God's Desolate Spring and Autumn

Chapter 118: The bitter silkworm


The jade silkworm sensed the breath of the underground, turned into a white light, and got in through the cracked ground. With a small body and strong strength, it pierced through the rocks and broke the soil and went straight to the ground.

When Di Jing saw the jade silkworm escaped, he thought that there must be a treasure in the underground, but the crack still allowed him to pass. Looking at the half-collapsed cave, and perceiving it carefully, there was some extremely weak mysterious aura coming out.

According to other monks, this cave is like a labyrinth. There are many passages in it.

"Let's go in and try to see how mysterious this maze is!" Di Jing took Yun Yan and got in through the half-collapsed hole.

Many monks saw the mighty Di Jing exploring the maze, so they followed in, hoping to follow Di Jing and go deep into it.

Outside the cave, Qian Zhongtian, who had recovered some energy, stood up, his complexion was much better now, and he didn't look like a dying person anymore. Nourished by the miracle medicine, the flesh and blood regained some vitality.

"Di Jing, you made me like this, I will never let you go!" He climbed up Bai Yan with difficulty, and went to the outside of the Misty Mountains. That Bai Xuan was equally injured, carrying a half-dead person, and swaying away from here.

Shi Feiyan looked lazy, and murmured: "Di Jing, really an interesting person. However, if you beat Gan Zhongtian like this, his clansmen in the Shendao Sect will probably not let you go! How would you deal with those people?"

In the maze of the mountain belly, strange rocks are rugged, and the passages are connected one by one, and you can't distinguish the direction when you walk through it. Moreover, that extremely subtle and mysterious aura can come out from everywhere, and there is no way to find the root cause.

"It would be great if there was a jade silkworm following. It is so sensitive to this breath, it is mostly the breath of the divine silkworm that is attracting it."

After walking for a while, suddenly there was the sound of running water in front of him, gurgling.

"Within the veins of the earth, there are undercurrent rivers. The water flows down with the flow. We can follow the river and perhaps reach the depths!" When Di Jing heard the sound of the river flowing, he was overjoyed in his heart and hurriedly greeted the other monks.

But other monks said: "This river does not lead to the depths, but is connected end to end, going back and forth, going back and forth, and there is no way to find the source."

"There is such a river?" Di Jing was very surprised. The river was going down. Could it be that somewhere, it could not flow up again

However, what puzzled Di Jing was that he went down the river and found no place or node where the river flows upward.

"This is too strange. The river circulates around, but it always faces downwards. It is impossible to find out where the upstream is." This is an unexplainable phenomenon. Di Jing had prepared before he came in, but he bypassed the river for a while. After the circle, I couldn't help but wonder.

"Friend Di Daoist, don't worry, there is no solution to this dark river!" The monk next to Di Jing said to Di Jing.

Di Jing shook his head and said, "There must be a problem in the middle. The river can't flow downwards all the time. In the end, it can return to the original point. Either we have been confused, or it is weird!"

"What kind of situation is that?"

Di Jing did not answer, but observed again, the river was gurgling, ups and downs.

"Why is the river a bit turbulent?" I don't know if it is an illusion or an illusion. Di Jing observed carefully and always felt that the river was flying.

"There is a problem with this river, it is alive!"

Di Jing said silently, although the river is flowing towards a place, it is under the action of an invisible force, making the river course connected end to end, but not stagnant water.

His words caused the other monks to explode, and the river is alive. This is nothing short of a fantasy!

"Friend Di Daoist, don't joke around. These mountains and rocks are dead, and the river is unconscious. How can it be alive? Unless this river is not a river!" The monks were all taken aback, if it wasn't a real river. What could it be

"Is it a river?" Di Jing took out the futon and sat down on it. Now his spirit has been greatly improved, coupled with the power of the futon, a strand of spiritual consciousness escaped from the flesh and melted into the mountain. .

Suddenly, Di Jing suddenly discovered that the river channel hidden underground was swaying slowly. Under such swaying force, the river water flowed in one direction, regardless of height. Because the river is very long and hidden deep underground, the swing is not large, so that everyone walking along the river can't notice where the heights are.

"Such a huge river is swaying, what is pushing it?"

Looking around, the huge river is flowing with cool river water, swaying slightly, like a bowl of water.

"This is not a river, but a magic weapon!" After observing for a while, Di Jing decided in his heart.

The river at the moment, surrounded in a circle, is quite regular, like a ring. This is a magic weapon, hidden deep underground. Because of the sway of this magic weapon, the surrounding ground pulse was disordered, and countless passages were formed. And these passages are within this magic weapon, so no matter how you walk, you can only go around in these passages.

"Under the ground, there must be a big man. He placed this magic weapon here to prevent outsiders from going deeper!"

Di Jing's spiritual consciousness returned, he now figured out the mystery of the maze, and sighed. This is a magic weapon, quite impressive, but it cannot be collected. And there may be a big person in the underground, most of which will be the Divine Silkworm clan. This magic weapon belongs to the Divine Silkworm, and he does not dare to mess around.

"Friend Di Daoist, how?" The monks quickly asked when Di Jing had recovered.

Di Jing said: "This is a big man's arrangement to prevent me from waiting to enter, so let's retreat."

