God’s Love Game

Chapter 21


Mr. Yu frowned, seemed to be very angry, looked a little frightened in a delirious look, and silently retracted his calf, he squatted on the chair, holding his legs like a bullied Poor, helpless and pitiful.

Yu Su bowed slightly, and held Xiangnu's ankle, and Xiangnu flinched, not to be touched by him.

When he raised his eyes again, he saw that Mr. Yu's expression became a little darker, and Xiang Nu was frightened instantly, and raised his feet tremblingly. Because he was too nervous, his white and round toes curled up slightly.

Yu Su held that slender ankle, the skin in his palm was as cold as jade, but the redness and swelling were really an eyesore.

Yu Su didn't feel sorry for this little liar, but felt that the works of art he admired were ruined by flaws, so he was extra irritable.

He circled Xiangnu's ankles, and his fingers coincided with the black pattern left on Xiangnu's skin. The black pattern instantly spread like a wild grass that had absorbed nutrients and turned into a complicated pattern. The vines occupied the skin on Xiangnu's calf, even reaching his knees.

Xiangnu raised his head in pain at the moment the black pattern spread, but after the pattern stopped spreading, he felt a lot more comfortable, at least the redness and swelling were gone, and the pain was nothing compared to the tormenting itching , and he didn't hurt for too long.

Xiangnu panted lightly, looked at the young man in front of him in a daze, in a daze.

The loud crowing of the rooster pierced the dawn and rang clearly in Xiangnu's ears. Xiangnu vaguely remembered that he was still in the dungeon mission and fell into a lethargic sleep because of being drugged.

Xiangnu looked at the young man in front of him with a pale face, but found that his face was already blurred.

Yu Su bent down and leaned over, Xiang Nu turned sideways in a panic, but fell to the ground with a 'boom', making a loud noise.

The few people who were half asleep because of the crowing of the cock were shocked by the loud noise, and all of them were alerted and woke up.

Zhong Liyun fell asleep on the table and woke up rubbing her eyes. Although she fell asleep because of the medicine, she felt that everything was wrong after waking up, and she was sore and uncomfortable.

Zhong Liyun was rubbing his shoulders, and when she glanced out of the corner of her eye, she saw Xiangnu half lying on the ground, she was startled, and hurried over to help him up.

Xiangnu's eyes diverged, and he murmured: "It must be because I didn't kiss Mr. Yu in the dream, so he got angry and threw me off on purpose."

As soon as Xiangnu finished speaking, there was a burning sensation in his legs. Xiangnu's complexion changed, and he quickly lifted up his trouser legs, and then found that all the redness and swelling on his legs had disappeared, replaced by a branch growing out of it. black vines.

Fully awake, Xiangnu recalled the whole dream, thinking of Yu Su in the dream and the real pattern on his leg, Xiangnu was sure that Yu Su was in this dungeon!

In the dream, Xiangnu saw the person's face clearly, and the person's temperament and feeling made Xiangnu easily identify his identity, so even if he blurted out the person's name.

But Xiangnu was still half-blind when he was with Yu Su before, he didn't know what Yu Su looked like at all, it was normal for him to dream of Yu Su, but it was very problematic to dream of Yu Su's face so clearly .

Xiangnu recalled Yu Su's appearance in the dream, with handsome eyebrows, high bridge of nose, lips that are neither thin nor thick, but just right plump, with clear edges and corners...

The world Xiangnu had seen was so barren that he couldn't think of any beautiful words or vocabulary to describe Yu Su's appearance, only knowing that it was a beauty that could be perceived by human instinct.

With Xiangnu's knowledge, he didn't think he could dream of such a beautiful face.

Coupled with the sudden appearance of the pattern on the leg, Xiangnu is sure that Yu Su must already be in the dungeon!

Xiangnu put down his trouser legs nervously, secretly annoyed, if he had known that Yu Su could still run into other dungeons, he would not have left in such a hurry.

It's all right now, Yu Su didn't get rid of him, and now he still has to suffer in this dungeon, Xiangnu is terribly distressed.

Zhong Liyun didn't hear clearly Xiangnu's whisper to himself, and asked in a daze, "Little brother, what are you talking about?"

