God Rank Hero

Chapter 153: Found a nerubian nest


Abyss blood pool. .

There was a huge waning moon in the sky, and countless large and small islands were exposed in the blood pool of the abyss after the tide ebbed. On each island was a mountain of meat that beat like a huge heart.

After flying at this time, it stopped at the water's edge and slammed at a meat mountain on the nearby island. With a shrill scream, the huge Roshan Devil's Nest crashed down.

— System prompt: You destroyed the demon brood and gained experience +50,000! Gain reputation +100!

—Task reminder: The current progress of the mission "Attack on the Blood Pool of the Abyss": 1/100 of the number of broods destroyed.

Da Fei laughed out loud! Simple, it is too simple! It's easier than killing insect nests in the pool of light. This is obviously giving experience! Although the current special environment is suppressed and cannot be upgraded, but the experience is saved, once you go out, you can skip two or three levels.

Anwen said with a smile: "For this operation, the difficulty defined by the kingdom is 'impossible level', and the basic goal set is to destroy 100 demon lairs. From the kingdom's point of view, destroying only 100 demon lairs can greatly affect the supply of demon troops. , will be able to afford the cost of this operation, but if the captain can exceed the task, there will be more rewards."

Da Fei laughed loudly: "I like exceeding the task the most!"

Anwen nodded: "However, the captain must not be careless. The demons cannot allow us to wreak havoc, so there must be countermeasures. In short, we will accept it as soon as we complete the task."

Da Fei laughed and said, "Understood!"

Compared with Dafei's smooth bombardment, the battle in the Pool of Light in China fell into a bitter battle, to be precise, it was a defeat.

Defeat is inevitable, right? The hell camp has the field commander Cyril summoning level 6 and level 4 soldiers at the expense of his own strength, but how can the elf kingdom still only rely on the level 2 and level 3 soldiers that players bring their own dry food to win? Not to mention the oppressive gunboat of NPC Deirdre, this is not a weapon of the same era as the leaf boat, right? And the battle between the Nerubians and the Soldier Bees on the top of the ground was coming to an end. The casualties of both sides were horrendous, and it was difficult to play a leading role.

In short, even if the momentum of the World Wide Channel's swiping screens remains undiminished, the defeat in China is a foregone conclusion.

At this moment, the bottom of the water around the island in the lake rumbled and shook again, and the roots of the World Tree on the bottom of the water rose up out of the water, grabbing a large piece of rock, forming a large circle of water fences.

—Battlefield report: World Tree activates the defensive wall! Invite the warriors of the elf kingdom to rely on the wall to defend.

All of a sudden, the players in China were furious! What's wrong with the little bees at the reinforcement point, reinforce the fence!

But there is no way, the situation is stronger than people, the leaf fleet in China hastily hid back in the safe haven surrounded by the wall, and the root gate of the wall around the island creaked and closed.

—Battlefield report: The elves camp is defeated, the morale of the whole army is -2, the hell camp is victorious, and the morale of the whole army is +1!

Oh yeah! The Hell Fleets of various countries that attacked the wall broke out in eager cheers, of course, with the exception of China and India. However, the World Channel in China is still unabated. All kinds of stars are cheering, the stars are resisting, and the screens of China are overwhelming.

At this time, how can the ancient stars who are in the general staff of the elf kingdom control it

Eternal Xingchen hurriedly spoke to the great elder in the crowd: "Elder, the troops of the hell clan suppressed us, we must also have high-level troops! Otherwise, we will not be able to fight!"

At this time, the Great Elder and other officers were looking at a new blood-red map. Instead, they became indifferent to the battle of the pool of light.

I do it! The soldiers are exhausting themselves, can you be more careful!

Eternal Star anxiously said: "Great Elder!"

The great elder came back to his senses and nodded: "What you said is very reasonable. We must also send a powerful force that can compete with it."

—Battlefield report: Druids are available for the Druids of level 4 reinforcements in the Elf faction. Warriors participating in the national war can exchange merit points for Druids, and the exchanged units will be retained after the battle.

