God’s Love Game

Chapter 47


Xiangnu was flustered because of the message from Yu Su on the personal panel, Yusu the white python couldn't see that Xiangnu lost his mind because of the existence of another Yu Su, so he straightened his face in dissatisfaction and asked, "Why do you Frowning? Because I was afraid that he would be angry if he kissed me?"

Xiangnu gave him a weak look, waved his hands and didn't speak, just sighed softly.

The others couldn't see Xiangnu's personal panel, and they didn't understand why Xiangnu suddenly acted strangely after kissing the white python Yusu.

Shen Xinhong was at a loss when he heard the unclear words, but he could feel the strong smell of jealousy in Bai Mang Yusu's words. He lowered his head and thought for a while, what he understood, sat at the stern of the boat and asked Jiang Chao curiously. , deliberately lowered his voice, but the voice was not very low, but the people on a boat could hear his voice clearly.

Shen Xinhong deliberately asked Jiang Chao: "Jiang Chao, Xiangnu's expression after kissing Yu Su looks a bit wrong, Yu Su still said that kind of thing, what is the relationship between the two of them, the couple still say..."

Jiang Chao was speechless, turned his cold face to the side, he was a little angry, he didn't want to get involved in Xiangnu and Yu Su's matter at all, well, he still doesn't know what Yu Su is, and he doesn't want to court death!

Seeing that Jiang Chao ignored him, Shen Xinhong was a little embarrassed.

The white python Yu Su over there looked over, looked at him coldly, and asked, "Is it a couple or what?"

Seeing Yu Su talking to him, Shen Xinhong was slightly pleased.

Xiangnu glanced at the two of them weakly, and was so worried by another Yu Su's news that he didn't have the heart to see Shen Xinhong for the time being.

Shen Xinhong glanced at Xiangnu, his eyes flickered, and he said vaguely: "It's nothing... just us and you two together, I thought you were a couple, but from what you said just now, it seems that there is someone separated between you?"

"You think I'm a third party?" Bai Mang Yu Su's eyes suddenly turned cold, Shen Xinhong was stunned for a moment, wondering how Bai Mang Yu Su came to this conclusion.

Xiangnu couldn't help but smiled, and said slightly: "He just said that we might be a love triangle, and he didn't say that you are the third party. Brother Yu, don't rush to check in."

The white python Yu Su pursed his lips and turned his face away: "You were still calling me brother just now..."

Xiangnu looked at Shen Xinhong, took the hand of the white python Yusu, and said calmly: "No matter what kind of entanglement there is between me and him, it's true that we are lovers, so stop being curious, Mr. Shen. "

Shen Xinhong wanted to say something, but Xiangnu turned his face away, and his gaze fell on the river. From the perspective of others, his gaze was a little stagnant and a little distant.

There is new news on the personal panel.

Mr. Yu didn't say anything, just sent a series of ellipsis, and then he directly closed the personal panel.

Xiangnu stared at Jiang in a daze, because he didn't want the conversation to be overheard by Shen Xinhong and Bai Xinya, so he took the hand of the white python Yusu, and slowly wrote in his palm: Will another Mr. Yu come in the dungeon

The white python Yusu felt the soft and subtle touch of the palm, like a feather gently plucking at his heart, which made his heart itchy and uncomfortable. His mind was not focused, and he didn't notice what Xiangnu wrote. Pat it lightly.

The white python Yusu raised his head, and after seeing Xiangnu's slightly annoyed gaze, he came back to his senses, and then wrote on Xiangnu's hand: Maybe, it depends on whether the suzerain will let him in.

When the white python Yusu mentioned the existence of another Yusu, he couldn't help frowning, with a trace of dissatisfaction and rejection in his eyes, and continued: "But probably not, after all, there is me, and another one coming in will only make the situation chaotic. He probably doesn't want to Things become like that.

Seeing that Xiangnu frowned slightly, the white python Yusu said in relief: Don't be afraid, I will protect you well, no one can hurt you past me!

Xiangnu looked up at him, lowered his head and wrote earnestly: What is the relationship between you and Mr. Yu.

White python Yusu: He is my 'skin'.

Xiangnu replied calmly: No, you are in the shape of a snake. If it was your skin, then he should also be in the shape of a snake, but he is not, he has tentacles.

The white python Yusu's face froze for a moment, he gently took Xiangnu's hand away, turned his back to him, and stopped talking.

Xiangnu stared at his back for a moment, looked at his palm in a daze, and recalled what he wrote just now. It seemed that there was no sensitive content. Why did the white python Yusu put on a deeply shocked expression? appearance.

