God’s Love Game

Chapter 2


After the broadcast sounded, Xiang Nu's pretty face immediately revealed a hint of surprise.

After feeling Yu Su looking at him, he immediately showed an innocent expression, inexplicably giving off a surly feeling: "Mr. Yu, would you believe me if I said it was a coincidence?"

Yu Su gave a low laugh: "You said that, so what if I don't believe it? After all, you just 'coincidentally' got it right, and there is no logical chain to refer to, right?"

Xiangnu frowned, giggled, and said, "It's really a coincidence." It's just that it was a coincidence selected within a range, but the probability is not as great as 1/6.

However, although the scope has been expanded, it is also beneficial. After the next random inspection of the carriages is over, Xiangnu can be sure to find out whether the law of the random inspection of the carriages is what he thought.

As he thought casually, a sphinx monster wearing a flight attendant uniform with mottled and dirty marks, a mouth full of fangs, and a strong smell of blood came in from the cab. Car No. 7, hurry to car No. 7.

"Human face, sphinx..." someone murmured.

Xiangnu remembered the man's soft words in his heart, 'looked' at the monster's back, rubbed his index finger and thumb unconsciously, and fell into deep thought.

He was so focused that he didn't notice that Yu Su was staring at him.

Xiangnu was in a daze, the time passed quickly, and the broadcast sounded again: "All passengers and friends are very observant of the rules, and there are no offending passengers in random checks at this station. The train is about to enter the first station, Furnace Apartment, please Passengers get ready."

Xiangnu frowned slightly: "Ten minutes are not yet full, it seems that only seven minutes have passed..."

Yu Su corrected: "To be precise, it is 8 minutes and 16 seconds."

Xiangnu paused, then smiled shyly, "Thank you for helping me time."

Yu Su responded indifferently: "It's nothing to do when I'm idle, I just wrote down the time by chance."

"The train will stop at the station for 5 minutes. Passengers are requested to decide whether to get off as soon as possible."

The broadcast announced that the spot check was over, but the sphinx did not come back immediately.

But some questers could no longer care about that monster. As soon as the announcement ended, some questers stood up, dancing and shouting in surprise, "This site... is the name of a quest I once participated in."

Everyone looked at him, and soon several taskers said with pale cheeks: "We have also participated in this task."

Feng Hejia bit his cigarette butt, took out a folded piece of white paper and a pen from the delicate bag he was wearing, and wrote a few lines on it: "No accident, the next site will be inseparable from the mission world. It's a relationship."

Xiangnu frowned slightly, mocking in his heart, there is only one site now, Feng and Jia are so sure that the site must have something to do with the mission world

Or did she find other clues? Does this clue have something to do with her and Fenghe in Lulu's name

Feng Hejia pondered and asked: "What do you guys think about this site? Do you want to get off the bus? If you get off the bus, do you let those who have participated in this mission go down, or those who have not, or... all of them will be sent down?" What about one?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the tasker who said that he had participated in this mission frantically refused: "If I don't get out of the car, any of you will get off by yourself! If anyone dares to force me to get out of the car, I will definitely not make it easier for you! "

This tasker was very repulsed by the Furnace Apartment, and when he heard that Feng and Jia wanted to tell people to go down, he immediately became excited.

But it's normal to think about it. If he was prudent, he wouldn't have said that he had participated in the mission of 'The Furnace Apartment' before the site passed. It can be seen that he is very impulsive character.

Yu Su whispered: "Whoever wants to get out of the car is free, and if you don't want to get out of the car, no one can force you."

Yu Su said directly, the meaning in the words was obvious, he wanted to protect those weak taskers who might be persecuted, and cut off the method of testing the rules with human life in the No. 1 car.

Xiangnu 'looked' and 'looked', the voice was much louder, it was no longer as light as a feather, and it gained some weight: "Don't worry, everyone, it is fate that we sit in the same carriage, we should help each other and make progress together. This is the first site, and we have a long way to go. At present, I say these words not out of kindness, but because, without the sacrifice of our companions, we can still observe the rules of the site."

Chen Chengen was stunned for a moment, and he changed his mind about this blind young man. To be honest, Xiangnu looks beautiful and weak. At first, Chen Chengen regarded him as that kind of beautiful fool. He thought it would be good if he could be obedient and not be a monster. I didn't expect him to be so calm, to integrate into the dungeon so quickly, and to put forward valuable suggestions.

Chen Chengen asked with interest: "Tell me, how do we observe?"

Xiangnu's eyebrows and eyes were slightly curved, and his expression was gentle, but what he said was so calm that he was almost cold-blooded: "It must not be a special case that some missionaries have participated in the Dungeon of the Furnace Apartment. He is a saint, there will always be a car who acts as a villain and forces his companions to get out of the car to try his own danger."

"We don't need to follow suit, just wait for their test results."

