God Rank Hero

Chapter 17: The phantom ballista in the sailing diary



Da Fei continued to look through the diary and finally found something.

—February 8, 150, yīn, I have been out at sea for more than two months, and I haven’t even seen a pirate. Those of us who are bored in the bilge every day are going crazy! Our boat is too fast, and we can't fish. Life is really boring. Roberts suggested that we play cards together. I thought about it, and there is nothing in the navigation regulations that prohibits playing cards, so let's just play casually. Anyway, our place is a smelly and stuffy hold, and the captain's mates are very nervous Few come down to inspect. But even if they come down, the sound of their boots will remind us.

— On February 9, 150, sunny, Robles owed me 14 gold coins, and Eric owed me 10 gold coins.

—On February 10, 150, sunny, Robles won today, but still owes me 4 gold coins. Eric lost again and owed me a total of 15 gold coins.

—February 11, 150, yīn, bastard! Eric lost his luck today, and I owe him 5 gold coins instead!

Fuck! I finally regained the good habit of daily diary, but do you still dare to be bored? Where is your wift? Where is the daughter? Keep turning!

— On February 14th, 150, while playing cards today, someone suddenly came down from above! It turned out to be Count Makar! He greeted us gunners cordially. He also gave us some fun magic gadgets to relieve our boredom! I really didn't expect that such a noble mage as Earl Makar would come to our smelly and stuffy hold, and he was so approachable! His demeanor really impressed us!

Da Fei was refreshed! Makar! Keep turning! Later, there is a lot of gambling debts, slightly!

—March 16, 150, heavy rain! At 9 o'clock in the evening, the lookout sentry called the police! We've met pirates! I'm excited! Finally it was my turn to act! All our gunners are excited to stand up! At 11pm our ship got rid of the pirates and we were all excited for nothing!

Intermediate gambling debts, skip it.

—April 2, 150, sunny, 10 o'clock in the evening, encountered pirates, and then got rid of pirates. I was thinking, our ship is so fast, and the sailors on our ship are all the elite of the empire. With such an excellent captain and mate, will we gunners never have a chance to make a move

— On April 11, 150, it rained! Hello Pirates! Goodbye pirates!

- April 17, 150, rain! The continuous rainy season has made our sailors suffer from rheumatism, and their knees hurt when they walk, which is very painful.

——April 18, 150, rain. Count Makar came to the hold again today, and brought us a bucket of rheumatism wine. Just fine and the legs are still full of power! Count Makar is really admirable!

Powerful legs? Turn into a jumping zombie, right? Skip the gambling debt and continue to flip! Oh, there is content! This page is full of words!

—June 3, 150, sunny! This day has come unexpectedly, we have entered the sea area occupied by Naga, the battle is finally inevitable! It's been almost half a year since we went to sea, and it's finally our turn to make a move! In the fierce chase, I killed 6 Naga, 4 Robles, 3 Eric, 5 Robin, 5 Joey, 3 Hawke, the hateful thing is, the Naga leader Escaped on the seriously injured Hailong! If our ballista can have a longer range and greater power, we can hunt down that sea dragon and obtain an unimaginably huge harvest, and I will definitely get a great merit! I missed the hard-won opportunity to establish Qi Xun in the past half a year. I couldn't be happier at the commendation meeting tonight. This battle exposed a serious hit problem!

We are used to fighting pirates. The targets of our ballista are usually huge ships or sea monsters that surface. We don’t worry about missing them. Instead, we face the Naga warriors who are diving in the sea and chasing us at high speed. , is really powerless.

First of all, of course, because the boat is shaking all the time.

Then there is the light refraction problem of water, which makes it difficult to aim. Fishermen tend to aim when they fish with harpoons. Now it seems that this is a very important skill. Unfortunately, I look down on fishermen and have not mastered this skill. But the Naga are indeed proficient in this skill. They can hide in the water and shoot accurate bone arrows at us, but it is really difficult for us to hit them accurately.

Then the water surface greatly offset the power of the crossbow arrows, which is really unbelievable! But from my calculations, this is indeed the truth, the power of crossbow arrows shooting into the water has been reduced by 1/3 to 1/2! This is equivalent to 20 points of defensive armor! How can such a weak existence of water achieve the effect of such a thick armor? I think this should be similar to the principle of using flat small stones to float in the water, and the stone flakes jump on the water.

how to solve this problem? I am too tired today, and I have to call everyone to study this issue tomorrow.

. . . . . .

Dafei is excited! There is a show! The ballista hitting the moving target is indeed a problem. After Juan discovered the unique skill of the Pirate King, he began to study the magic skill. After the gunner discovered the problem, he must also research the magic skill! The mystery is indeed in this diary!

Da Fei hastily turned to the next page!

—On June 4th, 150, in order to celebrate the feats of our gunners yesterday, we started playing a little bit bigger. . .

Nima! What about your research project! Da Fei flipped all the way!

—August 9, 150, fog! At 9 o'clock in the evening, the sea was dark and foggy. In this terrible environment, we were attacked by unknown sea monsters, but we were completely helpless! I could only attack indiscriminately and in vain based on the sound of the water waves. At this moment, a gust of wind dispelled the fog. It was Count Makar's magical spell! We finally saw a monster as huge as a small island spewing clouds and chasing us! God, I have never seen such a huge monster! But what's worse is that we can't attack the enemies directly behind the ship from this angle! At this moment, a huge fireball fell from the sky to repel the monster, and it was Earl Makar's magical spell again! It is too powerful! I think I should ask him for advice!

