God’s Love Game

Chapter 50


Looking at Yu Su's silence, Xiang Nu immediately saw the essence of Yu Su's behavior at this time.

It looks fierce and scary on the outside, but in fact it doesn't really get angry at all.

Of course, the jealousy must be really jealous, and there is anger, but it is not aimed at Xiangnu, but more of the real white python Yusu.

After all, Xiangnu is just a weak beauty, how can Mr. Yu really want to get angry with him

After Xiangnu saw this clearly, he instantly became confident and fearless. He deliberately squinted at Yu Su and asked, "Mr. Yu, tell me quickly how you plan to punish me. I have already given up treatment."

"..." Mr. Yu stared at him with scarlet eyes, then turned his back to him without saying a word.

Xiangnu smiled brightly and seductively, and leaned over to hold Yu Su's hand, and whispered softly: "If Mr. Yu doesn't speak, I'll take it as if you don't blame me, and don't settle accounts with me after Qiuhou?"

Yu Su lowered his eyes and tensed his face.

Xiangnu still wanted to talk to Yu Su, but the others couldn't see that the two of them were so lingering. Shen Xinhong laughed, seemingly peaceful, but his tone was full of bitterness: "This is a dungeon mission, and the environment is very strange. Everyone better be careful and avoid doing untimely things."

Xiangnu smiled, but with a gun and a stick in his smile, he taunted: "Mr. It’s not good to cause casualties.”

Shen Xinhong's expression changed, Yu Su lazily raised his eyes, and his scarlet eyes fixed on Shen Xinhong instantly.

One of the deepest imprints left by Yu Su on Xiang Nu's heart is to hold grudges, 'careful'.

The white python Yu Su may ignore or not care about other people's eyes because of his experience, but Mr. Yu who has more experience is different.

From time to time, his cherished slaves will be turned over "old accounts" in the name of "punishment", and other people who dare to provoke him will not be ignored by him.

But this kind of treatment and treatment is unique to Xiangnu, and no one else has it.

Yu Su looked at Shen Xinhong coldly, the malice in his eyes was not obvious, but it was cold enough to make people shiver.

Shen Xinhong couldn't help trembling when he saw him, like a prey being stared at by a poisonous snake, he subconsciously took a few steps back, his eyes dodged and moved away.

The land on the shore of the lake was uneven, and leaning against the mountain, it was steep and had fallen rocks. Shen Xinhong didn't pay attention, and was tripped and fell to the ground.

Shen Xinhong sat on the ground blankly, and when he came back to his senses, he covered his face directly, looking ashamed to see others.

Xiangnu tilted his head, watched his changes curiously, thought for a while, took Yu Su's hand and wrote on his palm: Five turbidities invade the heart

Xiangnu still remembers what Qingfeng said to him, that under the influence of the five turbidities, a person's mental state will be very unstable. Shen Xinhong first seduces a married man directly, and then directly provokes when he sees something wrong between Xiangnu and Yu Su, At this moment, he even showed a look of shock and fright, and Xiang Nu subconsciously thought of this.

Yu Su nodded, glanced at Shen Xinhong and whispered softly in Xiangnu's ear, with a very low voice: "Do you want to see him scared to death?"

Xiangnu was slightly startled, and couldn't help but look at the man who fell on the ground. Shen Xinhong might have adjusted his mood a little, put down his hands and raised his head. He didn't hear Yu Su's words, and when he looked at Xiangnu, he looked at him for two seconds , hurriedly looked away, stood up, and explained casually, "I'm sorry, I suddenly became emotional just now, and I was a little excited..."

Xiangnu looked away and ignored him.

Yu Su saw that his way of pleasing did not arouse Xiangnu's interest, and he was quite disappointed, and lost interest in Shen Xinhong in an instant.

Xiangnu looked at Qingfeng and said softly, "Master Qingfeng, shall we go back to Tianyanzong?"

Seeing that the topic was getting back on track, Jiang Chao appeared quickly and echoed: "Yes, yes, yes... Hui, Tian Yanzong is important, hurry up before the full moon night."

Both Shen Xinhong and Bai Xinya looked at Qingfeng, and they didn't feel discriminated against because of Qingfeng's chubby figure.

The most unacceptable thing in these strange worlds is to judge people by their appearance. No one knows how terrifying and powerful those seemingly weak ghosts actually are.

Bai Xinya asked with a delicate expression: "He is Qingfeng? What is he holding in his arms... By the way, why do you call him Senior Brother Qingfeng?"

Jiang Chao didn't say a word, he was never too lazy to explain the reason, so he let Xiangnu do it for him.

Xiangnu: "As we said before, we participated in the dungeons of related series of Tianyanzong. Qingfeng was our elder brother in the dungeons at that time, so we are used to calling him that."

Bai Xinya was silent for a few seconds, and asked thoughtfully: "It seems that this ghost has a good relationship with you? Otherwise, you wouldn't call him so intimately."

Xiangnu said lightly: "On the surface, it's okay."

Qingfeng glanced at him secretly, tightened the skull in his arms, and said nothing.

Bai Xinya walked up to Qingfeng and squatted down, her eyes fell on the skull in his arms, her gaze was slightly concentrated, and she pretended to ask calmly: "Mr. Xiang, you said before that the thing we are looking for this time is in Qingfeng Keep it in your hand, may I ask what it is... Could it be?"

