
Chapter 5: Festival


The best 'fishhouse'? ” So he held its torso with both hands and swayed it from side to side. The two round eyes of the goldfish were turned away, the whites of his eyes flew frequently, and the mouth continued to vomit piles of white foam.

"The clear ones are saliva and spleen fluid; the thick ones are saliva and kidney fluid. With so much saliva, I think this precious fish has excellent spleen and kidneys, and has plenty of essence and qi. If you stew it, you will definitely improve your cultivation." Jin Xiao was overjoyed and laughed loudly: "I want to stew the fish for the god, and ask him to share a piece of the soup after it's cooked, hahaha."

So Jin Xiao waved his sleeves, all the light sources went out in an instant, and the room fell into darkness.

He raised the fish scales high and looked at it carefully, only to see that the scales, which were shaped like pine leaves, were getting brighter and brighter, scattered with golden rays of light, which was very eye-catching. Jin Xiao couldn't help but sigh: "Wow - a baby like a pearl."

Jin Xiao hung a piece of fish scale high on the wall. Just after the fish scale was hung up, the whole room was extremely bright. Jin Xiao turned his face in satisfaction and looked into the tripod with a smile.

When the fish gills opened and closed, the golden light from the fish scales also flashed. Jin Xiao approached, rolled up his sleeves, plunged his hands into the water, grabbed the torso of the goldfish tightly, and pulled out the scales of the goldfish piece by piece.

"Ow! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Let me go, let me go, let me go! Help, help, help—"

"Can you talk?" Jin Xiao immediately stopped the movement in his hand. He looked at the goldfish and was amazed: "This fish has become a fine! It's so good." He buried his head and continued to pull out the scales.

The goldfish whimpered and poured out a bunch of tears, and a mountain of treasures quickly piled up under the fat body.

Jin Xiao frowned and winked, his pride was beyond words, he looked at the pile of round beads and said to himself: "I will pick them up one by one, string hundreds of bead chains on them, first choose a few beautiful ones and give them to Bi. The three senior sisters of Qingzi, and then gave them to the four senior brothers Chixuanyan to practice friendship, and the rest were sold in the fairy market at a low price, and a bunch of them were sold for one cent, hahaha, you're dead! You're dead! You're dead! It's gone!" When he was so proud, he suddenly thought of Jiuxiao: "Ah? I almost forgot about the god, so I have to send it to the god first! When the god is happy, he passed on all his life's secret knowledge to me hahaha-" The more he thought about it, the more he endured it. Can't stop laughing.

Hearing this, the goldfish stopped crying, vowing that he would rather be a piece of jade than a complete piece of tile, even if death is not cheap, such a cheap villain!

Seeing that the pearls no longer fell from the goldfish's eyes, Jin Xiao frowned and urged the goldfish: "How many more tears do you shed?"

Goldfish snorted and ignored him.

Jin Xiao angrily said, "Are you fluent or not?"

No flow! The scarred goldfish closed his eyes and kept his mouth shut, but a white foam suddenly overflowed from the corner of his lips.

Jin Xiao's eyes showed a look of surprise again, but unexpectedly the spit was quickly washed away by the water in the tripod. As soon as he rolled his eyes, Jin Xiao had an idea, he simply pulled the goldfish out of the water and lifted it up, took out the small wooden stick that often digs ears, and squeezed it into her mouth, and the coherent act of poking was better than that. In the Guanghan Palace, the jade rabbit who has been making medicine for Chang'e for many years is still familiar with it.

Being smashed into disgust, the goldfish frequently nauseous, and the "fish nests" poured out continuously. Jin Xiao happily took out a large gourd filled with wine to pick it up, and said in his mouth: "Quick flow, quick flow, quick flow. Hurry down, down, down, down! Hurry up, down, down! Hurry up and down!..." Holding the fatty fish and shaking it was like shaking a lottery, Jin Xiao's head twitched frantically, and his mouth moved with the shaking in his hands. Li also began to babble synchronously, and once it babbled, it couldn't stop. Whenever the fat fish vomits a bunch of "fish nests" in its mouth, it is like hitting one on the top of the lottery.

The fat fish was dying, and the perpetrator's hand finally cramped before letting it go. During the break, he held the gourd and took a sip, his eyes immediately showed two rays of light, and he praised: "Ah! The taste of 'fish nest' is really comparable to the wine of ten thousand years! Hic—"

The oil pan on the side was already tumbling and roaring, and the huge oil bubbles were lifted up, boiling one by one, and then bursting one after another after boiling.

Jin Xiao poured all the seasonings into the pot at one time. As soon as the seasonings encountered oil and water, they only heard a few "chichi" explosions.

Jin Xiao panicked all of a sudden, but the oil bubbles rushed towards his face one after another like he had grown eyes. Jin Xiao was so frightened, he covered his face and hugged his head and ran around in embarrassment, hiding for a while and finally avoiding the corner. inside.

Only then did he feel relieved, but he only dared to look through the cracks of his fingers, looking at the mess on the ground and the frying pan that continued to be filled with cannons.

