
Chapter 39: Festival


Shenlong raised his head and looked up, only to see two figures, a man and a woman, in the rolling clouds.

Gradually, a ray of sky light shot out from the sea of clouds.

Shenlong was amazed: "How could this beauty open the eyes of the sea of clouds? No, it seems that the eyes of the sea of clouds opened automatically when they saw her."

Jiuxiao lowered his head silently.


"A Yuan, am I dreaming?" Li Zhui looked at the girl in front of him excitedly after leaving the eyes of the sea of clouds, and couldn't help but reach out and gently stroke her face, "It's really you, I've waited for a long time and finally You're back."

"It's me." The girl looked at him gently and said, "Lei Chai, let's get married."

Li Zhui hugged her again excitedly, but immediately he was worried: "All the immortals don't know where Xianshan is, and I too... luckily... I found Xianshan, and I accidentally went in. Xianshan. It should be a forbidden place in the heavens, I am afraid that the news that I broke in with you will soon reach Tianjun’s ears, and I also killed the fairy child beside Tianhou…”

The girl smiled and said, "So what? If my father and mother really want to commit crimes, I will be punished with you. From now on, wherever you go, I will go there, and I will live and die with you."

forbidden area

In the ninth and third levels of talent, half of them are thick clouds, and it is difficult to separate them using immortal arts. It is like walking through an endless labyrinth, where you can neither see your feet nor the road ahead.

Chi Yi clearly remembered that it was recorded in the Tianting Qiongge collection that the location where Xianshan finally disappeared was the realm of the triple heaven.

Zi Yan suddenly screamed, staggeringly rushed over and grabbed Chi Yi's sleeve: "Brother, I saw a tail, like a fox's tail, but it seems to have fins on it."

"Ah! It's here—" Zi Yan hid behind Chi Yi in fright.

"Don't be afraid, it's an immortal beast." Chi Yi said calmly, as the future heir of Heavenly Court Qiongge, he naturally has more knowledge than Ziyan. In the realm of the Nine Heavens, there will be an immortal beast guarding each layer. Unless an abnormality is found, the immortal beast will not usually haunt. If I remember correctly, the immortal beast that looks like a fox and has fish fins is called Zhu Ji, and Chi Yi has only heard of the name of this immortal beast. .

"It's a coincidence," Zhu Ji said, "I don't know what kind of wind is blowing today, and two couples of men and women are blowing all at once."

Two couples? "You mean, you have seen another couple today?" Chi Yi hurriedly asked.

Zhu Ji did not answer directly, but asked, "You are also here to find Xianshan?"

Chi Yi can be sure now that the other couple Zhu Jie met today must be Li Zhui and the widow, so he took two steps forward and reported his origin: "I am Chi Yi, the son of the Heavenly King, and this guy next to me is My sister, Ziyan, can you tell me the whereabouts of the couple I saw today? Did they find Xianshan? Where is Xianshan? We must find them immediately."

Zhu Xie chuckled: "The emperor's son and daughter should know that Xianshan is a forbidden place for gods. Only those who are in the god's position are qualified to enter. Those who do not have the qualifications will be punished for trespassing."

"God's forbidden land?" Zi Yan said in surprise, "I have never heard of a forbidden land? I only heard that it disappeared."

"Hmph." Zhu Ji snorted disdainfully, "That's because you have little knowledge."

Chi Yi had never heard of the forbidden land, but just like Ziyan, he only saw that it was recorded in the book that it had disappeared, and he did not see the word forbidden land anywhere. In all the discussions of Xianjia, no one has mentioned the word Xianshan.

Zhu Xie was stunned when he heard the words of the forbidden land, and continued to say with a high air: "So I won't tell you how to find Xianshan, it's for your own good."

"So, that pair of men and women also failed to enter Xianshan?" Chi Yi asked.

Zhu Xie looked embarrassed, and hesitantly said: "I went in and came out again. When I came out, I caught him right. I handed him over to the Heavenly Soldier and Heavenly General, and he should have been escorted to Heavenly Monarch at this moment."

Anyway, the younger sister is safe and sound at this time, Chi Yi is relieved, but strangely said: "Your Excellency has been guarding this triple heaven realm, and knowing that Xianshan is a forbidden place for gods, naturally not even a fly will let it fly in. How did those two get into Xianshan?"

In truth, it was his own dereliction of duty. Zhu Ji thought to himself.

At that time, it only took a nap, and was suddenly awakened by a surging sound of clouds, and hurried over, only to see a young man in green standing outside the eyes of the sea of clouds, holding an unconscious girl in his arms. It was about to stop it when the young man was sucked in by a powerful airflow, and the Eye of the Sea of Clouds closed immediately.

That young man had no divine bearing, why he could open the eyes of the sea of clouds, Zhu Ji couldn't believe it, but he saw at a glance that the young man was an elf of the Man Clan, so he thought of a very important thing: in ancient times, it was not clear that Which god gave the Man Clan an old magic weapon because of some chance.

Presumably the Man clan's son must have used the magic weapon handed down from the ancient Man clan to open the eye of the sea of clouds.

