God’s Love Game

Chapter 30


Xiang Nu left angrily. After entering the gate of apartment No. 253 with a low air pressure, he stood behind the shadowed door and looked back at the car parked outside the apartment.

It's not just a party with taskers and murderers... Yu Su will also participate, he belongs to the 'monster'.

That is to say, in addition to the mission and the murderer to be captured by the Inspectorate, there will also be real monsters in this party, and there may even be a lot of them.

Thinking of this, Xiang Nu's expression became gloomy. Just as unhappy as the discovery that there were monsters in the dungeon, there was also Yu Su's performance.

He obviously also received the invitation, but why didn't he tell himself in the first place

What did Yu Su want to do

Xiangnu raised his hand and pressed his lips in the dark, thinking in embarrassment that he had kissed him in vain for a long time.

Xiangnu sighed, turned around and walked into the apartment.

The apartment is not directly visible from the lobby, behind the door there is a narrow hallway and stairs.

There is no light in the aisle on the first floor, and the darkness gives people a very barren feeling.

A layer of dim light spilled in from the stairway on the second floor, sprinkled on the stairs, and the surface can play a role as a guide.

Xiangnu lowered his eyes, tightened his neckline, walked up the stairs silently, and then saw the scene on the second floor.

It was a row of long corridors, and there was a window at the end of the corridors on both sides. Blurred light and shadows poured in from the windows, coupled with the lights above Xiangnu's head, it was barely possible for people to see the arrangement of the corridors on this floor.

The apartment is already very big from the outside, but the inside is far more spacious than what you see from the outside. Xiangnu reasonably suspects that this apartment may be connected to a different dimension.

The corridor is very long, and the window at the end is only the size of a palm in the eyes of Xiang Nu who is far away.

At both ends of the corridor, there were countless closed doors. Xiangnu looked around, walked into the corridor on the left, and stopped in front of the first room.

Although the light is very dark, it gives people a bad feeling, but in fact, the decoration of this floor is very exquisite. The walls are covered with flat and smooth tiles. . The door is also very beautiful, because the environment here is too dark, I can't see the specific color of the door, it is about reddish brown, and the material is very good.

And on the door hung a number plate with No. 2-003 written on it, and a line of words below it, which was covered by a sliding whiteboard. Xiangnu was just about to scratch the whiteboard, but there was a startled cry from the right hand side. In the silent corridor, it was extremely loud: "Hello!"

Xiangnu's hands trembled, his head turned slightly, and he looked in the direction of the voice.

There stood a couple of men and women. They were dressed as demons. They wore exaggerated red and black costumes. They had two pointed horns on the top of their heads. Their faces were painted with evil lines. Because the lines on their faces were too heavy, others could not see them at all. Find out what the two of them really look like.

Xiangnu didn't move, just stared at them with his face slightly sideways in silence.

From the point of view of those two demons, they couldn't see Xiangnu's face clearly, because most of his face was covered by the brim of the hat, and they could only see Xiangnu's pointed chin and thin and sharp lips.

Xiangnu's attire was not out of the ordinary, it could even be said to be very serious, which gave the pair of devil men and women a very weird feeling.

They looked at each other, seeing that Xiangnu just tilted his head to look at them but had no other reaction, the female demon quietly took a step back and walked up to the third floor, leaving the male demon to question Xiangnu: "Hey, who are you? What are you doing in front of the room, you forgot what the chief inspector said, don't stay on the second floor!"

The male devil looked at his face, and said coldly: "Knowingly committing a crime, shouldn't you... be the murderer to be arrested at this party?"

Xiangnu crossed his arms under his coat, and he let out a low chuckle.

At this time, the female demon also stepped on the stairs and walked down, and said as she walked: "C016 officer, you said before that the guests who come to the party are all partying on the third floor, and they are not allowed to stay on the second floor." , but when I picked up my companion, I saw a man standing in front of a room on the second floor, standing there for a long time without moving, his behavior was very strange, I ask you to check his identity."

