
Chapter 30: Festival


: Divine Sovereign has the most powerful ability among the Nine, and every disciple teaches one of them. And the dialogue that the red lotus is not the red lotus is the flame also appeared in her mind. It sounded like the voice of a god and a woman. That woman must be A Yuan. The widow didn't say a word, and quietly listened to Chi Yi continuing to speak: "What was passed on to the younger brother Bai Lian is a high-level illusion, called 'everything in life'. Junior brothers often use this illusion to make up their own makeup to molest women."

The widow smiled, she had seen the way Senior Brother Bai Lian molested the woman with her own eyes.

"Last time, Lumingzhou's barrier was broken. Do you know why the goddess sent Junior Brother Jinxiao to support him?"

The widow said: "I have also thought about this question. Didn't the gods always say that Senior Brother Jinxiao is stupid? I didn't think about sending him at that juncture."

Chi Yi took her and sat down on the stone on the waterfront. A flock of owls flew to the widower in pairs, forming an orderly circle and perching on the sand.

"Because what the monarch taught Jin Xiao was the spirit formation technique, called 'invincible to destroy', even though Junior Brother Jinxiao's other techniques are mediocre, his spirit formation technique is not ordinary; there is also Ziyan, I know She has a prejudice against you and didn't let her teach you the escape technique last time, but in fact, among all our brothers and sisters, her escape technique is the most powerful, because she has learned the 'going to earth' of the gods. The gods taught them to Biwu's is Linglong Jiujue, which is a kind of healing technique, and what is passed on to Qingxiao is the Bingling Curse. In the future, you should remember not to provoke her, her temperament is as impatient as Zixiao, if you anger her , be careful that she freezes you with the ice spell. And Xuan Xiao, Junior Brother Xuan Xiao, you haven't seen it before, the magic that the god taught him is the ninth level of avatars, which is somewhat similar to everything in his life passed on to Bai Lian, but different. The thing is, the avatar is nine-fold, it is transformed into nine identical avatars, and each avatar has the same mana as the original. Junior Brother Xuan Xiao's real body is a nine-color deer, which can be changed into nine colors. Think about it, When fighting with an opponent, the nine clones have already overwhelmed the opponent, and if the nine clones can keep changing colors back and forth, the opponent may already be dizzy before they make a few moves."

Imagine the nine discolored clones described by Chi Yi, what kind of funny and interesting scene would that be? That god-monarch should also be separated, but he will definitely not change color.

Chi Yi moved his face away and smiled: "Little Junior Sister looks good when she laughs." After coughing, he continued: "There is also Feng Huang, I almost forgot to mention it. The lord taught the 'True Qi Transforming Dragon' to Feng Xuan, I once witnessed Feng Xuan fighting against a three-headed snake that had been practicing for three thousand years. Feng Xuan appeared behind his back, and the fight was still very difficult. I was about to go forward to help him, but he suddenly flew from behind him. A nine-clawed dragon transformed by true qi came out, and the three-headed snake was easily subdued. Afterwards, it was known that it was the 'true qi dragon' passed on to him by the god. He came from the Phoenix family, and the Phoenix family will always be loyal to the goddess. , when fighting, it can be turned into a real phoenix. If there is a dragon to cooperate, it will be even more powerful. And the divine beast of the god is a nine-clawed dragon. Although I have not seen it myself, I think that the dragon that is transformed should be It was made by the Divine Sovereign according to his divine beast."

"So, isn't the Divine Sovereign omnipotent and invincible for the third time?" The widower's admiration for Jiuxiao suddenly increased a bit.

"No." Chi Yi said, "These abilities of the gods have now been penetrated by the Devil Emperor by 60 to 70%, and the Devil Emperor has practiced a lot of other things. The magic power of the two of them is probably on the same level now."

The widow remembered the Demon Emperor he had met that time. The relationship between him and the Divine Sovereign did not seem to be as incompatible as the brothers said. Suddenly, she thought of something, and immediately asked: "Didn't you say that there are nine kinds of very powerful abilities in the gods? Brother just talked about eight kinds, what is the other? Who is it passed to?"

Zhu Yan

"What is the ninth spell? Actually, I don't know." Chi Yi looked at the owls and said, "I just saw that you were able to get in touch with these divine birds. I remembered the former A Yuan, and the divine birds have only been willing to Being close to you, Shenjun, and A Yuan, I thought that the ninth ability of Shenjun was a spell similar to summoning, which was passed on to A Yuan and you successively."

Widow shook her head, she thought about it seriously, and finally didn't tell Chi Yi what the god said that she could summon birds, but said: "No, the god didn't teach me any magic. Probably I have something different from other brothers and sisters. It is the place that attracts these divine birds.”


Divine Sovereign's words are true, flying and escaping are already easy things for widows.