Xiangnu forced a smile and said with a forced smile: "It's nothing, I just want to say, let's find clues quickly, the environment of this dungeon is too bad."

Zhong Liyun smiled: "Is this considered bad? In fact, in the background of dungeons like the countryside, this dungeon is considered a good environment."

Xiangnu looked out the window, although the rooster crowed, but the genius was dimly lit, and there was no movement in the room of the old man and the little fat man in the north, so he probably hadn't woken up yet, so he said to everyone: "There is no movement in the room over there between Master and Senior Brother." , Our door was locked by the senior brother yesterday, so we won’t go there for the time being, let’s take advantage of this time to have a chat, how about it?”

Ding Zeming got up from the Datong bunk, leaned against the window and looked at the north room for a while. After confirming that there was no light on there, he looked at Xiangnu in surprise, and asked, "How do you know they didn't wake up there?" ?”

Xiangnu pondered and said: "Before I entered the dungeon world, I couldn't see anything with my eyes, so I rely on my hearing very much in daily life, so my hearing is very good, and I can hear very subtle sounds. But I was careless just now, because I was in In the hall, Qingfeng's room is next door, but I didn't hear anything, so I can't directly judge that they haven't woken up."

Ding Zeming was surprised: "You couldn't see it before? Then how did you pass the first instance?"

Xiangnu showed a standard perfect smile, and praised very formally: "It was my husband's help, he is great and powerful."

Ding Zeming looked at him, lowered his head and smiled helplessly: "Little brother, I want to make friends with you and get to know you better, but if you don't like it, I won't keep pestering you, you don't have to always be in front of me Show affection."

Xiangnu was taken aback for a moment, his cheeks flushed slightly, and he smiled in embarrassment.

In fact, Ding Zeming misunderstood, what Xiangnu said was actually for Yu Su, but Xiangnu didn't explain too much.

If you let everyone know that there are alien monsters sneaking in this dungeon, everyone will be frightened.

Shu Jian and Jiang Chao remained the same, taciturn. Miao Dong stroked his hair irritably, and sighed: "Before Master wakes up, let's go through the clues first. After we find a clue, we can leave as we please." , I want to keep the continued rewards that earn rewards, in short, hurry up, don't dawdle."

Xiang Nu patted the dust that had just fallen on the floor, sat back on the chair, counted with his fingers, "Let's pick out the problematic places first."

Ding Zeming said: "First of all, it is the degree to which Master attaches importance to 'respecting teachers'. Master's past relationship chain is the first direction of investigation."

"Secondly, big brother Qingfeng, why did he drug us last night?"

"Then there is the earth soul. What is the earth soul made of? Why was it buried in the hills? What is the purpose of Master's earth soul?"

"The last is the villagers. They have been shutting their doors. Some people have chimneys on their roofs, and some people raise red flags. What roles do they play in the dungeon, and what do the red flags and chimneys mean?"

Xiangnu rubbed his shoulders and elbows. He injured his arm when he fell down before. He added: "There is also the Taoism that the senior brother said, and the master will probably teach us tomorrow. It is worth noting. And the sixth senior brother discovered it last night. If there is a TV, there may be other electronic products, such as a telephone. The island we are on is an isolated island, which is completely isolated from the outside world, but if there is a telephone, this isolation will be broken. "

Seeing that she was talking more and more, Zhong Liyun quickly gestured: "Stop! Don't say any more, this much is enough."

Xiangnu closed his mouth and looked at Zhong Liyun innocently. Zhong Liyun said helplessly: "I think the directions you are looking for basically do not overlap much. They are probably all different branch lines. Five or six branch lines are enough for us to get a batch." It’s a good reward, if there are more, we may not be able to complete it, and even these few points may not be able to complete all of them now, so let’s release the other points first, and let’s talk about other discoveries later.”

Xiangnu nodded, closed his mouth and remained silent. Compared with these people in front of him, his experience is obviously insufficient, and he needs to listen to the opinions of others.

Jiang Chao said slowly: "During the day, not necessarily, when you are free, at night, take medicine, meet, sleep, senior brother..."

Xiangnu bit his lip, and suggested: "Say, should we just ask Eldest Senior Brother why he drugged us?"

Ding Zeming glanced at him and asked, "Why did you remember to ask directly?"