Xiangnu frowned slightly, probably figured out what was going on with this couple.

This man and woman should be a pair of partners. They both received the task of the costume party. To be on the safe side, the two entered the party in batches. The female demon entered the party first, consulted the inspector who held the party for some regulations and prohibitions, and came down to pick up her male companion after getting permission. The two stayed inside and outside the apartment in batches to collect information together.

The female demon had received an order not to stay on the second floor from the inspector before, and was about to go directly to the third floor with her male companion, but in the process, she saw Xiang Nu staying on the second floor.

Based on the principle of catching the wrong person rather than letting them go, the female devil called Inspector C061 and reported Xiang Nu to him.

It would be great if Xiangnu was the murderer they wanted to catch, but even if he wasn't, he was still their competitor, and it would not be a loss for them to get rid of this opponent in advance.

Xiangnu was reliable, and he was not panicked by the inspector's arrival, but he was a little vigilant, because when the pair of male and female demons appeared, he didn't hear any movement!

Xiangnu has always thought that his four senses are extremely strong, and his hearing is extremely keen. He is confident that he can detect anyone approaching, but now he finds that he is still too careless.

Be careful, otherwise, if you are killed by the murderer at the party, you won't even know it.

Xiangnu thought quietly, Inspector c016 followed the female devil down the stairs.

The Inspector didn't look very good, he looked straight, wearing a close-fitting army green uniform, with a straight waist, wearing white gloves and holding a gun, looking serious and serious.

The female demon identified c016: "This is the person."

c016 looked blankly at Xiangnu who was wearing Yusu's coat, his expression was sometimes dissatisfied and sometimes bewildered.

Xiangnu raised the brim of his hat slightly, and saw the change of c016's expression in his eyes, and knew that his step was steady.

He flicked his collar lightly, and ordered coldly: "Take me to the third floor."

c016 subconsciously stood at attention and responded, "Yes, my lord!"

After answering, c016's expression suddenly became tangled. From the corner of his eye, he took a sneak peek in Xiangnu's direction, bit his lip slightly, and his expression gradually calmed down.

c016 led the way ahead, and Xiangnu followed him to the third floor. When he passed by the male and female demons, his footsteps paused, his thin lips curled up strangely, and the male and female demons who saw him felt their hearts tremble and their faces turned pale.

"Don't... stay."

As Xiangnu said, his voice floated like catkins, and it would disperse when the breeze blows.

The male and female demons quickly followed up the stairs, huddling tightly together, trying to maximize the distance between them and Xiang Nu.

The two of them regretted it a little. They never expected that the first guy who used the knife would kick the iron plate. This person is not a tasker at all, but an inspector, and an inspector with a high status!

The men and women dressed as demons regretted it, but Xiang Nu, who was mistaken for a big shot, pursed his lips and smiled lightly. The result was unexpected but reasonable.

The purpose of Xiangnu's first dungeon "Send to Prison" is the Jiudu Prison, and Yu Su is the monster in the Jiudu Prison. It is known that there is a very powerful existence in the Jiudu Prison, whose position is the warden.

But in the flight attendant's diary, the flight attendant doesn't think Yu Su is the warden.

There are two possibilities, one is that Yu Su is indeed not the warden, and the other is that the steward's status is not high, and he may not have met the warden at all, so naturally it is impossible to connect Yu Su with the existence of the warden.

Xiangnu doesn't know what kind of situation Yu Su is in, but he can be sure that even if Yu Su is not the warden, his status in Jiudu Prison should not be low.

The address of the Inspectorate's party is Jiudu Road. Such a coincidence makes Xiangnu wonder whether there is any connection between the Inspectorate and Jiudu Prison.

If there really is a special connection, Xiangnu believes that the existence of the prison should be higher than that of the inspector's office. After all, in the dungeon log, the flight attendant highly respected the old capital prison, and the inspector's office also used words like 'the most terrifying' Describe the old capital prison.