Xiangnu was inexplicable, seeing the white python Yu Su looking down at the river in a daze, thought for a while, but didn't bother him, but remembered another countermeasure after Mr. Yu appeared.

He had a premonition that Mr. Yu would never give up and delay the time to find him because of the suzerain's obstruction.

After all, that Mr. Yu... is very persistent and vengeful.

Shen Xinhong can't bear to be lonely. Although his appearance is gentle and elegant, in fact his personality is very impetuous, at least for now.

Shen Xinhong said: "Bo Xinya and I appeared together in the dungeon, and two Taoist priests sent us to the side of the boat, and told us to wait for you to appear and go straight on the boat, but didn't say anything else, you know the clues of your dungeon Where is the clue?"

Xiangnu came back to his senses for a while, looked at Jiang Chao, and asked, "The two Taoist priests didn't tell you anything?"

Shen Xinhong lowered his head and patted the boat he was sitting on: "No, I said a little bit, such as this boat, he told us not to row the boat by ourselves, the boat will move by itself and take us to the destination."

Xiangnu raised his eyebrows and said with a light smile: "I said a little bit, but it should be more than that, is there anything else?"

Shen Xinhong smiled, glanced over with fluttering eyes, hid the needle in the cotton, and mocked secretly: "Yes, there is, but I will tell you everything. How about you, what information did you get from the Taoist priest? Don't you say it first to show your sincerity?"

Xiangnu said calmly: "I will tell you, I know a lot of information, all of it."

Shen Xinhong's smile froze, and Bai Xinya looked over with inquiry in his gaze.

Shen Xinhong frowned and asked: "Since you know everything, why are you here with us?"

He had a feeling of being fooled, and his face was not very good-looking.

Bai Xinya pondered for two seconds, and asked, "How can you be sure that the information you know is all and correct, in case those Taoist priests deceived you."

"I have my own way of judging, and I'm not trying to test you on purpose, I just want to check your information."

Bai Xinya frowned, bit her cheeks with her teeth, her thoughts were a little distracted, and after a few seconds she asked, "What do you think is right?"

Xiangnu pondered for a few seconds: "How about this, I will ask the questions one by one. If you can answer them, we will tell each other the information we got from the Taoist priest. If you can't answer them, skip it first."

Shen Xinhong asked coldly: "Are you not going to share information with us?"

Xiangnu was calm, but he quietly moved towards the white python Yusu: "It's planned, I will naturally tell you the mission clue of this dungeon after we have checked the information."

Shen Xinhong said contemptuously: "Who knows whether you are telling the truth or a lie. After all, if you were honest, you wouldn't be playing sloppy with us here now."

Xiangnu didn't say a word, just looked at the white python Yusu, the white python Yusu noticed his gaze, looked over with focused eyes.

Xiangnu lowered his eyebrows and replied lightly: "If you don't believe me, I can't help it. I said, I already know all the tasks and clues of this dungeon, that is to say, the news about the two of you is not important to me." .”

"I am asking you now, not to get anything from you, but to judge your position and think about whether to keep you."

The complexions of Shen Xinhong and Bai Xinya changed, and Bai Xinya asked in horror: "Is this a confrontational copy?"

"Probably not." Xiang Nu said like this: "There should be a choice of position, but what the situation is depends on the information you tell me."

"Did the two of you appear in the mission together? The information you know should be the same?" Xiangnu looked at the two of them inquiringly, and said expressionlessly: "I hope you can cooperate with me and truthfully explain the two The Taoist told you the information, if you have concealed it and let me misjudge your position, maybe we can only eliminate the two of you first."

Shen Xinhong endured it, but his brows twitched.

Bai Xinya lowered her head and thought for a while, then said: "Those two Taoist priests didn't explain anything to us on the way, they kept chatting to themselves, their voices were not deliberately lowered, but they were also very soft, I listened carefully to hear what they were saying clearly, They said that the night of the full moon is approaching, and the yin energy is about to rise. It seems that some junior brother invited them to refine something on the night of the full moon, and there are still a few pieces of human skin, human bones and flesh and blood missing. They are thinking about these two days Go down the mountain to find out if there are any living people around, if not..."

Shen Xinhong glanced at Xiangnu: "If they can't catch a living person, they will probably have to use a few of us to make up the numbers."

"Is this what Taoist priests said?" Xiangnu asked.

Shen Xinhong shook his head, but said: "Usually this is the way. Those two Taoist priests look at us like dead people, and they must have plans for us."

Xiangnu patted the eaves of the boat and urged: "What's more, they told you that the boat will move by itself, so they will always tell you where they want us to go and when they want us to come back?"