Makar is back! The gambler finally got the hang of it, Da Fei hastily turned the page.

—August 10, 150, sunny, today I took the initiative to visit Count Makar with reverence and nervousness, and the count received me very kindly and warmly in the study. After seeing his strength, his kindness made me feel particularly excited. There are many books in Earl Makar's study, and there are many bottles and jars on the table. He is really a mysterious and wise scholar! I asked about the sea monster yesterday, and Count Makar said that it might be the legendary sea monster Leviathan that can create fog, but he is not sure. My God, if it is really Leviathan, then Earl Makar is a powerful existence to defeat Leviathan. . . . . .

Dafei was shocked when he saw this!

Leviathan! The eighth-level marine creature announced in the official data has unknown attributes, surpassing the existence of seventh-level soldiers such as angels, demons, and dragons! Legend has it that God created the world in 7 days, created everything and the laws of time and space in the first 6 days, and created two god-level behemoths on the 7th day. The male is Beamon, known as the overlord of land, and the female is Leviathan, known as the overlord of the sea !

And this Makar can repel Leviathan, so how strong is he? Is the epic mission of brother's navigator to fight against such a strong man against the sky? By the way, Makar's study? Generally speaking, the big cadre must live on the upper floor of the ship, that is to say, the room of the boss that Blood Sea Kuangtao fought is his study? The study of a powerful archmage who can defeat Leviathan, is the harvest just as simple as a magic book

Now that I know ballistas, it is definitely not a problem to deal with that evil spirit, but the problem is that such a huge thing as a ballista cannot fight in such a small space! This is a problem. Still the original plan, black gun behind. It's been a long time, and there seems to be no footsteps above his head. He is not in a hurry at level 5, and even less at level 8. Then continue to read the diary:

. . . . . . Of course, the earl's time is very precious, so I asked him how to solve the ballista's hit problem. Count Makar fell into deep thought, and then said that he would definitely come to me when he figured it out. Before leaving, he gave me a very expensive bottle of wine, I was so excited!

really! It's completely unrealistic to expect this gambler to do scientific research, and it's still reliable as an archmage. After all, Makar came up with the navigator's god-level skills. Keep turning.

—January 17, 151, sunny, today is an exciting day for me, Count Makar came again, not only brought good wine, but also a solution to the ballista hit! I can't believe he takes it so seriously! After all this time I thought he had forgotten!

This is really a plan that shocked us all! This is a design proposal for a new type of magic ballista. The wood of the gun body must be made of a wooden staff used to make high-grade magic staffs. The steel crossbow arm and protective armor must also be replaced by Mithril alloy with good magic guiding performance. Inlaid with 12 charged magic stones, 12 high-level magic circles in the appendix, and the crossbow arrows must also be specially made for enchanting! The effect of such an expensive and amazing ballista is that it can allow an ordinary gunner who does not know any magic to hit a powerful blow that ignores obstacles and fog! Even without carefully aiming, the magic crossbow will automatically search for enemies driven by the magic circle! Even planar creatures hiding in other planes are hard to escape! Whether it's Leviathan, Naga, or the shaking of the ship, it's not a problem at all!

Such an existence is simply like the Phantom Bow, an artifact of the Elf Kingdom, so the Earl named this new type of ballista the Phantom Ballista!

This is really an amazing and great idea of incomparable genius! It's a pity that we have no equipment, tools and materials on board, and we don't have the conditions to implement the plan at all, but I am determined, as long as we can complete this expedition, I will follow Earl Makar and try my best to complete the earl's great idea!

. . . . . .

— System prompt: You have obtained information about the new ballista "Phantom Ballista"!

— Tips for newbies: After obtaining the information of the weapon, the player triggers the research and development plot of the weapon, which can be obtained through research and development by oneself, or by learning from relevant NPCs.

Finally shipped! The difference of this boss is to provide me with information about a new ballista! Brother, the skill book that is the most difficult to obtain in the world is worth the money. Although the goal is floating clouds, floating clouds are a little more reliable than Wuyun after all.

There was enough time to flip through the book, so Da Fei directly turned to the last two pages.

— On April 19, 156, the storm came!

—On April 20, 156, an unknown fleet appeared in the storm.

The diary is over now, there is still one more day left to remember, he died

Da Fei sighed softly, this poor guy probably has no wife or daughter, and what's even more tragic is that he didn't even know how he died, and he didn't even have time to leave his last words. Sing and worship.

Wait, since this phantom ballista was designed by Makar, then Makar is the related npc, what will happen if I hand over this diary to Makar? He must be happy, right? After all, this diary is full of records of his greatness, and it is an ironclad evidence of Makar's glory, lest he, the only survivor, be empty-handed! Isn't it impossible for him to give the phantom ballista to brother whenever he is happy

However, I have already accepted the epic mission of the Navigator against Makar. Will something happen to me if I bring this mission to meet Makar

Forget it, these are not things to consider now, fix the ballista and go to the next cabin to have a look.