After deliberating for a while, Xiangnu chose to borrow Yu Su's coat, which still had Yu Su's nameplate on it. Xiangnu wanted to see if the clothes would give him an extra surprise. Luckily, he made the right bet. .

Xiangnu could feel that inspector c016 had sensed his identity mistake, but Yusu's clothes were too powerful. After hesitating for a long time, inspector c016 chose to remain silent and let Xiangnu wear Yusu's clothes, He used Yu Su's identity.

With a faint smile on the corner of Xiangnu's lips, under the leadership of c016, he walked into the party on the third floor with his head held high and his chest held high.

The party covered a large area, and it was not as cold and gloomy as the second floor. Bright and gorgeous crystal chandeliers hung from the resplendent dome, the floor was made of champagne-colored tiles, and there were eight stone pillars as thick as two people hugging each other.

The long tables covered with red velvet cloth are lined up in the living room in an orderly manner, and there are waiters with downcast eyes holding trays and placing them on the table according to the types of fruits, cakes, barbecue, seafood and other rich and delicious food.

There is a big stage in the center of the party venue, but there is no decoration on the stage for the time being, only red velvet is spread on the stage, and a stand microphone is placed.

And under the stage, around the stone pillars, there are a lot of sofas for those who participated in the party to take a rest @高谈话论论.

And above the party venue, there is a fourth floor, which wraps the party venue, shares the same dome with the party venue on the third floor, and is surrounded by a layer of railings, and people on the fourth floor can stand on the railings Observe the movements below.

Xiangnu took off the brim of his hat, revealing his overly glamorous and sharp cheeks, and his long and narrow eyes gave off a creepy and terrifying feeling.

There were already a lot of taskers at the party, they didn't dare to look at Xiangnu and c016 clearly, so they cast their vaguely searching eyes on the timid male and female demons behind them, taking this opportunity to look at them from the corner of their eyes Phase slave.

Xiangnu looked back calmly and indifferently, and didn't care that his appearance was exposed in front of everyone. His naked eyes flicked across everyone's faces one by one, taking in all the changes in everyone's expressions.

Of course, it also includes c016 and the few inspectors patrolling the fringes of the party.

They looked at Xiangnu blankly with tangled expressions, wanted to question but dared not, but couldn't turn a blind eye to Xiangnu's identity. That expression is quite amused.

Xiangnu is really curious about Yu Su's identity, what kind of existence he is that makes these inspectors know that Xiangnu is a counterfeit, but they dare not even step forward to question him.

After looking at the expressions of the taskers in the party, Xiangnu saw that their expressions were like copied expressions of surprise and fear. He didn't find any of them acting particularly strange for the time being, so he turned his gaze away.

The pair of demons who came up behind them had already sneaked away against the corner.

Seeing no one around, Xiangnu lowered his voice and ordered to c016: "Go to the fourth floor."

c016 didn't move, looked at Xiang Nu strangely, and smiled inexplicably: "Only adults with golden invitations can go to the fourth floor."

Xiangnu's brows twitched, and he looked up to observe the environment, feeling a little heavy.

Yu Su is a 'monster', he is holding a golden invitation card on the fourth floor, while the taskers are holding silver invitation cards on the third floor.

The geographical location of the fourth floor can easily capture the stories that happened on the third floor. Everything that is about to happen on the third floor is like a drama that is performed immediately, while the fourth floor is the audience watching.

Xiangnu hates being manipulated and doesn't want to appear on this stage as an actor.

He lowered his eyebrows, traced the nameplate with his fingertips, and asked casually: "Are you sure... you want an invitation from me?"

His voice suddenly became low and cold, and his slanted eyes had a cold light, which was extremely dangerous.

The emotions in c016's eyes kept struggling, and finally he bent down respectfully, and replied: "My lord's coming is the supreme honor for the Inspectorate, you can stay anywhere you want, please come with me."

Only then did Xiangnu withdraw his provocative gaze, his face was still expressionless, with no complacency or fluctuations on his face.

