God's Desolate Spring and Autumn

Chapter 17: The feeling stone is broken


"A bit white? A bit yellow?"

All the old men were inexplicable, and the disciples below couldn't help laughing. They thought this little uncle was too interesting.

At the same time, I can't help but wonder what quality is the fairy veins in Di Jing's body

"There is a way to measure the quality of the immortal veins." One of the elders said.

"Is Elder Lu talking about'Sensing Immortal Stone'?" Someone looked at the elder and asked.

The elder surnamed Lu nodded his head with a solemn expression: "The legendary sense stone can communicate with the origin of the heaven and the earth, allowing the immortal veins in the body to be compatible with the origin of the heaven and earth, so as to comprehend the avenue. Although these countless years, facts have proved that the sense stone does not have this function. , But it can test the quality of Xianmai."

"Yes, I heard that there are large sects outside the territory that use the stone to test the quality of the immortal veins and select the disciples to get started." Some elders also agreed to use the feeling immortal stone to solve everyone's doubts.

Yan Mingtian pondered for a moment, and said, "Well, just use the Sensation Stone to test it. Elder Lu, let people go and bring the Sensation Stone."

Elder Lu is in charge of the Divine Object Workshop. All artifacts and materials, well-known and unknown, useful or unknown, are placed in the Divine Object Workshop and placed under the care of Elder Lu.

At the moment, Elder Lu ordered a disciple to fetch a sense of immortal stone.

That feeling stone is a fist-sized stone, plain and without luster, and no one can recognize it when it is thrown in the pile of rocks.

"Little nephew Di, release a trace of power from the immortal veins and incorporate it into the sensation stone." Elder Lu picked up the sensation stone and flew in front of Di Jing.

The sense of immortal stone was supported by his working power, and a layer of brilliance appeared, making the whole stone as warm as jade, and instantly became unusual.

"Sure enough, it's amazing." Di Jing sighed, running the power in the Immortal Vessel.

It's just that Di Jing is not proficient in the control of his own energy. After playing for a long time, the secret power in his body is constantly tumbling, but the immortal pulse is dead and there is no movement.

Di Jinggan laughed twice and asked, "How can the power in this immortal vein be mobilized?"

A group of people are speechless. The power in the immortal veins is extremely domineering and important. In the later stage, the power of the immortal veins will replace the essence and spirit in the body and become the main energy for cultivation.

The monk will have a detailed understanding of the immortal veins before transforming the veins, and when the transforming veins are successful, they will begin to unlock the potential power of the immortal veins.

"Junior Brother, I'll tell you a formula. You can mobilize the power in the Immortal Channel by following the formula." Yan Mingtian didn't know how Di Jing had embarked on the path of cultivation before, but he knew the behavior of the Daoist. After accepting Di Jing, most of them didn't have the mind and time to teach the mind.

Di Jing finally mobilized the power in the Immortal Vessel according to the heart formula taught by Yan Mingtian, that power, like a sleeping ancient dragon, awakened in the silent universe.

With a slight movement of the power of the immortal veins, Di Jing felt that his entire body was shocked, and what surprised him more was that something concealed in his body finally emerged, floating in the vast mysterious power of the sea. Shen Shen.

"This is... a formation? Still familiar."

In the majestic magical secret power, surging turbulently, like a stormy sea.

But in such a terrifying ocean of secret power, the pattern of a formation floats steadily, no matter how fierce the secret power is, it can't shake the pattern.

And the immortal vein that can't see the color, like a blue dragon, walks through the pattern.

"I remember, the pattern of this array is exactly the same as the pattern in the Kunlun Tomb." Di Jing frowned and thought to himself. The scenes flashed by scenes in the Kunlun Tomb that day made him wonder. Continuously.

"I remember the depths of the tomb where this formation appeared at that time. It seemed to be soaked in my blood and became quite weird. After the formation failed to manifest, I came to this world. Why does it appear in my body now? Is it also the formation of the strange phenomenon that is at work?"

He fell into the doubts of this square pattern, and forgot to release the power of the immortal veins.

Yan Mingtian frowned when he saw him, and asked, "Junior, is there any problem with the mental formula?"

"Ah? No problem!" Di Jing returned to his senses, let out a trace of the power of the Immortal Vein, and went straight to the sense of immortal stone.

The power of the immortal veins is not trivial, even if it is only a trace, it has the power of breaking through the mountains and breaking the rocks.

In the golden lotus hall, there was a burst of echo like cracking silk, which permeated people's hearts and souls.

Sensation Stone absorbs the power of the Immortal Veins, and instantly breaks free from the control of Elder Lu, blooming with dazzling brilliance, like a star, coming across the ages.

According to the legend, the sense stone can communicate the origin of the heaven and the earth, and the power of the immortal veins is considered by the monks to be the remnants of the origin of the heaven and the earth in the human body. What is the quality of the fairy veins, after its power touches the celestial stone, it will become the same color.

The power of the Immortal Veins released by Di Jing, the moment it entered the Immortal Sensing Stone, the Immortal Sensing Stone turned red.

The red color is equal to the blood of one's own, representing the lower-grade immortal veins. The color of the sensation stone gradually became red and richer and richer. In the end, the red dissipated, and the whole sensation stone turned blue.

