Goddess of Interstellar Gourmet Food

Chapter 416: The finale [fifth update]


Tu Rongrong, who was far away from the First Legion, also learned the news of the original owner's return from Tu Che, and even learned that the original owner had actually traveled to the earth in the 21st century, and had learned cooking skills for several years.

Thinking of Tu Rongrong, the first novel he published: "..."

Of course, Tu Rongrong is also very happy that the original owner came back. People close to her know her identity and the original owner's identity, and Tu Rongrong does not intend to compete with the original owner or anything.

After Tu Fengyun and his wife registered their household registration, she planned to transfer the ownership of Seablue Star to Tu Fengyun.

At the beginning, Tu Fengyun and his wife gave Seablue Star to their daughter as her birthday present, but now their daughter has come back with another identity, and Tu Fengyun and their original assets have been taken away by the Tu family. It can be said that Tu Fengyun and his wife are now very poor.

Now that Tu Rongrong has Chen Jinye, she still has space and all kinds of supplies in it, and she is good at cooking, so she doesn't worry that she will starve to death at all. So she returned Seablue Star to Tu Fengyun and his wife. This is returning the property to the original owner, and she has nothing to lose.

After Tu Rongrong told Chen Jinye her thoughts, Chen Jinye patted her head and smiled and agreed with her thoughts.

"You can do it if you want." Chen Jinye is very supportive of Tu Rongrong's approach, he will support whatever Tu Rongrong wants to do.

So with the help of Chen Jinye, the ownership of Seablue Star really returned to Tu Fengyun's name. Tu Fengyun and his wife registered their household registration after testing their genes, and confirmed that their husband and wife were indeed Tu Fengyun and his wife himself. He didn't die because of the star thief's attack.

Of course, the news that Tu Fengyun and his wife are still alive will not spread widely. Although they are Chen Jinye's father-in-law and mother-in-law in name, they actually don't get that much attention. Once the household registration is done, it will be fine, and the ownership of Seablue Star is also done, and even Ling Qiu's household registration is under the name of Tu Fengyun and his wife.

As for Tu Rongrong's household registration, she is still on Seablue Star. After all, she has not married Chen Jinye yet, so it is impossible to transfer her household registration to Chen Jinye's right now.

After learning that the ownership of Seablue Star had returned to his own name, Tu Fengyun was stunned.

"Why did she just give Seablue Star to me?" Tu Fengyun looked at his name in the column of Seablue Star's owner, and said helplessly.

"Sir, Seablue Star was originally a birthday gift from you to your daughter, sir. She is not your real daughter, sir. Of course, you have to return this gift. Especially, Seablue Star belongs to Qiuqiu, so she should return it even more." Tu Che said according to Tu Rongrong.

Tu Che has the same feelings for Ling Qiu and Tu Rongrong, so he is impartial, and he also feels that it is okay for Tu Rongrong to return Seablue Star. After all, after living together for such a long time, he also understands her abilities. Without Seablue Star, she really doesn't have nothing.

"Her current boyfriend is Chen Jinye. She returned Seablue Star. What if she was bullied at the Chen family?" Tu Fengyun said unhappily. Even though she was a cheap daughter, she was still a daughter. Seablue star was wronged after he died.

"There's no need to worry about that. Seablue Star's industries all have her dividends. After all, these are all made by her." Tu Che said with a smile, "These are things 'invented' by her, so even if Seablue Star The ownership of Blue Star is not in her hands, and the profits earned by these industries will also be distributed to her."

Tu Fengyun thinks about it too, the cheap daughter is not the only property of Seablue Star, the knowledge she knows is the greatest wealth.

Both Ling Qiu and Tu's mother looked up to this girl even more because Tu Rongrong returned Seablue Star to Tu Fengyun. In fact, she is Tu Rongrong now, and Seablue Star was originally under the name of Tu Rongrong. If not, no one will say anything.

But she just returned Seablue Star, being so virtuous, Ling Qiu and Mother Tu's affection for her really skyrocketed.

"This Fluffy is really powerful." Ling Qiu sighed, she was able to earn her current family business by relying on the undeveloped Seablue Star, and returned Seablue Star to the Tu family at this time, she is really too happy incredible.

She is confident that she can live a very good life without Seablue Star, and even without Seablue Star, she can make more money. It doesn't make much difference to her whether she has Seablue Star or not.

"She is a good child, a very good girl." Mother Tu said with emotion.

Tu Rongrong's life in the First Legion was pretty good, and of course she didn't intend to completely sever ties with Tu Fengyun and his wife after returning Seablue Star, after all, her body was indeed their daughter.