"Baixinya, it's just you alone." Xiangnu said, so that even if Bai Xinya made up some lies, Shen Xinhong would definitely know that when he heard the lies, he would definitely react abnormally and leak traces.

Bai Xinya pursed her lower lip and continued: "They said that the boat would automatically take us to an island, and we had to bring something back when we arrived on the island. They didn't say what to bring, they just told us to make sure that we got the things. We must catch the boat on the night of the full moon and go back, we must not miss the night of the full moon, if we miss it, the suzerain will definitely not let us go."

Xiangnu has been observing Shen Xinhong, and seeing that Shen Xinhong doesn't look surprised, he knows that Bai Xinya is not lying.

But we can't rest assured that these two people may have talked to each other before, and although the two are sitting far away and seem unfamiliar, the possibility of them deliberately acting in disguise is not ruled out.

"Then what are your plans?"

Bai Xinya was speechless: "What plans can we have? He told us to come back on the night of the full moon. We can only come back on the night of the full moon. But after we go back, we are very likely to be taken away by those Taoist priests, skinned and boned." , we don’t want to go back in our hearts, we are going to go to the isolated island to see the situation, to see if there is any line that allows us to end the copy early and return to the holy city.”

"We're done talking, it's your turn, and Jiang Chao, what information does he have?"

Xiangnu replied: "Jiang Chao's information and mine are the same, just listen to me... In fact, the content of the task I learned is completely different from what you judge."

Shen Xinhong narrowed his eyes: "Tell me in detail?"

Xiangnu glanced at him, and said lightly: "The focus of this dungeon is not on the night of the full moon and the plans of the Taoist priests on the night of the full moon, but on the destination of the ship, something on the isolated island. What exactly is it?" I don't know anything about it yet, I'll wait until the island to see it, but I know that thing is very important to the suzerain of Tianyan Sect, and the task given to us by the suzerain of Tianyan Sect is to bring that thing back to Tianyan Sect. But , the other ghost priests don’t want that thing to return to the Tianyan Sect, so they will definitely stop us.”

"And the purpose of those two ghost priests deliberately saying those words to you is probably to scare you, so that you two will not dare to enter the Tianyan Sect after returning from the isolated island, and finally miss the night of the full moon. Let you shift the focus of the task, and mistake the escort task of finding things as the task of escaping from the Tianyanzong."

Bai Xinya turned her head and looked at Shen Xinhong, their eyes flickered.

Bai Xinya asked: "You are so sure that your own information is correct."

"Yes, I'm very sure. You two can also open up clues to complete the dungeon instead of following us, but the three of us are going to escort the dungeon. It's okay if you and our troops split up, but if it affects our escort Mission..." A strange light flashed in Xiangnu's eyes, the words were not finished, but the meaning revealed was very clear.

Shen Xinhong didn't say a word, his eyes fell on the white python Yusu beside him involuntarily, Xiangnu thought that because he had offended Mr. Yu himself, he was even more unhappy, stood in front of the white python Yusu, and smiled at Shen Xinhong : "Mr. Shen, Yu Su doesn't have any idea about the task, and he doesn't have any suggestions. I've always been the one talking to you. Why are you staring at him all the time?"

Hearing this, Bai Xinya raised her eyelids and glanced at Shen Xinhong.

Shen Xinhong frowned uncomfortably, turned his head and did not say a word.

Xiangnu snorted coldly, and the white python Yusu's expression changed slightly, he held Xiangnu's hand, but it had nothing to do with Shen Xinhong and the others.

Jiang Chao stumbled and said, "Continue, task."

Shen Xinhong cleared his throat, and said in a disguised manner: "Okay, the escort mission is the escort mission, but do you know what you are going to send?"

"I don't know exactly what it is. I only know that I need to find an NPC named Qingfeng, and only Qingfeng can keep that thing. Maybe we have to bring Qingfeng back together."

Bai Xinya and Shen Xinhong didn't say anything, and didn't know whether they believed it or not.

Xiangnu thought for a while, frowned and added: "By the way, the Taoist priest told me when he came that we might encounter a trial called 'five turbidity invading the heart'. I don't quite understand what it is, you guys Does anyone know?"

After Xiangnu finished speaking, the white python Yusu grabbed his hand and stood up suddenly. Because of his movements, the boat lost some weight, swayed slightly, and almost fell over. Xiangnu subconsciously grabbed his wrist and asked, "Yu Su Su, what's wrong?"

The white python Yusu didn't say a word, he stared deeply at his reflection on the muddy lake, the reflection was very unclear, Xiangnu looked down, suddenly, the eyeballs of the blurred reflection turned and glanced at him.