When even taking Yun Yi to find a way to leave here, the remaining monks looked at each other and said in their hearts: "I can't see the doorway and still pretend."

But so many people have gone back and forth to explore how many times, and none of them can go deep under the veins and can't find the passage. Back and forth in the maze, and finally had to give up.

"The jade silkworm was attracted and summoned. I don't know what will happen?" Di Jing sat down outside the cave and did not leave here. Although Yucan has been following him for a long time, but these days, there is a lot of affection, since he is willing to follow Di Jing, he can't just let it go.

In the ensuing time, many cultivators came one after another, all of them aimed at this puzzled labyrinth, wanting to show their talents and break through this mysterious place. However, the results were average and failed.

But on the third day, Di Jing heard the sound of trees swaying in the distance, and then a figure broke through the air, came quickly, and crashed in front of the cave.

The appearance of the man is a bit weird, his mind is round, his eyes are almost on his forehead, his skin is dark, and he looks powerful.

The visitor closed his eyes and smelled it for a while, then suddenly looked at the crack in the ground, and shouted: "There is a celestial lineage of the first step!"

As soon as his voice fell, everyone saw a black light flickering in front of them, turning into a small black silkworm, flying directly into the crack.

Di Jing was shocked when he heard the other party's words. He naturally knew what he meant by the four characters "Tianji Yimei". At that moment, I also knew the origin of the person in front of me!

When he turned into a black silkworm and was about to escape into the crack, a sword gas shot from the side, blocking the way.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" The black silkworm evaded the sword qi and suddenly shouted.

"I have friends below, so don't let others disturb you!" Di Jing pointed his palm and lucked out his sword, ready to make a move at any time.

The black silkworm sneered and said: "I am a foolish human being, do you know who I am?"

"As for the sacred silkworm clan, it is not clear which line it is." Di Jing replied, without any fear.

"Since you know that I am a clan of sacred silkworms, would you still dare to stop?" The black silkworm cried.

The silkworm tribe is so famous on the Continent of Gods and Wilderness, everyone's face changes when they talk about it. Because this clan has three veins, but the three veins are not connected with the same qi, but conquer each other to fight for the orthodox position of the silkworm, and they do not give way to each other. Every time a war starts, it is a river of blood, and the lives are overwhelmed, the spread is wide, and the impact is great!

The black silkworms turned out to be a family of god silkworms, which made everyone's heart jump and talk a lot.

Di Jing smiled faintly, and said, "My friend is also the celestial silkworm clan. If you don't stop you, would you let you disturb his practice?"

"Then there is an opportunity left by the seniors of the silkworm clan in the underground. If you block my way, you will cut my chance!" Black Silkworm said bitterly, "Those who cut my chance will die without a place to be buried!"

Di Jing suddenly felt the killing intent, and the surrounding space was chaotic, and gusts of wind knives flew in.

Sword Qi swept across, rows of sword shadows appeared horizontally. In the Shenzhao Sword Style, the sword swept away at hand, smashing all the surrounding wind knives.

"I don't know which line of Shencan you are?" Di Jing asked intently after receiving his sword energy.

"The bitter silkworm!"

As soon as the words were uttered, the cultivators were frightened and frightened. The cruel sacred silkworm is the most cruel and violent among the three sacred silkworms. It is said in the world that the controversy of the sacred silkworm is caused by this vein, which makes the killing and cutting continue!

"The cruel bitter silkworm, everyone in the world is afraid, but they would never expect to meet it here." Di Jing's eyes shined, and the three veins of the god silkworm caused him to encounter two veins, and there is a strong relationship with one of them.

"If you are scared, get back quickly and don't block my way! Otherwise, behead your head!" Cannibalism Shencan said aloud.

"I'm not afraid, it's just a bit strange." The other monks were afraid, but Di Jing was fearless. As long as he was not at the true blood level, he was able to deal with no matter what race he was.

"What are you weird about?" the bitter god silk asked.

"It's strange why you can speak, but my friend can only communicate with God's knowledge?" From knowing Yucan to now, Yucan has never spoken, even if he can communicate with Di Jing's spirit, he can't do it. Until then, only some information can be conveyed through Yun Qian.

Suffering Shencan listened, and the aura inside his body was suddenly disturbed, and said, "What are you telling the truth?"

"This is natural, what is the reason for this?" Di Jing saw the appearance of the other party, and guessed that there must be something mysterious in it.

Among the spirit beasts, those who can't cultivate human speech are either quite low in breed and not into spirits; or they are extremely rare, have extraordinary physique, and are superb. They need continuous cultivation to reach a certain level before they can speak.

Obviously, the line of the god silkworm is definitely different, and the strength of the jade silkworm is not weak, and it should be more against the sky than the cruel god silkworm in front of you!

"This is my God Silkworm Clan's business, and it has nothing to do with your outsiders! If you dare to block my way, I will kill you immediately!" The bitter God Silkworm said, and rushed into the ground.

Naturally, Di Jing couldn't let it in, and immediately the sword energy rushed out, overlapping and pushing the divine silkworm back; at the same time, he quickly out of his palm, bombarding the ground, and the mud rolled down, filling the cracks.

"You're looking for death!" The Suffering Shencan twisted his body and transformed into a human form again, his body billowing with arrogance and infinite power.