
Chapter 57: Festival


, she grinned while admiring, and said, "The stars are reflected in your eyes, it's so beautiful."

Bai Yan's face showed a bit of loss, and he lowered his head and whispered: "Why are you not."

The little mermaid didn't hear it. She yawned a long time and lay down to sleep, but when she closed her eyes, she couldn't sleep.

Bai Fan sat next to him, sometimes looking at the rolling water below, and sometimes looking at the little mermaid with his eyes closed.

"Bai Yan."

Bai Yan quickly retracted his gaze.

"Bai Fan, why can you become an immortal if you find Qiongze?" The little mermaid still closed her eyes.

Bai Yan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she found out that he was peeking at her. "Not necessarily, there is an evil dragon in Qiongze. It is said that few in the immortal world can subdue it. I want to subdue it. In this way, I can attract the attention of the immortal world and have the hope of becoming an immortal."

"What?" The little mermaid suddenly opened her eyes. "You're going to fight the dragon? Immortals can't take it. Can you guarantee that you will win the dragon?"

"There's no guarantee." Bai Yan said, "but how will you know if you don't try."

"Bai Fan, I think you should think about it again." The little mermaid persuaded, "Is there no other way to become an immortal?"

"For me, there's no other way." Bai Yan said firmly, "I've already thought about it very clearly. Anyway, I'm the only one in this world. Even if I don't succeed, I'll... have nothing to worry about."

The little mermaid pouted, lay down again in anger, closed her eyes, and put her hands behind her head.

In a few hours, it would be dawn, and Bai Yan also lay down. Why couldn't he fall asleep? He knew that the little mermaid beside him was not asleep either.

"Bai Yan, I advise you to think about it carefully."

"Go to sleep, it's almost dawn." Bai Yan said.

"I can't sleep, I'm worried about you." The little mermaid said angrily.

Bai Yan smiled and said, "Then, how about giving you a name?"

"I do not want."

"It's called melancholy, because I can't sleep because of melancholy."

"It doesn't sound good at all, I don't want it."


Panqi flew above the water for three days and three nights, and finally arrived at the end of the water, Qiongze.

The little mermaid and Bai Fan stood on the edge of Qiongze, looking at the hot and scalding magma in Qiongze, and fell into contemplation.

"Is the dragon in Qiongze? The little mermaid asked.

Bai Yan nodded, and he looked into the distance, and saw the red heat waves one after another, one wave after another.

The little mermaid looked at Qiong Ze, who could not see the edge in front of him, and then looked at Bai Fan beside him, with a low voice: "How are you going to lead it out? Where are you going to fight it? I'm worried about Qiong Zezhi. The scorching heat can burn you too."

Bai Yan was thinking about the same question, he already had a plan in his chest, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not completely unsure."

The little mermaid didn't want to see Bai Fan and the dragon fighting and buried here, covered his head and said, "My head hurts, it's so hot here, I don't want to stay here, Panji, you take us to a safe and quiet place to rest. Will it be alright for a while?"

Panqi nodded obediently, spread his wings and prepared to take off again.

Bai Yan broke free from the little mermaid's hand and said, "A Mian, go on your own, and I'll find you when I tame the dragon here."

The little mermaid frowned: "If you don't go, then I won't go either, I'm here to accompany you."

Bai Yan had no choice but to accompany her to find a place to rest.

Panqi flew them over Qiongze, and continued to fly forward for about a hundred miles. A piece of clear blue water appeared in front of them, and Panqi landed beside a large reef on the waterfront.

When the little mermaid saw the water in front of her, she happily ran over to play.

Bai Yan looked at her tenderly from behind.

After leaving the water for a few days, the little mermaid felt uncomfortable. As soon as she entered the water, she plunged her head into the water, restored her fish tail, and swayed to the fullest. When her body was completely stretched, she slowly floated up to the surface.

The blue water rushed to the beach and reefs on the shore one after another, making a sound. After the waves receded, the little mermaid did not see the shadow of Bai Fan. On the empty beach, only Panji stood there with his beak. Small fish and prawns pecked up on the beach.

"Bai Yan—" the little mermaid called out.

"Bai Yan - where are you?"

It was the sound of water waves that responded to her.

The little mermaid swam back to the shore in a panic, and stepped on the beach with her feet. "Bai Yan-"

"Bai Yan-"

"A Mian, I'm here."

The little mermaid turned around and looked at the sound.

Bai Fan held the skewered branches in one hand and his sword in the other, which was strung with freshly caught fish.

The little mermaid ran away, stretched out his arms to hug his waist, and tears flowed instantly: "Bai Fan, you scared me to death, I thought you went to Qiongze to find the evil dragon." He arched his face into his arms, not feeling anything wrong with this move.