Xiangnu recalled it for a while, and said: "It's probably because the elder brother's posture of administering the medicine is too obvious, and there is no cover at all. If it weren't for the secret hidden by the cloth, it was also very tightly sealed. Looking at his magnanimous movements, I would have thought He's just adding seasoning."

"He released it aboveboard, and we asked frankly, is there any problem?"

Everyone showed hesitation, Xiangnu comforted: "If you are worried, I can ask him alone."

Xiangnu had to admit that with Yu Su by his side, he was very confident, and he dared to take risks in many dangerous things.

The handsome young man curled his lips into a sudden smile, and the mission workers were stunned by his sudden smile, and it took a while to recover.

Everyone chatted in a mess, and Zhong Liyun suggested: "These tasks are too complicated, and it is easy to mess up the clues if they are mixed together, and if we always trigger the inspection together, the goal of the six of us is too obvious, why not separate them Let's each take a branch line to investigate..."

Miao Dong said: "Some can be divided, but some cannot be divided, such as tomorrow's Daoshu pass, we must study together.

"There is also the reason why the senior brother gave us the medicine. It is hard to say which branch line this belongs to. We will talk about it after the junior brother asks for some results."

"Others, which one of you wants to do the past tasks of Master's relationship chain?"

Xiangnu scratched his chin, blinked his eyes and looked at Shu Jian, with hesitation in his eyes: "Actually, I prefer to do the mission of Earth Soul, because the third senior brother and I caught Earth Soul with our own hands, which can save a teammate from being watched by Earth Soul." For the hostile position... third senior brother, what's your opinion?"

Shu Jian hurriedly nodded and replied: "I am willing, I am willing, junior brother, let me do the mission of Earth Soul with you."

Xiang Nu smiled at Miao Dong: "Second Senior Brother, then Third Senior Brother and I will investigate the Earth Soul and ask for your help when necessary."

Miao Dong nodded: "No problem."

Ding Zeming said: "Leave the investigation of Master's past relationship to me."

Jiang Chao said: "I want to, check, TV-related, see if I can find, other, electronic, products."

Jiang Chao said slowly, calmly and calmly.

Miao Dong put his arms around Zhong Liyun's shoulders and said with a smile, "Sister Zhong, let's investigate the affairs of those villagers together, and see what secrets lie behind the red flag and the chimney."

Zhong Liyun glanced at him sullenly, and said lightly: "Okay, but you don't have to be so polite, just call me sister."

Miao Dong couldn't help laughing.

Several people exchanged general ideas. During this period, Xiangnu would bend down from time to time to touch his left calf, which is the calf covered by the black vine-like pattern, and was lost in thought from time to time.

Ding Zeming may always look at Xiangnu. When he saw Xiangnu touching his calf again, Ding Zeming couldn't help asking: "Little brother, what is the pattern on your leg? I don't seem to have seen this pattern on your leg before." , is it important?"

Xiangnu was slightly startled, shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, I know what it is, thank you for your concern."

Ding Zeming withdrew his gaze, Xiangnu didn't seem to want him to be too close to him, and Ding Zeming was not an uninterested person, so naturally he wouldn't be too entangled.

Slowly, the sky gradually brightened, and finally there was movement in the main house at Beitou.

The iron door behind the curtain was opened, and Qingfeng, with a dull and soulless expression, pushed the door open and walked out. He shone in the light of dawn for a few seconds before gradually recovering his charm and becoming vivid.

The little fat man stretched his muscles and bones in the sun, bounced a few times, and then went to the small shed to cook the water stove. Thanks to his sensitive hearing, Xiangnu was the first to notice the movement in the main house at Beitou.

After Xiangnu approached the window and saw Qingfeng coming out with a slanted light, he immediately left the small room, patted the iron door of their house that was locked by Qingfeng from the outside, and called softly: "Brother, you are awake!" Can you help me open the door?"

Zhong Liyun reported the little fat man's news to him over there: "Eldest brother is here."

After Qingfeng walked over, he opened the door, chatting with Xiangnu while opening the door: "Little brother, you got up so early, earlier than me, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Xiangnu's heart moved, and he said naturally: "After drinking the porridge you made, senior brother, I slept very well, but I accidentally fell out of bed in the middle of the night, and then woke up and couldn't fall asleep."