Finally, after frying for a full quarter of an hour, the frying pan slowly calmed down. Jin Xiao ran over to take a look, darn, all the seasonings in it were all fried! Forget it, no seasoning, just fry the fish!

The fish body was lifted upside down by him, and the goldfish begged bitterly with a shriveled mouth: "Please, don't fry me, the taste of frying is not good!"

Jin Xiao pinched his waist and smiled: "Yah! It's fine when it's cooked! Whether it's good or not, I remember that our god is not a picky eater!" After that, he made a gesture to send the goldfish to the frying pan.

Eyeballs were about to approach the screeching oily water, and the goldfish's heart almost jumped out of its mouth, screaming: "Ah, you gods don't like fried fish!"

"How do you know?" Jin Xiao grabbed the goldfish in time and hung its head above the frying pan.

The goldfish immediately lied to him and said: "You are so brave, I was actually raised by your gods for other purposes, not for frying and eating. You want to fry me, your gods will definitely not know it Forgive you."

Jin Xiao scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks for a while, and replied: "I don't believe it, you don't lie! The god is so lazy, he would keep fish privately? It's a joke! I just raised aquatic products for him! And the god saw you before and asked me to cook you. on."

ah? The goldfish closed its eyes helplessly. It seems that I can't escape death today, but even if I die, I have to die comfortably, so I continue to beg: "It's better not to blow up, you are so stupid that you can easily blow me up. I'll put it in the water and cook it slowly on a low heat, it's better to make a clear boiled fish than to fry it, because it won't stick, and the color will look good."

"Jinxiao, you have a dull talent, so don't do anything else, just raise aquatic products for this place!" This is what the goddess once said, and the fat fish now calls him stupid. Does it corroborate what the goddess said? ? After thinking for a while, Jin Xiao thought she was right, so he hurriedly removed the oil, put on clean water, put on a small fire, and threw the goldfish in with a plop.

The goldfish drooped its head, and spit out a bunch of bubbles in the water. The water temperature was quite right. The more it was boiled, the more comfortable it became.

Jin Xiao patiently squatted aside and waited, waiting for the goldfish to be cooked. After waiting for a long time, seeing that the goldfish was still blinking and still unfamiliar, he got a little impatient: "Why are you not familiar yet?"

He slowly fanned his fins, the goldfish opened his mouth and drank a sip of sweet warm water, and replied weakly, "Don't be impatient, be quiet, don't be impatient, it's just like cooking on a low fire, the last thing you can do is to cook fish in a hurry, don't you? I've never heard of boiling fish with water, especially if you cook an unusual fish, do you have to cook it for seven, seven or forty-nine days

"It takes seven, seven, forty-nine days to cook fish? I've only heard of steamed monkeys that have been steamed for seven, seven, forty-nine days, and yet they haven't died." Jin Xiao seemed to believe it or not.

Steamed monkeys? ? ? The goldfish was full of surprise, and kept looking at Jinxiao, who was thinking about what his brother wanted to do:

It would be nice if someone could help, but the senior sisters would not be able to count on them. One by one, they were lazier than the gods, and the gods were biased and never let them cook. Brothers... Xuan Xiao is too indifferent, even more indifferent than the lord, and will definitely not take care of himself; Huang Xiao is enthusiastic, chatty, and likes to despise and ridicule himself the most; Lian Xiao, Lian Xiao is more clean than the lord, and will not die. Chef, always willing to be a quiet and beautiful man, attracting the eyes of the opposite sex in the Three Realms. Jin Xiao's thoughts extended further: walking with the gods, the opposite sex sees the gods, but practicing Xiao loves the fox and the tiger, and deceives himself. So now, who is the most worthy of my Jinxiao's trust? That is—a good senior brother Chi Xiao, who can go up to heaven, go down to the mortal realm, fight monsters, and cook a good dish, if only Chi Xiao was there, "Hey—not only my senior brother Chi Xiao is not here, I am not here at all, a Neither are there—

As soon as the words fell, a man's voice came over: "Jin Xiao—"

"God?" Jin Xiao stood up, straightened his body, and turned his head slowly.

The man came from the dazzling white light, looking at the mess on the ground, Junxiu raised his eyebrows slightly: "What are you doing?"

"Hahaha," Jin Xiao said with a palm: "Hahaha God, I found that this fish is really a rare treasure, I'm giving it to you—" Before he finished speaking, he had already seen Jiuxiao several Ling Bo move slightly. Before reaching the frying pan, he reached into the pan and grabbed the goldfish.

But for some reason, seeing the expression on Jiuxiao's face, Jin Xiao's words gradually lost his confidence: "I'm giving the gods, you, cooking, cooking, cooking fish!" A cooking word almost didn't spit out saliva.

As if he hadn't heard of it, Jiuxiao held the goldfish's torso in one hand and carefully checked it over and over. Seeing that more than half of the scales of the goldfish had been pulled out, revealing a large body of red|naked white flowers and numerous scars, Jiuxiao glanced at Jinxiao, the corners of his mouth moved, he wanted to say something but didn't say anything, and finally he got between his lips and teeth. escape