All of a sudden, the channel in China exploded! Open level 4 troop druids! The most outstanding level 4 soldier with high defense and thick blood, which can be long-distance, can lay mines, and can heal. The god-level conventional soldier that players fear and yearn for most! The most cost-effective tier 4 troop!

And just because Druids are the strongest level 4 troops, they are also the hardest level 4 troops to obtain, even harder to obtain than vampires, requiring players to do egg-painful tasks repeatedly. Of course, the elves originally produced less soldiers, and the output of druids was naturally less, and it was normal that they were rare.

At this time, a green light from the underground sky shone on the center of the island in the lake, and an NPC druid military officer floated down. He shouted: "Warriors, please come to me to exchange for the most elite troops of the elves!"

For a while, the whole island cheered and crowded up, and then cursed. Needless to say, expensive!

But for a large guild like Xingchen, it's not that you are expensive, but that you are out of stock! Xingchen has always been worried that the Hell Clan will bring level 6 soldiers back to the country, so it's okay! Now it seems that each other each other. In terms of magic damage, the abyss lord is actually not as good as the druid. The positioning of the abyss lord is still a powerful melee unit, which is far less useful than the druid.

If the stars can take the opportunity to accumulate a large number of druids that are difficult to obtain at the current stage, the benefits will be unimaginable. Therefore, Eternal Star immediately instructed all members of the guild to exchange, and then gather the exchanged druids to arm the main players first.

. . . . . .

At this time, the hell player who tied the score returned to the camp to replenish the soil and restore mana. Now, as long as the opponent passively defends, the hell race can calmly pollute the pool of light.

There was no pressure in Deirdre's first battle. Surrounded by a group of dragon slayers, she came back energetically and reported to her instructor.

At this time, Cyril was dressed in charcoal black, without the blazing flames of the past. He said gloomyly: "There is bad news, the blood pool of the abyss has been broken into by a superhero, and he is massacring and destroying it!"

Deirdre said in surprise: "Mentor, didn't you say that the superhero fell into the pool of blood?"

Similarly, Lei Huolong on the side was also terrified, how strong is this Da Fei

Cyril shook his head: "No! Superheroes are far stronger than expected! The devil is very angry now! Then, the devil will definitely ask us to attack the World Tree with all our strength. This is a good opportunity for us to build Qixun. We must use all our strength to attack the World Tree. We must not fail, otherwise the wrath of the devil will come upon us. So before the devil's general attack order is issued, I will also take a comprehensive rest. I will return to the lava to recover my strength and prepare for the final battle. And you, Keep up the good work, and if you succeed, you will be rewarded with wealth and power that will never end!"

Deirdre nodded, her eyes were blurred and flickering.

. . . . . .

Abyss blood pool.

The Flying No. swept along the direction of the wind, and exploded ten magic nests in a blink of an eye. It seemed that it was too easy to complete 100 basic mission objectives. But now, there is a big island in front of the Feixiang, and the location of the magic nest in the middle of the big island is obviously not within the range of the battleship's ballista, so the only way is to send troops to land and clear it.

However, time is so tight, and it takes a lot of time for troops to land, why bother? Just pass it. Anyway, the task requirement is to only look at the quantity and not the quality.

When the Feixiang passed by the big island, Da Fei suddenly saw that the densely packed demon eggs on the big island were covered with a thick layer of spider silk, which was obviously different from the demon nests just now. The spider silk is the devil's egg of the nerubian clan, right? That is to say, this blood pond produces many kinds of demons.

Suddenly, Dafei suddenly remembered the mission of "The Heart of the Tree Elf Wraith" in his backpack (Chapter 107). Devil's Nest, isn't this Devil's Nest the mission target? Kill or not

Come all come, kill! Even if the reward for increasing the upper limit of the ranger's professional level +1 is not for the human being, but at least it is a hidden mission discovered by gathering the god-level reconnaissance special ballista by chance. The reward won't be low, will it? Anyway, with Brother's current clearing speed, there is no pressure to complete the main task.

Then get ready for the landing battle.

(I'm sorry everyone, I was too tired to prepare for the inspection at the unit today, and I will have to go to the official inspection tomorrow!) To be continued. )