
Chapter 79: Festival


With no expression, his body remained motionless.

This scene in the illusion disappeared immediately, and then the next scene appeared: there were mountains and forests, the sky was snowing, the top of the mountain was already covered with thick snow, but in a white world, there were ten thousand points of bright red. plum blossoms.

"This plum blossom is so gorgeous, it looks like it grows in our flower demon realm." The little plum blossom demon Yujian couldn't help but sigh.

The figure of the mermaid appeared again. She was standing in Merlin wearing a cloak, still looking up somewhere, still waiting for someone. But at this time, there was no bright or happy smile in his eyes, but a bit of sadness.

Xuan Yue walked up to the widow and asked, "Is this woman you? Is this illusion showing your past? You look young, but your belly is not small. It turns out that you have already given birth to a child."

Yu Jian also stared at the belly of the woman in the illusion, and then looked at the widow's belly at this time, which was flat at this time. It was standing upright in the phantom array, obviously pregnant.

Jiuxiao had some reactions at this time, his eyes moved, he moved his footsteps, and walked towards the mermaid melancholy.

However, at this moment, the scene in the phantom formation changed again: a giant snake suddenly jumped out, opened its bloody mouth, and attacked the woman in the phantom formation. Even the widower recognizes it, it is the chirping snake. The melancholy in the phantom array was so frightened that it retreated again and again, and just as the giant snake approached melancholy again, a blue sword light slashed over.

Before the three outside the phantom array could see where the sword light came from, they were thrown backwards by a huge force.

Even if the widow is a goddess, the body is still directly smashed to the ground. And the other two flower demons, not to mention how badly they fell. Xuan Yue vomited several mouthfuls of blood and couldn't get up for a long time. Yujian was already injured. He had run away from the Hua Yao clan for days, and he was already out of strength. Fortunately, when he fell, he landed on his back first. He didn't fall to death on the spot, but fainted directly. Regardless of the child in the womb.

The widow just stood up in shock, but saw that Jiuxiao in the illusion formation had already fought with Ming Snake. The widower also knew the source of the sharp sword wind just now. It was the sword that Jiu Xiao was holding at this time. The specific shape of the sword was completely unclear because there was a circle of blue things on the blade Constantly flowing, like water and fire.

Jiuxiao rarely used swords, and the widow had never seen such a sword beside him. Where the sword pointed, it seemed as if a flame was leaking out, but also a stream of water was poured out, and it was called the symbiosis of water and fire.

Can fire and water really be compatible and symbiotic? The widower was full of doubts.

The snake in the illusion was cut off by Jiuxiao and fell to the ground. The sword also disappeared from Jiuxiao's hands. Jiuxiao turned around, only to see that the mermaid, who had escaped the attack of the snake, was still on the ground. There was a pool of blood below.

He took two steps forward, but stopped immediately, closed his eyes tightly, sweat dripping from his forehead.

The widow healed Yujian's injury, and Yujian was able to wake up, but because of the injury, he was unable to speak, and he was not out of danger. The widow instructed Xuanyue to invite the demon king of the Hua Yao clan to come over. Xuanyue was not badly injured, and was about to ask the demon king to help heal her injuries, so she went immediately.

The illusions in the Thirteen Magic Flower Array gradually disappeared, and Jiuxiao successfully broke through the formation. When he came out and saw Yujian being hugged by the widower, he knew what happened outside the array just now, and Yujian was injured by him. Fang Cai wanted to kill the phantom of Ming Snake too much, and he lost the importance of his attack, causing the sword storm to spread to the outside world and injuring innocent people.

"Are you all right?" Jiuxiao crouched down and asked the widow before healing Yu Jian.

The widow shook his head and held up Yujian to let him check the injury.

"It hurts so badly..."

"She won't..."

Jiuxiao looked at the widow and said, "She is already injured, and she is still pregnant. Her body is already very weak, and she can't stand my sword wind. If she wants to save her life, I am afraid that she has to stop giving birth to children."

Unexpectedly, although Yujian closed his eyes, he was still conscious. Hearing Jiuxiao's words, although he was too weak to speak, he still managed to stare at Jiuxiao with wide eyes, desperately trying to shake his head, tears streaming down his face.

"I don't believe that there is no other way, but you are—" Widowmaker glanced at Yujian, did not continue to speak, and motioned Jiuxiao to speak to himself alone with his eyes.

Jiuxiao understood, and after casting a spell, Yu Jian fell asleep.

"What kind of sword is that? How come I've never seen it before?"

"A long time ago, I picked it up from the West Sea. I don't know what kind of sword it is."

"You are a god, Yu Jian was seriously injured by your sword wind, so you have no other way to protect her mother and child? Jiuxiao, I don't care what you think of it, she was injured by you, you have to find a way to protect her."

Jiuxiao was silent for a while, then sighed softly.

"What are you sighing for?"

