God Rank Hero

Chapter 15: Ballista blasts zombies


() Ten minutes of death, resurrection, and weakness passed, and the bloody storm waved a brand-new sword and boarded the sunken ship deck again.

Facing the zombies that appeared in front of him, Blood Sea Kuangtao laughed, and cut -12! It is superfluous to kill it by hacking it!

"Die to me!" It was another knife, and the zombie fell to the ground with a bang, and it really didn't swing that disgusting blow before dying!

This 1-point difference in attack speed really makes a world of difference! This time, I can finally hit the boss with full health and no damage. Killing the boss is finally not a problem! Blood Sea Kuangtao laughed and slashed all the way into the cabin.

This time, it is inevitable!

Blood Sea Kuangtao once again fought back to the boss' room with the curse all over his body.

In the face of absolutely powerful strength, no matter how much you curse, it's just the difference between one more knife and one less knife. If I play a game and dare to make me unhappy, you are good enough! But the more depressed you are, the more rewarding it will be! As for the zombies that appeared in the summoning formation, ignore them!

The knife flashed! Vent the resentment and joy filled with bloody seas!

"-6"! ! !

Good start! Blood Sea Kuangtao laughed wildly! This killing is really different! I see how many times you can hide with this little blood, and how many times can you increase your blood

boom! -2! A zombie scratched and hit the big shield of the bloody sea, green liquid splashed!

—System prompt: You have been hit by the plague zombie's special disease attack, your attack -1, defense -1, as long as you continue to be attacked by the plague zombie, your attack and defense will continue to drop to 0, and the disease effect will disappear after the battle.

Blood Sea Kuangtao was startled suddenly! It turned out to be the advanced form of zombies, plague zombies! The summons have been upgraded again

- Plague Zombie: Attack 2, Defense 2, Damage 2-3, Health 17, Attack Speed: Very Slow 6, Movement Speed: 4, Experience 16, Command Value 1, Special Skills: Intermediate Defense, Plague Attack.

Only at this time did Xue Haikuangtao realize that the boss in the darkness was no longer a wraith, but an unknown undead creature! Although the appearance is similar to that of a ghost, the death energy in his body is much stronger!

The sudden turn of events stunned Kuangtao in the sea of blood!

What exactly is this? There has never been an introduction of this kind of ghost in the official information! The upgrade form of the boss? Why do I have to upgrade the boss after downgrading? Could it be that this boss does not actually grow with the player's growth, but that it will level up as long as it is fought once? But even if it is upgraded, it should be upgraded to an evil spirit! Could it be that Lao Tzu's forceful breakthrough just now alarmed it, which was considered a battle and stimulated it to upgrade

While in shock, a white light flashed on the body of the unknown boss, and a big +3 jumped out! Heal yourself!

boom! Another plague zombie joined the siege lineup, and the splash of green liquid once again took away 2 points of life from Blood Sea Kuangtao, as well as one point each for offense and defense! Originally, Blood Sea Kuangtao lost 4 points of defense by the spell curse, and let the zombie take away 2 points of defense, and his advantage of high defense disappeared!

"I'm fighting!" Xue Hai Kuangtao was furious and desperate, staring at the boss madly and slashing!

-6! Miss! +4! -5! Miss! +3! -4!

The attack of Blood Sea Kuangtao is getting weaker and weaker, and the blood is getting less and less. When a plague zombie hits himself with -3 points of damage, Blood Sea Kuangtao is already on the verge of death, and the boss still has six or seven points of life! Xuehai Kuangtao finally soberly realizes that things cannot be done!

retreat! Blood Sea Kuangtao angrily escaped from the cabin and fled back to the island!

Failed again! Blood Sea Kuangtao has a strong urge to smash the machine! But when he punched, a strong sense of hunger and powerlessness flooded his whole body!

It turns out that the dinner time is already past. Unexpectedly, the few days in the game make people forget the existence of real time. Xuehai Kuangtao took off his helmet and shook his head, let's eat. After all, the trial of a god-level hero cannot be so simple and come true.

Xue Haikuangtao made a phone call to order food: "Golden Howard Hotel? Send me a half-rare Texas steak, and send me a medium-rare Texas steak after 12 o'clock in the evening."

"Okay, sir! What kind of wine do you want, sir?"

"do not drink."

"Okay, sir."

The bloody waves will stay all night tonight, so of course they won't be drinking. My love for steak is often teased by people in the circle for being low-grade, low-grade Tamana next door! I am a carnivore, not a herbivore!

Xue Hai Kuangtao walked to the window sill and opened the window, while overlooking the brightly lit night scene of the city, while letting the cold evening wind clear his mind.

Does this boss level up as long as it fights

I heard that some players in the United States have encountered similar things, but it is just a copy. As long as the challenge fails, the difficulty of the next copy will increase. So you can only succeed and not fail. However, after failing five or six times, the player finally found the trick to clear the dungeon that had become difficult, and the rewards he got also far exceeded expectations.

It is estimated that this trial boss of myself should be almost the same thing. Then my next step is to upgrade with all my strength so as not to stimulate the boss. Judging from the second challenge to the boss, the skeleton suddenly turned into a zombie, as long as you don't rush into the cabin, you won't stimulate the boss.

Then kill the plague zombies on the deck, and brush up to level 10 to practice all the public skills of offensive skills. Although the stunts of plague zombies are disgusting, they are basically the same as ordinary zombies.