Xiangnu was about to bring the topic of Qingfeng to the medicine he prescribed, but unexpectedly, the next second, Qingfeng took the initiative to bring it up.

The little fat man took off the door lock, pushed open the iron door, and the sunlight poured into the hall that had been dark for a long time. The dust in the room was illuminated and floated leisurely in the air.

The little fat man chuckled and said, "Little brother, you just need to sleep well. I thought I had less medicine for sweating in your porridge. I just thought about adding more to you at night."

Xiangnu: "..."

The pretty young man showed a flustered look on his face, and started to play: "Sweat medicine? No wonder I fell asleep right after drinking the porridge last night. Is it because there is sweat medicine in my porridge? Senior brother, you Why are you pouring sweat medicine into our porridge properly?"

Qingfeng said casually: "Because the former juniors always liked to come out and run around in the middle of the night. Whenever they ran around, Dahei would scream crazily, making the whole village sleepless. Later, I thought of a way to give you some sweating medicine." Telling you to go to bed, the effect is really good, Dahei stopped screaming after the juniors didn't run out in the middle of the night, and everyone can sleep well."

The other five people also came out of the house, and they were speechless when they heard that Qingfeng gave them medicine for such a reason.

Xiangnu pondered for a few seconds, then slowly asked: "But it was Dahei who woke everyone up to sleep, not us. At best, we only woke up Dahei, so why don't you give us the Mongolian sweat medicine?" How about feeding it to Dahei? If you feed it to Dahei, you only need to feed one, but we have to feed six. In this way, you will save the amount of sweating medicine for you, senior brother. Do you think what I said makes sense? ?”

Qingfeng hugged the lock and thought about it. After a while, he slowly said: "Little brother, you are so smart, why didn't I think of this idea, then I won't give you medicine tonight, give the medicine to Dahei."

The six people's hanging hearts relaxed, and they all showed comfortable smiles.

Pointing to the lock in Qingfeng's arms, Xiangnu asked cautiously, "What about this one? Should we continue to lock it? If we lock it up, we won't be able to get up in the middle of the night if we think about it."

Qingfeng thought for a while, hung up the lock and closed it, and said lightly: "Then I won't lock the door for you at night."

Xiangnu hugged Qingfeng lightly, smiled softly and said, "Thank you, senior brother."

The little fat man didn't respond, he pushed Xiangnu away and went back to the shed, he said, "Okay, you're welcome, I'm going to continue making porridge, brothers and sisters, go to the kitchen and get some sweet potatoes, I want to cut them Put it in the porridge, eat dried sweet potatoes and you can still be hungry, and later you have to go to the other side of the mountain to cut yarrow, it will take a full fifty, this is a hard work, you have to eat enough."

The taskers dispersed one after another to help Qingfeng get the dishes or sweet potatoes. Zhong Liyun asked casually: "Brother, why are we cutting yarrow?"

Qingfeng is really a ghost with a conscience, and Xiangnu thinks he is a bit more conscientious than Mr. Yu, because Qingfeng will always answer, and he is not scary: "What else can you do with chopping yarrow, of course it is for divination. Isn't it just for you to come to apprentice?" Are you learning the master's divination skills? Of course the master will test your level before teaching you to see what level your divination is."

Everyone frowned, Miao Dong asked: "But there are many ways of divination, we come from different families, some use yarrow, but also use tortoise shells and copper coins, so what about those of us who use other things to do divination? "

Qingfeng paused, frowned and fell into deep thought. After a while, he slowly said: "Whatever, the end result is the same anyway."

Everyone looked at each other and helped Qingfeng to work.

Jiang Chao asked slowly: "Master, is he still awake?"

Qingfeng kept his mouth shut and didn't answer, as if he didn't hear Jiang Chao's question, but turned his mouth and glanced in the direction of the main room, with that look, no one would believe that there was nothing wrong in the main room.

The old man didn't know what he was doing in the house. It was as if a sound-proof barrier had been placed in his room. No matter how high Xiangnu's ears were raised, he couldn't hear a single sound. The old man didn't come out of the specially added breakfast.

Everyone finished their meal absent-mindedly, and after saying goodbye to Qingfeng, they immediately left to cut yarrow in the direction pointed by Qingfeng.