Blue is a low-grade immortal vein, and everyone present naturally didn't believe that Di Jing's immortal vein would be of such a rank, and the white and yellow that Di Jing said were not related to blue.

The color of the sense of immortality stone became thick in a very short time, and instantly turned into cyan again.

Cyan, middle-grade immortal veins, and the color is still increasing, changing towards green.

"Looking at the momentum, the quality of the immortal veins of the little uncle will not be lower than that of the top grade." A disciple was exclaimed below. The top grade immortal veins had never appeared in the Zongling Cave.

Everyone is very excited, the top grade immortal veins, now only has one in Lieyang Dongtian, cultivated by Mu Lingxiao as a treasure. If the sense stone breaks through the cyan color and turns into green, it is also a top-grade immortal vein, and it will also be cultivated by Zongling Dongtian as a treasure.

There is no doubt that the sense of immortal stone has turned into green in the eyes of everyone.

"High-grade immortal veins, reached high-grade immortal veins!" A disciple already exclaimed.

"Little Master Uncle is too amazing, high-grade immortal veins, my Zongling Cave Sky has never appeared in thousands of years, and decades later, it is destined to overwhelm Lieyang Cave Sky!" These disciples all showed fanaticism.

Yan Mingtian and the elders are much more stable than these younger generations, but their hearts are also ups and downs. High-grade immortal veins are rare in the entire Shenhuang Continent. Among 100,000 people, there are only one or two. .

"This child's fairy veins is definitely more than a top grade!" The elder who sat closest to Yan Mingtian stared at the sense of immortal stone with scorching eyes.

The green color, shiny and shiny, seems to be a green leaf, blooming in the midsummer, it is nourished by the strongest spiritual energy, and it can drip out emerald green water.

One step further, it's purple!

Rumor has it that a long time ago, in the eastern part of the Desolate Continent, a peerless powerhouse turned into a god, and the sky covered the firmament with purple air, extending millions of miles from the east, and the entire land was enveloped in purple air.

That is a strong person whose immortal vein quality belongs to the top grade, turning away from the gods, the power of the purple immortal vein spreading, covering the sky, and staying for several months.


Suddenly, the feeling of the immortal stone shook, and an invisible air wave spread out silently and spread, accompanied by a sound of heaven and earth, which slightly moved the hearts of the people.

"this is......"

From below Yan Ming Tian, all the sitting elders were taken aback, because the sound of a bell just now sounded like an immortal stone.

For the disciples below, this voice only made them confused for a while, and then they woke up. However, this group of powerful people with advanced cultivation levels have fallen into it.

"Dao Tianyin?!" An elder murmured like a dream.

They seemed to have touched something just now, but they couldn't catch it.

And the humming voice became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared in the hall.

This group of elders, including Yan Mingtian, suddenly felt that their hearts were empty and empty. At the moment of loss, the sense of immortal stone changed again as the sound dissipated.

From green to purple!

Top grade immortal veins!

"Purple...Purple!" A disciple couldn't help it anymore and called out.

"Oh my god, it's amazing, it's a top-grade immortal vein!"

It is Yan Mingtian and other high-level geniuses who are also excited about gains and losses. This is a treasure, a genius that deserves all to protect and cultivate.

"Ha ha!"

Yan Mingtian couldn't help laughing. As the head of a sect, he had seen countless great worlds. Now a top-grade immortal figure is right in front of him, and he still belongs to Zongling Dongtian. How can he prevent him? Happy

And Di Jing also gradually realized that he was already quite unusual in the eyes of everyone, not because of his seniority, but because of his potential.

"It seems... There is no sign of stopping yet." Di Jing looked at the Gan Xian Shi, thinking that something more frightening might happen.

The Ganxian stone turned into purple, and when everyone was surprised and uncertain, the color became more and more scary, and it was already purple and black.

"This, this... Can it be changed?" Someone exclaimed.

High-grade immortal veins, the emperor among the people, have their full potential developed, and all other immortal veins must surrender!

"Can't change anymore!" Yan Mingtian frowned, feeling that things will be difficult to clean up if he goes on, and Di Jing will be in trouble in the future.

Immediately made up his mind, the fingers hidden in the sleeves changed and pinched out the tactics.

At the same time, the great elder, who was very pale and messed up old, also exerted his strength in secret, and the two powers spun out in the dark in the same way, hitting the immortal stone.

The sensation stone changes from purple to black, and in a moment, it may transform into another color, and at this moment, in the expectation of everyone, the sensation stone collapses and turns into countless fragments.

"what happened?"

"The sense of immortal stone collapsed, does it mean that the sense of immortal stone cannot withstand the power of the immortal veins of the young master?"

"It's amazing. This purple doesn't seem to be the ultimate color."

"Is there any rank above the top grade? What kind of immortal vein is that?"

These young disciples were very excited, and everyone turned their eyes to Di Jing, showing enthusiasm and envy.

"Senior High-Rank Immortal Vessel!" the great elder said, his voice seemed to be teaching scriptures, and there was a rhyme of Taoism that made everyone feel stunned.

"The sense of immortal stone can communicate the origin of the heaven and the earth, and feel the rank of the immortal veins, purple and black, it is the ultimate in the high-grade immortal veins." The elder further explained, giving a final conclusion to Di Jing's immortal veins.