Inspector c016 led the way ahead, led Xiang Nu out of sight of the taskers on the third floor, and entered the fourth floor. The fourth floor formed a circle around the third floor. There was a room in each of the four directions. The windows and doors are all open, and the western and southern rooms are full of people.

Sitting in the west seat is a very terrifying woman. She has a huge figure and her hair is composed of poisonous snakes spraying venom, just like Medusa's snake hair in myths and legends, but she does not have the beauty and figure of Medusa. His face was ashen, with huge fangs protruding from his mouth, the snake's head was split like a snake letter, and it was slowly licking on the tip of the fangs.

She was wearing a gorgeous red tutu dress... let's say it was red, because the color distribution on the skirt was irregular, some places were slightly lighter, and some places were dark red, a good tailor would not Such a poorly dyed dress decorated with countless jewels.

The woman's skirt was very bulging, it was stretched almost one meter high, and under the skirt was bulging, and there was always something moving, Xiangnu didn't dare to look at it, glanced slightly from the corner of the eye, and saw a few dark tentacles coming out of it. The skirt sticks out.

The appearance of the person sitting in the room in the south is more ordinary and simple than that of the woman in the west, but after seeing his decoration, Xiangnu is far more nervous and worried than facing the woman in the west room .

Because the man in the room in the south was wearing a Taoist robe, and the crown with the hair tied was very familiar. In the center of the crown, there was a hollowed out lotus-like decoration, which was exactly the same as the Tianyanzong logo in Xuanji's memory.

Xiangnu recalled Yu Su's solemn expression when he saw him accepting this task. At that time, he thought Yu Su's performance was too strange.

At first, Xiangnu thought it was because this dungeon was difficult, but now that he thinks about it, he must have known that the monsters in the related dungeons of 'Tian Yanzong' would appear, so he showed that strange expression.

Xiangnu thought with a heavy expression on his face, even though he didn't want to, his eyes still couldn't completely restrain himself from touching the Taoist priest in the southern position for a moment.

The Taoist priest glanced at him indifferently, then looked away, and didn't look at Xiangnu more.

Xiangnu couldn't figure out what the monster over there was thinking for a while, but he knew that if the monster went berserk, he definitely didn't have the strength to fight back.

There is no hope and no despair, knowing that he is by no means the opponent of the Taoist priest and ghost, Xiangnu directly left his existence behind after he figured it out.

The ghost in Taoist clothes didn't seem to be interested in Xiangnu either. Perhaps the purpose was not Xiangnu at all, and it was just a coincidence that it appeared in this dungeon.

Xiangnu's top priority is to find out the murderer hidden among the taskers, catch him, completely end the copy of 'Midnight Dress Up Party', and then leave this strange apartment.

It's only a little past six o'clock now, and there are still several hours before the nine o'clock party mentioned in the diary. Xiangnu didn't even know if the taskers had arrived because the task was too hasty.

Xiangnu didn't go into the two vacant rooms, and Inspector c016 didn't seem to want to invite him in. Xiangnu stood in front of the railing, put his hands lightly on the railing, and tapped his fingertips. Observe the taskers below.

The costumes of those taskers are various. The pair of demon partners that Xiangnu met at the beginning were not the most unusual looking ones. There are also taskers with weirder costumes than them, such as angel costumes, ghost costumes, witch costumes, and brides. costumes, animal costumes... There are all kinds of costumes, and basically they all wear masks to cover their faces, and they are like the pair of demon men and women without covering their faces, with lines painted on their faces so that people can't see them clearly look like.

Some of these taskers are even dressed as lizards. The clothes on him don’t know what material they are made of, and they can change color according to the environment. The lizard suit covers the tasker from head to toe, and the lizard man sticks to the pillar Standing, the color of the lizard skin on his body became very similar to the stone pillar. If the Taoist hadn't been staring at the lizard man, Xiang Nu would not have noticed the existence of the lizard man.