As soon as he said this, the carriage immediately divided into two groups.

One group is like Chen Chengenfeng and Jia, who are deep-minded and a bit jealous of him, and the other group is like the quester who revealed that he participated in the apartment dungeon just now, with a slightly simpler personality.

The young tasker who had participated in the Dungeon of Furnace Apartment looked at Xiang Nu excitedly and nodded repeatedly: "Brother Xiang is right, not all cars have good people like Brother Xiangyu..."

He glanced coldly at Feng and Jia, and snorted: "Therefore, there will definitely be taskers in other compartments who will be forced to stop by some villains. We just need to watch on the sidelines, and there is no need to participate by ourselves!"

Yu Su didn't bother to talk to him, and spent more time observing Xiang Nu.

Xiangnu's reaction was blushing, and said with a shy smile, "You praised me, I'm not very kind, I just don't want to sacrifice my companions..."

Xiangnu kept repeating 'companion', from now on, they are one.

He had to keep deepening this concept among the taskers in the No. 1 car, because once the No. 1 car got into the habit of taking life to test the rules, he, a newcomer and a half-blind and disabled person, was pushed out to take risks. may be too large.

The tasker scratched his head and said naively: "Brother Xiang, you are too polite, my name is Li Yue, just call me by my name."

Xiangnu reminded with a smile: "Okay, brother Li Yue. Please take your seat quickly, we are about to enter the station."

As soon as Xiangnu finished speaking, the sphinx monster suddenly opened the door between No. 1 and No. 2 cars and came out from behind.

Li Yue hadn't sat down yet, and was shocked when he saw this, his face was pale, and his legs were trembling with fright.

However, the sphinx monster ignored him, and rushed towards the cab with a clear goal. Li Yue, who was blocking the way, was hit by him and staggered, and some blood from the monster was stained on his clothes. Gone.

Li Yue regained his composure after seeing the monster run into the cab. He hurriedly got up and sat down in his seat, not daring to say a word.

The announcement of the broadcast ended, and the train headed for the site of 'The Furnace Apartment'.

The mission workers around cheered up and kept a close eye on the changes outside the train window, not daring to miss the slightest bit of vision.

Xiangnu was the same, staring out the window tightly, as if he could see it.

Yu Su looked at Xiangnu thinking like this, and frowned slightly, he would not make a mistake, Xiangnu did have eye disease and it was very serious.

But he didn't know how serious Xiangnu's eye disease was, and what the world looked like in his eyes.

The window of the train was originally foggy, but it changed suddenly. A burst of silver light illuminated the entire space, and the eyes of the taskers were suddenly flashed by the silver light, so painful that they couldn't open their eyes. Tears fell down uncontrollably.

The bright silver light lasted for about ten seconds, and the train continued to move forward. Immediately afterwards, the darkness spread to the entire space unexpectedly. It was dark inside and outside the car, and the mission workers couldn't see their fingers. At the same time, a state that is very common and familiar to taskers appeared on their bodies.

Starting from the part of the seat closest to the train, an invisible but strongly perceivable wave spread out.

The taskers affected by the fluctuations seemed to be squeezed and squeezed dry by a filter, their complexions were distorted and blue, and their bodies were like water being wrung out from a wet cloth waiting to be wrung dry. Out of the channel connected to the outside world.

The tasker lay on the ground and retched, but in fact nothing was vomited out.

Xiangnu's condition was also very bad, the internal organs in his body were pulled out crazily as if being grabbed by a big hand, which made him extremely uncomfortable and painful.

He couldn't help curling up into a ball on the seat, but because of the small space, he unconsciously leaned against the person next to him.

The young man next to him was completely different from his performance, still maintaining the previous posture, and there was a moment of stiffness when Xiang Nu leaned over, then he stretched out his hand silently, took the young man into his arms, and lightly touched his beautiful and slender back. Pat to soothe.

Xiang Nu murmured: "This feeling... is similar to the feeling when we just left the central hall and were assigned to the mission world."

Weightless, dizzy, light feet, squeezed, as if being tied to the ankles with ropes, hanging upside down on the edge of a cliff, or spinning crazily with the rollers in a drum washing machine.

Yu Su lowered his head slightly, pressing his chest on Xiangnu's back, and his heartbeat, which was as accurate as the clock's minute and second, kept ringing in Xiangnu's ear. His voice was extremely soft, and he whispered in Xiangnu's ear: "Maybe it is."

Xiangnu subconsciously breathed a little harder, he licked the corners of his lips, and lightly rubbed his head with soft hair on Yu Su's chest through the hard metal decoration.

Yu Su's face was expressionless, and the darkness concealed the light blush on his cheeks, making his pretended calmness unbreakable: "You are a newcomer, so you probably don't know that the central hall of the tasker has another name among ghosts, It's called... 'Silver City'."