Jiang Chao raised his eyes to look at Xiangnu, Xiangnu said calmly: "You should have seen it, it is the skull he is holding in his hand."

"This?" Bai Xinya narrowed her eyes and didn't speak, but the doubts in her heart were clearly revealed, obviously she didn't really believe Xiangnu's statement.

Xiangnu looked at Qingfeng: "Eldest brother, you should have also received the task of Tianyanzong, so you specially carried the skull out of your arms to welcome us?"

Qingfeng nodded slowly, with an indifferent expression. He was still a little entangled and didn't want to go back to Tianyanzong.

But what Xiangnu said made sense, he could escape the first day of junior high school, but not the fifteenth day, and now he is in a better situation to go back with the help of acquaintances.

Otherwise, as soon as Xiangnu and the others leave, those ghost priests will immediately send someone to destroy his container of Dao heart.

Of course, these are actually secondary reasons. The reason why Xiangnu was really moved was related to the existence that Xiangnu said was as powerful as the suzerain. Qingfeng had some ideas in his heart, and those ideas might need to be realized by relying on that existence and Xiangnu, so after a short evaluation, Qingfeng did not dismantle Xiangnu Nu's platform, nodded to acknowledge his statement.

Seeing this, Jiang Chao felt a little happy, and hurriedly said: "Thank you, senior brother, with us, return to the sect, please, senior brother, keep it safe..."


Qingfeng hugged the skull in his arms and murmured: "I will protect my little uncle and send him back to Tianyanzong safely."

"Little Uncle?" Shen Xinhong looked at Qingfeng, repeated the word, his eyes were full of inquiry, obviously hoping that Qingfeng could explain the origin of the skull.

Qingfeng dawdled for a while before saying: "The little uncle was taken out of the sect by the master, but later he was murdered by the master... The suzerain is my ancestor."

He only said these few words, but it made the other people think about it.

The suzerain is Qingfeng's ancestor, that is, his master's master. In other words, the uncle in his arms is the suzerain's disciple. With this relationship, there is a reason why the suzerain asked them to escort the skull back. , That's the master's longing for his disciples... probably

Xiangnu also understood, and could better understand why such a treasure as Qingfeng was succeeded by Xuanji Xuanyan. The help of those ghosts and Taoists is one aspect, and the identity of these two people is also an important reason.

It's just pity for the suzerain, everyone betrayed him, disapproved of his actions, and tried their best to stop him.

But Bai Xinya and Shen Xinhong didn't believe Qingfeng's words because of his few words, and said: "We have just landed not long ago, and tomorrow is the night of the full moon, so we are not in a hurry to go back now, one day is enough We rushed back, why don't we rest on the island for a while before leaving?"

Yu Su frowned, and directly refused: "Go back early, end the dungeon early, don't keep it."

He was still anxious to go back to solve the matter of the white python Yusu, and didn't want to stay in this dungeon for a long time.

What's more... the five turbidity's invasion of the heart also has an impact on him, and his mental suppression has been reduced a lot, otherwise, it is impossible for the white python Yusu to resist him from time to time after he enters this body .

After all, he is the main body, possessing the strongest power and the most absolute control over all reason.

Bai Xinya was a little surprised, she didn't expect Yu Su to say no.

How should I put it... Although Yu Su's aggressive temperament is very obvious, but more obvious is his indifferent and alienated temperament.

He only cares about Xiangnu, his eyes follow him, and his will changes because of his thoughts, and he doesn't care about the rest at all.

Wen Yan got stuck for a while before saying: "Then we have to complete the task correctly before we can leave the dungeon. We can't just listen to Qingfeng's one-sided words and believe that this skull is the real purpose of our trip, it's better to be on the island Turn around and check the situation before going back, shall we?"

Xiangnu rolled his eyes, and suddenly said: "I told you before that I know the mission of this dungeon very well. I am sure that if I go back with Qingfeng and the things he is guarding, I will be able to clear the mission. Even so, you have to Continue to choose to stay and check on the island?"

Bai Xinya didn't speak, but the silence had already expressed her persistence.

The corners of Xiangnu's lips curled up, and his smile widened with the arc: "You have concealed things from us, haven't you? Did those ghost priests give you a reminder, so you have to stay and search on the island?"

Bai Xinya said calmly: "Nothing, I just believe more in the clues I found. But you say... Could it be that this skull is really not the real goal of our trip, it's just a pretext you three made with this NPC ?”

"How is it possible..." Xiangnu gave him a 'surprised' look, and asked innocently, "Qingfeng is an NPC, how could it be possible for us to cheat?"

He smiled, and said lightly: "I just think that you don't believe me so much, and think that you made an inference based on other grounds. Maybe I'm thinking too much."

Bai Xinya looked at him for two seconds, and asked dryly: "Anyway, stay here for a while before leaving, there is no rush anyway."

Xiangnu smiled and said, "Sure, I can do whatever I want."

What Bai Xinya said is reasonable, anyway, there is still plenty of time, so there is no rush to go back. It's better to stay here and see if the ghost priests have other arrangements and purposes, and if they have given Bai Xinya and Shen Xinhong some advice...