However, if the situation is not as I imagined, what should I do if I can't win it even if I reach level 10

Xuehai Kuangtao frowned, and suddenly remembered the miscellaneous fish named Dafei assigned by the system together! Could it be that the intention of the system is that two people must form a team to clear the level? I almost get it done every time. If someone helped me, I would have done it long ago, right

cut! Group fucking next door! Dare to grab the fruits of labor and management, as long as it dares to go online, labor and management will chop him to death!

If it doesn't work, I can only ask my brother for help. I wonder how Shaodong and the others are preparing? Shaodong has extraordinary energy and often works all night. It's a pity that this talent is not used to play games.

Xuehai Kuangtao called Shaodong again: "Shaodong, how are your preparations going?"

The person on the other end of the phone laughed loudly: "We are bidding online to buy a number with Tiange Xiaoma! Let's do it together tomorrow!"

Blood Sea Kuangtao couldn't help being overjoyed: "Brother is still on the way?"

Shaodong said with a smile: "You and my brothers quit the arena and start a business in the game together, doesn't it make sense if you don't have some god-level accounts?"

Blood Sea Kuangtao laughed loudly: "Go to the fucking rivers and lakes! There are not only rivers and lakes in the game, but also the sea!"…

Under the ship's gun bay, Da Fei carefully disassembled the first ballista while touching the darkness. After all, I'm not sure if the sound will startle the zombie at the door.

At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps came from above his head, and Da Fei's heart tightened! It's a sea of blood! He came back from the break to kill the boss! You can't beat, you can't beat, you can't beat! While cursing, there was the sound of hurried footsteps overhead, and then a splash, the sound of someone diving into the water. Oh yeah! That is to say, he failed to challenge the boss again? Wahahaha, cool!

Think about it, too, how could such a weird boss be singled out so easily? No matter what, you have to wait until your level is almost the same, and the boss is almost killed, and then you can shoot in the back!

Now Da Fei has a clear mind, a good mood, and continues to disassemble the waste gun without distraction.

—System prompt: You have successfully dismantled the ballista and obtained a broken crossbow arm!

—System prompt: You have successfully dismantled the ballista and obtained a deformed trigger!

—System prompt: You have successfully dismantled the ballista and obtained a damaged base!

—System prompt: You have successfully disassembled the ballista and got a complete crossbow!

Haha finally got a complete part! continue! After more than ten minutes, all parts were disassembled!

—System prompt: You have successfully dismantled a ballista and gained experience +560!

Ah! Dismantling cannons can also gain experience! Give more! Da Fei was overjoyed! Yes, experience must be given! Lanxiang New Oriental already has teaching aids and textbooks for this kind of thing. It's unreasonable to learn by yourself without experience! In fact, those players who start with a normal mechanical flow are apprentices in the machine workshop, isn't it just to gain experience

Haha, brother continue!

One night in the game will soon pass, and Da Fei is getting more and more proficient and agile. When the eleventh ballista is successfully disassembled, a golden light flashes above Da Fei's head!

—System prompt: Congratulations! You upgrade to level 7, you get 1 point of zìyóu strategic attribute, 1 point of skill, life +2, leadership +1.

—System prompt: You have obtained all the intact parts of the combination ballista, and you can now assemble a new ballista!

Wa hahaha! What a double blessing! Assemble!

The sky was gradually getting brighter, and the light shot into the cabin from the gap in the gun door, and the light in the cabin gradually became brighter, and Da Fei assembled the ballista faster.

— System prompt: Reconnaissance alert! There are powerful enemies near you, please pay attention to the police!

Da Fei was startled suddenly, wasn't the only powerful enemy nearby was the zombie boss blocking the door? That is to say, it can't see me at night, but it will be found by it during the day? I thought it would be fine to hide behind it, but it seems that a battle with this boss is inevitable.

Fight! Da Fei began to race against time to assemble with all his strength!

— System prompt: Reconnaissance alert! There are powerful enemies near you, and you are about to enter the opponent's warning range!

Da Fei was sweating profusely! The last moment can't be messed up! It's time to test whether you are a master or not!

— System prompt: Warning! You have been spotted by the enemy! Ready to fight!

clang! With a crisp sound, the ballista is finally assembled in place!

—System prompt: You have successfully assembled a ballista, and you gain experience +1000!

At this time, the zombie boss at the door had already turned around, and Da Fei, who was sitting on the base of the ballista, kicked the trigger and pulled the bowstring, loading the first crossbow arrow!

put! ! !

— Boom! There was a light tremor from the ballista, and the arrow turned into a cold light and shot towards the hatch!

-boom! -13! Right in the chest of the zombie boss!

— System prompt: You have obtained incomplete information about the swift zombie!

Fuck! No knockback was played! What is a swift zombie! Never heard of it! But I don't have time to read the information either! Da Fei kicked off the cannon string again, and continued to reload!

The zombie boss bowed all over his body and jumped up! It was a move to cull the raging waves of the sea of blood last night!

Under Da Fei's frightened eyes, the boss drew a 20-meter-long arc in the air of the cabin, and then—Boom! ! ! It was like a meatball bombarding the ballista! A big -58 jumped out of the ballista with a bang! ! !

—System prompt: You have further improved the incomplete information of the swift zombie!

Fuck! ! ! This is the lethal level of a level 7 soldier! Looking at the hideous zombies in front of him, Da Fei kicked the trigger in fright after reloading!

— Boom! The crossbow arrows flew out!

-boom! ! ! -39! The crossbow arrow pierced through the chest, and the zombie bossshè attached to the ballista flew out!

Da Fei shrank his eyes in shock! Brother's Ballista shouldn't be able to deal such high damage!