After Tu Rongrong taught the second batch of cooking soldiers, he left the First Army with Chen Jinye, but Chen Jinyue and Qi Zhan stayed here.

Anyway, they all came out of the military academy, and they happened to serve in the First Army.

After Chen Jinye dealt with the previous troublemakers, he had already issued an announcement saying that he would withdraw from the entertainment industry. He has worked hard for so many years, and now he has been made a fuss by so-called fans even when he is in a relationship, and he plans to treat him He couldn't bear to attack his lover.

Of course, Chen Jinye's family background was already very good, he didn't want to continue working in the entertainment industry, so he quit.

The news of Chen Jinye's withdrawal from the entertainment circle stunned many people. However, after Chen Jinye made the announcement, he disappeared and no longer posted anything on the Internet. And since he came to the First Legion, he has been staying at home. Of course, the security of the Legion's resident is the strongest, so it is impossible for the fans to do anything.

In this way, Chen Jinye left the First Legion with Tu Rongrong and boarded the private starship. There were Chu Xingye and the others on the starship.

He Junqing is just an ordinary person who just graduated from university and followed him to learn art. Now that he has learned something, he can take care of himself, but Tu Rongrong is going to go out for adventure or something, so he doesn't want to follow him.

All the members of the Yehuo hunter team left together, as well as Zheng Qiulin and Zhong Ming, and Tu Rongrong's other apprentices stayed in Capital Star to continue running Zhenxie Pavilion. After all, besides Zhou Chuyan and He Junqing who were chefs of the white case, there was also He Yuan who was the chef of the red case.

Those assistant chefs stayed behind except those who betrayed at the beginning, and their culinary skills improved very quickly, so they continued to run Zhenxiu Pavilion with He Yuan, Zhou Chuyan, He Junqing and others, and stayed in Capital Star.

After all, Chen Jinye's hometown is in Capital Star. Even if they go out for adventure now, they will come back to Capital Star after a while, right

Before leaving, Tu Rongrong and the others went back to Planet Aquamarine, formally met Tu Fengyun and his wife, and after talking with Ling Qiu, Tu Rongrong bid farewell to the people of Planet Aquamarine, and followed Chen Jinye together Go on an adventure to various places in the interstellar world.

Coming to such a colorful world as StarCraft, what's the matter if she can only go around on Seablue Star and Capital Star? Of course, we have to see more scenery and look for higher-quality ingredients.

Tu Rongrong, who was standing in the cabin of the starship, watched Aquamarine getting smaller and smaller in his sight, and couldn't help showing a smile.

"We just went on a trip for a while, and it's not that we won't come back, so it's not sad." Chen Jinye walked to her side and held her shoulders to comfort her, "The interstellar is so big, we all have to take a look, don't we?" ?”

Tu Rongrong looked back at Chen Jinye's more handsome and evil face, she still didn't remember what happened between her and him before, but the relationship between the two of them was really good the more they got along, so she didn't care so much.

"Huameng is very big, we can go to Red Maple Star to see the beauty of Red Maple on the whole planet."

"You can go and see the rare beasts on Canglang Star."

"You can see the colorful rainbow of Feihong star."

"So be happy, we are going on a trip, and we will go home." Chen Jinye comforted her with a kiss on her cheek.

Tu Rongrong felt his concern, nodded and said, "Yeah."

"I want to see more ingredients. I heard that the meat of the blue ice dragon looks very good. I want to taste its taste."

"There's also Hong Yanlong, who seems to be pretty good too."

Chen Jinye rubbed her nose and said, "Of course, you can go wherever you want, and I will accompany you."

"Okay, you can go wherever I go."


The two snuggled up in front of the window, Tu Rongrong leaned into Chen Jinye's arms, their cuddling figures fit so well, as if they existed for each other.

The huge private starship sailed across the space, and the extremely fast starship flew away from Planet Aquamarine in a short period of time, heading towards the vaster starry sky.

I believe that their adventure career will be colorful, and I also believe that their life will be as happy as they want.

-----Off Topic-----

It's over here, there is no extra talk.

Originally, in my outline, there were fluff and they went to other galaxies. They went to the vegetative galaxy to see all kinds of vegetables, fruits, and various edible plants; they went to the mermaid galaxy to see all kinds of huge and delicious seafood.

However, because of several colds, I couldn't hold on, so I cut the outline as soon as I cut it, and now it's over here.

After a two-month break, I will start a new article in late March.

The new article is still a farming article, a food article, and the heroine is still a chef.

Thanks to everyone who accompanied me and Rongrong all the way, Rongrong's interstellar journey is still going on, but our journey is over.

Goodbye, I wish you all a happy new year.


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