The existence of that Taoist made Xiangnu a little wary, and Xiangnu couldn't help paying attention to him for a moment, seeing him staring straight at the lizard man, Xiangnu couldn't help being a little more curious about the lizard man, but the lizard man Packing himself tightly, Xiangnu couldn't see his face clearly at all, so he could only write him down, and was going to find an opportunity to communicate with that lizard man.

While Xiangnu was observing the movement of the taskers on the third floor, the taskers on the third floor also raised their heads and looked at him quietly. They may have guessed Xiangnu's 'identity', and they were full of jealousy for the existence of the fourth floor, and dared not As blatant as Xiang Nu.

During this period, another tasker entered the banquet hall on the third floor. When a man in a white robe and a golden butterfly mask walked in, the crystal lamp in the banquet suddenly went out. It was so dark on the fourth floor that no one could see it.

Then there was a scream with a different tone, and when the crystal lamp lit up again, a middle-aged man had already been killed. He was lying on the ground with all four limbs, his eyes were empty, and there was no pain in his expression, as if he had died ignorantly. It felt like there was a thumb-sized hollow between his brows.

The surrounding taskers instantly changed their colors, and their already serious expressions became more dignified.

c016 went down from the fourth floor, and the inspectors took the middle-aged man's body away and carried it up to the fourth floor.

There is only one passage connecting the fourth floor to the third floor. After the inspectors lifted the body up, they didn't intend to show the man's body to Xiangnu, they just wanted to pass by Xiangnu.

Xiangnu said coldly: "Wait a minute, let me see."

Those inspectors stopped as they said, but looked at Xiangnu with unfriendly eyes, and their eyes became even more repulsive when they heard Xiangnu wanted to see the corpse.

The woman opposite Xiangnu 'stands up', her snake hair hisses, and the tentacles under the fluffy skirt roll back and forth, poking small bags on the surface of the skirt.

Xiangnu glanced at the woman on the opposite side fearfully, as for those inspectors, he didn't care, he stood not far from them, looked at the middle-aged man who was being carried upside down by them, hesitated for a moment, Said: "You put him down and show me."

Those inspectors looked at him coldly: "The Red Queen is still waiting for us." The Red Queen is the woman opposite.

"Heh... heh..." A low-smiling female voice came from down the stairs, and Xiangnu keenly noticed that the faces of these inspectors had changed. down.

The crisp sound of high heels stepping on the floor resounded on the quiet fourth floor, every time, as if knocking on people's hearts, making people's hearts tremble continuously.

Xiangnu couldn't help looking over. A woman wearing a ceramic mask and a white coat came up from the stairs with her hands in her pockets. The ceramic mask was white, with only a pair of eyes exposed. The black lines are drawn, like chapped wounds all over the cheeks.

She ignored Xiang Nu, walked up to the middle-aged man and knelt down, took out a pair of rubber gloves and put them on casually, then inserted her fingers roughly into the hollow between the man's eyebrows, and pulled out a dark red nipple from inside Come.

"It's been a long time since I died, and my brain is bleeding tofu." The woman said indifferently, her tone was as calm as saying that she had eaten a vegetable at noon.

She let go of her hand, peeled off the rubber gloves avoiding the dirty part, threw the dark red breast lump back onto the corpse, and mocked: "Move it over there, and see how hungry our lovely Red Queen is!" Well, her saliva is about to flood the place."

"It's... Doctor X." The inspectors whispered softly, and moved the middle-aged man's body away quickly.

Without the obstruction of these people, Doctor X's eyes finally fell on Xiang Nu.

She looked at the beautiful young man wearing an ill-fitting coat opposite her, her eyes under the ceramic mask shone with surprise and excitement, and her voice was melodious, full of untimely joy and admiration: "Ah, I found a man in an adult suit The little guy in his clothes running around. He's really naughty...and pretty. Didn't your parents tell you that you, a child with delicate skin and tender flesh...be careful."

The author has something to say:

Superficial statement: The little baby with delicate skin and tender meat is careful to be eaten by the wolf grandma

Real thoughts: Why do you run around in your husband's clothes and show them to us singles