On this day, she came to the waterside, and tried to summon the white cranes that went down to the waterside to feed in the same way as "calling the owls". The white cranes responded the same as the owls. Could it be that this is the summoning ability that the god-monarch said? The widow said happily to Scallop: "It turns out that it is very easy to practice cultivation. You see, I have been working hard with my brothers and sisters to study the evacuation technique for a whole day, but I haven't learned it yet. Now no one teaches me, but I know how to do it myself. ."

"Yeah, your cultivation path is too smooth. If you say it, you will shock the entire Three Realms. Think about how long it took me to cultivate into the shape of a villain." Scallop agreed, but looked up and saw A man in fluttering white clothes flew towards them with a crane.

"Senior Brother Bai Lian?" The widower stepped forward to say hello, "Senior brother early."

The white cranes around her who were summoned by her "summoning technique" saw Bai Lian's arrival, and they all made way for Bai Lian.

Bai Lian lightly jumped off the crane's back and landed in front of the widow. The crane he was riding flew towards the widow again, circled around her twice, and landed back on Bai Lian's shoulders.

Bai Lian looked around and asked the widow in doubt, "Is there only one younger sister here?"

The widower nodded.

"Strange." Bai Lian muttered, as if there was an invisible inspiration that led him here, and when he arrived, he could see a group of the same kind surrounding widows. What exactly is this matter about

"What is the younger sister doing here? The senior brother didn't arrange for you to learn spells with which senior brother and sister today?"

"Ah, I almost forgot if you didn't say it. Senior brother is going to teach me spells today." The widow looked up at the sun, knowing that the time agreed with senior brother was coming, and hurriedly bid farewell to Bai Lian and went to grow red lotus. The waters found Chi Yi.

Chi Yi agreed to teach her "Red Lotus Karmic Fire."

Although Jiuxiao only taught each apprentice one of the most powerful skills, it did not stipulate that each apprentice could only learn one kind of skill.

Jiuxiao is a unique god for thousands of years. These apprentices can’t compare to the master who has practiced for tens of thousands of years. Those with extraordinary talents can only cultivate two kinds of skills to the highest level at the same time. Like Chi Yi, they are extremely talented. It was Chi Yi. After the red lotus karma that Jiuxiao passed on to him reached the highest level, Chi Yi could only learn half of his other skills at most.

"Red Lotus Karmic Fire" has a total of nine floors, and Chi Yi has already cultivated to the ninth floor. The widow was just over a hundred years old and got her first ascension. In Chi Yi's opinion, this is an excellent talent, and she will definitely surpass herself in the future, so she decided to take her to practice.

After obtaining the first ascension, the speed at which the widow learned his skills also increased, and in less than ten days, he had already learned two levels of red lotus karma.

Chi Yi was very surprised. With the speed of learning by widowhood, she would be able to learn four levels in just one month, six levels in one year, and six years in ten years. She can learn the seventh level, and in less than a hundred years, she will be able to learn the ninth level.

Considering that the goddess has not personally passed on the ninth skill of widowhood, Chi Yi intends to temporarily teach widows to learn the fifth level. Although she is very talented, she still has to consider what if she suddenly learns the ninth level of red lotus industry. Huo, can no longer learn the highest level of the ability that will be handed down by the gods in the future.

After a month, as Chi Yi expected, the widow has learned the Red Lotus Karmic Fire to the fourth level, and it is no longer a problem to deal with some little monsters and monsters who have been practicing for a hundred years.

Chi Yi watched the little beauty dressed in fiery red sharks dancing and jumping on the blooming red lotus, and was fascinated.

"Aren't these red lotuses flames? Brother, why don't I have the pain of burning when I step on them?"


"Who's talking?" Widowmaker stopped dancing, raised the hem of the mercurial skirt that covered his feet with both hands, and quickly ran back to Chi Yi.

The thick and heavy voice sounded again: "Idiot, starting to learn without understanding the red lotus karma, it's a big joke, Jiuxiao is the only one in the fairy world who can compete with the devil emperor, have his eyes been blind in recent years? One apprentice is not as good as one!"

"Your Excellency has been in Daze for so many years, and you haven't learned how to be honest."

The other party snorted disdainfully, and then let out a frivolous laugh: "Jiuxiao can't do anything to me, you are a yellow-haired boy, you will make a few tricks of red lotus karma, what can you do to me?"

The widow grabbed Chi Yi's clothes and asked in a low voice, "Senior brother, where is he talking?"

Chi Yi stretched out his hand to hold the widow and comforted her in a low voice: "Little Junior Sister, don't be afraid, it's just a trapped beast Primordial Spirit imprisoned in a lotus flower." Chi Yi said, jumped up, and touched the water with his toes. Blossoming red lotus, with a few easy moves, clusters of red lotus bloomed on the water one after another, and the red lotus that had grown on the water began to vibrate violently. Flowers bloom one after another, and after each lotus is fully bloomed, a flame ignites in the heart of the lotus, and the flame follows the petals.