God’s Love Game

Chapter 16


Xiangnu was taken aback by this questioning, he turned his head slightly to 'look' at Yu Su, his pink lips were lightly pursed, and there was a little sadness in his pretended calm, Yu Su saw him like this It's very uncomfortable, the current middle-aged man looks particularly disgusting and disgusting at this moment.

The middle-aged man's question made everyone a little embarrassed. Chen Chengen saw that the atmosphere was getting weird, especially Yu Su's eyes, the inexplicable panic suppressed him, which made him extremely uneasy.

Chen Chengen said hastily: "This gentleman's words are very unreasonable. First of all, Mr. Xiang and Mr. Yu took the risk to find this life jacket. Even if there is really only such a life jacket in this train, it still belongs to Mr. Xiang. To blame We should blame our bad luck and dare not try, so we missed the opportunity to find this life jacket, not Mr. Grimacing to find it before us."

"What's more, Mr. Xiang is also planning to test the effect of life jackets for us by himself. Although he didn't allocate any more capsules to us, he told us important information about the capsules. If you question him like this, you will It won't be too unreasonable."

The middle-aged man glanced at Xiang Nu and sneered: "That's the problem. If there are extra capsules in the cab, why doesn't he take out more capsules? Moreover, the efficacy of the life jacket has not been proven, but he intends to wear it directly. The lifejacket went straight into Yinguang, and he was not afraid that the lifejacket would be useless. Don’t say that he is not afraid of death, most likely there is something hidden. I think he must have found some important information in the cab to confirm the usefulness of the lifejacket, and there is no one in the cab. There are no extra capsules left, that's why he was so anxious to run away, why is he talking about experimenting for us, heh."

What the middle-aged man said made sense, but Xiangnu's behavior was indeed very abrupt and strange.

Feng Hejia slowly slid from the window to the seat, she gradually returned to normal, but her expression was still a little sluggish, her eyes were empty and lost in thought, like a drug addict after the incident, she said lazily: "Even if So what if it's really like what you said? Who told you not to be active in finding clues, if you went to the cab early to look around, wouldn't you be able to find the life jacket before him?"

The middle-aged man's expression changed, and he answered irrelevantly: "Anyway, I can't let him run away wearing a life jacket. I don't believe I'm the only one who has this question. You should think about it clearly. What if there is really only this one in this train?" A life jacket, he wore it and ran away, but we were all going to die. Feng Hejia said it nicely, but she is a monster. Even if she fails to clear the level, she can stay in the dungeon as a monster without dying, but we can’t !"

The words of the middle-aged man moved some people, but everyone remained silent, their eyes fluttered wildly, and they didn't want to be the same as the middle-aged man.

Although Xiangnu looked half-blind and easy to bully, Yu Su next to him didn't look easy to provoke.

Besides, Xiangnu is not the only one who doesn't have a life jacket, isn't Yu Su the same

If there is really no capsule in the cab, they don't believe that Yu Su can still be so calm, unless he doesn't want to live anymore.

The reason why Xiangnu was so anxious to jump into the silver light was not necessarily because he was anxious, but maybe because he was forced to do so.

There are not a few rational taskers, and after thinking about this, they are even less anxious.

Seeing that no one responded, the middle-aged man couldn't help being anxious, and asked urgently, "Why don't you talk? Give me some response."

Yu Su took off his hat, his black hair and black eyes made his appearance extremely indifferent, he asked the middle-aged man: "What do you want?"

The middle-aged man looked around and couldn't help but take a step back.

It's not that he's not afraid of Yu Su, it's just that he thought that his speculation would make the other taskers in the carriage fight to the death, unite to fight and control Yu Su, and then force Xiangnu and the others to tell more about the cab, and what happened to them? Where did it enter the cab, and why didn't anyone else see it

But the middle-aged man overestimated himself and underestimated other taskers too much. He thought he had found a blind spot, so he jumped out immediately, and then fell into the current state of isolation and helplessness.

The middle-aged man dared not speak, but Yu Su would not let him go. Yu Su's fingers dexterously pulled out a thin blade from the dark side of the hat, which was pinched by his index finger and middle finger. Watching the middle-aged man hook his lips, he smiled without warmth, and shook the white shiny blade in front of the middle-aged man, causing everyone's expressions to change.

Just when everyone thought that he was just trying to scare the middle-aged man, Yu Su gently flung the blade out. The shiny blade turned into a long and thin silver thread, and when it crossed the middle-aged man's neck, it brought out a large area. With a final 'boom' sound, the bright red blood embedded itself into the thick iron plate of the carriage.

