God Rank Hero

Chapter 57: Congrats tuna roe


Da Fei returned to the exchange, and the businessmen around him cursed. *www.xstxt.org*

Cut, is there any end to your awe-inspiring righteousness? Are you sure you are the victims just now? Said, you must have been bought by those bastards to spray brother, right? Alright, the sea of blood is raging, brother will respectfully call you the director of the Poverty Alleviation Office from today on! Just wait, brother will let you be rated as one of the top ten young people in the country! Let you be the president of the Scarlet Letter Society!

Da Fei started the first trade with the npc of the exchange as if nothing had happened.

—System prompt: You sell 80 units of fruit wine at a price of 38 gold coins per order, and get 3040 gold coins.

— Tips for beginners: Since your selling price is lower than the purchase price of the goods list, you cannot gain experience in this trade.

There's no way around this, after all, fruit wine is a product of this city, so it's interesting if they don't charge half the price.

— System prompt: You sell 125 units of fragrant nuts at a price of 65 gold coins per order, and you get 8125 gold coins. Your profit from this trade is 1825 gold coins, and you gain experience +182.

—System prompt: You sell 40 units of lavender at a price of 200 gold coins per order, and get 8,000 gold coins. Your trade makes a profit of 1,500 gold coins, and you gain experience +150.

— System prompt: You sell 300 units of Chenguangmai at a price of 45 gold coins per order, and get 13,500 gold coins. Your trade makes a profit of 1,700 gold coins, and you gain experience +170.

After the trade was completed, a total of 32,665 gold coins were obtained, which can be called a huge sum of money in the hands of current players.

Sure enough, no one can get rich without windfall. In fact, I don’t want to blackmail so much money, I just want to wash off my fame. Hey, sometimes the God of Wealth can't stop him when he wants to enter the door, hahaha!

When it comes to doing business, we have to mention business experience and city specialties.

Under normal circumstances, the experience value gained from doing business is only 10% of the profit value, but this is also the basis for distinguishing high-level businessmen from ordinary low-level business runners.

Doing business is very skillful, and market prices are changing at any time. There are several situations that give merchant experience bonus points. The most common is the urgent need of the city.

If the trader said to himself: "Oh, the city is in urgent need of fragrant nuts!" Then the merchant immediately shipped a batch of fragrant nuts from Lingang to sell, and the experience was directly increased by 100%, that is, experience = profit, plus prestige Rewards, even if the trader is happy, directly reward a piece of equipment or even a low-level treasure. And when the city is in urgent need, the profit is quite high, which can be said to be a three-fold harvest of gold coins, experience and prestige.

Then there are disasters. If there are negative conditions such as disease and famine in a certain city, merchants can transport medicines and food, which can increase by 100%. Then there are festivals. During the festival in a certain city, merchants transport wine, sugar, and flowers to sell, and the experience will also be increased by 100%.

But even so, even if these three states appear in a city at the same time and add 300% points, the experience of the merchant is still not enough compared to the experience of those monster-killing players. After all, it takes a long time to run a business, and at the same time, the small business volume of junior merchants is small.

Then the real big thing is coming, transnational transactions, especially transnational delivery of specialty products!

The huge profit is 8-10 times the huge profit when the goods from the kingdom of elves are transported to the kingdom of humans. The reason for this huge profit is that this product is not an ordinary product, but a "special product" designated and certified by the alliance! 100% extra points for specialty experience.

Taking Dafei's current situation as an example, all 30,000 gold coins were bought for the city's specialty "Goddess Oak Statue", and it took a month of game time, which is 3 days in real time, to be transported to the Human Kingdom for sale. If it can be sold for 300,000 gold coins, then the experience is 300,000!

300,000 is too little

The purchase price of the Goddess Oak statue is 100 gold coins per order, and 30,000 gold coins can only be 300 orders, which is not enough to fill the warehouse. 1 million experience!

Earn 1 million experience in 3 days in real time, who dares to think too little? Well, there are still too few players after level 60. However, earning 100,000 gold coins into 1 million gold coins in 3 days should not be too little, right

What can 1 million gold coins do? An angel costs 5,000 gold coins, and you can buy 200 of them! If you have enough prestige, you can build a small city in the new world.