Xiangnu blinked his eyes, his voice was full of nervousness, but it was even more cute and sweet. He asked in a low voice, "Why do you know the alias of the central hall among ghosts?"

Yu Su heard his doubts, and was not unhappy, but his tone was full of mockery: "I also said 'you are a newcomer', kid, what are you doubting?"

After hearing Yu Su's address, Xiang Nu couldn't help laughing, and argued, "I'm already 20, not a child."

Yu Su chuckled, his five fingers sank into Xiang Nu's soft hair, and his fingertips gently pressed on his head.

Xiangnu's questioning just now seems to have passed away, and neither of them mentioned it anymore.

The train shuttled through the dark passage, and the dark red light came in from the end of the passage. The missionaries finally could see things, and they couldn't wait to rush to the window to look at the scene ahead.

A single-family apartment on the sixth floor stands there quietly. The entire tone of the apartment is black. From the wall to the window, there is only a little off-white slit as a boundary. Its shape is long, but the design of some places is not. It is uneven, with protruding edges and corners, and the edge of the apartment glows with a very dark, deep-glossy dark red light, which looks hideous and weird in the endless darkness.

Li Yue, who had entered the instance of the Furnace Apartment, looked extremely disturbed at this time, twisting around in his position as if a nail had grown into his buttocks.

Li Yue couldn't help asking for help from Xiangnu, who looked gentle, kind and weak, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Xiang, what should I do? What will happen? I always feel that this task is not that simple. On the surface, the broadcast said that we are allowed to choose whether to get off the car. Could it be to let us relax our vigilance and divert our attention so that we can directly control us to get off the car? what!"

Li Yue was a little dazed, and the closer he got to the Furnace Apartment, the greater his fear was exaggerated.

After he finished speaking, there were some movements from the scattered corners of the car, which were similar to those made by Li Yue. They sounded very disturbed. Like him, they should have participated in the Dungeon of the Furnace Apartment. Trialist.

Just as Xiangnu was about to comfort him, Yu Su asked abruptly, "How old are you?"

Li Yue replied blankly: "Uh... 24."

Yu Su said lightly: "He's only 20, younger than you, don't call him brother in the future."

Li Yue continued to be at a loss: "... huh?"

Xiangnu was helpless, and whispered softly: "Age is a trivial matter. It is a way for us to show respect to each other. Let's discuss the task first."

Feng Hejia was biting a cigarette, Mars was almost dim in the dim space, her fine eyebrows and eyelashes drooped long, leaving a heavy shadow on her cheeks, she said vaguely: "I think, as long as we stop here If you don’t get off, there is a high probability that there is no danger. The point is the next stop. If there are taskers in other cars at this stop and are forced to get off, we will be forced to stop for 30 minutes at the next stop. Those 30 minutes are obviously more dangerous. One knows what's going to happen then."

No one in the car spoke, and Furnace Apartment was getting closer and closer to them in silence, Chen Chengen said: "Why don't we go to other cars and talk about it, and try not to let everyone get out of the car."

Feng Hejia said lightly: "You can't do it, and you don't have enough time."

And...we need the results of their practice.

Many people think this way, but they don't say it.

Chen Chengen let out a breath, then fell silent again.

The train drove into the Furnace Apartment, which didn't look spacious from the outside, and stopped in the hall, and the whistle rang through the apartment.

The announcement sounded: "The first stop, Furnace Apartment, has arrived. Passengers who want to get off the train, please get off as soon as possible. The train will start again in five minutes."

The missionaries didn't dare to breathe, and nervously looked at the scene outside the car window.

This apartment, which doesn't look big from the outside, is extremely spacious inside. Including the driver's cab, there are a total of seven carriages that don't even fill half of the hall.

And above the hall is the residential buildings of the apartment, which are arranged in a circle, and each floor is symbolically pasted by a row of half-person-high railings.

The reason why it was called symbolic was because the railing was already rusted, and it looked very dilapidated. With a light touch, the railing seemed to be shattered into powder, and it couldn't play its proper role at all.

When the train whistled, the doors of the apartments in the apartment slammed and they were all pushed open from behind the doors and hit the wall heavily. Then, a group of seemingly normal people, men, women, children, all of them, were like ghosts. Floating out from behind the door, he lay on the iron railing with his head lowered, staring straight at the train and passengers below.

Their body size looks normal, but that expression makes people feel creepy, and they dare not look more.

All the residents on the fifth floor came out and pressed against the railing, and a dense group of people surrounded the entire fifth floor.

Li Yue's face turned pale: "There was only one landlord in the task I participated in before, and the landlord also said that the apartment had long been unoccupied due to some accidents..."

Wang Nan couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Your landlord is right, the things in the dungeon world are not human in the first place."

Suddenly, Xiangnu heard the young man behind him sneer.