The mission workers in the No. 1 car were in an uproar. Chen Chengen stared blankly at Yu Su, then at the middle-aged man.

His face was pale, he looked at the blood flying all over the sky in a daze, his legs gradually became limp, and he fell to the ground with a plop, gradually dying.

Chen Chengen said in shock: "Mr. Yu, how can you kill someone?!"

Yu Su asked, "Why can't I kill someone?"

Chen Chengen's face was extremely ugly, and he looked at Yu Su with disgust, and he said: "We are all mission workers, we should support and help each other... Although this gentleman questioned Mr. Xiang's behavior a bit too much, but you also You can't just kill someone!"

Yu Su didn't respond to Chen Chengen's words, he just smiled mockingly, then led Xiangnu out of the No. 1 carriage, and walked to the rear carriage.

The flight attendant appeared behind the tasker at some point, and it looked at the corpse on the ground and muttered to itself: "It's time for another meal..."

Yu Su led Xiang Nu forward, Xiang Nu's palms were cold and he kept silent, Yu Su asked him: "Are you scared?"

Xiangnu answered irrelevantly: "The smell of blood is very foul."

Yu Su didn't care, and said calmly: "Don't believe that person's words, there are a lot of fratricide taskers, he's just using high-sounding words to trick you, when it's his turn, he's definitely more straightforward than you. Xiangnu, don't be soft on anyone who has ill intentions for you."

Xiangnu nodded slowly, and said slowly: "Mr. Yu, you are doing it for my own good, I understand."

Xiangnu didn't want to discuss this topic anymore, and he didn't have any feelings about Yu Su's actions, he was only interested in customs clearance.

Xiangnu asked Yu Su, "Mr. Yu, where are we going now?"

"Car No. 4." Yu Su replied: "The windows of No. 4 car were broken before and the flight attendants were led there. Their car is far away from the driver's cab. When the flight attendants arrived, they had already pushed those monsters into the silver light. But the No. 1 car is not good, you just smashed the window, maybe before you have time to jump out, the flight attendant came over: "

Xiangnu thought for a while and asked, "Mr. Yu, what do you mean, we jump directly from the No. 4 carriage?"

Yu Su just said: "Go and see the situation first."

Xiangnu felt that the trip to the No. 4 compartment would not be very smooth, and as expected, when they got to the No. 4 compartment, Lin Cheng told them with regret that the broken window on the side of the No. 4 compartment had been repaired by the flight attendant.

Lin Cheng explained to Xiangnu and the others: "I pushed the 4 monsters in our carriage down before, and they all died under the electric shock of the silver light. Afterwards, the flight attendant came, and it was very angry when it saw that the carriage was broken. , but he didn’t bother us, he just nestled in the door of No. 4 carriage and kept flicking his tail.”

While Lin Cheng was talking, he kept looking at Yu Su, judging the changes in his expression.

Xiangnu thought for a while and asked, "So, it didn't repair the window after it came here, so when did it repair the window and how did it repair it?"

Lin Cheng replied: "It is to stitch up those monsters in the beauty salon. After 30 minutes, it throws those monsters through the broken windows. After touching the window frames, those monsters automatically become We opened the car window, but there were more monster patterns on the windows, and those monster patterns seemed to be moving. Although they couldn’t jump out of the windows, they always grinned at us. We didn’t dare to approach the windows for fear of being attacked. "

Xiangnu nodded, and thoughtfully said: "The materials used by the flight attendant to repair the window are those monsters, so it hides behind the door of the car, just to wait for the first time to get off the car after the station, and then catch those monsters .”

Lin Cheng glanced at Yu Su again, and said, "Maybe so."

Xiangnu said sincerely: "Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Lin Cheng shook his head and said, "You're welcome, by the way, Mr. Xiang, what is this cloak on you? I don't think I've seen you wearing it before."

Xiangnu smiled and told Lin Cheng the information about the life jacket and cab, and Lin Cheng responded lightly and thanked Xiangnu.

Someone also came from the No. 2 car. They are next to the No. 1 car. The story of Yu Su's murder has also reached them. Everyone now knows that Yu Su is a very cold-blooded villain who does not show any affection and will kill at any time. , and no one deliberately came here to find fault.

After getting the desired information, Xiangnu and Yu Su went back to the No. 1 compartment. While walking, Xiangnu said: "Mr. Yu, according to Lin Cheng, the flight attendant will wait at the door after the window is broken. , then we will knock on the glass near the driver's cab, so that when the silver light arrives, it will not be able to rush over to stop us if we suddenly jump off, what do you think?"

