God Rank Hero

Chapter 2103: Concluding remarks


After four years, the god-level hero is finally over. Sitting in front of the computer, the ashtray is full of emotions, and the ashtray sincerely thanks the book friends for their support and love.

The writing of this book is very slow, especially when the wife is pregnant and the child was born and grew up in the past two years, basically it is updated every day and often interrupted. For professional writers, this is unqualified. Ashtray to book friends We apologize, and thank you again for your perseverance.

Well, most book lovers know about the situation of the ashtray, so let’s not be hypocritical, let’s review the writing thoughts.

When this book was written, Ashtray was already 33 years old, and he was talking about marriage with the current Baiqiongmei sister-in-law, but he was short of money. Well, there must be a lack of money. If there is no lack of money, will you be a bachelor until the age of 33? Youth is gone, time waits for no one!

So for the second book, I wanted to write something with a higher income, that is, cool articles; as for the subject matter, of course, it was easier, that is, online games. Then there is the content, that period was 2013, when the Diaoyu Islands incident was raging and people were excited, and the souls of angry youths in the ashtray were also burning, so let’s write a very old-fashioned one about destroying the sun and killing the beauty, and by the way, make up for the absence of the previous book Too late to make up the regret.

So the god-level hero was born in a hurry one month after the end of the last book, and the outline of the set manuscript was not complete, and he still stepped on the watermelon rind, and it counted wherever he slid. So I disappointed those book lovers who thought that I had saved manuscripts and carefully designed the outline. It is also because this is a book that wants to make money, so it also disappointed those book lovers who expected to surpass power leveling in artistic conception, the ashtray can only be sorry.

Then, the ashtray at that time never thought of full-time, and it was very risky to use this book full-time. After all, it was a traditional online game, and the copyrights of various channels were not strong. In the end, I was so tired that I would fall asleep on the bus, and when I went to work, I was sleepy and couldn't concentrate, and the leader was dissatisfied. After thinking about it, it's still full-time.

After a few months of full-time work, although I had more time to rest, the feeling of exhaustion was lingering, until one day I couldn’t stand up because of stomach pain, so I went to the hospital for an examination. What transaminases exceeded ten times the standard, liver damage, and Gallbladder and stomach hurt, I'll fuck it, it's like being beaten up, so it turns out that I was injured so badly in the past two or three years while writing a book part-time? I still remember the way my wife burst into tears when she found out about her illness, how long have you been married... Well, I know what she is thinking, so I can't overthink it!

Of course, freezing three feet is not a one-day cold. It cannot be said that this disease is caused by writing. It is caused by the decadent life of a single dick who is dissatisfied with the status quo but has little ability over the years. He has no hope and smokes. Drinking all night, playing games and masturbating to the teacher for a long time-well, let’s not talk nonsense, let’s just say that it’s caused by too much masturbation! Now all kinds of back pain and eye pain are all there.

Therefore, the ashtray warns book lovers with positive energy, less masturbation! Who hasn't lost their minds? Who hasn't turned over time

Then, talk about some of the most impressive things about writing this book. Because this is a "divine drama" book, the book of course ridicules the US, Japan, Britain, and India, which are the most disagreeable player groups in China. After all, the ashtray used to work in the unit, and the Global Times also read a lot of reference news to pass the time, and as he grew older, he became more interested in these current affairs, and became more interested in those simple entertainment and game information. not interested.

When I was writing about God's Punishment City in the European Union, I used Da Fei's mouth to say, "This British guy is disgusting us in Hong Kong...", and then some Hong Kong book friends exploded!

The ashtray was very shocking at the time! One is the ashtray. I didn't expect the book friends in Hong Kong to know my book? Thinking about it carefully, the book on the ashtray seems to be very well received by PTT in Taiwan, so this book is not surprising. The second is that the ashtray never expected that my Hong Kong book friends would support Occupy Central, calling it freedom and justice, and then accusing me of all the news and information I received were fake and brainwashed...

The jaw of the ashtray fell to the ground! The ashtray never expected that some young people who like Dafei would be so easily used by others

The ashtray also discussed with them in the bar, but it was useless! Be stubborn, and accuse me of writing online game novels, don't be blind if you don't understand Hong Kong!

What can i say? Hong Kong has only regained its sovereignty, but not its judicial or educational rights, and such young people were born.

Well, three years have passed, and the young people of the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan have awakened and know that the mainland is their goal in life. I wonder if those Hong Kong book lovers who abandoned my book have awakened

By the way, when it comes to Taiwan, my last book was well received in the Taiwan ppt forum, but this book has a lot of bad reviews, because it mocked Japan and also wrote about a very Japanese player in Taiwan. nothing to say.

And then, some time ago, the editor in charge suddenly asked me: "Did you write about the national war in your book?"


"Did you uglify America and Japan?"


"How much?"


"Hey! Let's write the book! It will cause disputes."

Well, what's the matter? Of course, now China Literature has started to launch the starting point international version, that is, the translation of Chinese online texts has occupied the European and American cultural markets, which is China’s "Harry Potter". It can be said that the drug addiction of the drug-addicted young people in the crooked country is infinitely meritorious.

My book was originally planned to be translated in the next few batches, but there are problems with the content, so - I am a bit pained!

I actually want to say, is it ugly? I'm clearly beautifying, okay? Compared with the actual methods of the United States and Japan, what is this kind of brother Hao's pediatrics, and the United States cheating? However, if you want to eat other people's food, don't think about smashing other people's pot. There is nothing to regret if you write it all. Anyway, this book is just like this, and there will not be an overseas edition. Then book it.

Then I will talk about the next book that book lovers are most concerned about. Ashtray has many subjects, and I also wrote an unconventional one with particularly strange bones. There are also drafts of tens of thousands of words, but the writing is very difficult. Ashtray decided to be careful, after all, ashtray is still a room full of feces and urine. The daddy of my one-year-old fart boy is a bit out of energy, so he can only choose a convenient one.

So let's change the theme, it's still a game, it's still the funny one, book lovers who like power leveling and god-level heroes will definitely like it, ashtray guarantee. In other words, the ashtray's dickishness has already penetrated into the bone marrow, and I'm afraid I can only write a dick. The new book will probably be uploaded in October. The ashtray is too tired and needs to rest for two months.

Then, Journey to the West, Fu Mo Tianshi? Uh... I haven't written for two months, I can't catch up with my thoughts for a while, I am very tired, and I will conflict with the new book, and NetEase doesn't ask for a price~~~ The key is that the book is only 15,000 in the collection, so I will rush! In short, it can only be updated according to the situation.

Then, the ashtray would like to give special thanks to "Mortal Fan" and "Snow Ridge Romance". This book is a data flow novel set by the game of Heroes of Might and Magic. The data in the early stage is not much, but it will collapse in the middle , thanks to the data collation of mortal fans.

Then there is Romance in the Snow Mountain, one yuan is rewarded every day, and it has been rewarded for four years. This is true love, thank you!

Finally, readers are invited to pay attention to Ashtray's WeChat public account "Dayangan1", or search for "dayanggan1" with a magnifying glass, and pay attention to the latest developments of Ashtray. Thank you for your continued support.

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