Although Qingfeng was good on the surface, the taskers would not be so stupid as to chat in front of the ghosts. They didn't continue talking until they left Qingfeng's sight and climbed to the other side of the mountain.

Ding Zeming frowned and said: "I feel that Master is doing something bad, and I always feel like my heart is jumping."

Xiangnu comforted: "Take your time, don't be in a hurry, it's useless to be in a hurry. Fortunately, I can go out at night tonight. I hope I can gain something by then."

Speaking of this topic, everyone was very relieved. They did not expect that the exchange trip with Qingfeng would be so smooth.

This time they went to the east hill, where a lot of yarrow and some bushes grew on the hill.

Jiang Chao said: "North, Qiuyuan. East, Yarrow. South..."

Xiangnu replied: "There is nothing in the south. Standing on the top of the mountain in the south, you can only see the river at first sight. It is difficult to notice anything other than the river."

Jiang Chao nodded and continued: "The south, the river. What's there on the west..."

Shu Jian is a man of action and has already started cutting yarrow.

Ding Zeming looked at the rising sun above his head, and said, "Gather the yarrow first, and have time to check in the west."

When everyone came over, Qingfeng prepared a sickle and a bamboo basket for everyone to hold yarrow for them.

The tools are ready, but it does not mean that they will use them. Xiangnu had eye problems before, no experience in working in the field, and no hard conditions for practical operations. In addition, his skin, muscles and bones are as delicate as snow, and he is holding a sickle. I tried to cut a piece of yarrow, and it took half a day to cut it, but my hands were blistered.

Shu Jian came over and said, "Junior Brother, if you don't know how to do these things, you can rest aside first, and I will help you."

Xiangnu glanced at him gratefully, thought for a while and said, "I'll transfer your life points after I go out."

Thanks to his dear Mr. Yu for allowing him to pretend to be rich in front of others right now.

Shu Jian smiled, as if acquiescing.

After thanking Xie Shujian again, Xiangnu carefully packed the sickle and bamboo basket in his hand and put them aside. After looking at the crowd, he deliberately went to a place far away and sat down. There were many bushes around, and Xiangnu sat down. After downloading, others can't see it.

Fortunately, Xiangnu sat in a high position, so he still showed some hair, so that others could see his existence.

But at this moment, Xiangnu rolled up his trouser legs under the cover of the bushes, and the black pattern was reflected on his snow-white skin, which was extremely alluring.

Xiangnu took a closer look, and found that the pattern seemed to be a little longer. Before, it only covered the knee a little, but now it almost reached the knee.

Xiangnu bit the corner of his lips, put his cheek on his knee, and whispered to the black pattern: "Mr. Yu, I dreamed about you before, was that you, right? You are as handsome as I imagined, although at that time I'm still in a dream, and I haven't seen your face before, but the moment I saw that person, I knew it must be you, because I felt from that person that I only have to face you Only then will there be heartbeat and fire.”

The beautiful young man threw out sweet words as if he didn't want money, because of his shyness, there was a thin blush on his pink cheeks, which made him look very sweet and attractive.

The young man's words had some effect, Xiangnu's mole on the palm of his hand became hot, and the blood-red screen jumped in front of him, so frightened that Xiangnu looked around, and then secretly looked at the content on the screen like a thief .

? ? :hehe.

Xiangnu frowned and pondered, and after a few seconds, he slowly replied: Mr. Yu, I am just a weak and poor half-blind person with very weak ability to bear. I wanted to open the door for you before, but I was too nervous to see you soon, so I slowed down a little when I was mentally preparing.

Xiangnu: I didn't run away on purpose, it's because your appearance was too scary.

? ? : I kiss you, you refuse.

Xiangnu felt aggrieved immediately, and his writing speed was much faster: But you also took revenge on me, pushing me from the chair to the ground, and I was hurt so badly by you.

? ? :

? ? : You avoided it yourself.

? ? : And you were dreaming at that time, if you look closely, there is something wrong with your sleeping position

? ? : If you really don't want to find problems with yourself, then please find the problem of the chair, which has nothing to do with me.

The author has something to say:

Mr. Yu: Bao, it’s the chair’s fault, don’t blame you for always attacking