"I can do it." Yu Su replied boringly.

Xiangnu smiled and said, "Mr. Yu, what I want is your opinion, not your cooperation?"

Yu Su thought for a while, then changed the sentence pattern and replied: "I think it's okay."

Xiangnu decided that he would wait for Yu Su to express his opinion next time before expressing his own thoughts. He asked, "Mr. Yu, when do you think it would be better for us to knock on the glass?"

Yu Su said again: "You can knock whenever you want."

Xiang Nu pushed him with his shoulder, vetoing the answer: "No, I want you to give me a specific opportunity."

Only then did Yu Su seriously think about it, and said, "Before it checks the carriage, it will leave when it checks the carriage. We can sweep away the broken glass on the ground so that it doesn't hurt you."

Xiangnu nodded cooperatively: "My eyesight is bad, and my reaction is slow. When the silver light appears, please ask Mr. Yu to push me in, so as not to miss it."

Yu Su responded in a low voice.

Xiangnu's footsteps stopped, but Yu Su continued to walk, so Xiangnu was one step behind him.

Yu Su looked back at him suspiciously, then took a few steps back and asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

Xiang Nu held his hand and whispered, "Because I feel that Mr. Yu, you seem to be out of shape."

Yu Su did not deny that he was indeed thinking about other things. Just as Yu Su was considering how to tell Xiangnu, Xiangnu hooked his fingers, tiptoed and whispered in his ear: "Mr. Yu, we Go to the bathroom."

Yu Su couldn't help asking: "What are you doing there again?"

Xiangnu said, "I want to show you something!"

What are you looking at? What do you have to go to the bathroom to see

A series of thoughts quickly flashed through Yu Su's mind, a subtle look appeared in his eyes, without saying a word, he carried Xiang Nu through the No. 2 carriage, and was about to take him into the bathroom next to him.

But I saw several people crowded at the door of the bathroom, and there were also several mission workers knocking on the walls, ground, and mirrors. They were looking for the mechanism in the bathroom to see where they could lead to the cab.

When they saw Yu Su and Xiang Nu appearing, a look of repulsion and wariness instantly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Yu Su was not annoyed, and even asked peacefully, "What are you doing?"

Feng Hejia poked his head out from behind the seat and replied, "They are looking for the mechanism leading to the cab that Mr. Xiang said."

"What about after you find it?" Xiang Nu asked curiously: "The flight attendant is still in the cab, if they accidentally bump into the mechanism and fall into the cab, in case they hit the flight attendant..."

Yu Su smiled coldly, his voice was bone-chillingly cold: "It's so difficult for you to find it, why don't I open the passage for you and send you there directly now?"

The noisy voices of the crowd gradually disappeared, and they stopped talking for a moment.

Soon everyone came out of the bathroom and went back to the carriage, not daring to stay in the bathroom anymore, for fear that Yu Su, a lunatic, would really send them away.

After everyone went out, Xiangnu dragged Yu Su to squeeze in, and locked the door from the inside.

Yu Su frowned, and said unhappily, "The smell of these people stinks the air here."

Strange to say, the bathroom was exceptionally clean the few times Xiangnu came in, and there was no smell in it. If the environment was bad, Xiangnu wouldn't run so many times in a row.

Xiangnu comforted: "It's okay, Mr. Yu, we'll be out soon."

Yu Su gave an 'hmm' and asked, "What do you want to show me?" The end of the voice was light, and there was a little expectation overflowing from it.

Xiangnu hooked the corners of his lips, took out the capsule that was stuffed in before from his bulging trouser pocket, and stuffed it into Yu Su's hand, he said happily: "Mr. Yu, you threw away all the capsules I picked up earlier. , I didn’t think of keeping one for myself, but luckily I picked one up and packed it up, otherwise, Mr. Yu, you wouldn’t be able to go out with me.”

Yu Su looked at the capsule in his hand, his expression didn't fluctuate, he just asked: "Is this what you want to show me?"

Xiangnu blinked, and asked innocently: "Huh? Then Mr. Yu, what do you think I want to show you?"

Yu Su didn't say a word, pursed his lips and stood silently for a while, then asked again unwillingly: "Is that really it?"

The beautiful young man raised his face, and the corners of his lips curled into a more innocent smile: "Mr. Yu, what exactly do you want? I don't understand if you don't tell me..."

Yu Su smiled softly: "Little liar, you obviously understand everything."

Xiangnu was instantly terrified!

Yu Su stopped talking, opened the door and pushed Xiang Nu out.

The author has something to say:

Yu Su: I thought he was going to show me some big baby