God’s Love Game

Chapter 104


Xiangnu was walking, but his footsteps were as brisk and lively as a dance, his lips were pursed tightly, but the corners of his lips were curved, and he was always smiling, but he felt a little weird.

The further Xiangnu walked, the more forked roads in the prison became, and the hooks and loops were like a giant maze.

Xiangnu was blind for a long time, and his visual memory was not very good, and the small leaf bud was wandering around, leading Xiangnu around in a big circle. After Xiangnu went deep inside, he didn't know where he was going. up.

Seeing Xiaoyeya'er wandering around, but unable to lead himself out of this labyrinth prison, and failed to bring him to a fixed destination, Xiangnu suddenly felt a little irritable.

Coincidentally, Yu Su contacted him again and asked where Xiangnu was now, so he went to look for him.

Xiangnu thought for a while and asked: Mr. Yu, do you know that your prison is a giant maze, and all the walls are almost the same, so there is no difference

Yu Su: ...

Yu Su: I understand, then find a place to stand still, don't run around, and wait for me to find you.

Xiangnu tilted his head, and refused: I want to take a turn, and I'd better find your heart before you approach~

Yu Su calmly said: Don't think about it, you won't find it here.

Xiangnu was very puzzled, Yu Su emphasized again: Baby, don't run around, just stand where you are and wait for me.

Yu Su: You said someone escaped from prison, then there might be monsters who escaped, and it would be bad if they hurt you.

Xiangnu felt that he was not that fragile, so he sold Wang Nan and the others by the way. It just so happened, why did it happen that the person who escaped from prison was an acquaintance of mine

But after learning that they were the ones who were going to escape from prison, Yu Suxuan felt a little relieved, that group of people... the mob was just trying to make up the numbers.

No wonder they were able to pry open the walls of the prison. After all, the thickness and hardness of the walls are directly proportional to the strength of the detainees.

It can only be said that the strength of that group of people made the wall where they were held extremely weak, even so weak that it could be destroyed with brute force and tools.

Of course, that level is only a little bit. For example, they may have worked hard for a long time, but they only destroyed a small hole.

But a small hole is also a slap in the face, Yu Su will soon make up for the mistake and prevent everyone from escaping.

Yu Su: I'm tolerant enough to them. These people are probably already dead many times in the dungeon, but they are not satisfied... If this is the case, I will satisfy them a little more.

Xiangnu doesn't think that the "satisfaction" that Mr. Yu is talking about is a good thing. It is possible that those people will end up dead or disabled.

Xiangnu thought for a while and replied: Mr. Yu, how do you plan to punish them

Yu Su: I don't like to use human-shaped things as food, so let them be used as flower fertilizer.

Yu Su: If they are lucky, or if they can avoid the key parts being eaten, they might still be able to survive.

Yu Su: Am I kind

Xiangnu ignored Yu Su's question about whether he was kind or not, it was simply worthless to answer!

Xiangnu: Huafei... Is it the garden where I slept before

Yu Su: Yes.

Xiangnu praised: They look beautiful!

Seeing this, Yu Su's stern brows softened immediately.

Yu Su was satisfied: As long as you like it, you are more beautiful than all the flowers in my garden. In fact, it is true. When you sleep in my garden, they are all eclipsed by the contrast. I want to be there hug you.

Xiangnu stared at the word "hug" and thought, is this hug the one I thought of? Mr. Yu, you are as sick and delicate as ever...

Xiangnu ruthlessly interrupted his beautiful fantasy: Wait until you find me.

Yu Su: ... Okay, baby.

Xiangnu touched his hot cheeks, trying to look expressionless.

He looked at the leaf that was still spinning around in his hand, and he didn't want to follow the leaf to continue walking up.

After thinking about it, in order to avoid wronging good people, I should practice it myself.

By the way, he clicked on the panel again, and told Mr. Yu about Lin Cheng's "good intentions" to guide him, and told him, don't feed Lin Cheng and the others.

What if they really want to help themselves.

Yu Su: Baby, I think you've been cheated.

Yu Su: But since you said it, then I won’t do anything. You take the leaf, and I will pick a leaf from his head, and let him show us the way.

Xiang Nu replied with a succinct 'um' and stopped talking.

After thinking about it, he replied: But if I don't go on, how do I know if they have cheated on me

Yu Su: ...

Xiangnu: Should I continue to follow

Yu Su: After I pull out his leaves, you don't want to leave.

Xiang Nu blinked, closed the panel and continued wandering around.

Before Yu Su sent a message to Xiang Nu saying that he had picked the leaves, Xiang Nu was already impatient holding the small leaf buds and leaving.

Xiangnu felt that he must be stupid to trust Lin Cheng in such an obvious pitfall, and he really walked around with this little leaf for a long time.

It's all because the first dungeon log misled him, making him really think that Lin Cheng and Chen Chengen were still good people.

But think about it, people will become...

It's just a pity that they missed their opportunity.

Xiangnu held the leaf expressionlessly and rubbed it tightly. If Yu Su hadn't thought about finding him with the leaf, he would have crushed the leaf directly.

However, something else soon diverted his attention.

The white mist spread out at some point, covering the bottom of the labyrinth prison, but not much, it looked very thin.

Shaky footsteps sounded from a distance, and there was an indistinct call: "Brother..."

Xiangnu paused, and walked towards the direction of the sound.

After walking for a long time, I finally saw two figures.

One is Xiangli, and the other is Doctor X in a white coat and ceramic mask.

Looking at the two, Xiangnu realized that Xiangli had been given to Doctor X by Yu Su.