God’s Love Game

Chapter 63


Everyone looked at the expression of the sixth tasker, and Feng and Jiayin uttered two words from their red lips: "Panic."

The young man subconsciously glanced at Feng Hejia, his eyebrows and eyes were gloomy and violent. Compared with Xiangnu's strange and uncomfortable feeling, his malice was more intense and obvious.

However, he quickly adjusted his expression, looked at Xiang Nu pretending to be calm, and said with a smile: "We are a bit alike... But it might just be a coincidence, I don't know this person."

Wang Qiaoqiao muttered, "We didn't say you two knew each other, but we just thought it was a coincidence that you two looked alike."

The young man didn't speak, his eyebrows and eyes were hanging and he looked extremely indifferent.

However, after he saw Xiangnu's face clearly, he never looked at Xiangnu's face again. Whenever his eyes were about to fall on Xiangnu's body, his eyes would uncontrollably lower down and avoid Xiangnu's body. open.

This boy has a ghost.

He and Xiangnu might know each other.

These two thoughts quickly passed through everyone's minds, and then they cast their questioning eyes on Xiangnu.

In their thinking, Xiangnu is so similar to a young man, and the young man obviously knows Xiangnu, so Xiangnu should also know this young man.

Only Feng Hejia knew that Xiangnu was blind before, and he might really know this young man, but he may not be able to substitute him into the people he knows when he looks at the young man's face.

Xiangnu really couldn't recognize the boy, but the boy's appearance reminded him of a person... a person who made his internal organs ache like heart-wrenching just thinking about it.

Xiang Nu blinked, put his hands on the sofa and held his chin and said, "Your voice sounds familiar to me."

In fact, that's what he said. If the boy really doesn't know him, he can ignore this passage.

The truth is, the boy's face changed in an instant, and his voice became a little thinner when he spoke again, as if he was holding his throat deliberately, it sounded very artificial.

The boy squeezed his throat and retorted loudly: "I said I don't know you, you heard me wrong!"

We don't know if Xiangnu heard wrong, but now everyone can confirm that this young man really knows Xiangnu.

Xiangnu smiled coldly, and the boy's shoulders trembled instantly, and he shrank back.

Xiangnu gave him a cold look, and said softly: "Take it as my mistake, stop standing at the door, come in and do it, and introduce yourself by the way."

The boy stood on the spot and turned on his toes, his expression was full of resistance, and his eyes drifted to the door from time to time.

Xiang Nu didn't urge him, but just stared at him with faint eyes.

The last tasker also arrived not long after...but there were two people who appeared together, a fat middle-aged man, and a fat little boy.

They entered the villa hand in hand, and everyone looked at the cards on the table after seeing them.

The last card on the table lit up, but there was no second card. Everyone's expressions changed when they saw this.

After the last two taskers appeared, the white mist invaded from outside the villa unknowingly, and the two people who came in after seeing the boy didn't go inside the villa couldn't help but stop at the door.

At this moment, the white mist stained the hem of the young man's clothes, and with a soft chirp, a hole was burned out in his clothes and the skin under the clothes.

The boy and the two taskers next to him hurriedly avoided the white mist and walked into the living room in a panic. The white mist did not catch up this time, and after wandering around the door, it slowly dissipated.

Xiangnu walked slowly to the boy's side, the boy made a conscious effort to recognize his face and wanted to take a step back, but Xiangnu grabbed the wrist burned by the white mist.

Xiangnu's fingers caressed the young man's burned skin, and he pressed his fingers deeply along the wound at an angle that others could not see, stirring the tender flesh, muscles and bones inside.

The young man hissed and bit his lips, raised those dark and lifeless eyes, and stared at Xiangnu, Xiangnu looked at him, the movements of his fingers became more and more vigorous, and the young man's face was clenched into a ball due to the pain .

Xiangnu whispered in his ear, "Why keep staring at me, showing off that you have eyes that can see?"

I don't know which switch was touched by Xiangnu's words, and the boy suddenly looked away like an electric shock.

Xiangnu smiled slightly, regained his calm appearance, pulled his fingers out of the boy's blurred flesh, and stroked lightly on his white shirt, leaving a few dark red bloodstains.

Xiangnu pushed the boy to the sofa, and said coldly, "Sit down."

The boy shook, and slowly sat down on the sofa with his head down.

Feng and Jia were fine, but Wang Qiaoqiao and Wang Zhihui looked at Xiangnu with some fear, pursed their lips and dared not speak.

Feng Hejia clapped her hands lightly with a slight smile, and after attracting everyone's attention, she said: "Okay, all the taskers should be here, and those who are not taskers should also be here, everyone should be self-confident first." Let me introduce you."

Among the last two taskers who came in, the middle-aged fat man said uncomfortably: "What is this lady talking about, what do you mean you are not a tasker..."

Feng Hejia smiled strangely: "Mister, you will understand soon."

After the boy, there was obviously only one card left, but two people came in. There must be something that is not a person.

But because he has a card and is not a tasker, Feng and Jia can't say well about the identities of the last two people.

