
Chapter 23: Festival


When he said this, Jin Xiao never dared to look up at Jiuxiao.

With the expression "really" written all over her face, Xiaohuang looked back at Jiuxiao, blinked her bright Danfeng eyes, spread her arms like a young chick spreading her wings, and rushed towards Jiuxiao quickly: "Uncle - hug !"

The crowd couldn't help but laugh.

Only the widow did not laugh, but the scene in front of him made the widow look stunned. "Little Huang is so small!" Scallop was as unbelievable as Chi Xiao, and whispered, "Little beauty, she is not as big as you."

When the weaned little girl bumped into Jiuxiao's thigh, Jiuxiao was even more caught off guard, and her body and face were as stiff as a stone tablet.

Xiaohuang was dissatisfied, and kept pinching his thighs: "Uncle, your legs are so hard!" While pinching and twisting: "It's really hard, like wood!" After speaking, Xiaohuang didn't get a response. Unyieldingly, he opened his arms wide, urged him on his back, and jumped his feet in a hurry: "Uncle, I want to hug!"

Jiuxiao didn't use his hands, and he easily pushed her away with a little anger.

Xiaohuang stared at the back of the widow in a daze, turned back and said to Su Xiao in a depressing way: "Cousin Feng Su, I think my uncle doesn't seem to like me, he didn't hug me, but took the mermaid sister away. , he likes that mermaid sister."

"Mermaid?" Bi Xiao asked Xiaohuang strangely, "Why does Xiaohuang say she is a mermaid?"

There is a difference between a mermaid and a fish. The number and race of fish are numerous. Mermaids are also a race, but there are only a handful of them, and they have not appeared in the Three Realms for a long time. Because there is a saying in the Three Realms that the mermaid is on the verge of extinction: the mermaid is also called the fish of longevity, mortals eat it for longevity, and immortals and demons eat it and make great progress.

Xiaohuang fluttered her eyelashes: "She was originally a mermaid! The real body is a mermaid, with a human head and a fish body."


"No wonder the Divine Sovereign accepted her as a disciple." Su Xiao murmured, "But why does she have a phoenix pattern between her eyebrows?"

Bi Qingzi also felt strange, just now, they didn't see her true body at all. Xiaohuang saw that they were not surprised, because they thought that Xiaohuang was a goddess, and she was born with spiritual power.

But when Shenjun introduced her, he said that she was really just a fish. Then why did the gods hide them

The most puzzling is Chi Xiao. As the son of Tianjun, he has a very high immortal power. It is really easy for him to see the true body of the other party at a glance, but he does not see the widowhood. The real body, from the first sight to the present.

"What about the mermaid?" Zi Yan folded his arms and sneered: "It's too much to think about marrying the goddess in front of the little Phoenix goddess!"

"Why is Xiaohuang so small?" Chi Xiao glanced at Xiaohuang, and couldn't help but ask Huang Xiao, "I thought she would turn into an adult girl after she was born!"

"How could it be? Our Phoenix family is an egg when it is born, and it takes seventy-seven to forty-nine days to hatch from the egg. Generally, it is a young bird after hatching. At that time, the wings could not be retracted freely. It may take two or three hundred years to grow to the size of Xiaohuang. When she can retract her wings freely, it will be hundreds of years later. And my cousin Xiaohuang, because she is a goddess, When she was hatched, she was different. When she was hatched, she was already such a big human shape, and she could retract her wings freely. When the three junior sisters came to my Phoenix Continent, Xiaohuang was just a few days old. A junior sister can clearly see that Xiaohuang is already such a big human shape. Presumably, the junior sisters have also seen other members of my Phoenix family. Those who were born hundreds of years earlier than Xiaohuang are still wearing a pair of wings. run!"

The three Biqingzi sisters nodded.

"Is that so!" Chi Xiao nodded, looking at Xiaohuang with a childlike innocence and youthful appearance: "It seems that Xiaohuang is a goddess, but how long will it take for her to grow into an adult girl, and then marry a goddess?"

Su Xiao: "Uh... I, I don't know either."

Everyone looked at Xiao Huang, Xiao Huang blinked, but turned his attention to the place where the widow disappeared.

"Little beauty, why did the phoenix pattern between your eyebrows suddenly glow today?"

The widow shook his head: "I don't know. I was confused at the time, and my head couldn't cool down when it was hot. I felt like a fire was burning there."

"Oh..." Scallop: "I say that because I got angry..."

Widowmaker: "You said it was because of what!"

Scallop: "The three proud emperors are back. I'm afraid you won't have a good life in the future, little beauty."

Widowmaker: "Why?"

"Because, because you are too cowardly! They are too proud!"