"Even if she is a god, she is not omnipotent. She was indeed seriously injured by my sword wind, but all I can save is one life."

"How can you talk like that?"

"If she hadn't met you and me, the child in her belly would not have been preserved."

"You mean, if she doesn't meet the two of us, her child will be executed by the Hua Yaozu?"

"No, when I carefully inspected her injury, I found that her real body is incomplete. The real body of the plum blossom demon has five petals and stamens, and the stamens protect the 'flower/heart', but she has no stamens, which means that There is no way to reproduce, but she is already pregnant, indicating that the stamens were lost after pregnancy, and even so, the child in her belly will not see the light of day."

"What? She is so miserable." The widow's voice just fell, and a female voice came from behind: "I don't know what kind of wind is blowing today, but it has brought Jiuxiao Shenjun to my flower demon realm. The presence of the gods is really There is a long way to go.”

Demon King

The widow turned around and saw a woman in a peach red dress, pink face and red lips, her eyes were affectionate and charming, wearing a peach flower crown on her head, and the smile on the corner of her mouth showed a bit of arrogance.

"God... Divine Sovereign?" Standing beside the woman, Xuan Yue opened her mouth slightly and looked at Jiu Xiao beside the widow in disbelief. "The demon king said he... He is a god? Forgive the god, it is Xuanyue who has eyes and does not know Mount Tai. I ask the god to forgive me for the offense."

"Demon King?" The widow looked at him and said, "Are you the demon king of the Flower Monster Clan?"

"Exactly. It is rumored that the biological father of the goddess is the goddess of the Xuanyuan clan in ancient times? Did the goddess know Bai Fan before?"

"How do you know Bai Yan?"

The Peach Blossom Demon King pursed his lips and smiled, and said, "Because Bai Yan's mother is from my flower demon clan."

But Bai Fan was born in ancient times after all, so it is impossible for this Peach Blossom Demon King to live for hundreds of millions of years. Why did she always look at her with a strange look in her eyes. Intuition tells the widower that this Peach Blossom Demon King may not be simple, and he may know something about Bai Fan. She looked away and glanced at Jiuxiao, only to see that he was staring at the Peach Blossom Demon King intently, while the Peach Blossom Demon King nodded lightly at him and smiled knowingly.

An unnamed fire rose in the widow's heart, and the tone was very unfriendly: "Don't be stunned, hurry up and save the little plum blossom demon, she is seriously injured."

"She intermarryed with a foreigner, and it is not a pity to die." The Peach Blossom Demon King glanced at the jade paper on the ground, his tone was cold, and there was no sympathy.

"Demon King." Jiuxiao said, "This little plum flower demon was seriously injured because of this seat. This seat feels guilty and never likes to owe others, so I want to stay in the flower demon realm for a few days to heal her injuries. This seat knows that the flower demon clan has the rules of the flower demon clan, but can the demon king give this seat a favor and deal with it after this seat heals her?"

"God Jiuxiao is merciful. Since the sovereign personally pleads for her, if Huan Wu insists on disposing of her today, she will not know how to lift her up. Xuan Yue, take Yu Jian back to her room."

"Yes." Xuan Yue stepped forward and took away the injured Yujian.

"The name of the demon king is taboo?"

"Yes." The demon king said with a smile, "Why does the goddess look so bad? But she's been too tired recently? Why don't you go to my demon room for a rest."

Is it a coincidence? The widow thought back to the scene a long time ago, when Bai Fan abandoned himself after hearing Qing Ye talk about Huan Wu, his heart still ached.

Widowmaker and Jiuxiao first lived in the Flower Demon Realm.

The Peach Blossom Demon King offered to entertain them that night, but was rejected by the widow on the grounds of being tired. The Peach Blossom Demon King arranged a guest room for her and Jiuxiao to rest.

Because Jiuxiao knew that Yujian was too badly injured by his own sword wind, Xuanyue led him to heal Yujian that night, and then went back to the room after reaching the atrium of Yueshang.

Although the widow had already lay down on the bed, he thought of the fantasy presented by the thirteen magic flower formations in the daytime, the peach blossom demon king Huan Wu, and thought of the ancient times, tossing and turning, but he did not fall asleep.

Jiuxiao quietly came to the bed, and when he saw her falling asleep on his side, he lay down gently on the outside of the bed. He also couldn't sleep, and looked sideways at her back.

The widow suddenly said: "Jiuxiao, let me ask you, Bai Fan, is he really... dead?" When she asked the question, she was extremely afraid, yes, afraid, it was a feeling of fear.

"Dead." He thought, she must have had a lot of wild thoughts because she saw the scenes in the Thirteen Magic Flower Array with her own eyes.

The widow was a little afraid to turn over and face him, she thought for a while, and then said: "Then I still don't understand, if you have nothing to do with Bai Fan, why is the fantasy created by your thoughts in your mind? The me ten thousand years ago, and the Snake? Can you give me an explanation?"

"Didn't this seat already tell you