But these are not important to her, because Fenghejia's task is not to clear the customs, but others will not know this.

The middle-aged fat man smiled uncomfortably, and managed to stabilize his expression.

But because of his abnormal performance, Wang Qiaoqiao, Wang Zhihui and the middle-aged man had unconsciously become wary of him.

Starting from Xiangnu, he said: "My name is Xiangnu."

The boy with his head down clenched the clothes on his chest, and his chest rose and fell a little more violently.

Xiang Nu glanced at everyone, and pressed his finger on the red rose card on the table: "This is me."

The card solidified, and Xiang Nu picked it up and put it in his breast pocket.

Next came the big and small kings, introduced by Wang Qiaoqiao: "My name is Wang Qiaoqiao, and her name is Wang Zhihui..."

Wang Zhihui touched the two black-striped cards, and the cards solidified. She grabbed the two cards and hesitated: "These two cards belong to sister Wang Qiaoqiao and me, but we don't know exactly how the two cards were divided. of."

"If you can't tell the difference, just keep it for the two of you." Feng Hejia said lightly, "My name is Feng Hejia."

She took the black-and-white-striped card and shook it: "This is me, the conductor or the flight attendant."

The young man stared straight at the cards when several people distributed the cards, his eyes widened, and his already uneasy mood became even more chaotic when he saw the cards.

He sneaked a glance at Xiang Nu, that beautiful, unreal young man was leaning on the sofa, his gaze was cold.

Next came the middle-aged man, who said, "My name is Ren Weiliang, and that black card is mine. I am... uh, the driver?"

Ren Weiliang picked up the card facing Feng Hejia and looked at her hesitantly.

Next came the boy. He did not introduce himself immediately, but stared at the two remaining cards, one on the left with a cyan clown pattern on it, and one on the lower right with a yellow ingot pattern on it .

He raised his hand tremblingly, and reached for the card with the yellow ingot pattern. Xiangnu pressed his hand, looked straight at him, and smiled slightly: "That is yours."

The boy bit his lower lip slightly, took the card with the blue clown pattern on it without saying a word, and sat down on the sofa.

"Name." Xiang Nu urged.

"My name is..." The boy's throat was still pinched, and it sounded harsh: "... Li Xiang."

"Xiang? Or Xiang? Xiang sounds like a girl's name." Wang Qiaoqiao said, and was glared at by Li Xiang.

Wang Qiaoqiao said uncomfortably: "It smells good, why are you staring at me? Your eyes are so scary."

Finally, there are the middle-aged fat man and the little fat man. The middle-aged fat man looked at the remaining card, sweating from his nervous head: "Here, there are two more people, why is there only one card left?" There's a card."

Feng and Jia lightly tutted: "It's a very interesting question, so, which one of you two is the non-tasker?"

The middle-aged fat man moved aside in an instant, pointed to the little fat man next to him and said, "Does it need to be said, it must be this little fat man, he looks only in his teens, right? I have never seen it in the mission world. There must be something wrong with such a small child."

The little fat man argued: "Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean you haven't. Besides, she's not much older than you!"

The little fat man pointed at Wang Zhihui, and argued clearly with the middle-aged fat man.

The middle-aged fat man opened his hand to show everyone the red mole on his hand: "I have a systematic brand mark!"

Not to be outdone, the little fat man said, "I have it too!"

The sweat on the middle-aged fat man's head suddenly increased. Ren Weiliang glanced at him and couldn't help but ask, "Why are you sweating all the time?"

The little fat man said sarcastically, "I'm afraid I have a guilty conscience, so be scared."

The middle-aged fat man glared at him fiercely: "I'm physically weak, not mentally weak, you child, don't talk nonsense!"

The little fat man rolled his eyes at him, and resorted to his trump card: "I have witnesses to prove that I am the tasker!"

He pointed at Xiangnu with his hand, and said loudly: "I have done missions with him before, and he can prove it for me!"

Xiangnu glanced at the little fat man, nodded and said, "I do know him, and I can prove it for him."

The middle-aged fat man suddenly became anxious, and said to Xiang Nu: "Brother, are you serious? I am the tasker, don't be fooled by this little fat man!"

The little fat man said unhappily: "My name is Qingfeng, you call me by my name, don't you know how to be polite, little fat man?"

Li Xiang really wanted to keep silent, but when she saw that Xiangnu was testifying for Qingfeng, she didn't hold back, and said mockingly: "Before testifying for others, I can't say anything about myself."

Xiangnu narrowed his eyes a little and didn't speak, but Li Xiang regretted it immediately after seeing his expression, and his face and body froze.

Feng Hejia pointed his chin and said, "Li Xiang, are you doubting Xiangnu's identity? Sorry, I can also prove that Xiangnu's identity is fine, we have done missions together before."

Li Xiang was stunned, her stiff expression suddenly eased a lot, then she unexpectedly glanced at Xiang Nu, no longer as scared as before.

Wang Qiaoqiao scratched her head and said, "Actually, Fenghejia and I also know each other, but wasn't your name Ren Jia before... Do you still use fake names?"

Li Xiang looked a little uncomfortable.