The widow wanted to refute, but a circular picture appeared in front of him. The furnishings in the picture were very familiar. Jiuxiao walked to the center of the picture, stared at her and said, "Widower, in the future, if this seat is not with you, I will You will be summoned like this, you can also use this thing to contact this seat in the future, come here, this seat will teach you how to use this thing, by the way, by the way to sleep..." Jiuxiao's voice disappeared, and the picture disappeared together.

"Hehehe-hehehe-" Scallops laughed and encouraged the widower: "Come on, don't let the gods wait!"

The widow also laughed, touched her hair, straightened her clothes, and was about to go out, but Scallop warmly reminded her from behind: "Little beauty, you should serve the gods well, only gods like you, those three The proud Di Ji will not dare to bully you at will!"

The widow nodded happily, and couldn't wait to open the door, but as soon as the door opened, Jin Xiao shouted from the corridor not far away: "God horse! Tell me about this young yellow-haired girl, she, She, she, she is a goddess?"

The widow did not push the door and went out, quietly lying in the crack of the door to peep, but seeing Yan Xiao and the little Huang appearing in line of sight facing the light, Huang Xiao reached out and hit Jin Xiao on the head: "What's the matter! Your boy hurts! "

Xiaohuang raised her head to look up at Su Xiao, and said to Su Xiao seriously, "Cousin, will he lay eggs too?"

"He's a fart!"

Jin Xiao carried the widow on his back, and the widow couldn't see his expression, only saw him make a very exaggerated movement. Su Xiao laughed loudly: "If you don't accept it, hold it back! The gods don't react as much as you! It's just like what mortals say: the emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in a hurry!"

Jin Xiao's shouting and shouting came again: "I don't believe it! I don't believe it! I don't believe it! I don't believe it if I kill me! I'd rather believe that the stupid fish is a goddess than this little boy with no hair. Chicks are goddesses!"

"I'm Huang! Not a chicken!" Xiaohuang protested dissatisfiedly, pointing at Jinxiao, grimacing and roaring, "You're the chicken! Lielilie—"

Jin Xiao: "..." He was so angry.

Jin Xiao grabbed a hand on his head: "If you don't accept it, hold on!" After saying that, he crossed Jin Xiao and led Xiao Huang over.

The widow quickly closed the door to the smallest possible crack.

Su Xiao and Xiao Huang stopped in front of Jiuxiao's door, Su Xiao knocked on the door, but there was no response. Su Xiao knocked on the door again and shouted, "Shenjun, I brought Xiaohuang here. I have something to explain to God on behalf of Xiaohuang's parents."

After a long time, there was an echo: "What to say! If you have anything to say, you can't say it when she grows up!"

Su Xiao said again: "But her parents asked me to bring the words to the god! After all, Xiaohuang will be handed over to the god from now on."

"This seat is closed, let's go tomorrow!"

Xiaohuang turned around and met the widower's eyes peeping from the crack of the door.

The widow quickly escaped.

Yan Xiao also turned around and patted Xiaohuang's head: "Xiaohuang, let's go first, see you tomorrow."

Xiaohuang nodded, and glanced at the widow's door again as he left. She said to Huang Xiao, "Cousin, it seems that the gods don't like Xiaohuang!"

Su Xiao's voice was getting farther and farther: "Xiaohuang, don't think about it, let's go!"

After waiting for a long time, the widower carefully opened the door again. Seeing that it was quiet outside, he quietly slipped out and knocked on the opposite door. When doing this move, she suddenly had a doubt: why do you want to be so sneaky? Are you afraid of being seen by others? What if they saw it? No, it still cannot be seen by them, because Shenjun once said that serving the bed is a secret between the two of them.

The door opened automatically, and the widow quickly slipped in and closed the door. While pacing, he looked around at Jiuxiao's shadow.

did not see it.

Why is there always smoke in the god's house? Some steam, some stuffy, is it possible that the god is taking a shower today

The widow was thinking about whether to go to the pool last time to find him, when suddenly a hand reached out from nowhere and held her hand warmly. There was a force that gently moved, and involuntarily, the widow was pulled over.

sound transmission

The arms were raised, the waist was bound by something, and the force was getting tighter and tighter. The widow turned his face, and when he saw the person behind him, he opened a bright smile, and his eyes flashed with a bright luster: "God, why didn't I see you just now?"

Jiuxiao's outline was looming in the curling smoke, he bent his thin lips, his handsome face was like an illusion, and his voice and face slowly approached her: "I can't see, you can use this to find me."

The widow was stunned for a moment, her hands were spread out, and when she came back to her senses, she found a Bi Youyou thing lying in the palm of her hand. It looked like a scallop, and the size was about the same. .

"Blue Mirage." Jiuxiao said.

"Blue sea mirage? What is the blue sea mirage used for?"

Jiuxiao stared at the widow's eyes for a while, then released the person, "Come with me." After that, he turned around and pulled the widow to go in one direction.

After walking for a long distance before stopping, the widow has just been staring at his back and following him.