The things in Bai Yan's hands fell on the ground, and the transcribed hands hugged her back and gently stroked her back and said, "I went to find Chai and came back to grill the fish. It's alright, don't worry about me."

Another night fell.

The dry wood set up was burned to the ground by the flames, and the aroma of fish wafted everywhere. The little mermaid was so greedy, his stomach was rumbling with hunger, and the next to him, Panji, couldn't bear the temptation in front of him. Unconvinced, he flapped his wings and made a cry of protest.

Bai Yan picked up the hilt of the sword and tapped it on the head lightly: "It's not cooked yet, I know you're not picky eaters, but if I let you eat it first, what will A Mian eat?"

Panqi then obediently retracted his head.

The little mermaid on the side looked at Bai Fan, always showing an obsessive smile naturally.

"Okay, Ah Mian, eat quickly." Bai Yan picked out the largest fish in the middle, the best grilled fish, skewered it with a stick, and handed it to the little mermaid, who happily took it.

Bai Fan continued to take down the smaller fish on both sides and put them in front of Pan Ji.

The little mermaid took a bite and felt that it was the best and most fragrant food she had eaten since she was born. She ate two or three pieces in one go. After eating, she realized that Bai Zhan hadn't eaten a single bite. Panji is gone. The little mermaid hurriedly handed him the other fish in his hand: "Bai Fan, you can eat it too."

Bai Yan pushed back to her again: "I'm not hungry."

"Why aren't you hungry? You haven't eaten for a long time."

Bai Yan said again: "When I was looking for firewood, I saw a few fruit trees, which I already ate."

"Oh." The greedy little mermaid continued to eat by herself.

The cool wind blew from the water, and the long hair on the back of the little mermaid floated up.

Bai Yan's eyes followed the direction in which the long hair was floating, followed their trajectory in the air, and finally landed on his waist.

Panjian on one side had already eaten and drank and shrunk on the beach and fell asleep.

The little mermaid was also full, clapped his hands, got up and went to the water to drink.

Her every move is affecting the eyes of Bai Fan who is sitting on the beach. He looks at the innocent little mermaid in front of him, hoping that time will be frozen in this moment forever. He knew that the time he spent with her might be running out, and a moment would be short.

The little mermaid washed his face, turned around and walked back towards Bai Fan, sat beside him in frustration, and asked in a serious tone, "Bai Fan, have you thought about it clearly, do you still want to find that evil dragon?"

"Well, if you don't go, this journey will be in vain." Bai Yan tried hard to hide the reluctance in his tone.

The little mermaid let out a long sigh, put her arms on her back, closed her eyes, and stopped talking.

Bai Yan didn't plan to fall asleep, he watched her all the time, waiting for her to fall asleep.

Although the little mermaid closed her eyes, it was pitch black, but the darkness was filled with Bai Yan's shadow. She said in a distraught, "I can't sleep."

Bai Yan knew that she was not asleep and did not answer.

"Bai Yan, I'm worried, talk to me."

Bai Zhan joked: "I really didn't make a mistake in the name Youmian."

Thank you for being able to laugh. The little mermaid was angry again, didn't want to talk to him, and refused to fall asleep. She knew that as soon as she fell asleep, he would leave her alone and run to the dragon to fight. The little mermaid with his eyes closed thought for a while, and finally came up with a way to hold him back.

"Bai Fan." She deliberately put on a very painful tone, "The scales all over my body hurt."

Bai Yan became anxious when he heard it, but he was not an aquatic creature, so how could he know the cause of the fish scale pain. "Have you been out of the water for too long?"

The little mermaid nodded: "Maybe yes, I still feel dry, what should I do? Am I going to die?"

"No," Bai Yan said, "Go, I'll help you into the water."

The little mermaid said with a weeping voice, "I can't get any strength up. I can't walk, and it's a problem to even get up."

"Then I'll carry you over there." Bai Yan said and hugged the little mermaid, as if effortlessly.

"I'm sick, I don't know what's wrong with me, I can't swim,"

Bai Yan hurriedly put her into the water: "Is this any better?"

The little mermaid shook her head: "I'm having trouble breathing right now."

Bai Yan was so anxious that he suddenly thought of the breathing method recorded in the book. He looked at the dying little mermaid, and couldn't think about other things. He took a deep breath and leaned down. He held the back of the little mermaid's head with his hands and blocked it against the little mermaid's mouth.

The little mermaid was really having trouble breathing now. She didn't know what he was doing, and was so frightened that she didn't dare to move.

After Bai Yan put his breath into her mouth, he took a deep breath again and repeated it several times.

The little mermaid finally understood, but she still didn't dare to move.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Bai Yan continued.

The little mermaid only felt that the breath in his throat was itchy, and he couldn't hold back.