light and cooperate with other players to win the national war. After the pool of light is purified, the Feixiang will absorb the so-called life energy and be fully revived. Its strength and durability are in line with the high-end navigation skills of the brother team. Still afraid of a mere storm

Why. Play off. However, my brother has no regrets in his life! Goodbye, brother Diddy. Goodbye, brother Lili. One day in the future, if I can build another banshee barracks, I will definitely continue to train two boss-level banshees. Their names are still Didi and Lili.

Goodbye, brother Deirdre, I hope next time we meet, we won't be enemies.

Goodbye, Mrs. Anwen, this mission failed, maybe I will never see you again, but it's a pity that I can't learn magical skills and magic power coordination from you. But thank you for teaching me so many things, I know the other two ways to be promoted to grandmaster, I will definitely be a grandmaster and laugh proudly on top of the world.

Goodbye, Abyss Blood Pond, if there is a chance in the future, brother must rush in with god-level skills and beat up the children!

As she was closing her eyes and feeling her chest, Katerina shouted in surprise: "The Flying number has recovered automatically!"

Da Fei was taken aback for a moment, and opened his eyes quickly to see that a row of system prompts came out on the screen!

- System prompt: Flying number absorbs the essence of blood storm, durability +37!

- System prompt: Flying number absorbs the essence of blood storm, durability +45!

. . . . . .

- System prompt: Flying number absorbs the essence of blood storm, durability +36!

Da Fei was stunned! The ship is recovering blood? The boat is indeed recovering blood! It wasn't repaired by sailors, the system prompt uses the word "absorb"! Why is it absorbing? Why does the ship return blood? It's so wonderful to come back! Wa hahaha! Da Fei, who had survived the desperate situation, hurriedly opened the attributes of Feixiang while laughing wildly:

Ship Name: Flying (task rewards are bound to players and cannot be traded)

Ship Level: Level 0.

Captain: Da Fei

Ship Special: God's Blessing (Sailor's Luck +2)

Vessel model: Large four-masted three-decker high-speed sailing vessel.

Ship cargo volume: 500 units

Ship gun bay: 32 gun positions. (16 doors on port side, 16 doors on starboard side)

Vessel use time: 10 years

Minimum crew capacity of the vessel: 30 people

Ship durability 316/316

Ship Speed: 10

Ship armor defense: 80 port, 80 starboard, 55 bow, 46 stern.

Ship room configuration: 1 pilothouse, 1 captain's cabin, 6 adjutant lounges, 1 staff room, 1 accounting room, 2 treatment rooms, 1 kitchen, 1 special room, 1 entertainment room, seamen 2 dormitories (capacity 200 people)

Auxiliary equipment for ships: white shark figurehead, space teleportation circle, wind energy magic sail, 4 landing craft.

Poseidon insurance level: 0 (ships are not protected by Poseidon, and will sink forever in case of accident)

Current state of the ship: blood revived, cursed with bad luck (seafarer's luck -3), damaged mainmast, broken bottom. . . . . .

"The ship's level is 0! The current status of the ship is blood recovery!" Seeing the sudden addition of two attributes and the still-increasing durability of the ship, Da Fei was stunned!

—Blood Recovery: The Flying Ship is a spiritual ship that has been blessed by God and cursed by the Devil. In the current storm filled with the power of the Demon God, it awakened its survival instinct and gained life at a critical moment, and it continued to absorb the storm. The life energy in it replenishes itself.

Alive! Really alive! Da Fei was so excited that his whole body was trembling and tears streaming down his face!

That's right, Othliman said back then that all trees have spirits! At that time, the elf foreman who repaired the ship on the pier also said that this ship is alive, and if it is alive, it has a level!

That is to say, this abyss blood pool is actually similar to the pool of light? Even if the ship didn't absorb the life energy in the pool of light to repair it, it can also absorb the energy of the demon storm in the abyss blood pool to repair it

Da Fei, who wanted to understand, let out a long smile, this is not bright in the east but bright in the west! Whatever you smoke! It would be nice if it could be fixed! Suck hard, don't be polite with brother! I don't care if you are a ship of light or a ship of demons! God will not kill me, wow ha ha ha!