Of course, whether it is an angel, a large ship with a cargo hold of more than a thousand orders, special products, or building a city, these are all things that can only appear in the distant future, and should not be considered by current players. Especially for special products, the player has extremely high requirements for the prestige of the city, the prestige of the alliance, and the level of the sea certificate. What's even more painful is that the special products are allocated according to the investment share of the player in the city.

What is investment share allocation? It is said that a city has a degree of prosperity. Players spend gold coins to invest in it to increase its prosperity, which can increase the output and quality of the city’s goods and special products. When the quality reaches the peak, it can even develop new special products. Of course, it can also improve itself. reputation. For example, players whose personal investment accounts for 20% of the total investment in the city can only buy 20% of the output of special products. Therefore, during the public beta, there will be large guilds with strong funds conducting business wars, investing frantically to monopolize the investment share of other retail players in Hong Kong. The degree of cruelty It's no less than capturing someone else's territory by force. Those who lose will be left with nothing.

In short, special products are not so easy to get. Ordinary players can still focus on high-end products with good quality, and cross-border resale can also make 2-5 times the profit.

At this time, Da Fei was holding the 30,000 gold coins in his hands, and sighed secretly that the gold coins were useless amidst the scolding of "no one should trade with him" from the surrounding merchants. If it had been according to the original plan, it must be shouting "high price receipt!", there must be a large number of merchants and players stepping forward to trade, and then my brother's thousand orders are all filled. Even if it is not a special product, it only needs to be shipped across the country to sell, which is a lot of experience and prestige gold coins. That brother's money is like snowballing!

Hey, I have committed public anger, even if I have not committed public anger, there must be someone who can't stand brother's big boat. Life is like waves dripping on the sea, life is like drifting in rivers and lakes, only to repair the boat, and then prepare to run long-distance missions, what a shame.

etc! Specialties? Brother has it!

Da Fei hastily opened the contents of the bag.

- Tuna roe: seafood. Tuna can be bred in fishing grounds in coastal territories. Tuna is a very delicious large marine fish, which is difficult to catch and is very popular in the market.

According to the information on the official website about contributing new products, regardless of whether this product will be certified as a special product by the alliance, as long as it is handed over to the city, it will be equivalent to adding an industry to the city, and my brother's reputation will be improved immediately, and he will also monopolize the product. At least 10% of the supply quota, at least 10% of the quota is specially reserved for brother, no need to limit the purchase volume of the sea certificate level, other merchants can't buy it if they have money, and business wars can't squeeze it out!

That is to say, at that time, my brother was too lazy to go to sea, and he went directly to the exchange to buy all his tuna stocks, and then he directly listed: "Sell fish at a high price! The big boss is here to collect it!"

Although my original intention was to keep it to see the market and sell it later, but now this situation can no longer be kept. Business opportunities are one step at a time, not to mention that the current situation is unfavorable, and the advantages are being lost. We must open up the situation and make a big move! Of course, the most important thing is to let out a sigh of relief! Just to pretend! If you don't pretend to force others, you think you're going to kill me, and it's even worse. Can you still have peace in your ears

So Da Fei made a decisive decision and found the npc manager of the exchange: "I want to hand over the seafood."

The steward looked at it and was very pleasantly surprised: "Thank you for supporting the development of this city. We are a coastal city and are suitable for the development of this kind of seafood! You will make a great contribution to the development of our city! This is my letter of recommendation , please go to the city hall to find Mayor Othliman to receive your reward!"

I see! See the mayor directly, what kind of concept is this? Students, do you know what level you need to meet the mayor directly

Amidst the chattering and cursing of all the businessmen, Da Fei went out laughing, no one knew it was Lizhi!

. . . . . .

— Radioline City Radio: Congratulations! Da Fei has contributed new properties to the city of Erolin and has made great contributions to the city. Mayor Osserliman canonized the player Da Fei as an "Honorary Citizen of the City of Arolin".

The players in the whole city were stunned for a moment, and then the anger of the whole city exploded: "Fuck! Is there any reason!"

(ask for various tickets)