God's magic weapon, in all likelihood, can open the eye of the sea of clouds, Zhu Ji speculated.

But Zhu Xie answered Chi Yi in a secretive way: "I don't know the reason for this. The Xishan Man clan has always been mysterious, maybe there is some hidden magic weapon that can find Xianshan at once. If the emperor wants to know, go back Heavenly Court, let's see how the Heavenly Monarch will try this matter."

"Thank you." Chi Yi said, and took Zi Yan to leave together to go to Qiong Pavilion.

Zhu Jijing sat and watched the eye of the sea of clouds not far away, and let out a long sigh.

At this time, the Eye of the Sea of Clouds miraculously opened automatically again, and a figure gradually emerged from it.

Jiuxiao, the only male god in the world, walked out calmly, and behind him, a flower dragon jumped out.

Zhu Xie hurried over to meet him, only to be looked at by Jiuxiao's Hualong with contempt at his fox-like body with the features of a fish.

Jiuxiao looked at Zhu Xie calmly, but a line of cold words spit out between his lips: "It's your dereliction of duty that you didn't find that Manzu Lizhui broke into the eye of the sea of clouds."

"But listen to God's punishment."

"Go to the West Sea Merlin by yourself and find the envoy there to receive the punishment."

"Yes." Zhu Xie didn't dare to disobey the slightest bit. It has always respected Jiuxiao. If it wasn't for this Divine Sovereign, at this time, he would still be a monster on Geng Mountain, pouring into the mortal world from time to time to cause chaos in the world. After being subdued by Jiuxiao, Zhu Xie devoted himself to cultivation on Mount Geng, and finally succeeded in becoming a fairy beast, and was personally arranged by Jiuxiao to guard in this triple heaven for ten thousand years.

Five thousand years ago, Zhu Xie saw from a distance that Jiuxiao stepped into the Eye of the Sea of Clouds with his mythical beast, Canglong, but finally came out alone with blood soaked clothes and erratic steps.

In the past five thousand years, Zhu Xie saw Jiuxiao come alone several times, but when Jiuxiao stood in front of the Eye of the Sea of Clouds, the Eye of the Sea of Clouds could not be opened automatically. .

Zhu Xie thought that the eye of the sea of clouds would never be opened again, so he relaxed his vigilance later, but he did not expect that a elf of the Xishan Man clan would break in like this today—


The dragon who had recovered the dragon body was smugly tossing in the clouds: "God, just now, I followed behind you and came out of the eyes of the sea of clouds without any pressure, you say, is that thing not trapping the beast now? already?"

Jiuxiao was thinking, but did not reply to Shenlong.

The innocent dragon did not know that he could easily come out, but Jiuxiao used his divine power to open the way for it and resisted the resistance of the eye of the sea of clouds for it.

Jiuxiao is wondering: the Eye of the Sea of Clouds has been closed for five thousand years, but why is it open again today

Unknowingly reached the sixth heaven, Shenlong realized that this was not the way back to Daze, and asked, "This is... is this going to heaven?"

"Well, wait until you get to Heaven, and then you will become a bug hiding in this seat. It's too ostentatious now."

swagger? Does the lord think that he looks ugly now with the black and black flowers? Speaking of which, what are you going to do in Heaven? Tianjun wants to try the pair of men and women who broke into Xianshan, is it not that Shenjun is going to intercede

Shenlong quickly summed up his experience: Shenjun really had some shady and crooked thoughts about that beautiful female apprentice.

Chi Yi and Zi Yan have gone to Qiong Pavilion.

The two blue birds beside Tianhou were guarding outside Qiongdian, and when they saw the two of them, they flapped their wings affectionately.

Chi Yi and Zi Yan knew that the Queen of Heaven was also in the Hall of Qiong at this time.

After the fairy boy at the gate of the palace entered the room, the two of them were allowed to enter.

The immortal families are separated on both sides, the emperor and the queen sit high in the hall, and a pair of men and women kneel facing the emperor.

The bell-like voice of Tianjun resounded in the hall: "Xishan Man Clan Li Chai and... A merman widow of unknown origin, bold and daring, trespassing in the forbidden area of ancient gods, do you know the guilt?"

"Convicted," the green-clothed youth on his knees looked firm and frank, "this matter has nothing to do with widowhood, she was caught by Li Chai, and in order to catch her, Li Chai also killed the fairy child beside Tian Hou."

Tianjun faced Tianhou, Tianhou nodded and said softly: "What I said is the truth, this mermaid is the new apprentice of Jiuxiao Shenjun, who was kidnapped." After that, his eyes fell on the mermaid.

From the moment the mermaid was pressed into the Qiong Palace, his eyes kept falling on his face. The Queen of Heaven is very strange, how did this mermaid look completely changed after entering the forbidden area.

Tianjun continued: "I heard that there is an artifact handed down from the Xishan Man clan, and that artifact was gifted by an ancient god. How could you, a mere elf, escape Zhu Xie's sight if you didn't rely on the power of the artifact. ,